So this chapter was originally 9.6k words, but I decided to break it into two chapters instead, so this first part is angst free and full of fluff with a small 3.7k words!
Next chapter, 18, will be the real angst so I'll wait until I'm done with ch 19 before posting it!
I hope you enjoy this one!
I sit on the couch by the store's entrance, then rest my forehead in my hands with a grunt trapped in my throat.
So many things.
Namjoon made me choose so many things and I don't think I can do this anymore.
I am exhausted, my body is aching, and last but not the least, my brain is done.
Shopping with this pack alpha is dangerous.
We got enough to furnish not only the two guest bedrooms, but also to make me a cozy desk room with a large worktable in the eventuality that I would like to do some crafting or even painting, and decorations were piled up for twice the space currently available in my apartment.
That was a lot more than I had anticipated we would get here but I should've seen it coming, I really should've. I guess I should be thankful about the fact that anything that might be missing by the time I move in will be handled by the pack, because I seriously can't do this anymore.
A weight makes the couch droop besides me and I look up with a tired pout to find Yoongi smiling at me, a comforting hand over my shoulder before he pulls me into his warmth, he looks like he was expecting for this to happen.
"Are you okay, sweets?" I hear him ask as his scent of lavender green tea wraps comfortingly around me, and I droop further into his warmth before nodding my head, if I could cuddle like this for the rest of the day... I would certainly feel a lot better. This week is exhausting me.
He hums softly, heart melting at the way my own scent starts to turn flowery, lavender flavoured whipped cream, and we bring our gaze back to Namjoon who stands at the counter to pay for everything like the price is but a pebble in the street, his eyes bright with satisfaction.
He was truly enjoying himself as he took me all over his favourite store to show me all of his favourite pieces, which so happened to become mine as well because as the others had said, we indeed have a very similar taste.
And I mean, I enjoyed it too! Namjoon made the whole thing interesting and fun, to a point where I even forgot that this was going to cost them a fortune by the end of the shopping session, but while now I do feel a tiny bit bad, I'm also just glad that it's over.
It became increasingly tiring to fit his energy near the end and Yoongi... well he was silently following behind with a weird smile on his face, unbothered and patient despite having to be dragged all over the place for over two hours - there was a glint in his eyes that I couldn't understand no matter how often I would glance at him, but it looks like it's completely gone now.
I think.
We wait together for the pack alpha to be done with his talk with the employee, no doubt this is about the shipping time and date and how it will happen, something that makes me a little nervous because when will it be?
I hope I won't have to cut my day with Dal and In-yeop short if it's tomorrow, I would hate to do that to them considering that this outing is long overdue - it should've happened a long time ago.
It takes a little while, but Namjoon eventually joins us by the couch once done with his conversation, his soft petrichor scent all happy as he observes the way I'm merging into Yoongi's side with droopy eyes and a fluffy edge to my scent.
If he had to decide how today is going so far... he would say that he's very satisfied. I accepted to be spoiled a lot more than he thought I would and it made him incredibly happy, it made him feel fulfilled as my future pack alpha.
He knows that he pushed his luck today, but he's more than content with how I handled it all and that's what matters the most right now. The others will be happy when they hear about this shopping date and about his success.
"I'm sorry for taking so long, you two, we had to talk about some details before leaving and it took longer than I thought" he informs us before smiling at me, dimples sneaking out when my scent further fluffs up at having him back with us.
"They'll ship everything to the house sometime in the middle of tomorrow, which is perfect since I meant to take a day off anyway. I'll handle the appointment myself so you don't need to worry about being there, sugar, you can enjoy your day with your friends" he explains while kneeling in front of me to push my hair out of my face with a tenderness that I crave right now.
"Today was a lot, right? I'm sorry for taking you all over the place like this, little omega, I always end up losing track of time when I'm doing something I like, but you did good holding on until now. Did you have anything in mind that you would like to do now that we're done here?".
