"Jimin, I don't know what to wear, I've tried five different outfits and I don't feel like any of them are suitable for today!" I exclaim as soon as the alpha accepts the call, the very first one he receives from me.
'Darling, take a deep breath, it's okay, it's just seven in the morning, you have two hours and a half before Yoongi comes get you so we'll figure something out, okay? With that said, good morning to you, I hope you slept well in your new bed?'.
I sigh and sit on said bed before dropping to my back next to all the clothes I took out of the closet so far.
If someone had told me that the first time I would call someone to ask for help would be because I didn't know what to wear for a date - is it a date? - I would've laughed in their face, but alas, that's exactly what has happened to me this morning.
I've tried so many different clothes since earlier, but I don't know why, they just don't give me the same feeling as yesterday, is it because Jimin and Jungkook aren't there to cheer me on anymore? Is it because I'm not really good at creating a look with what I have?
Or is it only because my nerves are all over the place and I feel like throwing up? That might be it, I'm honestly freaking out and Jimin was the first one that came to mind, he made the clothes so I figured if anyone would know what I should wear today, it would be him.
"Sorry Jimin, good morning. The new mattress is wonderful, I have yet to build a new nest in it but Yoongi got me new nesting materials so I'll do that this week, but I slept very well even without one. I didn't wake you up with my call, did I?".
He chuckles and hums softly, it sounds like he's moving around and there's some cluttering in the background but I can't tell if it's coming from him or if it's someone else.
'Don't worry, sweetheart, you didn't wake me up at all, and as for the mattress, hearing that makes me very happy, it's all we wanted for you. If you see one big yellow blanket, I chose it myself, I thought it looked pretty and soft so I hope you find a good use for it. We tried to find the softest and coziest ones but we'll get you more from a specialized shop soon, there are much better ones suited for nests there'.
"What? No, no Jimin, what you got me is perfect, those blankets are a hundred times better than what I had, I don't need new ones, seriously" I try to counter the offer quickly because I know how expensive the fancy nesting materials are, I looked and I gasped many times before giving up on the idea. I can't have them spend so much on me all the time, it's absolutely insane.
'Even if you say that, our pack alpha is definitely going to go through their shop eventually, that's his weakness and I dare say he has very good taste considering he's an interior decorator so you definitely wouldn't regret it.
Namjoon is very good at making nests and I'm sure he would love to help you with yours, he took lessons on how to build the perfect nest in the past in case he ever ended up with an omega mate, that was always a wish of his, maybe you could wait for him before getting started?'.
I make a soft sound as I stare at the ceiling, heart stuttering painfully at his suggestion.
To build my nest with their pack alpha... that sounds terrifying.
I always have this image of a very intimidating person when I think of a pack alpha, but if I think about In-yeop... he certainly doesn't look like it but he definitely knows how to be a softie, so if this Namjoon took nest building lessons for omegas... he must be fine too.
'Jimin-ah, while I appreciate you thinking about me, please don't make her feel like she has to agree just for my sake. If she wants to build it by herself, that's totally fine, though you're right about me buying quality materials. I already have a few things in mind that I'd like to get her so I'll ask Taehyung to go with me later today' a new deep and mellow voice speaks up and I hold my breath, is that... is that the pack alpha?
He has a nice voice... a handsome and powerful husk to it that makes my stomach fill with gentle butterflies.
Someone with such a voice can't possibly be bad, or is it the new bond that makes me feel this way? Because I do remember hearing briefly in the past that meeting everyone in a pack is not required for the second chance mate bond to take place equally with every concerned mates.
In a way, doesn't it mean that I will feel as comfortable with Jin and Hoseok as I currently feel with Jimin and the others, even if today will be our first meeting? I hope that's true, I could do with some comfort right from the beginning.
'Ah... you're right hyung, sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to make it sound like you should push back your needs just for him. I just thought maybe it could have been some sort of ice-breaker for the two of you, I guess I'm just a little impatient. I want you to see how great everyone is but you already have a lot on your plate, please forgive me, darling'.
