Jimin's POV
When we hear the front door open to allow in excited chatter from our two mates who had yet to come home from their date with Y/N, it makes all of us jump up to our feet in a hurry to join them in the entrance.
How was it? Did she like the yacht? Did she like being on the water for many long hours or did she end up feeling sick after a bit?
I feel like so much of the future can change with a single yes or no to that question.
At the sight of our drenched mates, I quickly grab two towels from the still warm dryer - the storm started a while ago and we had a feeling they would need something snug upon their arrival - and then hurry back to the group where Taehyung helps me to warm up our two cold alphas.
"So? How was it? How was she?" Yoongi presses for answers when they have yet to say anything, his eyes anxiously staring at them like we all are, because really, we've longed to hear news from them all day and we didn't dare call.
Hoseok giggles softly after taking a good look at us and hums happily, a sound echoed by Jin as they remove their shoes to walk to the living room with us on their track, five alphas unable to endure the suspense as we await any type of information about our omega.
"Today was a very good day, guys. She loved the yacht, it was almost like she always belonged there. We laid down and soaked in the sun while the boat swayed to the waves and it was very peaceful, I honestly think we could've done just that for an entire weekend and she would've been very satisfied".
I heave a sigh of relief, to hear that it went that well putting a balm of calm over my soul, that's great, very great.
"Is she home now? Was she drenched too or did you leave before the pouring began?" Namjoon asks next and Jin makes a small noise while shaking his head.
"We left before it began, it was just tiny little droplets when we made it to her place so she's fine. She is eagerly awaiting an amazing nest tomorrow, Namjoon-ah, she loved the ones you made in the yacht's beds and even used the main bedroom's nest, she could not resist it".
Our pack alpha goes from concerned to blushing in an instant, eyes creased with delight before he nods.
"That's... good to hear. I have everything ready and I think she's going to love what I grabbed for her. Taehyung chose a few things too, blankets he couldn't resist scenting, our soft alpha" he coos the end while looking warmly at our mate who smiles sheepishly, he too cannot wait to meet our new mate after hearing so much about her.
"Your turn will come, Taetae, she's going to love you too, I know she will" I muse after moving closer to hold his hand and he meets my gaze with a thankful glow to his orbs, violets slightly vulnerable as they wrap around us, he's nervous, understandably so, he's going to be the last one to meet her.
"Let's sit down for now! I want to hear about the whole day! How did this morning go, hyung?" Jungkook chirps suddenly and we all fall into gentle chuckles before going to the couch to continue the conversation, content with how everything is going so far.
"I had a very sweet date with her. She actually nearly fell asleep under my hands while I did her makeup, it was adorable".
Your POV
The loud pouring that hits my window leaves me a nervous lump in the bed as I wrap a few blankets around me, the one that Jimin got me being the first layer of protection against the cold that invades the apartment due to inefficient windows.
I have put music on to try and keep my focus on something else, but whenever a roaring thunder hits the ground, whenever the sky roars in anger, I startle, fingers clenching tighter around my protection as if doing so could keep me safer.
I hate storms. They're loud, they flash bright and they always sound angry, so angry.
You think you're fine, but then a boom echoes all around you to shake your weak walls and you're left wondering if you'll end up bare in face of such a threat or if you're going to survive the night.
Another loud thunder and I startle into the pillows, eyes shut to try and stay calm. It's fine, it won't last for too long, it's just a few hours and then it'll be done and over for another few weeks, maybe months if I'm lucky.
I loved my day with Hoseok and Jin, I had a lot of fun spending time with them after the initial meeting behind us, they're easy to talk to and they made me feel safe, calm, but now that I'm back to being alone at home, I already miss them.
I wish they hadn't left me on my own tonight but after spending the whole day together, I didn't want to keep them from seeing their mates any longer. They looked excited to head back home when they dropped me in front of my building and that was enough to keep my lips shut, gift bag in hand as they waited for me to get inside before leaving.
The music suddenly cuts off and my phone begins ringing instead to alert me of an incoming call, something that both startles and reassures me, because hearing someone's voice could do me some good, considering that it's someone I want to hear.
Unsure of who it might be, I grab the device to have a look at the caller, and a relieved sigh leaves me when I find In-yeop's name on the screen.
I immediately accept the call and bring the device to my ear just as another thunder growls against my walls, and I don't manage to muffle the entirety of the light whimper leaving me, which lets the alpha know exactly what he wanted to know when he called.