I close my eyes when his hand begins to caress my cheek slowly, my answer would have everything to do with cuddles if I was brave enough to say it aloud, but shy as I am in my tired state, I simply shrug before glancing at the alpha in front of me.
"I don't know what we could do, Namjoon, I just know that I can't keep walking like this for much longer, my feet are a little sore and my brain can't process anything anymore" I mumble quietly, words that earn me a concerned look from the pack alpha, but Yoongi takes that time to clear his throat in such a way that it almost sounds rehearsed, and maybe it was, if only in his head.
"I figured that would happen, and so I came up with a plan while we were walking around. How would you feel about visiting our house, little one? If you feel up for it, we could use the home theater to cuddle in front of a movie or two" the oldest alpha offers with a hopeful voice, eyes round with curiosity as he gazes down at me to see my reaction.
Namjoon doesn't say anything, but he does release a soft purr as realization hits him that this is what his alpha had been thinking about since earlier, this is why Yoongi was so willing to follow us everywhere without even complaining - he was hoping for cuddles with his soft omega.
My breath hitches in my throat as I register what he said. I could get my cuddles, which is exactly what I wanted to begin with, but it has to be in their house? It would be my first time in a building that I expect to be grandiose, what if I get overwhelmed by it?
"W-would it be only us? Or is there anyone else staying at home today?" I ask the two of them with a slightly trembling voice, and Yoongi smiles with a comforting nudge to my head before answering my concern with soothing pheromones pushing out to calm me down.
"It would be just the three of us, sweets. Everyone else is working today, but they usually start to arrive back home at around five or six in the evening. Jimin and Taehyung sometimes come back at the same time when their schedules overlap, but they're always here first".
Taehyung, the last wolf I have yet to meet.
I hum softly at his explanation, and my nervousness makes me hide a little bit more in Yoongi's hold before I manage to nod my head slowly.
It's a little unnerving but I might as well get this over with today, plus Namjoon did say this morning that my meeting him would most likely seal the bond properly, which can't be a bad thing. Leaving Taehyung to be the only one who has yet to meet me any longer feels... wrong.
"O-okay, we can do that. And I... I want to meet Taehyung too, i-if he wants to I mean".
The two alphas share a surprised look before staring at me again, as if they need to make sure that I did not say that just because I felt like I had to, they don't want me to push myself too far if I'm not ready, did I really mean what I said?
Yoongi was obviously trying to ease me into the thought of meeting Taehyung soon, but he had planned to ask for my thoughts on the matter only after a few hours of being at their place, when it would've been time to ask if I would like to stay for dinner or go back home instead.
My offering it first wasn't even a possibility in their mind and quite frankly, they do briefly wonder if they imagined that happening, but the seriousness they can find on my face assures them that I was in fact very sincere and it makes the pack alpha very, very happy.
"Taehyung would love to meet you too, pretty girl, he's been looking forward to it all week" Namjoon coos sweetly before I begin to doubt myself because of their silence, the light of pure delight that I can see in his eyes letting me know that this was the right thing to do.
It's becoming increasingly easier to be by their side and to let them show me their affection, so meeting Taehyung... it doesn't sound scary anymore. It's of course granted that the second chance bond is doing its job here, but it's not just that.
The six alphas have all been so kind and gentle with me, that I can't imagine anything going wrong as long as it's with them. Last night has proven me that they are willing to risk their own safety for my sake, and more than being afraid of completing the bond, I now rather feel like I need to secure it before it's too late.
"Shall we go, then? I'd really like those cuddles, to be honest" I finally admit to the both of them, and Namjoon feels his soul fill with endearment as he chuckles before offering me his hands to help me to my feet, his arms doing most of the job once I hold them tightly.
"Let's go get those cuddles then, sugar. Do you want to watch a movie, or would you prefer napping?".
"Oh no, a movie would be great, really, I'm not that tired. Just... nothing too complicated for today, I don't think I can process anything complex right now. It feels like I had three months happen in one week and I honestly could do with a little break".
