Jimin's POV
I slump down over my sewing desk, fabric all over the place from tests that didn't work out how I wanted because my mind is simply not focused on what I'm doing at all.
I want to see Y/N. I want to see her so bad, that I would crawl all the way to her if that wasn't going to look straight out of a horror movie. I want to be so clingy, arms locked around her for the entire day, and I want her to be just as clingy too, content to be held by me.
"Jimin" Maggie chides as she pops her head into the room. "I can hear you from the shop, just what has you groaning like that? Do you need me to call your mates over? Are you hungry? I can order from your usual restaurant if you need to eat something".
I look back to where she stands, an annoyed look on her face, but concern in her eyes. "Maggie" I whine before melting over my desk again, my mind unable to handle the fact that I haven't been able to hug Y/N ever since the fight between Namjoon and her happened. "I just miss her so bad".
"Who? Y/N?"
I nod my head.
"Damn it, Jimin. Just call her if you miss her that much" she says with a shake of the head, as if I hadn't already thought of that.
"I would, Maggie. But the pack has done bad on her and now we're trying to give her space" I mutter with a sigh. "Trying to do things right again, you know? Proper courting and all that".
"Yeah, and proper courting means complaining at your desk?" she blurts out with a quirked eyebrow, her voice clearly meant to taunt me into action. I mean, it does work. I feel myself huff in offense before I sit straight on my chair.
"Of course not" I say while turning on my seat to look at her without breaking my neck. "I just don't know what I'm allowed anymore with her. I feel like no matter what I do, it's going to be too much, or I'm going to hurt her one way or another. I don't know what to do".
She leans on the wall by the doorway leading back into the shop, a pensive frown on her face. "You speak like all the time you spent with her since she woke up from her coma was a lie. Didn't you say that she felt more alive than before? More... true to herself?"
I close my eyes as I think back to those days. "Yeah... yeah, there was no pretending to be someone she wasn't. Eyes bright and always with a smile on her lips, it was the brightest I'd ever seen her. When I brought her home for the first time, she was so clingy and whiny while we waited for everyone, a real brat" I muse with a chuckle. That feels like forever ago.
"Why are you hesitating, then?"
I open my eyes to stare at her with a tilted head.
"You said she was true to herself and clingy. Doesn't that mean she truly likes being with you guys?" she continues at my silence. "If you want my opinion, you're all making this much more complicated than it needs to be. I don't know what your pack did to her, but as long as you support her and give her space when she needs it, there's no reason this wouldn't work. She likes cuddling? Then cuddle her. Goodness. Either you alphas are really stupid, or I'm getting rusty with the girls".
I gape at her for a moment longer before looking for my phone. She's right. Of course, Maggie's alright right.
Here we are making things complicated when all Y/N ever wanted was the chance to prove herself. She never asked us to stay away from her, she just wanted us to stop making decisions for her. Stupid wolf brain always goes to the extreme instead of being rational.
Hoseok and Jungkook never had much of that problem, but for us silly alphas, it's an every day struggle.
"Thanks, Maggie" I say as I finally grab my device before running towards the exit. "You can take the day off tomorrow, I'll cover your shift. Have a cute date with your girlfriend and give her that dress you had me do for her!" I scream on the way out, her proud grin the last thing I see as the door closes behind me.
Now, to call my baby and let her know that I'm on my way.
Your POV
Dressed and ready for my interview, I anxiously await Jimin in front of the house while looking at the time every fifteen seconds.
I wasn't expecting his call at all earlier, but it made me so happy that it fully distracted me from the makeup I was carefully applying on my face. He ended up offering to drive me there himself when I realized that I had missed my bus, thus why I am still here when my appointment with Bora's friend is in less than twenty minutes.
I shift from one foot to the other, fingers anxiously grabbing onto my soft sleeves as my mind wanders.
What if she doesn't like me? What if she kicks me out like all the other places I visited the last time I went out? Jimin's the first to know about my possible new job, I don't want to disappoint him by being rejected! He was so excited for my sake.
