Yoongi's POV
The chief financial officer stares at me as if I grew a second head but I stare him down and cross my arms over my chest as I stand in front of his desk.
Needless to say that seeing me enter his office without any warning earlier took him by surprise, and seeing the anger on my face if not from my scent alone - since he's a beta - he knows to not say or do anything that would fuel my desire to fire anyone who's bothering me, him included.
Yet he also knows that some things can't be changed just because the CEO wants that change, which is why we're having this stare down at the moment, but I am going to prove him of the opposite because while I would normally agree with him, this situation is unacceptable.
I built this company from the very foundations to what it is now, I'm not going to let anyone dictate what we're about and what we're not about, especially not in my face.
"But sir, their job is simple, it doesn't require any studying like so many others have done, their salary is based on that. Anyone can do their job so we can't increase it without it being considered a waste of money, they don't bring in the money like our office workers do" he tries to explain his reasoning but I shake my head at that comment with an annoyed sigh.
"Anyone can do their job, but not everyone is willing to do it. Our staffs work hard so that we can have a clean environment and how do we thank them? By abusing them because what, they didn't go to school? Because they can't get a job in the field they studied in because their field of work requires experience that they can't get? Is that a reason to have them work so hard with such a low salary? In these conditions?" I counter before pushing the documents I brought with me his way.
"I had a look at our financial situation, I read everything, from where the money comes to where it goes, I know where the money lacks and where it overflows, I know which directors take bigger shares of our profit than needed and which ones take only what they require and I can see that we can more than afford an increase of salary to give them a better quality of life" I state, watch as the beta in front of me gulps, because he knows that I know, the bonus he gave himself recently was big, a little too big, yet that's not the issue right now.
"They work at MinTea for fuck's sake, not in some breaking down company on the verge of bankruptcy. I want to see change and if to do so, the board of directors needs to take smaller bonuses, then that's exactly what's going to happen. I might not be here often, James, but I'm not blind nor am I ignorant. Fix this".
"Of course... I'll call the chief operations officer and we'll talk about it together" the man relents, knowing full well that I've got enough knowledge to know that what I'm asking for is possible and will not put the company in jeopardy, heck, I can do his job, I have done his job, I know how to run a company.
At hearing about the COO, I hum and shake my head. "No need, I want every board members in the meeting room on the fifth floor, I have other things I need taken care of and I think now's a good time for it. I've let things go unchecked for too long" I state and he nods before grabbing his phone while I walk towards the door.
"Ms. Kim, please call everyone for a board meeting, the CEO will be present and expects everyone to be there" I hear him say as I step outside of his office and I nod to myself, if they expect me to stay silent after all the shit I've heard this morning, well they're wrong.
It seems we'll have to teach our employees what respect is and I won't chew on my words before letting everyone know that I am disappointed in them, I don't support abuse of any kind.
If my company can't be a safe place for Y/N, then I'm a failure of a mate, she deserves better than this.
Your POV
"Hey, Y/N, Jungkook" I suddenly hear In-yeop call out to us as he walks over and I stop what I was doing while Jungkook finishes up wiping the window from the top of the ladder, after which his attention falls on the alpha in front of me.
"Apparently, something big is going on right now with the management, I've received a call from Sophie telling me to make sure everyone avoids from the second to the seventh floors, office workers are being reprimanded and it's just a whole lot of shit at the moment. One of our new guys got pushed in the stairs because someone was angry and he had to head to the hospital, the manager told us to head to our department for the time being, leave your tools here and come with me, Dal is waiting by the elevator".
My eyes widen and so do Jungkook's, what's going on? The alpha steps down the ladder quickly before joining my side and we start walking towards where Dal is waving at us with a worried face, we've never had anything like this happen before.
"Was he badly injured? Is he okay?" I ask as the elevator's doors open, Jungkook ushers me inside with Dal before he and In-yeop move to stand in front of us, a barrier between the omegas and the doors.
"He has a concussion, possibly a broken arm too, she said he was in a lot of pain. The man who pushed him was obviously seen in the act and will be held accountable but... yeah, it seems people are angry for some reason and we're right at the receiving end of it" In-yeop explains, a frown on his face as the elevator starts going down.
