I know it's yet another story that wasn't really planned but I go where inspiration takes me and when it hits as hard as this one did, resisting the urge is painful :') Please forgive me!
"One serving of tteokbokki and a fishcake please".
I look around me after giving my order and glance at all the people going from one food truck to the other, the food festival currently going on a fun time for everyone, even for me, it's an opportunity to be filled with positive energy and laughter while eating delicious food.
The breeze is great when standing in the shade, which is why they set up umbrellas on top of the tables today, the sun is really strong but the temperature is enjoyable, it's great when we get to find a good middle space.
It's too bad that I will have to walk in the burning sun rays instead of staying here.
I keep smiling at the people walking by and they smile back, it makes me feel happy even though I'm exhausted from my day, but then my smile falls at something I see. Did I say filled with positive energy?
I take that back, it's filled with laughter for sure but I guess there will always be negativity following the good, I think to myself when I meet eyes with a couple of girl friends who snicker while looking me up and down, whether it's my current outfit or my physique left to find out, maybe it's both, who knows.
Oh well, this festival and its people are not perfect but I won't let that deter my good mood, I'm here to get some tasty food to eat while walking back home and that's exactly what I'll do!
"Here you go, one serving of tteokbokki and one fishcake" the cook in the food truck I chose calls out to me and I thank him with a delighted smile as I grab the two recyclable plates after paying him, it smells so good!
Hopefully it tastes just as good because my cleaning job took a lot out of me today and I'm really hungry since I skipped lunch, I hate going to the company's cafeteria so I'm glad this food festival was nearby when I needed it the most, home is a good hour away on foot after all.
With a happy pep to my step, I get away to give place to the people behind me and decide to walk over the green lawn to get some distance from the crowd because while the surrounding food smells good, it becomes a lot to endure for my nose after a while when the other scents merge together.
I guess I should be thankful that my sense of smell dimmed after the divorce, although sometimes it really does feel like an obstacle when I can't smell the lighter scents, I miss being able to scent the random flowers I find when I walk around, I used to love doing that.
Moving out and away from my ex mate was both extremely difficult and the easiest choice I've ever made. Breaking the mate bond was harsh on my body, especially on my wolf, but my huge depression that I hadn't known how to cure for a whole year disappeared as soon as I'd grabbed my luggage and walked out the door and that revealed a lot all by itself.
A good thing for a bad thing, such is life they say, I've grown used to it and it's not such a drastic loss anyway, it's just the weak smells that go right over my head.
The poison that he would feed my mind every single day on top of all the times he'd touch me in intimate places even when I would ask him not to was a lot worse than what I now have to live with.
I lost count of how many times I tried to explain to him that it felt like I was being violated every time he'd grope me only to have him retort that with his work, he didn't have any space left to remember those kind of things, but he would try to be careful, he would try, and then he'd do it again fifteen minutes later.
I say good riddance! He never respected me and it's his loss! I'm doing much better all by myself anyway, I don't need anyone in my life.
Romance is simply not for me, I learned that the hard way and I don't think I'll ever meet someone good for me so I might as well not search. I don't want to go through that a second time.
I push on the button once at the street light to wait for the pedestrian signal and take a bite of the tteokbokki, the taste that spread on my tongue enough to make me moan with delight, now that's some good shit.
But then my thoughts continue to what I was thinking about and I sigh when I remember the day when I told him that it was over between us, food now rolling in my mouth before I force myself to swallow it down.
Has it already been two years? I still remember that day so vividly, the tears he'd showed me, the long letter he'd wrote me stating how wonderful he suddenly found me, how much he loved and cared about me, that he couldn't live his life without me, I can only laugh at how ridiculous it all was.
It's a mix of laughter and annoyance, because even until the end, he couldn't take me seriously.
He made me give him a second chance after all his pleading, I thought that maybe he'd understood how serious I was, that he would change, yet in less than an hour after he agreed to do everything necessary so that we could work again, when he got back into his comfort zone because he thought he had won, that I would stay, he ruined it all.
He not only ruined what we had, no matter how bad it was, but he ruined what was once an intact ability to trust. He destroyed something that I so desperately need, because now when someone tells me something, I always doubt what is said.
It can't be real, they're lying to me, they're trying to make fun of me, they're going to use me before dropping me in the trash at the end of the day, they're going to make a fool out of me, they said that only for the sake of their appearance, they don't care.
