I have found where I want to die.
Right here.
On this mattress.
"Guys, I'm going to let you in on my last and most important will for when I die so pay close attention, okay?" I utter quietly, words that have Jimin and Yoongi humming with their eyes closed as they remain lying down by my sides, the mattress taking the three of us into a trance of relaxation.
"When I'm dead, I want to be buried with this mattress, just drop me on top of it with my favorite blanket and I'll be the happiest wolf ever in the after-world".
Yoongi grunts before inhaling deeply. "That sounds like a good plan, it's thought through and meant for comfort... Jimin, baby, you've got to do this for me too, I like her idea".
The other alpha huffs softly, no strength left in his body, the mattress absorbed it all. Maybe it's a trap after all, a fly trap but for wolves, it's a cursed mattress meant to pull them in and swallow them whole.
"So you two are just going to leave me behind to deal with your funeral arrangements? What about me?".
I lift a hand and drop it to his stomach where I pat lightly to comfort him. "It's okay, Jimin, you can take care of your own funeral and then join the mattress wonderland that will await you after death, Yoongi and I will wait for you there".
"Oh. Okay, that's actually a good idea, we could do that".
We all sigh in unison, our death plans planned out and taken care of, it's comforting to know that even while I'm decomposing, at least this fluffy memory foam will support my body until there's nothing left but bones.
"... so... will you take the mattress or do we keep looking for another?" a sudden voice asks and I open my eyes to see the employee who's been assisting us since we stepped foot in the shop standing by the bed with awkwardness.
"We'll take it" Yoongi answers for me and my heart does a little flutter, the idea that I will get to sleep on it every night very soon something I never thought would ever happen to me, I feel bad for being so excited about it but at the same time... I'm so thankful to them for allowing me this.
"Alright. Is there anything else you need or was this all?".
"The third bedroom set that we passed by earlier, we'll take it too. I left my business card on it so you don't get the wrong one ready, I want everything except for the comforter set, we'll get another one of her choice" Yoongi blurts out next and I start coughing on my saliva at a badly timed gasp.
Gosh darn it, I was so sure that I had hidden my interest well! How did he know?!
"Take it easy, sit up first and cough it out..." Jimin murmurs while rubbing my back, after which his eyes fall on the employee who's taking notes when he sees me finally recovering from the coughing spree, the shock that is all over my face not stopping him in the slightest as he continues with the demands.
"We're also looking for a living room set with a large rug to go with it, possibly a new dining table set too if she finds any to her liking, oh and you sell fridges and ovens too, don't you? We'll have a look at those too".
I grimace as I massage my sore throat before shaking my head at the employee with a pleading expression on my face. "No, no don't listen to them, please, a couch, just a couch, that's all we need left".
The employee purses their lips, pen raised to scratch the notes off but a warning growl from Yoongi has them setting the pen down in a hurry. Goodness this is terrifying, luckily they're going to get a lot of money out of this day because alpha wolves make their knees shake like paper.
"Little omega here will accept what we give, she's not used to being given things so don't worry, we'll proceed with the full list" he states before turning his gaze to me, one that has me shrinking under the sheer strength of it, as much as my size allows anyway.
I look away from his chiding orbs and start whistling softly to myself as I eye the entrance, maybe I can make a sweep exit if I run for the door while they're distracted? How will they choose anything if I'm gone?
I think this is my last chance before I end up with a completely new apartment. At this pace, I'll wake up tomorrow morning in a new building, I think they're taking this fairy Godmother role a bit too seriously.
"Look at her, she's already planning how to flee, does she think she can outrun two alphas? Such an adorable omega, now that's amusing" Jimin muses sassily, his amusement heard in his tone, I can even smell it in his scent, it has me gulping with a slightly tensed smile.
"What, me, running away? Pffffft, nahhhh" I try to play it off with a laugh and a wave of the hand but they don't buy it, they simply grin at me with eyes that are seeing through me way too easily, it makes me feel as if the walls that I have had up all my life are completely useless with them.
Is that the power of an alpha? Or are they just incredibly perceptive?
"Come on darling, let's continue with this shopping experience, don't forget what we said outside earlier, we'll make you shine and that includes your home, you can't deny us this" Jimin chirps while helping me towards the edge of the bed where Yoongi is already waiting, his hands outstretched to catch my own until I'm up to my feet.