Jungkook takes out his phone to type something and it doesn't take too long before it starts ringing. He takes one quick look at us before sighing and accepting it, his shoulders tense, does he know what's happening right now?
"Hyung" he says right away, it lets us know that it's someone close to him and I can't help the way my senses focus on that phone call, who is he talking to?
'Jungkook-ah, where are you? Are you with Y/N?' we all hear and while In-yeop and Dal don't seem to replace the voice, I do, isn't that Yoongi?
"She's with me, we're in the elevator with her friends, we were told to head to the cleaning department all of a sudden, what's going on?".
'People are having a tantrum after having had their chew toys taken from them, don't worry about it. Make sure everyone's safe, I'll contact the management to give the cleaning staff a paid leave for the rest of the week, can you drive Y/N home when it's confirmed? I don't want her to walk all the way back home, it's not safe'.
I stare at Jungkook as he nods his head, my mind filling with confusion, what's this? Yoongi is asking Jungkook to drive me home?
The alpha looks over his shoulder to meet my gaze and I know that he can see it over my face, the questions, he sighs before nodding again, all of that without breaking eye contact. "Of course, hyung, be careful, okay? Yeah, I love you, bye".
To say the blood drains out of my face is an understatement, it drains out of my body to leave me frozen in place like a statue.
I love you? What?
Dal takes my hand in his own and pulls me to his side while In-yeop makes one step to stand in front of us, they heard the same things I did and to see my face turn as pale as it did, they know something's wrong.
Jungkook's face takes on a pained expression as he puts his phone away to face us properly.
"That's not really how it was supposed to go but if you could allow me a chance to explain, Y/N, I promise it's not as bad as it sounds" he says softly and my friends turn to me, they're unsure of what's going on but they'll go along with my wishes, if I want to say no, then they'll make sure my no is respected.
I inhale shakily as I try to make sense of all this while leaning into Dal's warmth, something I've never done before, it makes him feel even more protective as he hesitantly stares at the alpha facing our group alone.
Jimin and Yoongi made me an offer that included their pack, but they never mentioned if it was only them or if there were more wolves hidden behind them.
Jungkook's appearance this morning, the way I can now see how he seemed to already know me, his eagerness to stay close to me all morning before suddenly saying I love you to one of the alphas who I've started to accept in my life... is he their mate? Is that why he's here? To have a look at me?
"You... you're mate with them, with Jimin and Yoongi" I state, to which he nods slowly, there's no point denying it, their goal was never to deny it. "I am".
I open my mouth to say something but the elevator suddenly comes to a stop and when the doors open, it's to find a group of angry office workers standing on the other side.
At the sight of our uniforms, one of the men steps forward with a finger pointed at us but Dal quickly presses on the button to close the doors while Jungkook and In-yeop stand tall to block the way.
"Back off" Jungkook growls in warning when the man blocks the doors from closing and I hold my breath at the sheer dominance the alpha exudes, he really is of the same level as the two other alphas who took such good care of me yesterday.
"You motherfuckers are the reason so much shit is happening today! Which one of you went to complain to the CEO, huh? Do you think it's fun, having everyone get scolded because of low-life like you?" the man exclaims, the people behind him nodding with glares, they're really getting angry because they were scolded?
"As a matter of fact, yes, I find that hilarious" Jungkook starts with a serious voice that gives me chills before making one step forward to force the human to back off with a cold sweat rolling down his neck.
"I find it hilarious, the way you're getting mad and even violent because you were told that you can't abuse us anymore. You want to know who did it? I'll tell you - it was me. You want to know something else? That CEO? He's my mate, so if I were you, I'd tighten my belt and go back to my office to take the scolding very seriously because you guys are just as replaceable as any of us, your knowledge is not limited to you, we can find people with even more drive than you have who also own common respect if we want to".
With each steps the alpha makes, the humans grow more and more hesitant, eyes looking at one another before the ones at the back turn around to leave, In-yeop holds the doors open as we watch in amazement the way the last office workers also turn back with a swear, holy shit.
Jungkook huffs and steps back into the elevator and we all get to feel his anger as it seeps out of him in huge waves, his scent heavy on our nose, he's really not happy with them, with good reason.