That's what he did to me and I hate that this is what I've become, but my defense mechanisms won't stop now, they're always active, always on the lookout. Don't let them hurt you, you suffered enough, that's what they put in my mind.
I sincerely feel bad for whoever his next prey will be. It's crazy how people end up cooing at abandoned mates like they're poor little puppies, he'll surely come up with a disastrous story that includes me being the worst mate possible because obviously, he never did anything bad, oh no, he was such a good mate, such a good husband.
Oh well, as long as he stays out of my life, he can say whatever the hell he wants, I've done enough trying for his sake, I've done enough crying and I've blamed myself enough times for things that he did to me thinking it was my fault.
Aargh! Why am I even thinking about him when I'm supposed to be having a good time eating?! Shoo, leave my mind alone you stupid beta! It's been two years, damn it!
I make my way across the busy street when the little green guy light turns on and once standing on the sidewalk that will lead me home for a good part of the walk, I take another needed bite of the tteokbokki, then one of the fishcake in an attempt to divert my own attention to something that I adore - these two foods.
There's no way out of it, they're both my comfort food, there's nothing else quite like it and I don't care what people say, they were created specifically for me.
And so I bring another bite to my lips, eyes shutting in delight when my mood finally rises again, which is a wrong move because all of a sudden, a villainous rock decides to roll underneath my foot just as I step on it.
There's no warning, no pity, not a care in the world that I'm holding food, it's all pure hate.
I fall forward with a yelp and my hands throw what I was holding in the air as I fail to stop myself from toppling down on the cement, palms meeting the harsh ground with a wince as I hear the plates meet their sad fate a few feet in front of me, no more hope to be had when I realize that my hard-worked meal is now good for trash when I find it spread all over the rocky part of the sidewalk.
The air around me stills for an eerie moment before I feel the incoming surge of tears traveling all the way up to drown my eyes' waterline, a mix of pain and pure devastation merging to make my soul into a very unstable landmine as I remain exactly where I am on the burning ground, my eyes on the food that was supposed to cheer me up today.
Don't cry, don't cry, don't you dare cry Y/N, it's just food, think about what people would say if they saw you like this, don't make a fool out of yourself, just get up, clean this up and walk away.
I know that, I know that I shouldn't make such a big deal out of this but damn it... I had been looking forward to this moment for days now, it was supposed to be to cheer me up for going through yet another long week but what's this?
Is this how I end the week? Thoughts of my asshole of an ex filling my mind while the love of my life rests in the trash?
I barely notice the sound of a door that closes before feet hurry over to where I am until a body crouches besides me and when I look up in a daze, it's game over, the tears take that opportunity to flow down my cheeks as I stare at this incredibly handsome man who gazes at me the way you stare at a wounded baby pup.
"Oh darling, that was a bad fall, wasn't it? Are you hurt anywhere? Your hands... you fell on them, do you want me to have a look?".
He has a really smooth and gentle voice that I could listen to for hours without pause, I let out a teary hiccup with a nod of the head at his question and he helps me sit up properly before taking my hands softly in his own to have a look at my palms, something I'm thankful for because I cannot handle the sight of my own blood and passing out on the street would not be good.
I stare at his face to try and notice a grimace or anything of the kind - is it bad? Are they bleeding? - while I inhale his musky scent, he must be an alpha and while I usually don't really like perfumes, his current one fits really well with his scent, it helps me calm down.
Cedarwood with a layer of roses over it, it's very soothing and I would lean right into his touch if my mind wasn't screaming at me that he would be disgusted if I were to do that, especially since we're strangers.
If even my ex husband hated when I would scent him while we were married, I must not smell very good.
Maybe there's something wrong with my vanilla whipped cream? It doesn't sound like it smells bad, I don't think it smells bad but maybe it does... I shake my head and try to keep my scent from souring at the thought just as the man hums.
"Your skin is a little red but it didn't break so you're not bleeding, thank goodness. Does it hurt? Are you in pain anywhere else?".
I stubbornly shake my head again, it's nothing I can't handle, my empty stomach has it worse at the moment but that he doesn't need to know, he nods in relief before pulling himself up, and me by the same occasion.