I smile and shake my head. "There's no need to be forgiven for such a thing, Jimin, I understand. I'll start by seeing how I feel today after meeting Jin and Hoseok and... if I don't feel too overwhelmed, I could certainly use help for building my nest tomorrow, I'm not really good at it. I'm sure there's a lot to learn from someone who studied the art" I reassure the alpha who perks up at my words, though I can't see him.
'Really? Oh that would be great! Namjoon is very calm and gentle, you'd love spending time with him, I just know it!' he chirps and I chuckle, I guess it's a good sign if he's that excited for me to meet his other mates, I just hope that Namjoon isn't being roped into doing something that he doesn't really want to do.
'What? What did she say?' Namjoon asks with badly restrained curiosity, it seems he didn't hear me so Jimin takes great joy in repeating every words I said with pride, and then we both wait for the alpha's response, my heart loud in my ears because I don't know how he would really feel about meeting me so soon.
'She... she wants my help? Okay, oh gosh, I'll ask Taehyung to trim my hair then and- new clothes, I need to buy something cozy to wear, should I go for something casual? I don't want her to be scared of me, I should go with simple right? Do you work today?' the pack alpha blurts out quickly and I find myself pursing my lips in shy amusement, why does he sound so cute?
'Stop walking in circle, hyung, you're going to get dizzy. I'm busy in the morning but I'm free this afternoon, I can go shopping with you, we'll find you something nice, perhaps suited for cuddles?' Jimin comments the end in a croon for my sake and I blush, he's not going to let this go, I know he won't.
'Do you think she would- aish you're giving me hope that I shouldn't have, Jimin-ah, she doesn't know me, she won't accept cuddles so soon. I don't want her to feel forced to do anything with me so I'll go along with her wishes'.
Namjoon sounds truly dejected at the prospect of being refused the cuddles Jimin implied and I already feel my heart clench for him, would he want that? With me? Before he could even see me?
'I'm just saying that there's no danger in asking. Cuddles in a freshly made nest... scented blankets and pillows all around you... doesn't that sound nice? I'm sure she would like that if you offered. Am I wrong, darling?' Jimin sing-songs happily and I cover my face with a hand, why does my skin feel so hot all of a sudden?
To have a pack alpha scent my nest and stay in it with me... there's an appeal that I can't ignore, what would it be like with this Namjoon? Would it feel as safe as it sounds?
"That... does sound nice" I murmur bashfully and Jimin squeals excitedly before repeating my words aloud, which has my face combust and unbeknownst to me, Namjoon's too.
'S-she would? I need extra soft clothes then. And extra soft blankets. Oh today's going to be a busy day. Taehyung!'.
Feet go running off until they fade and I grab my plushie to hug, my heart is beating so fast from both excitement and nerves, I'm really going right into it huh? First today with two new alphas, then tomorrow with another new one. That will then leave me with... Taehyung.
What happens once I've met them all? Do I get to spend time with the seven of them at the same time? What will it be like? Can I handle it? It sounds like a lot, maybe we should stick with smaller groups for now, just until I get more comfortable with everyone.
'Ah, he's adorable, you should've seen the smile on his face darling, you have made a man incredibly happy this morning' Jimin muses and I smile shyly, it did seem like it.
'Now, for your own clothing situation, tell me what you've tried on, let's see what we can get you to wear for today'.
"Breathe, little omega, it's going to be fine" Yoongi chuckles as he drives me to destination, the sound of my beating heart all that we can hear in his fast vehicle, we're getting there too fast!
"I'm trying" I mumble quietly with a nervous sigh, it's my heart that doesn't want to listen, it's making me all fidgety on my seat, the thought of meeting a new alpha this morning making me not quite scared, it's just... out of my comfort zone.
Jimin did end up guiding me well on the phone earlier so what I'm currently wearing is helping in at least making me a minimum confident about my appearance, but it doesn't change the fact that this morning will be about makeup, with Jin's goal being to make me learn to love the art again.
Will I be able to do this? Can I look at myself in the mirror with someone standing next to me?
That's the part that worries me the most. Will I make it through the day intact or will I have a meltdown once more?
Anything but that, please, I've had enough for a few months.