His fancy car smoothly turns into the driveway right as my thoughts turn to the worst possibilities, and like the beacon of light that he is, I see as he elegantly steps out of the vehicle before running over to me, and the simple sight of him greatly eases my nerves.
"Hey, sweetie" he says softly, his eyes are round with anticipation as he stops in front of me, arms slowly rising for an invitation to a hug that I want possibly more than he does. He has no idea how much I craved one of his hugs, or his warmth, his scent.
I throw myself into his arms without a word, and they close around me so tightly that it limits the air into my lungs. His nose meets my cheek, his scent of cedarwood powerful and fragrant as it cradles me dearly.
"I missed you so damn much" he finally murmurs against my skin. "I should've called sooner, or at the very least, I should've followed Taehyung and Jungkook that day. They said you had a good time during the picnic. I wish I went with them instead of staying at home".
I hug him back tightly while shaking my head. "No use regretting the past. You're here now, that's all that matters. I missed you too. I miss the pack. It's not the same without everyone".
He inhales deeply of my scent before pulling back to push the hair out of my face, his eyes looking into mine as his fingers hold my jaw in a tender caress. "I know... I miss us being together too, none other than by our own fault. Sleeping without you in my arms... I hate it. I don't know why I did that to myself".
There's pain in his eyes as he says those words, regret and longing clashing and warring within him. His body heat has risen to new heights, like his entire body is fighting to resist the urges that his instincts ask of him.
"Then come over tonight" I reply easily, my fingers covering his own over my jaw. "You don't have to stay away from me. I don't want you to stay away from me. Your pack wants to court me? Then don't leave my bed empty every night of the week. I like being hugged while I sleep, warm and snug instead of lonely and cold".
He chuckles weakly, then rests his forehead against mine with a soft release of breath. "We won't let you sleep alone anymore. I'll be by your side tonight, for as long as you want. I'm done being a stupid alpha, I'll do anything you want me to do".
We stay like that for a beat longer before I part my lips again, heart thrumming nervously for what I'm about to say.
"Can you convince Namjoon to come over too? Would he want to stay for the night? Is it too soon? Is he going to refuse? I feel like we should talk about what happened, otherwise we're just pushing back the inevitable. I don't want him to believe that I'm doing well without him, because I'm not. I need all of you".
His muscles relax further at my question. "Namjoon would love to, more than you imagine. I'll call him while you're doing your interview to let him know. Come, let's get going before we're too late. I don't want you to lose that opportunity because of me. We can hug again later".
With that said, he reluctantly lets go of me and walks me to his car, opening the passenger's door for me before closing it once I'm safely inside. "You said it's at a coffee shop? And that the owner is your friend's friend?" he asks upon sitting inside too.
I nod my head as my seatbelt clicks shut. "Yep. Bora's the one who called her for me. She let me know after the picnic that her friend was eager to meet me, so we set the interview for today. I'm glad you're with me, Jimin, I'm so nervous I could die. I don't know how to make her like me".
"Just be yourself, darling" he comments softly as the car exits my driveway. "If the job is right for you, everything will unfold as it should. If it's a friend of Bora's, then it should be fine, right? She wouldn't send you to a bad place. I'm sure everything will be perfect".
I make a small noise at that. "Yeah... yeah, you're right. I just really want that job, you know? I want to earn my own money while doing something I enjoy. I've never felt so close and yet so far from that goal. I guess it'll feel more real once I'm there".
"You don't like using our money" Jimin mutters with a frown. "I'm sure you already know, but we have more than enough-"
"It's not about that, Jimin" I cut him off with a small laugh, hand reaching for his to squeeze softly. "I know you have more money than you know what to do with it, but it's still your money. You worked for it, so spending it feels... I don't know. Too easy? Not as satisfying. I want to be able to save up for presents, and feel proud of myself when it makes people happy. Using your money to buy you a gift is just wrong".
"You don't have to buy us anything" Jimin says, always with his cute frown. "You should keep your money for yourself and buy things that make you happy. We don't need anything that you can't give to us simply by existing".