His hands are steady as they start pulling on my arms to get me from sitting on my butt to standing on my feet but there's a moment of panic that flashes through my eyes at realizing that I'm letting someone try to get my weight up from the ground, I quickly release my arms from his hold to stand by myself, what was I thinking?
His scent sharpens in dislike at my reaction and I tense up, eyes avoiding him to instead make the few steps to my wasted food to pick it up, it wouldn't do to leave this on the ground when the neighborhood is trying to keep the streets clean, the residents would hunt me down if they found out the mess was mine.
"I should be fine, I just wasn't looking where I was walking and I tripped" I explain in a murmur before adding "but thanks for stopping by to make sure I'm fine, I appreciate it".
"I wasn't going to let such a pretty girl all by herself after falling down that way, are you sure you're alright? I can take you to a clinic if you're hurt anywhere and get you some healing cream, are your knees fine?" he continues with his questions and a voice at the back of my mind whispers "Liar" in my ears over and over again as I shake my head.
Liar, liar, he's lying, me, pretty? He's a liar, no one has ever called me that before, what does he want from me?
"No, I'm fine, thank you" I mumble before gathering everything in my hands to bring to the nearby trash can, I almost lose my balance when trying to get my second knee off the ground but the man catches me by the arm to help me stand, his grip slightly tighter than earlier to keep me from pulling back.
He only lets go when he has no reason to hold me anymore and I walk to the trash can with red humiliated cheeks to drop everything inside with a pained heart, it's really such a waste and I feel so ashamed that someone else is seeing that from up close.
"You must still be hungry, you couldn't eat a lot, right?".
I sigh and nod my head slowly before turning my gaze back to him, and this time I take a moment to take in his attire.
He's wearing a fancy grey suit, his hair slicked back to reveal a gorgeous forehead, the blond strands going to the perfection with his skin tone and what's that behind him- holy shit, that's an expensive car, he's loaded, isn't he? Why the heck is he talking to someone like me?
My hair is tied in a high ponytail to keep it out of my face and I'm still wearing my cleaning uniform because I found my outfit from this morning in a bin of dirty water, I couldn't possibly wear it all the way back home, we must look weird from an outside perspective.
He follows my gaze and looks behind him to see the center of my attention, a grin spreading on his lips as some sort of idea seems to go through his mind. "Want to go for a ride? We could go get you some food to replace what you dropped. It looked tasty, I could do with some myself, I'm pretty hungry right now" he offers with bright eyes and I narrow my eyebrows, taken aback.
Why? is what I want to ask him, because why is he offering that to me?
No, dealing with someone like him is going to end up being trouble and I don't want trouble, things are going well so far and I'd rather have it remain like that.
"Very nice of you to offer, but I'm going to have to decline. I think I'll just go home and eat something from the fridge, there's bound to be something eatable in there" I answer simply before turning my back to him to step away because the fastest I'm gone, the better but he follows behind me in a trot until he's walking besides me.
"What do you have in your fridge?" he asks innocently and I purse my lips while looking up at the empty blue sky to think about it, what do I have in my fridge?
"Bread? I think I have a tomato left too... I could make a bland tomato sandwich" I let out, I sigh because I do believe that's my only option, it's not close enough to the comfort food that I needed, this sucks.
"So you're refusing good outside food for this boring sandwich?".
A nod of the head. "I am indeed refusing for a boring sandwich".
"It's not because you don't know me and you feel like I'm up to no good?".
"Oh it's definitely because- I mean no, no, I'm just tired" I stop myself just in time, an awkward laugh leaving me as I try to think of a way to get him to let me go, why is he still following me?
I look behind us to see that his car is still there, getting smaller as we walk, seriously, why is he still following me?
The stranger chuckles, he doesn't look mad even though he clearly saw through my clumsy attempt at hiding my mistake, his scent is light and rich. "I don't blame you, it's safer to be wary, I would probably be wary too if someone like me came to talk to me out of nowhere".
I shrug. "It wasn't really out of nowhere, you came to help me because I fell, it's just that now you don't seem to know how or when to part ways. I promise you I'm fine if that's what's keeping you here".
He chuckles softly. "In normal circumstances I would, but I can't stop feeling bad about that lunch you couldn't get, it's going to keep me from sleeping tonight if I don't get you another one".
I stop walking and turn to face him with a hand to my hip, he looks down at me with a tilt of the head, why would it even bother him to the point that he can't sleep? Is he going to follow me until we reach my home?
