"Here you go miss, the young man brought you these clothes to change into, feel free to take your time, you can lock the office's door until you're ready to step out" the clinic's doctor tells me while handing me a bag, she smiles before stepping out of the room without another word said.
I look at the brand stamped on the bag and... no.
Not only does it make no sense that he would spend so much money on me... how the hell did he go there and come back in such a short amount of time? Did he break the laws by going too fast? What is he?
I open the bag warily and slowly take out what appears to be loose black pants and a soft white t-shirt, the texture makes me want to nuzzle my face into it, it doesn't appear to be see-through either, and are those my size? How did he know?
Still, I can't say that I hate what I'm seeing, the clothes look very comfortable, much more than my current uniform and the fabric is much more breathable, I was suffocating in my work attire, I've sweated in it all day and it wasn't so great.
It's with that in mind that I quickly lock the door before stepping out of my outfit to try on the new one and I have to hand it to Jimin, he nailed my size, this fits me so well and it's indeed very comfortable, I could wear this even to sleep.
I put my uniform in the bag, the blood stains at the bottom and then look around me to maybe find a mirror, except that there is none.
I swallow thickly because I never walk out of somewhere without making sure at least ten times that I don't look ridiculous, heck, I even make sure we can't see my pantie line on my butt when I crouch!
Am I really going to have to jump blindly and trust a stranger with my own look? Have I ever trusted anyone else but myself with that? What is this man doing to me today? I still can't believe he managed to get me to sit in his rich car after all my running.
"Is everything alright in there?" I suddenly hear his voice from the other side of the door and I look down at myself.
"I think so, but there are no mirrors, is there one I could use somewhere nearby?" I ask him only to be met with silence. "Why would you need a mirror?".
Oh hello intellect, he gives me clothes but expects me to step out like anything I wear just happens to be made for me all the time?
"Because I want to make sure I don't look weird, I just... find me a mirror please, you dragged me here so this is your responsibility".
"Alright, alright, open the door, I have one right here" he lets out with a bored tone and I hurry over to the door before opening it slowly, eyes glancing at him and down at his hands to see that he actually lied.
I knew he was capable of it, good job, alpha, you've reached my expectations!
He points at his eyes in all seriousness. "I will be your mirror, now step out so I can see you. I have no doubt you're rocking these clothes and I want to see just how much better they fit you than I know they do".
I roll my eyes. "Yeah, sure, I'll just go and get a food tester to see if the food is poisoned, but I'll eat the food before they can just to make sure that they really know what they're doing because letting them do it themselves would be absolutely unthinkable".
His face remains blank at my words and I sigh, does he not understand that I was speaking nonsense to show him that his offer is completely absurd? Oh dear.
"I want to see with my own eyes how I look, I don't trust anyone else with that, not even you, I don't know where you got these clothes to go and come back so fast but even if it took you an hour, I still would want a- hey! What are you doin- Jimin!".
The alpha pushes the door open and walks in before closing it behind him, after which he turns to face me while I silently fume in anger, lips into a mean pout that makes him resist a grin before he lets his gaze roam my figure and I won't lie, it's freaking intimidating!
But then he nods in satisfaction and it somehow makes me feel better already, the urge to hide myself from his eyes suddenly not as strong anymore, although it doesn't necessarily make me fully at ease.
I want to know what I look like too and looking down at my body from over my boobs and stomach is not showing me that much except for the fact that maybe I depend on food a bit too much to cope with anything and everything.
"Just as I thought, beautiful. These clothes fit your body marvelously well".
Do they? I look down again, teeth biting on my bottom lip because what I'm seeing of myself doesn't scream beautiful, but if I look carefully at his face, he doesn't look like he's lying...
"Is there... is there really no mirror I can use?" I ask in a murmur, arms wrapping slightly around myself while looking down, hence missing the softening to his orbs.
"There are not, can you trust in my judgement? I wouldn't lie to you about this, Y/N, you truly are beautiful".
I feel my cheeks heat up and I sniffle lightly, this room is starting to become a bit too small to my liking, his cedarwood is filling every nook and crannies of the air surrounding me and it's doing things to my heart that I would rather avoid.
I grab the bag in one hand and the suit he'd lent me for covering my legs with the other and hand it to him, I'd have it washed for him but I'm honestly terrified of ruining it so he deals with this himself.
He accepts with a smile, like nothing ever bothers him.
Unless I'm talking shit about myself, that seems to get to him for some reason.
How peculiar, people usually feel good about themselves when others bring themselves down but he actually growled at me, what a scary alpha. I eye him carefully, fingers playing with the edge of the shirt I'm wearing, it's really soft.