It's a literal sport, all this climbing and crawling, these beds are gigantic and I am exhausted, I'm glad we finally found the one.
"Actually, she can refuse this and request to go back home, but I don't think she really wants to, she's just out of her comfort zone. Let's take it easy and walk around at her pace, we have time since it's a bit early for dinner, we can go somewhere once we're done here" the older wolf says, to which Jimin nods happily while I purse my lips.
How dare he know exactly how I'm feeling? I hate this, I hate that he's right, I can't find it in me to accept what they're giving me outwardly, but inwardly? Fuck, I really want this, I want this new life that they're offering me so badly.
Have I always been like this? Does it make me a gold digger? Have I always been one and I just tried to hide it? I don't know, is it appropriate for me to accept such a big gift when we barely know each other? They're refurnishing my entire apartment, for fuck's sake!
In my current habit of biting my lip while looking down at my feet, my turmoil is not invisible to the two alphas who share a look for what feels like the hundredth time today.
Jimin can't lie to himself, he's been wondering more than once if he shouldn't have insisted to do the shopping today of all days because it's been a rollercoaster, every minutes a change of emotions on my side, there's so much going on in my mind and they wish they could put an end to it, if only they could read my mind to soothe the very problems that keep attacking me silently.
"Excuse me, could you give us some time to look around please? We'll come get you when we need some help or when we've found everything we need, I think we should be fine to handle what's left ourselves" Yoongi requests of the employee who nods before walking away, hence giving us the space needed so him and Jimin can help settle my nerves that they feel are boiling under my skin once more.
"Sit down here, darling" the younger alpha orders with a soft hand to my shoulder while he sits besides me on the bed, Yoongi near as he remains standing besides us. "Now look at me and listen well".
I breathe in deeply, cedarwood and lavender green tea filling my lungs and easing my heart into a calmer beat, I hadn't even realized that it was beating so fast, my skin feels hot and my hands are sweaty, it makes me realize that I've started panicking without even noticing.
I look up to meet his gaze hesitantly and he smiles at me.
"Yoongi and I, we've grown up in luxury and richness. I'm not saying that to make you feel bad nor am I using that to show off, I'm simply saying that we're used to having quality in our home, it's important to us because quality means comfort. I know that we've not known each other for a long time, it's a lot to handle for you and it's all very sudden.
After all that we've learned about you, what we've seen and heard, we can't deny that urge that we both have towards you, we want to be responsible for you and that means making sure your home is up to standards with what we're used to. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?" Jimin asks softly, eyes kind as he gives me time to process his words.
I eye him, then Yoongi, a bit unsure of what to make of this, what is he saying now? It can't be what I'm thinking he's trying to say, can it?
"So... what you're saying is that... you want to be a sort of... temporary pack for me?" I ask weakly, unsure of my guess, but if I link Jimin wanting me to set him as my emergency contact and their sudden need to provide for me, the way their wolves keep taking my side and treating me like an omega of their own, doesn't it ultimately lead to that reality?
That's what I'm led to believe, but Yoongi grimaces at my question and I backtrack, I was wrong, wasn't I? Damn it.
"I-I'm not saying that you want to treat me as pack, you really don't have to do that, it's just... this is all..." I clench my fists and look down in unease with my heart hitting every walls of my ribcage, they confuse me so much, I don't know what to think anymore.
I've spent two years trying to make myself believe that I'll be better off on my own, I spent the last two years convincing myself that trusting others isn't something I can do anymore, not like I used to.
It was peaceful for a while, I didn't have to worry about relationships, I didn't have to worry about others' opinions and actions, this is really putting me out of my comfort zone and I'm not sure if I like that.
"Y/N, sweetie, hey, look at me" Jimin tries again, a hand under my chin when I don't dare move, his eyes are still as soft and kind as ever and I don't understand why, I really don't.
"You're not wrong, sweetheart. Temporary pack is simply not the word we would've used, that's all. We're thinking more of a... gradual merge? We want to give you time to get used to us, to our lifestyle, to how we are and to the way we want to treat you and spoil you, all of that with the mindset of eventually being... pack, real pack, that's what we were thinking of".
I stare up at him with wide eyes before glancing at Yoongi only to find him nodding his head to confirm his mate's words, they can't be serious, what could possibly make them want me in their pack?