We soon make it to the building that looks majestic and stylish, something fitting for its name, and when Yoongi parks in the parking lot facing the door, I anxiously twist my fingers at the sight of the inside light turned on but with the open sign turned off, a paper on the door explaining that today is a special day and that the owner must close despite being present in the shop.
"Do you want me to come with you?" Yoongi offers when he sees me sucking in my bottom lip, heart almost about to give up on me with how quickly it's exhausting itself going off like this.
"Uh... n-no, I... I need to be brave, I can't always have one of you easing me into new things, I won't be able to do it on my own anymore if it happens too often" I utter with what I want as a self-assured voice, even if my face shows an entirely other speech.
A hand patting my head gently and I turn my gaze to see him smiling at me with creased eyes, lavender green tea soft to the nose, soothing.
It's his mate we're talking about, someone he trusts and loves, it's obvious that this means a lot to him and it only serves to deepen my need to make this work, I need to do good today.
"He'll make sure you feel comfortable throughout the whole day so don't worry. Jin has been looking forward to this all night, it's a wonder that he even managed to get some sleep because he was already running all over the place when I woke up this morning and I set my alarm earlier than usual".
I manage a small smile at the thought of the alpha already keeping himself busy in the early morning while the others all groggily walk around him to get a cup of coffee. I guess I wasn't the only one being nervous then.
I turn my attention back to the shop to encourage myself only to startle when I find a face peeking at us from the glassy door, and lips stretch into a delighted smile when our eyes meet, the handsome face enough to get my face red and burning in an instant, heart on a shy tantrum.
"Right... I'll get going then. Thank you for taking of your time for me, Yoongi, I appreciate it. I could've taken the bus" I tell him sincerely but he shakes his head at my words as I undo my seatbelt.
"It was nothing, sweets, seeing you this morning is giving me all the energy I need to face the mess at the company, I wasn't going to pass up the chance to spend some time with you today".
My lips purse bashfully at his words and he smiles warmly before waving me off, the sight of his impatient mate at the door causing his lips to stretch wider. "Now off you go, before Jin comes get you himself".
I quickly step out of the car at the harmless warning and once the door closed behind me, I wave him goodbye before heading towards the building with trembling legs, I must look ridiculous right now, it's all over if I trip on my feet, I will never recover from such a humiliation.
The tall and incredibly handsome alpha inside excitedly bounces on his feet as I approach before opening the door wide to invite me in and immediately do I get swarmed with the smell of vanilla mochi.
It's like those cartoons in which you get to see a fresh breeze spin around the characters when a particular scent makes their senses tingle, it's a powdery rice flour dusted on the outside and the subtly sweet and fragrant smell of the mochi itself and its filling that wraps around me in a tender embrace, it makes my nerves melt away like they never existed to begin with until only budding flowers that attract fluttering butterflies remain behind.
Who knew that an alpha could have such a soft scent? It makes me want to breathe more of it, just to bask in that gentle glow that emanates from the man in front of me, unaware that he too breathes me in with a deep inhale, my vanilla whipped cream acting like a fluffy cloud that cradles his heart in its sweetness.
"Y/N, hello sweet pup, come in, I've been waiting for you" he muses with his gentle voice to break the silence first, a hand possessively reaching out to guide me inside when I'm near enough, and his touch over the small of my back only vivifies the act of his calming scent as I find myself melting into his side as the door closes behind us.
He notices, obviously, and the marveled glance he shoots Yoongi before the latter leaves has an endeared chuckle filling the rumbling vehicle, he can see that we'll be just fine on our own.
"How do you like your newly furnished home, Y/N? Did you sleep well last night?" the alpha asks with a pleasant joyfulness to his voice while I take in the shop that would have made my past self gasp dreamily, the sight of all the makeup and skin care products around me, the well-thought layout of it all and the lovely decoration enough to light up something within me.
"Y-yes, it's... perfect. Everything is perfect, Jin, thank you" I muse shyly under his gaze and he hums in contentment, his arm always resting without weight over my back to keep me close, he already feels the itch of longing for a hug, how much he would love to just... squeeze me within his hold right now.