"In case you'd ever ask, I don't know where you got these clothes but I'm not paying you back for them, I already know it's out of my budget and I can't afford to deviate from my original plan, I'll just give them back to you later" I state before heading to the door while he chuckles.
"That's fine with me, I didn't intend to have you pay me back anyway, they're yours now so keep them. But you're right, they were pretty expensive, just the shirt was around-" I snap my head his way and raise a finger in warning to make him stop. "Don't you dare tell me".
My sanity is in a battleground with this man, I swear he's testing me when I see him open his mouth with the widest grin I've ever seen.
"Jimin" I warn again, eyes narrowed at him with my fingers ready to pinch his lips if I have to, those gorgeous pink thick lips- no, Y/N, get a grip on yourself, you're at war!
He doesn't listen when he instead opens his mouth wide and I get ready to cover it with a hand because if that stupid alpha really says the price, I will dest-
"Let's go, I'm hungry" he blurts out suddenly before grabbing my wrist to lead me out of the office after opening the door and he giggles all the way to the exit and to the car while I grumble lowly under my breath as I follow behind.
The tease, he's a fucking tease, he's enjoying this, isn't he?
He opens the passenger's door and waits until I'm seated inside before shutting it, after which he walks around the car to sit in the driver's seat, his scent all pleased and happy, it makes me huff with a shake of the head.
"So! Where to?" he asks and I pause for a moment, he's asking me? "Where did you get the food from earlier? We can go there and get you the same thing" he continues when I have yet to reply, I hesitate only a moment before giving him the destination and he hums with recognition.
"Right, the food festival, I'd heard about it, let's go there then!" he chirps and when the engine comes alive with a loud purr, I can't deny the little sparkle of excitement that flickers within me, it feels amazing!
He glances at me for a moment, a glance I return him with a light frown, because what does he want? Do I have something on my face?
I unconsciously bring a hand to my cheeks to wipe them, is that not it? I don't feel anything, what's wrong?
His eyes crease in amusement before he presses a button on the middle console and all of a sudden, the vehicle's roof opens, it opens! Oh my gosh!
I watch with amazement as it folds all the way to the back and I stretch a hand up to touch the sky, oh man this car is freaking cool!
"Oh darling, you're adorable, so adorable" Jimin says with a small laugh before driving us out of the parking lot once buckled in and the wind that hits me right in the face does an amazing job at keeping my skin cool because that came out of nowhere and I wasn't expecting it, he keeps complimenting me since earlier and I suspect he's doing it on purpose.
He did say we'd talk about what I said earlier, which really is none of his business when I think about it, what I say about me is mine to bear but... did he feel insulted when I told him that he was only playing with me? I guess he would be, considering I was wrong about him.
Was I though? We just met so I wouldn't know, but if he really means well... I'll just get through today and then we'll part ways and it's going to remain a memory that I might look back to fondly.
The ride to the festival is silent, neither of us speaking but it's comfortable, I don't feel the need to fill in the silence and it feels great, I'm not used to that when with someone else, it makes me wonder what it is about him that's so special.
It doesn't take too long until we reach the area, a few faces I recognize from earlier, I guess it hasn't been that long since I last was here, maybe one hour ago? It's a little awkward, what if they think I'm here to eat a second portion because my first one wasn't enough?
Jimin turns off the engine and makes a move to step out of the car but this time I don't hurry out like earlier, I remain frozen in my seat when heads turn our way to take in the expensive car, I can't possibly be seen walking next to Jimin, he would end up humiliated by my fault.
"What's wrong? Y/N, darling are you alright? You're getting pale" I hear from besides me and I turn my neck just enough to see his concerned eyes staring at me, eyebrows furrowing in worry when even I can smell the way my scent turns watery, like the whipped cream has lost of its sweetness.
I clumsily nod my head and then fumble with my seatbelt to undo it, it ultimately takes Jimin doing it for me before I can step out of the car while he does the same on his side.
It's okay, breathe, you have nothing to be ashamed of, you're allowed to eat, right? They don't know that you dropped your food and anyway, why should they care, right? Who am I to them? I'm just a nobody.
"Oh, Seo Y/N, you're back here? We saw you earlier but you left too fast for us to come greet you! Still hungry, aren't you? I guess what you got earlier wasn't enough for someone like you!".
I force my emotions down and keep a neutral expression on my face when I look towards the source of the voice to see two coworkers walking over to me with small cups of food in their hands, they look so proud that they could resist the urge to take a bigger size and I know they're currently flaunting it in my face because I took a medium plate earlier.