"B-but you're mates, you don't need me, I'd only get in the way" I mumble, because don't mated wolves prefer keeping their home to themselves?
I know that my ex refused the idea of opening our home to form a bigger pack for the simple reason that he wanted our couple to remain as free of impurities as possible, as if having a pack opened the door to cheating, it doesn't always have to be romantic with every wolves after all.
"I promise you, you wouldn't get in the way sweets, not at all. I'm aware that this offer might make you uncomfortable, that's why what we're offering you is a gradual merge. If this feels right on both sides, the merge will happen naturally, don't you think so?" Yoongi answers, his eyes nearly pleading for me to accept the idea, the two alphas feel this so dearly, they can't leave me alone, not anymore.
I keep switching my gaze between the two of them as I try to think it over.
Jimin is already kind of taking over my home by making sure his scent spreads all over the place with the candles, Yoongi is my boss and wants only me to clean his office from now on, I have a feeling Jimin will come by way more often with that knowledge, aren't I meant to see them more often in these conditions?
While Yoongi doesn't really look the part, I have a feeling that the both of them are going to be incredibly clingy and it makes fleeing this situation almost impossible, they're going to be everywhere I look at, I'm pretty sure of that.
So how do I feel about eventually being part of their pack? Could it be just as healthy as it appears to be for In-yeop and Dal? Could I be happy in one or am I going to end up risking my mental health another time?
I feel like only time can answer this question of mine and so, this being a gradual merge kind of opens a safety door for me, doesn't it? If it's not meant to be, I can back out of the deal, if I get a bad feeling about this, I can turn around and put an end to all this without losing everything I own.
I don't get the feeling that they would make me regret this, but my ex didn't make me feel in danger in the beginning either and it still ended up destroying me so I'm not sure I can really depend on my instincts for that one.
"You don't have to give us a definite answer, just... go with the flow, see what life has to offer from now on and determine as you walk whether you like what's happening or not, how's that?" Yoongi gives me a solution to my current problem and after a few seconds of mulling it over, I nod my head slowly, that sounds like something I can do.
It's technically only continuing what I was doing before, but with them peeking in from time to time, right? That would have happened even without their offer so that feels like something I can go along with for now.
"Yeah, okay... I guess I can keep walking on my usual path and just... share it with you, that doesn't sound so hard to do" I reply with a small shrug, that allows for us to get to know each other without the pressure of having to say yes or no and that I can live with a lot easier.
Jimin and Yoongi smile at my acceptation, all they need is for me to be open to their presence so this is great, it's exactly what they want, a chance to prove me that they can be good for me, that life can be fun with the right people by my side.
"Thank you, that means a lot" Jimin muses softly before offering me a hand, palm upwards, one I stare at with uncertainty before slowly reaching out, eyes following every movements of his fingers as they intertwine with mine, the squeeze is gentle and soft, not too strong and controlling, even that feels different from my ex mate.
How much distorted was my experience of life because of him? How many great things did he destroy for me because he couldn't help me cherish them properly? Something tells me that with these two alphas, I can finally learn and find out just what it is that I've missed in life.
And if I can try to trust them... shouldn't I do the same for the two wolves who stayed by my side ever since I started working at MinTea?
In-yeop and Dal deserve that I try to give back all the love and patience they've given me, they would've hurt me a long time ago if that was their goal but they instead protected me and I still kept up a wall with them.
They don't deserve that wariness from me, they've proven themselves a long time ago.
I think Jimin and Yoongi can help me learn how to trust again, that feels like something they can do, a healing that only them can put in motion, as confusing as it is.
"Now how about we start having a look around? Time is ticking and it would be great to get everything done before they close" the young and sweet alpha asks, words that I easily agree too, I don't want to stay here all night.
"Yeah, we should do that, the sooner we finish, the sooner we get out of here" I answer and the two alphas nod in agreement, hopefully we find the good stuff without it taking hours.
Jungkook's POV
It's while Taehyung and I are playing a video game on the floor of the living room, Namjoon, Hoseok and Jin silent on the couch as they read together that we hear the front door of the house open and close.
One look at the window shows me that the sun has long since set down to be replaced by the moon and that has us all waiting for our two mates to join us as we put aside our entertainment to hear how their day went.