There is not a single doubt in his mind that I am indeed a future new mate to their pack and he knows with his soul - he needs to make me theirs.
"That is good to hear. Jimin and Yoongi were very happy to see your home now filled with only good things, they said it made their heart purr with pride and Jungkook chimed in saying that your taste is very similar to Namjoon's, that sure made our pack alpha preen like a peacock" he says with a grin at the memory and I can't fight the blush that covers my cheeks, is that true?
"It honestly felt a little weird to walk out of my bedroom this morning. Everything looks different now, I look around me and I love what I see and a part of my brain can't stop whispering that I don't deserve all these gifts, that I have nothing to give back of a similar value. It's a bittersweet feeling" I mumble softly, and Jin slows down until he comes to a full stop, after which he turns on his heels to face me with a soft exhale.
"You do not have to give back anything, Y/N, and you deserve everything you were given. I'm sure they told you that already, but alpha wolves are naturally more sensitive to omegas, and when they're mates, or in our case, a second chance mate? That feeling doubles if it doesn't triple" he begins, one of his hands gentle as he pushes the few strands of hair out of my face with a smile while my heart thumps loudly against my ribcage.
"I hope you can remember that our behaviour towards you is not pity, though it might be perceived that way sometimes. Your appearance in our life may have been a surprise but we're all very sincere in our wish to accept you amongst us, which is why you have found yourself receiving so many gifts in a few days' time, and why you'll be receiving more in the near future. It's just our way to show you the care and attention that you deserve".
I nibble on the inside of my bottom lip before nodding my head slowly, I figured he would have the same mindset as Jimin, Yoongi and Jungkook but it's comforting to be able to hear it from him too, it doesn't seem like they're forcing themselves to do things they don't want to.
"Yeah, that's what I've been told so far by the others but... you really don't have to go so far in gifting me things all the time, I already got plenty enough, I don't need more" I attempt with hopeful eyes set on the alpha, I really could do with an ally in that matter.
Or that is the story of how that hope got crushed instantly when his loud laughter echoes in the room, the sound bouncing off against every furnished walls enough to make me pout as I look away from him.
So he's just like Yoongi then... great.
"Oh baby, oh that was funny, excuse me for laughing but you're adorable. How could we ever resist gifting you things if that is going to be your reaction every single time? I do believe you were warned yesterday that you would not leave this place empty-handed either, did you forget?" he muses with a grin on his plump lips, eyes shining with amusement when I blush in embarrassment.
"... I didn't forget" I grumble under my breath, foot kicking empty air at my explicit defeat, they could at least give me a chance to hope, but here they go laughing whenever I mention the subject.
He hums with a bright tone before gently but firmly resuming his pulling me over to an area where I can see beautiful vanities, and it doesn't miss my attention that one of them is currently holding an elegant looking gift bag.
"Don't worry about this for now, sweet pup, that one is for you to open when you're back home tonight" Jin says sweetly when he follows my gaze before turning one of the chairs to have me sit down, and unlike what I expected, he doesn't turn me so I face the mirror once I am comfortably seated.
"Now, you'll stay here like the pretty girl that you are while I go around getting things that will suit your lovely outfit, alright? We'll be doing your makeup look together this morning" he chirps sweetly before leaving my side with a happy jump to his step while I gulp in nerves, his compliment easily clashing with the knowledge that we'll be working on my face as part of the date.
Together? How is that even going to work?
I observe as he flits around his shop with knowledgeable eyes, a few things picked up here and there in their unused state, sealed products that he's going to have to open just for me, is that really necessary?
My only comfort in all of this is that he doesn't grab too much, which is almost surprising considering that he himself has a makeup look that must have required more than one eye palette to create, though it's nothing too intense, it's just obvious that he must be very skilled to have achieved that effortless glow.
"Here, that should be perfect for today. We're not going to go with anything too heavy, you have a pretty skin texture and I want to keep it as it is, we're only going to give it some help with a serum and some very soft under eye tint to ease down the dark circles. As for the makeup look itself, you will be guiding me, sweet pup, I'll be doing what you want me to do".
My eyes widen and I gape at him as he comes settle everything on the vanity behind me, he's not serious, is he?