I sigh as I bring my gaze to the window and the buildings that we pass by. "I guess I should get rid of what I got, then... that's too bad, I was hoping to give them to the pack soon. Oh well. Maybe in another life?".
His eyes blink then, his nose twitches at the real disappointment he can smell in my scent, and his eyes fall on me, round and surprised. "You got us something? For the pack? What did you get?"
I shrug. "It shouldn't matter anymore, right? I'm going to put them in the trash anyway. And to think that I worked so hard on the gift cards too..." I sigh again as I rest my head on the window. "Maybe a family of rats will find them and be happy? That wouldn't be so bad"
"Wait- no, no. Don't throw them away, I want your gift" Jimin hurriedly blurts out in fear. "Y/N, darling, forget everything I said, okay? Don't get rid of them, give them to us. You have to, okay? You can't let random rats have what you got us, you can't do that".
I hide my grin under a pitiful face. "Really? You want what silly me got for your pack? Are you sure? No, maybe it really is better that I throw them away. You wouldn't like what I found anyway, it wasn't even that expensive".
"Baby" the alpha insists with round eyes, his scent turning tensed and helpless. "I swear in the name of the Moon Goddess that we will love anything you give us. It doesn't matter what it is, how cheap or how expensive, if it comes from you, we will adore and cherish. Please keep them for us? Pretty please?"
I finally let a giggle slip, and I nod my head. "Okay, I'll gift them to the pack soon. After I make things right with Namjoon and the matters of the pack's stance towards me. If he doesn't cooperate with me in finding a right middle ground, it'll have to wait".
His fingers clench on the steering wheel. "He will cooperate" he states matter-of-factly. "I'll make him".
I shake my head in amusement, I didn't know it would be so funny to tease my gift under his nose like this. Now it feels like I could get him to do anything I want just so he can get it. He totally would too, which makes the thing even funnier.
"We're there. This is the place, right? Makena's Coffee?" Jimin asks once he slows down in front of a nicely decorated building. The terrace in front is sweet and romantic, and it makes the vibe really welcoming.
"O-oh, yeah, we're already here" I mutter as I undo my seatbelt, my stress resuming exactly where it left off earlier at the simple sight of the building. My heart feels like it's going to slip right through my throat and run off, so I bring a hand to my chest to try and keep it there.
"Are you okay, sweetheart? Do you want me to come inside with you?" the kind alpha offers upon sensing my nerves. Part of me dearly wants to say yes, while the other knows that it would be nonsense to have someone accompany me for my interview.
I shake my head slowly, then take in a deep breath. "No, I can do it alone. Bora told me that I basically already had the job and that her friend just wanted to meet me in person. It's going to be fine. I'm going to be fine".
He leans over to kiss my temple to encourage me, a hand over my thigh and squeezing softly. "You can do it. She's going to love you, okay? And if she doesn't, I'll be right here waiting for you. You got this".
I nod, he nods, and with that said, I step out of the car. I got this.
"Here you go... a coffee for you, my newest creation. I do hope you like it" Makena muses as she reaches the table with a single flowery cup in hands that she gently settles in front of me.
Her scent is of red apples, sweet and juicy. Adding to it the smell of the cinnamon stick currently resting in the beautiful drink she made me, whipped cream decorated with cocoa dust, it's like breathing in Autumn.
Who am I kidding? She looks like Autumn. The Autumn Goddess. Her skin is of a rich brown that welcomes the golden sunshine like both were meant for each other, and for every strands of curly hair falling over her forehead, her smile shines the brighter. She looks beautiful.
"Thank you, this coffee looks delicious" I praise her work sincerely, which earns me a pleased smile from the adorable human as she sits in front of me.
She hadn't eyes for my body as I walked inside her shop, nor did she analyze my clothes or makeup like everyone else did. No, she simply welcomed me in with her warm brown eyes and told me that she was ecstatic to finally meet me after she heard so much good about me from Bora.
She told me to sit down and wait while she prepared something that would make me feel right at home, her melodious voice singing from the coffee machine as she followed her homemade recipe. All I felt was acceptance and the already budding feeling of family bonds. She reminds me of Bora in many ways, maybe that's why I feel so comfortable right now.