We weren't really aware of the reason why they were out so late, but Yoongi did write a while ago in the group chat to let us know that they were going to take someone out to eat at a restaurant before coming back home after driving them home, that they would explain what has been going on today to us then.
Jimin and Yoongi sit down next to Jin with a deep sigh and I frown, an inhale giving me a whiff of whipped cream, soft omega whipped cream, is this who they spent the day with?
"So, mind enlightening us about you two coming back home so late?" our eldest mate asks, no annoyance in his voice, he's only curious as he combs his fingers through Jimin's hair, something that has hyung closing his eyes tiredly.
Jimin hums. "Do you remember that girl I told you about, the one I met last Friday?".
I perk up at that. "The one who got bullied by two humans? The soft omega who has awful trust issues?".
Jimin opens his eyes to stare at me with a little frown and I gulp with an awkward smile, "I didn't mean it in a bad way, you just said that she's got a tough shell because she left after refusing your help in the end".
He sighs and rests his head on Jin's wide shoulder with a sad sigh. "Yeah... Yoongi and I learned the reason why today. I hadn't realized at first, but her uniform, it's the one from the cleaning staff from Yoongi's company, she works there and... you tell them, hyung, you were the one present".
Yoongi moves so he can snuggle into the couch's inner corner and gaze at all of us at the same time, a pained dryness to his scent that has us worried, what happened today?
"When I went to my office today to have a look at some documents, I found her crying on the floor... it wasn't really sad crying, it was... gosh, it was terrible, she sounded like she was hurting so badly, the emotional kind. I sat down with her and took her in my arms and she eventually calmed down and fell asleep, she felt so weak and small" he starts with a frown, words that have my heart clenching for her, why was she crying?
He recounts everything that happened, about her apologizing because she thought she was going to lose her job, about the situation with the two awful humans that ended up also working for him and her running away, he told us about what he learned about her divorce and her breaking the mate bond for her survival, the state of her home after he drove her there, everything.
Hearing her story, I can't resist the lump that forms in my throat and one look around me reveals Taehyung, Hoseok and Jin with tears pooling in their eyes while Namjoon frowns as he listens intently.
How is it possible for one single person to suffer so much? Omegas are supposed to be taken care of by others, if not alphas, betas are supposed to do a good job but her actual mate hurt her and used her for his own benefice? That's absolutely disgusting, I understand now why she couldn't find it in herself to trust Jimin last week, how could she when her only mate betrayed her?
"So yeah, we took her shopping for new furniture because hers was shit and we may have... started courting her" Yoongi finishes with a bomb and we all freeze, eyes falling on him and Jimin who sheepishly meet our gaze, they what now?
"Explain" Namjoon demands, his face inexpressive, it makes me anxious for my two mates, what are they starting without even asking us first? They're courting her? That means they want her to be part of our pack, but we don't even know her!
"Oh, you have to meet her to understand, hyung" Jimin whispers with a tired smile. "There's something about her that reminds me of you all, she makes me want to love her with all of my heart, I want to protect her, to keep her safe and to give her all she desires.
I get that feeling from my wolf too, it actually took over last Friday in a spur of possessiveness, it wanted to prove to the humans that she was mine, every seconds spent with her makes that feeling stronger, I can't leave her alone, I just can't".
Yoongi clears his throat and links his fingers together as he gives his own side.
"I can certainly say for a fact that I feel pulled towards her, finding her in my office today... anyone else, I would've kicked out, crying or not but her... it just broke my heart, as if I had a mate who I needed to take care of, my wolf definitely sees her as pack, as our responsibility. Just spend one day with her and you find yourself under her spell, you can't avoid it".
"But still... hyung, to start courting without us?" Taehyung mumbles hesitantly, that sounds wrong and I understand where he comes from, if they court her, shouldn't we all do the same?
Yoongi bites on the inside of his cheek as he looks down, he knows, Jimin knows too, but...
"She broke her mate bond, she must have suffered damage from it" Namjoon asks suddenly and it takes the two alphas aback before Yoongi nods. "Her sense of smell, she can't smell the weak scents anymore and strong perfume overrides natural scents".
"What does she smell to you?" he continues with his questions and they frown lightly. "Whipped cream... why? What are you trying to say, hyung?" Jimin answers uneasily, a feeling Yoongi shares.
"Oh... do you think..." Jin doesn't finish his question but Namjoon nods and our eldest mate hums slowly, eyes falling on the floor with a pensive look on his face.