"Jin- you can come up with things much more beautiful than I could, I think it would be better if you do the look yourself" I counter weakly but he tuts with a hand on his hip like I've just spoken nonsense.
"I did say that it would be done together. The only other alternative to this would be that you do the whole makeup look by yourself while I observe on the side, would you prefer that? I thought I'd go easy on you this morning considering that you've had to deal with a lot already, but maybe you do want more-" I stop him from saying more with a sharp shake of the head and a pounding heart.
"I won't be able to focus if you watch what I'm doing, Jin, let's just go with your initial idea" I softly comply with an awkward smile, and everything is going just as he had planned, there really is no going against their plans once they come up with a decision.
Jin hums like a victor at my approval and wordlessly proceeds with unsealing the few products he brought over, a soft melody on his lips as he then walks to some shelves to grab brushes and other things he's going to need, like a headband to keep the hair out of my face as well as other hair accessories.
For now, I should focus on being thankful that he's not forcing me to do my own makeup like I thought he would, it really could've been worse when I think about it. I just don't know what I want to see on myself so it's making me nervous.
But his decision does make me wonder if it was based on what he heard from the others when they got back home yesterday. I have no doubt that they've been sharing all that they've learned about me between themselves, which I can't blame them for, they do need all the knowledge they can get with me.
When Jin is ready to get started, a song I recognize softly sang with his smooth voice, he focuses on prepping my face and hair for the reason of my presence here, the first step being one I hadn't seen coming, which is a whole face massage as he cleans my skin properly before using the few products he spoke about and maybe some more, I lose track of everything as he works his magic on me.
And not only is his touch comforting all by itself, but with my back to the mirror to keep me from seeing myself when I manage to open my eyes, nothing to make me feel self-conscious if not for the kind alpha himself, I am ashamed to say that I almost zone out to the point of falling asleep one too many times.
"Does it feel nice, sweet pup? Your face muscles were all tensed earlier but now they're soft like silk" his pleasant voice wakes me up instantly and I lift my heavy lids to stare at the beautiful man currently smiling down at me as he removes the headband to instead hold the hair back loosely with a large clip.
Why are they all so damn pretty? Who gave them the right to look this good all the time? It's not fair. Why was I given such a pack as second chance mates? Why me of all wolves?
"Are you sure you slept enough, baby? What is that pout for?" he chuckles when I don't reply immediately, and I sigh deeply, unable to muster the energy to use my voice when he continues caressing my face so softly, eyes fluttering shut as I remain unaware of if there is even any product under his fingertips anymore.
"Hmm, you pretty, sleepy pup. Just close your eyes and rest while you can, okay? I'll take care of everything. We can always do my first idea another time, we have the whole future in front of us after all, there is no hurry" he muses with so much gentleness in his voice that I can only melt under his touch, the whole future whispering like a echo in my mind, over and over again.
I barely notice anything as he begins dusting some eye shadow on my lids, every touch to my skin soft like fairy fingers, as if he doesn't want to wake me up for as long as possible even though he knows that I'm not asleep, it feels nice.
The only reaction he does eventually get from me is a soft giggle when he physically holds my chin to make me smack my lips together after he applies some lip tint, and when the hair clip releases my hair so it surrounds my face, Jin feels like he is staring at an angel, his pretty little masterpiece.
If he hears anything that sounds the slightest bit like an insult today, he will cut tongues, he will make human stew and wolf porridge, there will be no avoiding his wrath.
The alpha doesn't need to spend more time with me to know that he will be unable to handle seeing my heart get physically crushed by mean words when I'm already so sensitive and vulnerable, the fear he saw in my eyes earlier at the mention of doing my makeup myself still bright in his mind.
He wanted to see for himself just how deeply rooted my trauma is after hearing what the others had to say about me, and as he expected, from my avoiding eyes to the fake smile that had covered my face in an attempt to hide the ugly truth, he knows that the pack will have to be careful when it comes to anything that has to do with the image I have of myself.
So if he can help, in any way, to make me feel better about myself, he will consider his role a success. He could see himself going through such a routine every morning, my sleepy self just... leaning on him as he prepares me for the day.