'Y/N, I figured you'd be shaking in a storm like this, are you at home right now?' he asks right away, his voice grounding me into answering a soft yes before a louder explosion makes me flinch, and as if to make things worse just for the sake of it, the electricity runs out at the same time to leave me completely in the dark.
Shit. Now it's really going to get cold.
'Bora, gather everyone in the nest, I'll be there soon, and maybe put a movie on the tv to distract them' I hear him say to one of his mates, no doubt his own omegas are just as affected by the storm as I am, it's really nice of him to call me despite having his own pack to look after.
'Okay, sorry about that, everyone's a little nervous tonight so Bora and I are trying to make things more tolerable. You're at home, that's good, do you have anything to keep yourself busy? Something you can use to cover the sound of the thunder? Anything sweet you can eat?' In-yeop asks me as the sound of a fridge opening reaches my ear, he must be grabbing a few things for his pack.
"I do" I answer quietly, he's already busy so I can't possibly let him know that I'm left in the cold with no electricity, it'll only make him more uneasy and he'll end up coming over to bring me to his place with his pack, it would make no sense for him to leave his scared mates just for me.
'Alright, good. You do that then, make yourself something warm to drink with a snack and light up some candles near you if you have any. It's going to be okay, Y/N, I know the storm sounds scary but you're safe inside, you'll be fine' he starts before pausing for a moment, after which he resumes with a softer voice.
'Do you want me to send Bora to pick you up? We can make a spot for you in the pack nest if you want' he can't keep himself from offering when another thunder makes my breath hitch and I inwardly swear.
"I'll be fine, but thank you for offering, really. I'll do what you said, I'm sure it's going to be over soon anyway" I counter and he hums softly, he knows that insisting won't work on me.
'If you're sure... but call me if you change your mind, okay? I don't like knowing you alone, I really wish you would have a pack with you, Y/N, this isn't safe for you' he speaks with concern and I find myself smiling lightly, he's always so worried about me.
"I'm fine, In-yeop, I'm doing good, don't worry. Go to your pack now, I'm sure they need you" I insist and he hesitates a little before relenting, I'm sure their scents are turning just as nervous and tensed as my own is, my whipped cream frozen like it was thrown in the freezer and forgotten there for years.
'Okay, I'll do that then, but my offer still stands if you need it, no questions asked. I'll write again later to check on you. Remember, something warm and something sweet, raise the volume and give those who complain about it my phone number, I'll deal with them' he concludes and a giggle flees me, unaware of the smile it puts on his face.
We end the call after I promise to let him know if I'm at a close limit and the music resumes again to where it stopped, my nerves calmer, the next thunder doesn't make me jump as much as earlier but I know the effect won't last for too long, I should follow his directives while I still can.
I force myself out of bed, the yellow blanket tightly wrapped around me with my soft slippers on my feet, and then I make my way through the apartment with my phone's flashlight bright in front of me to reach the kitchen where I might be able to find something sweet, because warm will not happen.
I do notice that my phone's battery is getting incredibly low and that is not something I like to see right now. I should get one of those portable batteries eventually in case of a similar circumstance because if it dies on me tonight... I really will be completely isolated, that somehow makes the air feel even colder.
Once in the kitchen, I search through the pantry, my current mission being to succeed in achieving at least half of the requirements I was given by my alpha friend because it'll already be better than nothing, better than what I currently have.
I get a plate from the cupboard on which I settle chocolate cookies before grabbing the candle that has Jimin's scent, and when the lighter finds a spot in my pocket, I make my way back to bed in a hurry when a thunder hits the ground again.
Namjoon's POV
A noise from outside of my bedroom catches my attention despite the muffled sounds of the storm and I sit up in bed with a frown
I thought everyone would be asleep by now but clearly, one of my mates has decided otherwise because the noise is persistent, like feet walking in circle over and over again, is something going on?
The storm that seems to only get worse with every passing hours grumbles in the sky to make the floor shake and even I need a moment to recover from this one, I almost felt it in my chest.
"She's not picking up the phone... it must mean that she's sleeping, yes, she must be sleeping, it's fine".
My deviated attention focuses back on the body walking in circle in the living room, which faces my bedroom, and my frown deepens, is that Hoseok? Who is he trying to call at this time of the night? Is it Y/N? Did something happen to her?
Alerted by that thought, I push myself to my feet and quickly open my door to gain access to the other larger room, and here he is, Hoseok still turning in circles with creased lines of concern on his face as he waits for someone to answer his call.
His eyes rise from the floor when he smells my presence and I watch as he silently makes his way over to push the both of us back in my room before closing the door behind him, probably to avoid waking up the others even though it's pretty much impossible once they've fallen asleep.