I can smell the lie so easily in the way they smirk lightly - they had plenty of opportunities to come see me, they just didn't want to look affiliated with someone wearing a cleaning uniform, a uniform that hides nothing of my curves, I know I look like a stupid potato when I wear it, I've just grown used to it.
"Hi, Hanna, Bee, I guess I just happen to be really hungry today, it's good that I came back, you could come see me this time" I let out plainly as Jimin joins my side with a frown on his face, he knows I didn't get to eat my food, he saw me throw it in the trash, his scent is stuck between burning and being overly wet with rain as he observes warily.
The two girls giggle and wave a hand at him, the appearance of the handsome man suddenly making them act that much sweeter, it almost makes me want to gag. Weren't they the ones who put my clothes in the dirty water today?
"Y/N, who's this handsome man by your side? You didn't tell us you had gotten such a sexy boyfriend! Oh my bad, he's probably just a friend, right? I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions, I wouldn't want to make him feel bad!" Bee exclaims with an annoying voice and I feel her words like a slap to the face.
He would feel bad because people would think he's dating me? I guess I can see it, he's really out of my league.
Jimin's scent turns drier, wood smoking at what she said, from so close to him I can almost feel the vibrations of a growl vibrating in his chest.
And then he does something I would've never seen coming.
An arm wraps around my waist to pull my back flush against his chest and my breath flees my body, eyes widening as I end up holding onto his arm to avoid falling down but when I try to step away from him, he squeezes his arm around me in warning, his muscles tensing over and over again as they dig into my stomach.
"Darling, who are these two insolent girls?".
Said insolent girls blink at him in shock and I pinch my lips quickly to avoid barking out a laugh, did I hear that right?
"Insolent- what? Y/N, you're really going to let him talk to us like that?" Hanna asks me, completely taken aback and while my first instinct is to nod my head because yes, it's deserved, I know that in the long run, work will become hell if I don't lower the verdict given to them by Jimin.
"I work with them, Jimin, this is Hanna and Bee, they don't... they always speak like that, it's fine, they don't mean too bad" I tell him but he doesn't move, his eyes still narrowed on the two angry girls, it must be the first time someone talks to them like this, they're so beautiful after all.
Honestly, they must be the only girls in the whole world who appear to be working for a good cause and get thanked for it whenever they say that they clean for a living, any other living beings get looked down upon because if you're cleaning, that means you never went to school to do something better with your life.
I tug on Jimin's arm to have him release me because there's absolutely no need for him to hold me like this, except it only causes him to growl loudly as he pulls me closer to him so his other arm can cross over my chest, but that also causes his hand to dig into my boob and I freeze in shock, heart drumming into my rib cage ten times faster while I try to move out of his hold once more, this time with more desperation.
"J-Jimin, let me go, l-let me go please" I stutter out, breath quickening, my soul is revolted by the touch and it brings forward so many memories and feelings back to the surface that I had been able to push back for months now.
Stuck, I'm stuck, my brain keeps sending me alarms, someone's touching me, it's like waves of electricity that travel from my head to my legs and arms to give me the strength to free myself and Jimin finally snaps out of whatever made him do this when he realizes that something's wrong.
He lets me go and I stumble a few feet backwards and away from the trio to take a breather and calm myself on the other side of the car, he didn't mean it, he didn't mean it, don't panic in public, just breathe, he let you go, he didn't mean it.
I speak to myself, sentences repeated like a mantra as I leave them with quick feet to instead make my way to a quiet corner under a tree, the sun lowered a little since earlier so the other tree in front of me now offers more shade, I sit down and bring a hand to my heart, it hurts, it burns, just like before.
"Y/N, oh Y/N, darling, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it, fuck I'm so fucking stupid, can I bring you anything? Anything at all? Some water maybe?" Jimin asks as he crouches in front of me a little distance away, he doesn't dare come any closer, I keep my eyes shut but nod my head.
Water sounds good, it's cold, cold to my neck helps.
"Water? Okay, yeah okay, I'll be right back, don't move okay? I'll be back as soon as possible" he promises before rushing off and I lean my head back against the tree while breathing in deeply before exhaling slowly, I officially hate this day.
Grass rustles nearby and the scents of the two girls waft over to my nose, it's smells so toxic, as if they poured a whole bottle of perfume on themselves, humans really wear too much sometimes.
"Is that how you managed to keep his attention? By playing the victim? He touches you a little and you pretend like it hurts you? I didn't know you were that kind of girl but I guess it makes sense, of course you have to keep the attention on you any way you can, you stupid bitch" Bee bites out but I scuff.