"Please, have a sip" she urges with excited eyes, cheeks round with a smile. "You're the first person I made it for so I want your opinion. Please be honest, let me know if something tastes weird or wrong".
Is this the interview? Is she testing me? Nodding more seriously, I grab the hot cup with both hands, cinnamon stick swirling a little in the whipped cream before I take a sip of the seasonal drink, one that confirms the new season to be right around the corner.
I close my eyes as the spicy taste fills my mouth. It's got a silky texture, smooth, but the taste is an explosion of flavours. Freshly ground coffee beans, pumpkin spices and beneath it all, the softness of chocolate to balance out everything. The whipped cream has a texture that is pleasant to the tongue, and its taste is just as rich as the drink itself.
It feels invigorating, like all my worries are being plucked one by one from my tired body. I didn't know coffee could have that sort of power over me. What more has this world in store for me? What other wonders do I have yet to discover?
I slowly open my eyes to see Makena's hopeful gaze set on me, her body leaning over the table in anticipation. "So? What do you think? Anything missing? Or is it perhaps too many flavours at once? I can't tell if people would like it or hate it".
"It's... perfect" is all I manage to say at first. "The flavours all blend together so well, you can taste everything but it's not overwhelming, and the lasting taste of cocoa is enough to invite the next explosion of flavours eagerly. I could drink this everyday and never tire of it".
The pretty human claps her hands quickly, a happy squeal filling the empty building and pulling a laugh out of me. Her twin hair buns sway as her head bounces left and right and I know she'd look like joy itself if it had a face.
"I'm so glad you like it! You said all the things I wanted while making it, I'll be sure to add it to the menu starting next week, right at the beginning of Autumn. As for you... I hope you don't mind, but Bora told me a little about your situation when she called me, so I'm not expecting you to have any prior work experience in order to work here. The desire to learn is enough for me".
Her face turns sympathetic as she observes me, always with a gentle smile on her face. It's not pity that she has for me, but understanding. It feels nice.
"I can train you throughout the day for the basics, and if you're interested, I can have you come in early from time to time to help with the pastries. Bora said you're a promising student so I'm willing to show you the ropes, if it's something you want. We can wait until you're more settled too, since starting a new job is a lot. Either way, having you here is going to be a huge help for me, I can feel it".
My eyes widen at her offer. "Does that mean you're hiring me? I don't want to impose on you, you must be so busy already. Don't get me wrong, I would love the opportunity to learn from you, I just don't want to take too much of your time. Hiring me... that's already more than I could hope for".
She chuckles as she rests her chin on her hand. "Would I offer this if I wasn't hiring you? I'm always doing something related to work anyway! It's my passion, my dream. If I can help a fellow dreamer, then who am I to say no? Continue with Bora's classes, she's a very good teacher and can give you a good foundation for everything related to baking and cooking. I'll take care of furthering that knowledge. What do you think? Think you can handle it?"
"I can handle it" I blurt out with pride, body buzzing with excitement, I can't believe I'm going to be taught by such a skilled woman. "I'll do my best. Thank you so much". I bow lowly in front of her, and she waves her hand as if to diminish the importance of what she's offered me.
"Don't be so formal with me. We're family here, okay?" she muses with an eye crease. "So tell me, Y/N, when can you start working?".
"Tomorrow is good" I answer quickly, back straight like a stick.
"Great" Makena chirps. "We'll start the week easy for you. I'll send you a link through your email to some basic barista videos that I personally like so you can get a feel of the machines I'm using. If you could find some time to watch them today, tomorrow morning will be a bit easier for the both of us".
I nod my head as she stands to get a paper and a pen from the service counter, after which she hands them to me.
"This is the employment document that I need to hire you. If there's anything in there you can't remember, don't sweat over it. You can fill in the blanks tomorrow when you come in for work. I'll leave you to it, I'll do some prep in the kitchen in the meantime".
With that said, she leaves me alone, something I'm grateful for because it gives me space to truly process all that just happened in here. I did it. I finally have a job, it's almost too good to be true, like my mind can't believe it just yet.