"Joon, I know I shouldn't base my worry on something so fleeting but I just have such a bad feeling after the dream I had and when I had a look on my phone earlier to appease myself, it was to see that there's no electricity in Y/N's area. I had another look at the map a minute ago and it's not back on and none of my messages and calls are reaching through, what if something happened to her?" he throws all of his concerns on me in one go, ones I need a moment to reorganize in my head.
"Whoa, slow down, hyung. First off, what do you mean when you say that you have a bad feeling because of a dream you had? What kind of dream was it?" I ask him calmly, a hand on his shoulder to ground him - he takes in a deep breath before nodding his head as I lead him to the bed to sit down.
"It was... well that part doesn't really matter. What matters is what I remembered after waking up. Remember that class we had in college, Wolf Perceptions? We learned there that alphas, betas and omegas don't see the same things the same way, that things that for us might not mean much can be overwhelming for omegas and vice-versa, do you remember that?" he starts explaining with a fast pace and I nod my head slowly, where is he going with that?
"Don't you remember hearing about storms from the teacher? Because now I can't stop thinking about it. He said that storms can feel like fireworks exploding right in your face for some omegas, especially when they're on their own with no pack to make them feel safe".
My blood freezes in my veins at his words, and though I need to force my mind to go back quite a few years to find that piece of information... he's right, I did hear something along those lines back then.
"You said you can't reach her? It's possible that her carrier's network is down, or maybe she didn't keep her phone by her side" I mumble before biting down on my lips nervously.
If Hoseok's instincts are right, then every facts assembled together mean that she's completely isolated in the middle of a storm and I hate that. I don't feel good about this at all.
"What do we do, Joon? We can't just go and knock on her door in the middle of the night, can we?" Hoseok asks with a worried expression on his face, respect for our new mate's privacy acting up despite the situation's urgency, but when I meet his gaze, he pauses before making an unsure face. "Can we?".
"We're about to find out, hyung. Grab your things and write in the group chat to let the others know where we are, I'll get the bags I got for her and we'll meet in the entrance" I demand, restless as I find my cuddle outfit to wear now, I can't believe none of us recognized this problem sooner.
Hoseok nods firmly and then goes running off in a hurry to get whatever things he might consider necessary, my guess being clothes that he could possibly lend to her, possibly a large and warm hoodie that he's worn very recently to appease her.
I run a hand over the back of my neck with a stressed exhale, it makes me so uneasy to have her live away from us like this, no pack to take care of her as soon as she needs the help. Us having to take the car to reach her side... I hope this won't be a thing for too long.
The sooner she comes to us, the better. Heck, I'll even have a separate home build for her in the backyard if she needs a private space to call her own, as long as she's within reach, where it's safe - with us.
A complete pack is much needed after gaining an additional bond so suddenly, I'd forgotten how annoying this longing that keeps filling my soul at one's absence could be.
I want her where I can touch her, where I can protect her, where I can love her.
Your POV
I cover my ears with my hands when the sound of a literal explosion resounds around me, the cold making me feel as if the roof has completely disappeared from over my head to leave me vulnerable to the raging storm that won't stop getting worse, the very opposite of what I was hoping for.
Such a wild thing... it hadn't happened in ages, I had forgotten just how terrifying it could get.
The rain that hits my bedroom's window sounds like a waterfall, the additional wind sometimes causing something to hit the glass, and my panicked instincts won't stop telling me that it'll break soon, that the storm will make it inside anytime now, with no escape in sight.
I don't know where I left my phone in the midst of trying to hide myself into a fake sense of security, I don't even know if the candle is still burning, all I know is that my own scent is trying to choke me with how bitter and thick it is while my body won't stop trembling like a leaf.
How long will this last? I wish I could fall asleep from exhaustion soon, that would really be for the best but adrenaline is my worst enemy at this very moment, and it does not intend to let me go.
The ringing in my ears is terribly unbearable as I sob in fear, my whimpers so pitiful even to me, yet there is nothing I can do to stop because all I want is the alphas who have forced themselves into my life by my side and I can't even call them, my phone well lost and gone in the mess of blankets surrounding me.
I should've asked them to stay anyway, I shouldn't have acted so proud like this, even accepting In-yeop's offer would have been better than this, but now it's too late to go back and make another decision and I dearly regret it.
Too lost in my panic, I don't realize right away when there is an insistent pounding on my door, but when I do manage to hear it, I'm running out of bed and throwing it open out of pure despair.
