Chapter 5 Punctuality: An Asset
Chapter 5
Punctuality : An Asset
Are you one of those who is constantly delayed?
You are always late for your meetings even though you have started early...
Even though you try you manage to get late...
You miss starting of every movie because you are late...
Even though you try you still get delayed by 5 minutes only...
You need to continue reading my friend
Punctuality; something that's crucial in both our personal and professional lives:
Bible too says that Whoever is slothful will not roast his game, but the diligent man will get precious wealth.
Punctual people are diligent, they are winners because they won race against the time.
Punctual people are apprehensive and appreciated
Because they are not only committed to time and work but because they respect other people's time a lot.
What is it that turns you down in another person?
For me is waiting. I get really irritated when my accomplices keep me waiting for no reason.
If you want to learn how to win race against time
If you want to learn the art of punctuality
Lets continue reading because Lance Armstrong the famous cyclists book is named and it means a lot in every sport that "Every Second counts"
Imagine the struggle and hardwork Ussain Bolt has put in to break his own record in his short distance racing only in microseconds, but they matter a lot for him
We not only need to learn to be punctual
We need to get addicted to punctuality.
How do we meet our deadlines and always reach our destination on time and make it a habit
Let me quickly walk you through 5vmajor habits that can change your life
1. Planning: the most important and first morning ritual that one should follow after getting up from the bed is plan your day
A to-do list that matches your activity for every hour is the best way to plan.
Nowadays even the colleges have added a work plan in their curriculum and also it is rightfully said "failing to plan is planning to fail"
So my dear friends make sure you have a plan ready for you with detailed timing everyday.
2. Travel time: with increased population and introduction of new means of transportation every day, commuting has become very difficult. Also due to traffic congestion it is difficult to estimate the exact travel time.
Also it is a common excuse that most of the people use is that were delayed due to traffic congestion.
However genuine the excuse is or how much so understanding the person you are with your delay has already sabotaged your reputation.
Also if you are late to a doctor's appointment you have already missed your turn whatever the reason may be.
Hence be generous while estimating the exact travel time.
Although today's generation is blessed with great AI technologies and maps that can guide exact timings but I'd still advice you to take grace or buffer timing incase of unforeseen delays
3. Communicate: To be human is to err" it is a human that makes mistakes.
If you have a well ready to do list, you have taken enough time an buffer time into consideration, yet you think and believe you cannot make it on time, the best thing you can do is to communicate, inform the person waiting that you'l be late, see the magic happen.
My doctor had once graced me with a new next appointment immediately after I informed I'd be late
If keeping others wait is a vice
Informing about the delay is virtue and we can always win hearts with our virtues
4. Make it a habit / addiction: it is not only important to be on time on meetings and appointments, it should be a habit a characteristic of every individual.
For activities that aren't bound with any other individual like going for a walk, gym or simply going for a coffee break, doing it on right time and planning these activities in advance will give you clarity, improve your activity efficiency and punctuality
It is important that we prioritize punctuality in our life
It is important that we follow our self made to do list and work according to time and plan because Punctuality not only refers to respecting others but it also means respecting your own commitments
5. Schedule yourself; for self improvement I am not asking much but take baby steps. Schedule your sleep and wake up time. I am not a school teacher to tell you to sleep at 9 and wake up at a fix time. But I'd request you to selct a time slot just say I have a slot of 10:30 to 11p.m. I make sure that I sleep within the stipulated time so with the waking time.
Take a time slot and wake up within designated time span and see the magic happen
This will not only make you live with discipline but you'll have a calm and stress-free life because you are never stressed and always on time.
A small exercise that you can do if you are always late and all your efforts you put on being on time fail to succeed.
Just before you go to sleep close your eyes and chant 3 times
"Thank you God because I am always at right place and at right time"
Hope my video makes you self reliant and stresfree
If it helped you do mention in the comment box below, I'll be waiting for your comments
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