"Fucking entitled humans" he growls to himself, fists closed tightly, he's so angry that he even shakes a little and I bite on my bottom lip before having Dal release me so I can make my way to his side, hands hesitant before I take his between mine to squeeze softly.
His shoulders droop at my touch and he turns his gaze to meet mine as he squeezes back lightly, eyes into a frown of concern, he looks afraid that I would pull back at any moments.
Seeing him like this does ease some of my worries, because I can see that Jungkook didn't come here to see if I was worthy of his pack or not, I can see it in his beautiful orbs, he came here to get to know me the only way he thought he could.
I hope he can explain to me later the reason why they couldn't let me know about the bigger pack from the beginning, what is it about letting me know that scares them? Is it because of my past? Because of the way I ran away from Jimin last week?
Does he think I would refuse to meet his mates if he had told me about them from the beginning? Did he believe that I would run away out of fear? Was he right to have that fear? Would I run away?
I give Jungkook a small smile as I come to an answer for this particular wolf, he doesn't scare me. "I guess I should've let you take care of them earlier too, hm?".
He huffs a small relieved smile at my attempt of a joke and nods his head, fingers gentle as they intertwine with mine, something that has my heart skipping a beat, but not from hating it, it fills my heart with warmth and my brain with uncertainty, yet I want to welcome all of this the same way I have for Jimin and Yoongi.
"Yeah, you should've let me take care of them. You can't let them walk all over you like this, Y/N, Jimin and Yoongi would smack me in the head if something were to happen to you in my presence" he replies, words that have me chuckling a little, yeah, I can imagine, those wolves are so protective and I've only met them two days.
"Would it be only these two or would there be more wolves after you?" I ask him softly and he falters a little before pursing his lips, that much has already been said, he can say some more... right?
"Well... it's possible that... a couple other alphas would've done the same? I would have been scolded by the eldest for sure".
I hum and look at our interlocked hands. So I should expect at least five wolves, are they all alphas? Jimin and Yoongi want to throw me, an omega in the middle of multiple alphas?
Goodness, that sounds terrifying...
The elevator finally comes to a stop on the main floor and we step out of it one after the other, Jungkook at the front with me right behind him while Dal and In-yeop stand behind me, eyes glancing all around us to make sure no one's going to jump on us without warning until we make it to the locker room where we can find others from our department also lounging around.
Sophie sees us enter inside and she rushes over with a sigh.
"Thank goodness you guys are fine, I was afraid that you wouldn't make it here without a bruise or two since you were on the highest floors. I don't know why the company's employees are raging the way they are but apparently, many have been fired and they're just taking it out on anyone they cross paths with, it wasn't just from our department" she explains and I frown, why are people always so angry when they're told that they have to be nicer?
"I guess Yoongi is cleaning up the place, he's very patient normally but when a problem has to do with people he cares about, there's not much keeping him from taking action. I told him about what happened this morning" Jungkook says and I press my lips into a thin line, Yoongi is doing all this because of what happened to me?
"Well, whatever the reason is, I heard that we're to be given a paid leave, something about how the CEO wants the others to see just what it is that we do every day" Sophie continues with a shrug.
"Cleaning up when we come back will suck but I'm not complaining, staying home with my kids hasn't happened in a while, we could go and do some activities, I've promised so much without ever having the time, I'd love to have a chance to make sweet memories with them this week".
I smile at her. "That sounds nice, I'm sure they'll be happy to spend time with you, you work so hard, Sophie".
She pats my shoulder with a grateful smile. "Thank you, Y/N, you make use of that break too and rest well, okay? I heard about what happened with Bee and Hanna yesterday, I'm sorry that you had to go through that again, hopefully they'll leave you alone from now on".
I lose my smile a little but force it back on for her sake. "Yeah... I can't say I'm going to miss them, they've done enough damage for a lifetime".
"That they have, those stupid humans, I hate them so much" In-yeop grumbles with a low growl echoing in his throat, he gets angry just thinking about them so maybe it would be good for the two girls to not cross paths with him from now on, I feel like he'll still be angry even on his death bed.
Dal sits down on the nearby couch and sighs. "But it's not like they were the only ones being mean, everyone who took part with them has it in them to continue the very same thing, even if it's quietly and in a dark corner. I wish they'd leave you alone, noona, you always get the worst of it".