Namjoon and Yoongi both flank my sides when I lose my balance a little, the culprit one that reveals itself to be my aching foot, and it takes the pack alpha everything to not pick me up in his arms for all to see this instant.
He should've gone easier on the shopping today, but he's not used to having an omega to care for and often forgets that our bodies are not similar at all. That I kept quiet about my discomfort only lets him know that he's going to have to keep a closer eye on me from now on.
"We really pulled you out of your comfort zone and right into our world a bit too fast, didn't we? I'm sorry, sugar, we alphas always tend to rush things when our instincts get into the picture. Let's go home and see if we can find something light to watch, then we can talk about what happens before the others get back from work later".
Taehyung's POV
I softly hum to the melody in my head as I open the front door, the vehicles currently parked besides the house letting me know that only Namjoon and Yoongi are here for now - Jimin called me earlier to say that he would be a little late today so I don't expect to see anyone else as I enter inside.
I immediately pick up on the sound of a movie playing in the closed room upstairs as I close the door behind me, and a smile pulls on the corners of my lips as I remove my shoes before dropping my keys in the bowl by the closet, what are they watching in there?
I have so many questions I want to ask them. How did it go with Y/N today? Was she feeling better after spending time with them? Did she have fun shopping for her new house? Did she like the new house? Jimin was so excited to get it for her.
My last customer ended up canceling their appointment because of an accident they had at work so I could come back home sooner, but I wasn't sure if there would be anyone else yet since I thought Namjoon and Yoongi would be with Y/N for longer.
The night must have been very exhausting for her so my guess would be that they drove her home already to let her rest.
I stop by the kitchen to get myself a glass of water, and I drink it at a slow pace while thinking back to this morning when Hoseok stopped by to get ready for work.
He'd told us about how terrified she was when he and Namjoon reached her place last night, about how she was shaking in fear with each thunder and how it had wounded his heart to see her in this state knowing that he was the one who left her alone like this.
It didn't even take five seconds that Yoongi was already running outside with his car keys in hand to reach her side, and the fact that I couldn't come with him hurt me more than I wanted to admit to my mates.
Still now, I want to see her with my own eyes, I want to see if she's alright, if she's not scared anymore. Will she be able to sleep soundly tonight? What if she can't?
I wish I could pull her in my embrace while we sleep together, I would keep her safe from any danger, I would keep her warm and loved, it doesn't matter that I haven't met her yet - I know that I would do anything in my power to make her happy.
I don't want to make my mates worry, but to be the only one who has yet to see her... I hate that. I see them talk about her with stars in their eyes, her scent layered over their own, and it makes me feel so jealous that I can't be like them.
It hasn't even been that long and this is the hold she has on me, what is it going to be like when I'll have her in front of me? With a sigh past my lips, I put my glass in the sink before heading to the stairs while running a hand through my hair.
If I can at least get some of her scent on me by cuddling with Namjoon and Yoongi, it would already be better than nothing. I can smell her scent so strongly from here and I didn't even open the door yet.
It's as if she's here.
"Hyung, I'm home" I utter after entering inside the dark home theater, a deep inhale following the next second because the scent of vanilla whipped cream is so, so strong, and I pause like a frozen shadow when a look at the large sofa-bed reveals an omega asleep between my two older mates.
No... is she really here? Is this a mirage? Am I so desperate to see her that I'm starting to imagine the pretty omega even when I have no idea what she looks like? Am I dreaming?
"Oh, Tae, you're back" Yoongi muses with a warm voice as he softly caresses the omega's hair from their cuddled position, Namjoon more than pleased as he gets to hold the two of them in his arms with her head on his chest, the unrestrained purrs that seep out of him immediately pulling a hopeful gasp from me, this is real, isn't it?