Y/N, the barista. I love the sound of that. I look at the window from where I'm seated, seeing from here Jimin's car still in the parking lot. I can't wait to tell him how it went, and I especially can't wait for tomorrow. Good things are coming.
Jimin's POV
I wait for Namjoon to answer my call while Y/N's out for her interview. It's been a few minutes now, and I dearly hope that it goes well for her. She looked so nervous when she left, my poor baby.
'Jimin-ah, hi' my pack alpha's slightly gruff voice replies from a seemingly busy place, he must be at the design expo right now. 'Let me just find a calmer place, there are so many people in here I can barely hear myself'.
I wait in silence as I hear him move about, a few 'excuse me' past his lips whenever he needs to push through the crowd. He's never been too fond of these events, but he keeps going anyway because they're important for every designer who wants to follow the trends. He's a hard worker.
'Okay, here should be fine. Is everything okay? It's rare for you to call me like this' Namjoon says, his voice sounding calmer now that he's found a good place to talk.
"I'm alright, hyung. I'm waiting for Y/N right now, I drove her to a job interview at a local coffee shop. I can see her working here, it looks really pretty" I say as I lean back in my seat, eyes always on the front door of the building.
His breath hitches slightly at her name. 'Y/N? How... how is she? She must have been nervous, it's good that you went with her. Not that she needed anyone to go with her, I'm not saying that she couldn't do this alone. It's just-'
"Hyung, hyung" I stop him before he trips over his words trying to over-explain himself. "I get it, hyung. You're just glad that she's not alone while doing something scary. She was indeed very nervous, but she's a brave girl. I offered to go in with her, but she refused".
He sighs softly. 'I don't know how I'm going to do this, Jimin. I can't go on like this, keeping my distance from her, but I'm so afraid of being too much again. What if I make things worse? Everyone else seems to be doing fine, but I fear I can't say the same of me. Yoongi's been working hard at the company because he wants to take her to the yacht before it gets too cold, he offered me to come with them, but I don't know if I should'.
"Oh. You're not ready to see her again" I let out with a blank voice. "Should I tell her you can't make it tonight, then?" I ask him, wondering if this would pull him out of his prison of doubts.
'W-what about tonight? Jimin?'
"Y/N asked me to stay the night earlier, and then asked if you could stay too. She was afraid you wouldn't agree, that you would think it's too soon. I guess she was right after all. I'll have to see her disappointment as I tell her that you can't be there tonight, but don't worry about it, hyung, I'll comfort her".
It's silent for a few heartbeats during which I wait with a quirked eyebrow. Is he going to take the bait? Why does this feel exactly like what Y/N did to me earlier about the gifts she got for us? That sly little omega, she knew exactly what she was doing, wasn't she?
'She wants me there? She said so herself?'
"Hmhm. She said she didn't want you to believe she could be fine without you, because she isn't. She needs all of us, and that includes you. She misses being with everyone".
It's quiet again, and I resist the urge to press him into making a decision. I know he's heard Taehyung and Jungkook's feedback from their picnic date. Y/N isn't happy with Namjoon's decisions and she's not staying quiet about it. It's good, though. He needs to hear it. All those things we were told by the therapist, it's time to make use of them.
Especially him, who's got a lot more old beliefs than us to break down. He grew up hearing all those things about what a pack alpha should be like. The teachers and his family spoke of him as this perfect and ideal leader, and the pressure on his shoulders could only get heavier and heavier through the years. As his mates... I can't say we've helped like we should have. We only added to this pressure.
Our therapist said that the world doesn't work like that anymore, where one is above the other, and vice versa. He broke that whole concept down using simple words to help us understand where we stand with Y/N.
We're a pack of alphas - high pheromones - with a single omega - low pheromones. We need to create a space where she can feel safe speaking up about her needs, without being afraid of any consequences. Confrontation is not an act of disrespect. She should not have to avoid speaking up just because our wolves could take it the wrong way. We need to do the inner work, so that she can have this safe space that she requires from our pack.