I walk his way and ruffle his hair gently. "I'm fine, Dal, it's usually not that bad. What was said yesterday was much more personal than usual, granted, but I can take the normal insults. Most of them know nothing about my life so it's easy to ignore them" I assure him but those are words that have every wolves around me frowning, especially Jungkook.
"That doesn't make it okay for them to say what they did. Who in their right mind just walks somewhere and decides to insult someone who didn't do anything?" he claims and I shrug, he's asking me?
"I don't know, it feels like many people here seemed to think that it was an appropriate thing to do" I mumble before turning my attention to the opening door of the locker room.
"Alright everyone, I've received the confirmation from the management, grab your things and go back home, you were all given a paid leave from work for the week. Come back next Monday and expect to have a long day, there will be a lot to do. Please leave in groups just in case, I don't want anyone ending up alone with other aggressive employees, we've had enough wounded for the day" the manager suddenly chimes in with the announcement and everyone in the room jumps to their feet with a long breath, we'll all relax more once we're away from here.
"Will Yoongi be okay? Isn't he going to get a lot of angry people on his back today?" I ask Jungkook as I walk to my locker with him following behind, he leans against the locker besides mine before shrugging.
"You haven't known him for a long time so you probably don't know this yet, but when Yoongi has something in mind, it will happen, especially if the cause is right. If people get angry at him for doing what he knows for a fact was the right thing to do, they risk losing their job more than anything else.
If the people managing his company don't see things the way he does, which in this case consists of everyone being respected no matter their position, he'll just go and find someone who thinks like him" he answers and I hum as I grab my regular clothes, that does sound like something he would do.
I mean, he did insist on getting me the bedroom set even though I felt like it was too much, his only reasoning was as such: I deserve to like what fills my home. Seeing my eyes light up was all he needed to make that decision.
To come back to a pretty home that would help me relax instead of a home that exhausts me, I couldn't counter his words, I could see that it meant a lot to him and Jimin.
I grab my bag and point at the bathroom nearby. "I'll just go and get changed out of my uniform, I won't take too long, okay?" I tell him and he nods before pointing at a locker not too far from here. "Of course, take your time, I'll grab my things and I'll wait for you here".
I leave his side and cross paths with In-yeop and Dal on the way, I stop to properly say goodbye to them and they smile when they see me waiting for them.
"I'm going to drive Dal home before going back to my pack, are you going to be fine with Jungkook?" the alpha asks me as he stops in front of me and I nod easily.
"Yeah, I'm just getting changed and we'll leave together, I trust Jimin and Yoongi so if he's their mate, I'll trust him too" I answer and they both sigh with a smile, they wonder if I can see the change that's happening to me the way they do, it makes them proud.
"Alright then, please don't hesitate to call me if there's anything at all, you know I'll always make time for you" In-yeop continues and I feel my heart melt a little, he's always cared so much, hasn't he?
"Yeah... thanks, I won't forget. Have a good week, you two, I'll see you soon" I say before freezing when Dal steps forward to hug me tightly, it takes me a few seconds to relax before I return the hug.
"You can call me too, noona, I might not be a scary alpha but I can keep you company when you don't want to be alone".
I hum deeply and close my eyes to melt in his bubblegum, I need to be a better friend to them, they deserve to receive the love they've given me all this time. They never asked for anything in exchange and I really feel like I took them for granted, that needs to change.
"I'll make sure to call you, Dal, maybe we can do something the three of us together this week" I offer and when I open my eyes, it's to see the two of them with surprised smiles on their faces.
"Really? You mean it?".
"Of course, I... I'm sorry it took me so long to reach that point, I wasn't so thrilled at the idea of allowing people in my life again but... I shouldn't have doubted you two, you were always by my side and I'm sorry I couldn't be the friend you deserve, I promise I'll do better from now on" I mumble shyly only to freeze again when this time, it's In-yeop who hugs me tightly, a hug that Dal joins quickly, he can't help it, he loves hugs.
"Oh, Y/N, you have nothing to apologize about, nothing at all. I've always seen you like a little sister, I knew that one day you would see that we weren't a threat to your peace, you just needed the time... or the right people" he muses and I purse my lips lightly, how dare they be so good to me?