"What?" Yoongi asks, uncertainty covering his pale skin.
"Well... you all know about second chance mates, right?" Jin starts and we all nod, Hoseok's eyes widen as he finally understands. "They tend to form a new bond with people who they can form a strong emotional bond with, especially when it's in a healthier environment. The Moon Goddess gives a taste of pain before giving them the real gift - a better mate, or mates".
I gape at the new information, does that mean we're currently in the process of getting a new mate?
Because since we're a group of mated wolves, the Moon Goddess united us with her Will so if she really becomes theirs, she will be all of ours. Could it be that their wolves are feeling the new forming bond before they can?
"She could become a new mate if they spend more time together?" I ask Jin who nods at me.
"That's right, Jungkookie, unless they step away now to cut the forming bond, I think that will indeed happen".
We all fall silent at that discovery, one look at Jimin and Yoongi clearly showing that they don't want to step back and leave her side, I turn my gaze to Namjoon to see him drumming his fingers over his thigh, he's deep in thoughts.
"If we're going through with this... then we all need to meet her" he eventually states and I nod my head, Taehyung does too, we're all ready to get this going but Jimin hisses lightly. "I don't think that's such a good idea, not yet".
I sit up straight and frown at him. "But hyung! That's not fair, you can't be the only ones to get close to her, what will she think of us if we stay away without ever trying to meet her? She'll think we don't want her!".
Taehyung and Hoseok make sounds of agreement but the face Jimin makes has me frowning again, what now?
"She doesn't know that we have multiple mates. She only knows about Yoongi and I, I... I think it would be better to give her some time to get used to us two first, we can tell her about you later when she feels less wary?".
Oh you can't be serious! "That's lying, Jimin! She's going to get used to the two of you being alone in a pack and then you'll drop five more alphas on her? How do you think she'll react?! That's not okay!" I exclaim angrily but Namjoon growls and I shut my mouth, nostrils flaring, this can't be real.
"Jungkook is right, Jimin, you can't hide that piece of information for too long, you need to let her know as soon as possible so she can know what to expect. You're starting to court her, that means she gave you permission, she'll expect to become part of a pack of three wolves, not eight, that's going to shock her and her trust will be much harder to gain then" Namjoon says calmly, though his voice has a sharpness to it that makes Jimin wither lightly.
"But what if the revelation that we're a pack of seven alphas scares her before we can even prove her that we're good for her? It's intimidating, we barely got her trust today, what if she decides to keep her distance by fear of being overwhelmed?" Yoongi asks next and I huff loudly while hitting the rug I'm seated on, what if? What ifs don't mean shit!
"Jungkook, behave" Jin warns me and I glare at my feet, I'm not the one currently insisting to keep lying to someone who's starting to become a mate! If they do this wrong, it's not just them who lose her, it's all of us!
"Two weeks, you have two weeks to let her know" Namjoon states and I look up in disbelief, what? "But I tell you now, Jimin, Yoongi, this will end badly. The longer you wait, the riskier the reveal. If you make us lose a mate because you hesitated too much to tell her about us, it will disrupt the peace in the pack, you know that, right?".
"You're really going to go along with this?" I ask with a bite to my voice, Namjoon's gaze falls on me but I stand up to my feet to avoid having to look up at him, this is all ridiculous!
"We're going to lose her because of this and you're giving them permission to go along with it? You know it will end badly, you know she might reject us because of being lied to and you're just going to go along with it? Are you fucking serious?" I growl out with a shout, my heart and soul boiling painfully, I hate this idea, I hate it so much!
Hoseok stands up and rushes to my side to rub my back while hugging me, his touch comforting as I try to calm my breathing, but my anger goes nowhere when I glare at Jimin and Yoongi, we're really letting this all depend on them?
"She won't survive a second broken bond" I utter lowly, to which they both look down in shame.
"If you make her lose trust to the point that the bond breaks, she'll die. I don't know her, I've never met her but if she dies because you took too long or handled this badly, I will hate you until the rest of my life, this will be your fault and yours alone" I add before walking out of the room, I can't stay with them anymore.
We'll have to stay aside while they solidify her belief that there's only two of them, we'll have to play ghosts while they get closer and then we'll have to endure the repercussions of having lost a mate that we couldn't even get to know.
I can't tolerate that.
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