"Hyung... is this..." I don't finish my question, I don't dare to, but when they both chuckle before slowly beckoning me over with a warm smile, I try to make myself as silent as possible as I carefully thread closer to them as to avoid waking her up.
"Yoongi offered to watch movies at our house after we were done shopping and she agreed, even said that she would be fine with meeting you today if you wanted to" Namjoon explains while motioning for me to take the free space besides him, which is also right besides her face.
"She was so sure that she could stay awake until you would get home, but she ended up falling asleep not too long ago - it was a long day for her. You can sit with us, pup, don't be shy".
Looking to Yoongi for confirmation that it's really okay for me to be so close to her when she's asleep, I can't resist the excited squeal that leaves my mouth when he grins before insisting that I get on the couch with them.
I quickly circle the gigantic furniture before snuggling into my pack alpha's side, and my eyes are instantly pulled to Y/N's form as I rest my cheek on Namjoon's bicep from where I can gaze at her squishy cheeks as much as my heart desires.
I can't believe that she's really here, close enough that I can touch her, feel her warmth for myself. Her scent is fluffy and aromatic, much stronger than the traces usually left on my mates - it feels like heaven to finally be able to gaze at her with her scent in my lungs like this.
"She's so pretty" I find myself whispering as I tilt my head to get a better look at her, they really weren't lying when they kept complimenting her as if she was a little cloud angel, soft and perfect in every way possible.
"Isn't she? You should see her when she's smiling at you with her pink cheeks, it makes your heart tingle and melt every time" Yoongi muses back as he keeps running his fingers against her scalp, a massage that must have had a say in why she ended up falling asleep, I would know - Yoongi's fingers are magic.
I hide my face in Namjoon's neck when it suddenly hits me hard that she's finally right where she belongs - with us, with me - the tears that come out without any warning making me feel bashful because I can't believe I'm really crying for a reason like this.
I've always wanted a sweet-smelling omega to be my mate, it didn't matter that I dearly loved my six alphas, I really wanted an omega, so this is truly a dream come true, something that makes me feel like the happiest wolf in the entire world.
Namjoon pats my head softly when he feels his skin getting wet with my tears, not a word spoken because he knows I'm always a little self-conscious when it happens, and the Moon Goddess knows that it happens more often than I would want.
I still struggle with accepting that part of me, even after all this time. I've always been more sensitive than the others, always more prone to happy tears. My mates like to coo when it happens, they think I was made softer for a reason, but while I would like that to be true, it's hard to believe sometimes.
His petrichor scent pushes out and wraps around our little group to make us feel his unwavering love, and though it's not too obvious at first, it eventually cannot escape us anymore, the way that the bond's scent of firewood begins to get stronger with each seconds.
As if an egg is finally hatching to give freedom to a miracle, a new life that is now part of our beautiful pack, strong and deeply rooted into our reality, and to have it fully come from her puts a delighted smile on all of our lips.
It's like her soul is now intertwining and weaving into the bond with ours, every loose red strings connecting together with pretty little bow knots to make sure that they never lose each other again, as if her place was always with us from the very beginning and they were only dormant until now.
The bond solidifies, so strong that it is now unbreakable, as it was always meant to be.
"It's done, the bond is complete" Yoongi murmurs after leaving us a few minutes to process the welcomed change, and I make a small sound before allowing myself a small kiss to the top of her head, just a tiny little peck, else my heart would burst in my chest.
"It is, thank goodness. The others must have felt the change too, they'll probably rush back home as soon as they can to see her for themselves" Namjoon speaks the end with amusement, it's not hard to imagine our eldest mate going over the speed limit even though he's usually the first one to ask us to slow down.
I let out a small laugh before making myself comfortable again, eyes taking in our little omega's sleeping face once more before I look at the movie playing before us, one that I have a feeling has been nothing more than background noise for the two alphas.
"I hope she wakes up soon" I murmur softly before closing my eyes, and the two of them hum before doing the same.
Maybe a little nap wouldn't be so bad after all.
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