"Says the girl who can't keep her hands to herself, how many relationships have you two destroyed this month alone? Ten? Eleven? Also technically, you know bitch simply means the female of a dog? You're not so far off the truth, I don't mind".
"You- You think this is funny? We-"
"You what? Tell me, what would you do?".
A new voice, a husky softness that soothes my eardrums rings in the air as lavender... lavender green tea makes it to my nose to overpower the perfumes, I sigh in dislike, I came here to be alone so why does it feel so crowded?
I open my eyes to find a tall and wide-shouldered man standing slightly in front of me, he's so imposing that the two girls have to back off to put some distance between them, at least he's being useful, I can't complain about that...
"We- Who are you? Why is there so many of you protecting her today? What the fuck, we don't have to tell you anything! You don't scare us!" Bee shouts and it sounds ridiculous, her voice is trembling, it makes me wonder what kind of face the newcomer is making, is he ugly? A scary ugly?
"Oh for fuck's sake... can you just leave her alone- wait... Yoongi hyung, you're here?" Jimin's voice echoes as he comes back and I watch as the man in front of me turns around to look at the only man I know and... never mind, he's not ugly at all, his eyes light up with recognition, do they know each other?
"Hey baby, I wasn't expecting to see you here, I thought you were going back home. I was saying goodbye to MJ when I saw that these human girls were getting a bit too close to this omega, I stepped in because they looked like they were up to no good, do you know her?" the stranger named Yoongi asks back and my eyes widen lightly at his first words, the rest barely registering as I try to process what I heard.
Are they dating? That new information somehow makes me feel better about everything, Jimin isn't interested in me that way then, I relax where I am while he comes to crouch next to me to give me the bottle of water under his boyfriend's observant eyes, the two girls completely forgotten as they stand aside in disbelief.
"We met just a while ago, we came here to get some food before two bothersome filthy mouths arrived. Here Y/N, take this, drink slowly" Jimin answers in a way that has my coworkers gasping before murmuring to me and I gratefully accept the bottle from him before moving it to my neck with another slow exhale, yeah, this really helps.
I couldn't care less right now that two pairs of eyes are burning holes into my body, they got what they deserved, Jimin is honestly spot on with judging them since earlier, it gives me hope, maybe he's not so bad after all.
"Thank you Jimin" I tell him quietly before taking the top off to drink some water, he shakes his head in response, guilt filling his eyes.
"Don't thank me for that, I was the one to put you in that state" he apologizes and Yoongi turns his back to my colleagues to come by closer, a frown on his face. "What do you mean, you were the one to put her in that state?".
Jimin sighs, clearly he looks disappointed by himself and it makes me doubt everything I convinced myself he would be like.
"These girls were insulting her and I didn't like it so my alpha reacted to defend her, it jumped to the surface and pulled her to me but it went too far, by the time I noticed it, it was too late, I touched her where I shouldn't have" Jimin explains with a pout as he glances at me and I pause drinking at his words because... his wolf wanted to protect me?
"Again, Y/N, I'm terribly sorry, I swear I didn't mean to do that, I didn't even realize what I was doing until you asked me to let you go" he says to me and while I'd like to tell him that it's fine, I can't because it wasn't, whether it was done on purpose or not of no matter right now.
"Just... be careful from now on, please, I don't like to be touched" I let him know, he nods his head firmly, his scent strong and confident, he's eager to redeem himself. "I promise it will never happen again, I won't let my wolf make me do something bad again".
I sigh and look up towards where the two girls were standing to find that they're now gone, it's a good thing, they got what they wanted in the end, I didn't enjoy myself.
"I think I'll just head home now, Jimin, today... I've had enough happening" I state before standing up, I refuse his help when he offers me a hand and he withers as he steps back, he knows he's in no position to insist on anything this time.
"Can you at least let me drive you home? Please, just so I can see you get inside safe and sound" he tries but I shake my head, my tolerance completely gone, I feel like my walls are the only thing keeping me from crumbling down right now and I need to keep them strong and sadly for him, that includes shutting off my emotions.
"But-" "Jimin, baby, don't insist, she's a big girl, if she says no, then it's no" Yoongi stops him and I make use of that opportunity to walk away to get back home for a second attempt, my hunger completely gone, right now I just want to crawl into bed and cry for the rest of the night.
I don't look behind me, I don't take one last glance at the man who took care of me today and when I get far enough that we can't see each other anymore, I feel a light pinch to my heart, the weight of disappointment heavy on my soul.
Good things are not meant for me, it's better I leave now before I get hurt.
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