What about his car then? It could get towed if it stays there and what then? I get that he can always call a taxi or something but it's hot outside, the sun hits hard if you're not careful and there's nowhere to find shade around here.
"What's your name?" I ask him instead of commenting on what he said and he perks up, eyes glinting before he's answering with his warm voice.
"Park Jimin, at your service, milady" he muses with a light bow and I can't resist the huffed laugh that leaves me, I try to pretend like it didn't happen but he looks as if he just won an award, goodness, I don't know how to act with him, he's not taking any hints, or is it that he doesn't care?
"Aren't you going to tell me your name too, beautiful?" he teases with a suave tilt to his brow, it changes his whole vibe and I look down to avoid a blush that would humiliate me more than anything else, I feel ashamed enough as it is about wanting to believe his compliments, that he truly means them.
I don't need this, he's surely just playing with me so he can laugh later and then I'm going to spend the night cringing that I even dared put down my walls, I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me finally give in to him, it's probably all that he wants.
"Seo Y/N, and please stop saying those words so easily, I don't like hearing them" I say before making one step away from him, he doesn't follow this time, confusion clear on his face, his cedarwood burns a little, I have to give it to him, he's good at acting.
"We all know that you don't mean the compliments so stop playing with me, Park Jimin. Go back to your car and leave me alone, please, I don't want to be part of your sick game. Being fat doesn't mean I'm an easy prey".
His scent turns overwhelmingly strong as a growl builds in the back of his throat, it has my breath hitching in my throat. "What? A game? You think I'm playing with you?" he asks with a hint of anger in his voice but I'm already walking away as fast as possible before he can continue.
Isn't he? I don't know what to think of this and it bothers me that I'm even trying, what's the point? We're clearly not from the same world, this is ridiculous.
He should've continued on his way without stopping to help me, that would have saved me all this... this!
It should stop there, but alas no, his footsteps follow after me and I clench my fists as I try to go even faster. Are we filming a comedy show? Is that it? Am I going to make my first appearance on TV?
"Seo Y/N, stop walking for a minute and let me talk" he demands but I shake my head, nu-huh!
"What would it serve? Look at yourself and then look at me! What's there left to say?" I blurt out only to yelp when he growls louder this time, what the fuck is going on!
"I really don't like this nonsense you're currently saying but we can talk about it later, Seo Y/N. Right now I'm more concerned about the blood staining your pants at the knees and we should take care of that now-".
I look down in reflex and indeed, there is blood, oh shit, oh fuck, shit. My heart rises to my throat while my blood rushes out of my face at an alarming speed, I only keep myself from falling another time thanks to the tree nearby before sitting down at its roots as I try to fight the wave of darkness teasing at the edge of my mind.
I should pass out, I know I normally would but the cedarwood that fills my senses once more as Jimin kneels next to me keeps my mind clearer, this is new and greatly welcomed even though I don't dare open my eyes, I hate everything about this day.
I hear him sign before a sound of rustling fills the air and all of a sudden, a light weight gently falls over my legs, I open my eyes to see a grey suit covering from my knees to my thighs, a glance upward revealing Jimin now wearing a white button up shirts that he loosens with one hand while keeping his eyes locked on me with a blank expression.
"Now, darling, you're going to stay here while I go get my car, okay? You will get in the vehicle once I'm back and we'll head to the nearest clinic where you will get your knees taken care of properly, then we'll be getting food before I drive you home, is that clear?".
I can't find it in me to disobey the force he puts in his voice and so, I nod my head sheepishly, except it doesn't seem to please him when he quirks an eyebrow at me.
"What was that? I didn't hear you".
I gulp and clear my throat before trying again.
"That was very clear, alpha... I won't run away".
He hums and ruffles my hair, I bite on my bottom lip at the feeling that warms up my soul, this feels nice.
"Good girl, I promise I'll be fast, alright? Wait for just a little minute" he says in a way that has my heart skipping a beat before standing up to start running back to where his car is, I stare at him with a confused mind, I really don't understand what is going on or why he tries so hard.
And so, even when he goes out of sight, his cedarwood continues to keep me company as it oozes out of the fancy suit and with a dreaded soul, I feel it, the smallest crack appearing on my first wall.
You know the drill~~~ what do you think of this first chapter? I hope you enjoyed it!
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