The alpha pulls back and grips onto Dal's neckline to keep him off me with a chuckle before motioning for Jungkook with his chin. I turn back to find him with his uniform on one arm staring at us with a badly hidden pout, he looks away quickly when he realizes that we're all staring at him.
"You should go and change out of your uniform now, the poor guy looks like he was just abandoned" he muses with a laugh and I chuckle, that sounds about right.
"Yeah okay, see you guys soon" I let out before rushing to the bathroom, after which I lock the door behind me to remove my uniform. It would be so much faster if I kept my regular clothes underneath but I sweat so much in my uniform that I feel all gross when I do.
I guess it doesn't help that the size I bought was limit near the biggest one they had, so me wearing clothes underneath reduces my ability to bend and move freely.
I stare at the mirror to take in my body in underwear and sigh, how can Jimin call this pretty?
Jungkook reacted well to me but what about the others? What if when we meet, they take one look at me and decide that they find me gross? What if they decide to take back the offer to allow me in their pack upon seeing me?
I swallow thickly, my feet glued to the floor as I suddenly hesitate about my stance in this situation. That's what I was fearing, the thoughts that can fill my mind, how can I be part of their pack when this is what I am?
They met me twice and refurnished my apartment before offering me a gradual insertion into their life, but isn't it just pity? They saw an omega living a pitiful life and since they heard how miserable my life has been, they want the satisfaction of having played the hero.
I quickly wear my regular clothes to hide the sight filling the mirror and then wash my face with some water before resting my hands on the sink with closed eyes.
I'm damaged goods, what could anyone want to do with that?
Fucking hell, have I just been stupid or is my trauma running that deep that my self-worth has completely disappeared? I was doing so fine on my own but now that people say they want me, I feel like it hid underground like a coward.
They are alphas, a group of them, what place can I have in that pack? If they're all as handsome and impressive as the three wolves I have met... aren't I going to spend the rest of my life feeling inferior to them? People would stare at us and wonder what the fuck I'm doing with them, can I handle this sort of thing?
I feel good when I'm with them, to a point that I forget that I am not beautiful, thin and loved by all.
But when I'm alone, when I see myself in the mirror, it all comes back to mind.
My heart thumps painfully in my chest, it squeezes and I know, I know that I'm doing this to myself, but it's stronger than me, my worth next to them, it's nearly nonexistent.
I'm someone everyone sees as the perfect punching bag. They don't see someone they can accept and learn to love, they see someone who takes too much space on this planet.
A knock on the door and I breathe in deeply, my scent is awful, did it seep out from under the door?
"Y/N? Are you okay?" Jungkook asks, a question that I can't answer honestly. "Y-yeah, sorry, give me just a moment, I have a stain on my uniform" I answer with a shaky voice, I can only hope that he didn't catch the wavering as I switch on the water again to scrub some invisible stain.
I stop after a while and look back in the mirror to look at my reflection, the sight of my red teary eyes enough to make me swear because how can I hide this from Jungkook?
But then again, how can I hide any of this from him? I undo my ponytail and watch as my hair falls down. I run a hand through it to try and make it look neater, but my eyes are fixated on my face, this round face that looks sad and powerless.
This is who I truly am, behind all the smile and laughter that I show the world, this is my true self, isn't it? Someone who's sad and scared of love. Someone who can't look at herself and muster the will to love herself, because what is there to love in this?
What is there to love in me?
Tears overflow and fall and I close my eyes tightly to try and fight off the pain that I keep forcing upon myself.
Accepting people in my life is hard, I knew it would be hard but I had briefly forgotten why exactly.
"Y/N, seriously, are you okay? Are you dressed? Let me in, please" Jungkook says more urgently with another knock on the door but I shake my head, soul twisting and shrinking in my fat body, I can't do this, I don't want to face rejection again, I'm not strong enough to face the truth.
I sit down and lean my back on the door with a silent sob rocking through my body, all the while Jungkook stands on the other side of that door with his forehead resting on the cold surface, his heart breaking in half with every sad sounds that leave me.
It seems he too has become witness of my tears on the very same day of our meeting.
And he wonders how deep that pain runs in my soul.
And he wonders.
And wonders.
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