'Alright... I'll be there' Namjoon finally says, although there is no confidence in his voice. 'I'm going to be scolded, right? Should I bring something to gain her forgiveness? Maybe some dessert? Flowers? A new blanket?'
"Yeah, you do need to bring something" I speak plainly. "Bring your ass over and assume your mistakes like a big boy. That's what she needs the most from you - accountability. The more you hide from her, the more she'll see you as a coward. You don't want that, do you?"
'No' he speaks quickly, the simple thought of being seen that way by her is worse than a curse. 'I want her to see that I'm willing to learn from my mistakes, and that I can do better. I want to do better. I will do better'.
"Then come over tonight and listen to her. Don't be a pack alpha, be Namjoon, the one who hurt her. And bring your pyjama, you're staying the night. Don't even think about running away. I'm telling her you're going to be there".
He releases a dry chuckle. 'I'll be there without fault, Jimin-ah'. He waits a bit longer before adding, 'thank you, you know, for telling me those things. I think I needed to hear all that'.
"Of course, hyung" I say softly. "Maggie called me a stupid alpha today for not seeing the obvious, and she really got me into action. She said we make things more complicated than they need to be, and she's right. Y/N never admitted to never wanting to see us, yet what are we doing? We're staying away from her. We're dumb, and I'm tired of being dumb when it comes to her needs".
'Yeah... that sounds right' he admits with a self-deprecating sigh. 'I'm sorry, Jimin-ah. I should apologize to the pack as well. It seems I still have a lot to learn about how to be a good pack alpha for my mates. Even when I want to do things right, it's all a mess. You know... I've been thinking these days. About my upbringing, and what that's doing today. It's not helping, it never really did'.
"What do you mean?" I ask with a frown.
'My being a pack alpha. It's a title, nothing more than a title. Honestly... I'm just a simple-minded wolf, there's nothing about me that says I'm better than anyone else. I shouldn't have to lead the pack and decide of our decisions. The concept that one must guide everyone's actions, I don't like it anymore'.
I blink in shock. "Wait, are you saying that you don't want to be pack alpha anymore?"
'It's a thought that we should consider' Namjoon answers, determined to share the possibility. 'Remember what we were told, about no one being above the other. What if our pack wasn't led by a single wolf? What if we all made decisions together, Y/N included? It's not fair that I get to choose everything like this, especially when it has the repercussions that it currently does. Jungkook makes better decisions than I do, but he had a different upbringing. The same goes for each of us. We can all bring something to this pack. That's what I've been thinking about nowadays'.
"But- a pack without pack alpha?" I mutter, the very concept feels... wrong, somehow. Maybe because it was built by Namjoon to begin with. He made the first rules, he created the patterns that have been ours for so long.
'A pack without happy wolves isn't much of a pack' he replies firmly. 'When our therapist asked me... What do you think is the role of a pack alpha, Namjoon? I couldn't say anything without repeating word for word what I was told while growing up. A pack alpha protects his pack. He makes the rules and leads his pack. He is respected by his pack. It all feels superficial now'.
"Is that the reform you see for us?" I ask him after a moment of processing his words.
'It is a vision that I have, that makes me believe we would be happier. We grew up believing that we needed to hold onto the things that made us different from humans, but at what cost? Isn't what matters the most that we remain together? It used to repulse me, the idea of being anything other than what people saw in me. Now, what repulses me the most is that I made us all feel separated. I made us all feel like we needed to isolate ourselves from one another, when I should have united us'.
I slowly nod my head. "I understand, hyung. Then let's talk about it with everyone and see what they all think. If that's really what you want, to stop being our pack alpha, then I'm okay with it. It matters not that we like having a pack alpha if you're unhappy being one. As long as we're all together, then I don't mind this change".
He breathes out his relief. 'Thank you, truly. Talking to you about it made me feel so much better already'.
"Then I'm happy you told me" I speak gently. "We'll see you later, okay?"
'Yeah. Once I'm done with the expo, I'll be on my way'.
"Good. I love you, hyung".
'I love you too, Jimin-ah'.
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