He wishes such a future will make its way to him one day.
With a hand to my cheek to slowly get me back into an awake state, he watches with a soft heart as my eyes flutter open in all of their splendor, the makeup done only accentuating my natural beauty, he really did a good job.
"I'm done, baby. You can look at yourself in the mirror if you want, I'll go and wash the brushes in that room over there so take your time, it'll take me a few minutes" his sweet voice whispers when sure that he has my attention, and with that said, he walks away to what looks like a little office.
It takes me a moment to really grow aware of my body in its entirety after having been victim of Jin's magical power, legs stretching through a sleepy soreness before I dare stand from the chair, feet slightly unsteady before I get a grip of how to function again.
I can still feel the caress of his warm hand on my skin and... it's like my heart needs more, the memory played on repeat to avoid forgetting, anything to avoid forgetting, which I know to be my wolf's doing, there's no fighting against this strengthening bond anymore.
And so, I steady my heart with a strong puff of air before turning around to face the mirror that reveals a Y/N that I hadn't seen in a long time.
This is... the Y/N that used to enjoy life, way before I met my ex.
I step closer to the vanity to see more of my face, the sight of my hair falling over my cheeks not bothering me as much as it usually does when I get to see how it complements what he did, it's almost as if the alpha used a picture of my past self to inspire himself and it makes the light within my heart flicker with stronger pulses.
Was it always so easy to get back some of who I used to be?
I instinctively step back when I hear him walk out of the smaller room, but even when I take a look at him, it's to see the man keeping himself busy with some insignificant tasks that can surely wait, isn't he curious to know what I think of his work?
Feeling my confused gaze on him, Jin smiles and finally walks over until he stands before me, satisfaction in his orbs when he sees a glint of joy in my own. "So? Did I do good? Can I keep my job or should I change to something less complicated?".
My eyes widen at his teasing question and I quickly shake my head with a light natural blush covering my cheeks. "Y-you don't have to change your job, it would be such a shame to lose your talent. I... I love what you did, Jin, truly. Thank you".
He must not hug. He must not hug. He must not hug-
That's what he repeats to himself, but one look at my sweet round face as I stare up at him through my lashes and argh! Screw this!
"I'm sorry sweet pup, but I really cannot resist the urge anymore" is my only warning before he suddenly pulls me into his chest, arms holding on tightly around my shoulders with a groan/sigh that makes me blink in shock before I huff, the gentleness behind his despair causing my tension to melt with every thumps of his heart against my ear as his scent thickens in the air around me, light and joyful tones of mochis that make me smile softly.
Hugs given by alphas... they feel wonderful. It's not them forcefully taking of my energy to refill their needy tank, it's them giving a dose of affection to refill my own, the complete opposite of what it was like with my ex-mate.
Instead of making me feel uncomfortable, my mental stability threatened by selfish intentions that I could never refuse, these alphas and their hugs make me feel better, cared for, protected.
It's like a pat on the back to praise me for going through something hard, but a hundred times better.
"I wish it could've been you right from the start, all those years ago" I mumble softly as I slowly respond to the hug by wrapping my arms loosely around his hips, and Jin's heart falls in his chest before he squeezes me tighter.
"The Moon Goddess always does things that make us question her decisions. I too wish that she would've sent you to us sooner if things were going to end this way anyway, but that's not what happened, sweet pup. We can only be grateful for what good she gives us when she deems us worthy" he answers in a murmur, after which he presses a kiss to the top of my head, an act that makes me melt deeper into his warmth.
If Namjoon is half as good at cuddles as Jin and Jimin are, I'll never be able to bring an end to the planned nesting session that should take place tomorrow. The more they give me and the more I want, as greedy as that sounds.
"Now, how about you and I get out of here so we can meet up with Hoseok? He too was very impatient about meeting you, he's waiting for us at a place that I think you will love very much".
I lift my head up to glance at him sheepishly, I almost forgot about the other alpha with all that happened. "Where would that be?".
He smiles with a rumbling in his chest, his mischievous gaze on my face before his lips part in amusement.
"It's a surprise, sweet pup".
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