Hoseok's face is the first I see when I look up, and as soon as our eyes meet, it's stronger than me when I push myself into his cold embrace to cry harder, his heartbroken gasp inaudible over my sobs as the drenched state of his raincoat soaks my pyjama with the storm's freezing water.
"Oh baby bun, my poor omega... we shouldn't have left you behind like we did, I'm so sorry, baby. Let's go inside first, come" the alpha murmurs softly, his arms tight and secured around me even as he gently pushes us inside my apartment so we can close and lock the door.
"You came for me" I force out with more tears flowing down my cheeks as I snuggle deeper into his chest, my hands clenched on the back of his coat and my mind not quite processing that turn of events just yet, how did he know?
"We shouldn't have left you alone to begin with. I'm sorry for not realizing how scary this would be for you sooner, baby. It's freezing in here and your outfit is getting soaked because of me, let me get this off first, okay?".
Making me let go of Hoseok so he can remove his dripping coat is no easy feat, but as soon as it's off and on a chair to dry, he's pulling me close again with my head tucked underneath his chin, his hands already warmer as he rubs my arms to keep the cold away while his scent pushes out to comfort me in steady waves, his regret and guilt kept in the back, he can get mad at himself later when this is all over.
I can only melt as I bask in the alpha's everything, the storm magically out of mind thanks to the kind Hoseok who looks so beautiful when he smiles, his strength felt in the way his hug brings an end to the shakiness that affected me all night, my freezing skin finally soothed thanks to his high body heat.
So this is why Dal and In-yeop wanted me to have a pack by my side so much...
As I calm down, I eventually grow aware that another person got inside my apartment along with Hoseok when I hear the sounds of feet moving around, bags brought from one room to another multiple times in the background, and while the smell is not one I recognize instantly, it does seem familiar enough that I don't freak out on them.
The police chief wouldn't let just anyone enter my home, I know that much so if I can't tell who it is right away, then it must be one of the two alphas who I had yet to meet, which means that they are also safe to be around.
I trust their entire pack with my life, nothing has ever been as real as this.
Hoseok hums softly once he feels me already calmer in his embrace, my previously distressed scent finding back it's creamy substance that whipped cream is known for, it makes him feel accomplished, he could be of help after all.
He looks down at me and I look up bashfully, I must look like a mess, right?
"Do you want to wear something of mine instead of those wet clothes, sweet bun? They're the warmest and comfiest pieces I own, I scented them earlier because I thought it would make you feel safer" he offers gently while pointing at a bag on my table.
I stare at it with a small sniffle before nodding my head, the next thunder that hits the ground not that loud anymore, though I still attempt to merge into his body to hide from the next one, and he keeps an arm tightly around me while using the other to grab the bag.
"You'll have to use the bathroom because Namjoon is working on your nest at the moment but I'll be right by the door, okay? I'm not leaving you alone" he promises with a pat to my back and I blink softly before looking back towards my bedroom at the mention of the other alpha.
"T-the pack alpha is here? Namjoon came too?" I ask shakily, and upon hearing his name, the alpha momentarily drops the blankets and pillows on the bed before joining us in the living room to answer my question himself.
At the sight of the alpha who looks a lot bigger than I thought, I feel myself get smaller the closer he gets, small and defenseless in the eyes of this giant until he cups my cheeks softly with his large and warm hands to wipe the tears away, a comforting smile on his face that changes his intimidating look in an instant.
"I wasn't going to stay behind when I knew that you were on your own, little omega, I would've been a very bad pack alpha if I'd made the decision to neglect my new mate. I'm almost done with the nest so you should get changed into something warmer in the meantime, you're going to get sick if you keep wearing these cold clothes".
To hear this strong looking pack alpha call me his mate... it makes me feel giddy, this emotion so strong that it easily overwhelms my fear to instead make me blush under the weight of their satisfied eyes.
I let Hoseok lead me to the bathroom in silence while Namjoon returns to my bed to finish his very important task, and the door does not fully close once I enter the small room with his clothes in my arms, it is just slightly parted to allow his scent in while I get undressed, my trust in him currently going above and beyond what words can express.
He was worried and came to me despite the strong storm still raging outside. He and Namjoon came to me when I needed them the most and that is more than enough proof that they care.
I grab the alpha's clothes from the shelf by the sink and then begin to put them on slowly, one piece at a time, and though I had a gut feeling because of how slender he is, it still leaves a bitter feeling in my heart when the fabric ends up stretching over my body, not at all loose like I prefer my clothes.
"Is everything okay, sweet bun?" Hoseok asks cautiously when I have yet to exit the bathroom even after a couple of minutes, and when Namjoon joins him by the door at my silence, my guts churn uncomfortably at this feeling of being trapped.
Is there no avoiding this at all?
I swallow thickly before slowly pushing the door open, my gaze locked on the floor because I can't bear to see the way they look at me, and the two of them take me in with dilated pupils in silence, the darkness not a bother for them due to our wolf blood - something I kind of regret right now.
Their eyes roam over my generous figure with a purr threatening to seep from their chest, now this is a sight they adore, and they would stare forever if it wasn't so obvious to their sharp instincts that I am currently very insecure about my appearance with the way I try to hide my stomach under my arms.
"Baby... you look so huggable right now, so pretty in my clothes, they suit you perfectly" Hoseok muses without hesitation to fight against my self-doubt, but his eyes waver slightly when I end up hugging myself tighter in response, he can't possibly mean that.
"I think I should go wear my own clothes, Hoseok... this is clearly too small for me" I mumble in shame, my exhaustion making me much more vulnerable than I would like at the moment, but when I try to walk past them to flee their gaze, a deep noise of warning keeps me from following through and I freeze in place.
Namjoon walks around me until he's standing in front of my shaking body, and then he tilts my head up with a gentle hand to make me look at him - his alpha pheromones put me right under his spell as he observes me intently.
"My pretty little omega, you feel insecure because you do not see what we see. If the clothes are uncomfortable in any way, then you may go change, but if your only concern has to do with the way you look in them, then please rid your mind of unnecessary thoughts as they are not needed. You look delightful, perfect for cuddling, I assure you" Namjoon states with such a naturally dominant alpha voice that I droop in my spot, unable to find anything to retort to that.
My eyes take in the man before me who smiles in contentment, his petrichor scent so very soft on my nose, it is not one easy to smell for me but it makes me long for more either way. I could not imagine a more perfect scent for this pack alpha. How can someone like him be real?
Is it the gentle dragon eyes? The smooth and round edges of his face? Or maybe even the fact that he is built like a giant? From the way his clothes stretch over his impressive biceps to the way the dimples create a dark shadow in his cheeks, perfection is the only word that comes to mind when needing to describe him.
This whole pack is perfection itself. I still find it hard to believe that they were made my second chance mates, even more so that they are so eager to accept me as I am, as if I do not need to change a single thing just for the sake of pleasing them because they already like me the way I am.
Is this just tremendous luck? Or was it always possible to be loved without any conditions like this? To be cared for, to be kept safe so easily when there is nothing to gain from it.
What is there to be afraid of when I am with these alphas? They have not a single time made me feel like I was a downgrade to their standards, not a single time.
Before I can let Namjoon know that I will keep wearing the clothes Hoseok lent me since they are comfortable, a low rumbling takes that opportunity to soar in the sky before merging into an angry roar and then a shattering noise of explosion, and the spell breaks with a shattered whimper pulled from my throat when the bright flash of another thunder illuminates our area from the window for a long second.
Namjoon and Hoseok immediately wrap their protective arms around me when the second explosion resounds from so close that it makes the walls shake, and hearing the dishes clink in the cupboards does a very good job at making me panic all over again.
"Alright, let's go to the nest, baby, you're going to feel better there, come with us" Hoseok demands with a gentle voice, the feeling of my shaking body enough to make the both of them frown in dislike as they begin to lead the way, their touch not leaving me even once because they know that doing so would have me crumble to the floor in an instant.
My senses are completely overwhelmed by the time we make it to my bedroom, and admiring the pretty nest is not even an option as we near the smart arrangement of blankets, it is not even in Namjoon's mind as he helps me onto the bed and within the nest before following in while Hoseok closes the door behind him.
The pack alpha draws the new scented blankets over the two of us before pulling me into his chest, and the heat that emanates from him quickly acts to warm me up towards a healthier temperature while the other alpha uses the lighter to get the candle burning again, after which he slips underneath the blankets with us to snuggle against my back, his arms snaking their way around my waist to keep me close and snug.
"There you go, isn't that better already? Are you comfortable?" Hoseok asks from over my shoulder, and when I slowly nod my head, exhaustion keeping me from forming a comprehensive answer in my mind, the two alphas' chests begin to rumble with a deep purr that makes my body fully melt between them, this feels... perfect.
"You should sleep now, pretty omega, we will remain right here by your side" Namjoon murmurs before leaving a kiss to my closed lids, and just like that, within their safety, I finally manage to get some rest.
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