A couple weeks later...
"Erik, are you almost ready?" Charlotte asked as she knocked on the bedroom door.
"Just about," Erik replied. "Just making sure I haven't forgotten any piece of my costume."
"I can't wait to see it," Charlotte chuckled. "I wish you would have let me see you in it before."
"Where's the fun in that? Surprises are much more entertaining."
"I suppose," Charlotte said with a small shrug.
"Is the Prima Donna almost ready?" Nadir asked as he stepped out of Angelina's room with the baby in his arms.
"I heard that," Erik said from inside.
"Eavesdropping again, are you? I wouldn't advise it. It didn't end well for you when you did it in Persia."
"It did sometimes! I managed to avoid a punishment once thanks to it."
"Yes, and another time, it nearly got you beheaded by the shah."
"That's why I said sometimes," Erik said as he opened the bedroom door, giving his wife a smile. "Now I'm ready."
"Well, if it isn't my Romeo," she grinned. "Look at how adorable Angelina looks in her Dorothy costume."
"I know, she's precious," he said with a laugh as he kissed Angelina's cheek. "Look at your little bow, my angel!"
"Pi-ty!" Angelina grinned, reaching for him.
"Do you like my costume too?" Erik asked as he took her from Nadir. "And doesn't Mama look pretty too?"
"Mama pi-ty," Angelina said softly, wrapping her arms around her father's neck.
"She is. And Grandpa looks...interesting," Erik said, unable to stop his laughter as he took in Nadir's outfit, which resembled one of his own.
"Making you rethink your wardrobe, is it?" Nadir asked with a chuckle.
"When I see it on you, most certainly."
"Yes, well, you certainly look...oh god, please tell me you aren't wearing tights."
"It was the clothing of the time period! I'm not enjoying it, but it makes the costume authentic," Erik said with a sigh.
"Remind me to write down all the ways I'm going to mock you for this later," Nadir laughed.
"Yes, yes, I know you will," Erik mumbled.
"I will definitely be making a sketch of this," Charlotte said with a nod.
Erik groaned as he turned back to her. "No, love, please."
"Well, perhaps you can convince me otherwise," Charlotte chuckled as she kissed his cheek. "Let's go. Gustave is waiting by the door."
"Hang on, do tell me how to convince you, because I refuse to have this put down on paper," he said as he took her hand and walked downstairs with her.
"I think you know how," Charlotte replied simply.
Erik smirked. "That had been my thought, but I wanted to make sure."
"There is a child present," Nadir said with a frown, gesturing to Angelina as he shook his head.
"Sorry, sorry," Erik said with a chuckle. "We'll talk later, love."
"Wonderful," Charlotte replied, grinning as they approached the foyer. "Gustave, you look smashing."
"Thank you," Gustave said with a smile. "You look really pretty as Juliet."
"Thank you," Charlotte replied softly, kissing his cheek. "Let's go. The carriage is waiting."
"Yes, we can't be late. We wouldn't want to miss the party," Erik said as he handed Charlotte her cloak.
"Certainly not," Charlotte smiled, putting her cloak on and waiting for the others before stepping outside. "I can't wait to see Elizabeth. She hasn't seen me since before I stopped wearing a regular corset."
"Well, it will be nice to see her. I haven't seen her in some time," Erik replied.
"Yes, it will be quite nice," Charlotte nodded.
"And I'll get to dance with you, which we haven't done since...my goodness, when was the last time we danced?"
"On our honeymoon, I believe."
"Too long. It has been too long," Erik said with a shake of his head. "Let's get going so we'll have plenty of time to dance, then. Plus, I want to dance with my little angel as well."
"Papa!" Angelina grinned, kissing his cheek.
Erik laughed before he helped Charlotte up into the carriage. "Yes, my darling. Papa and you are going to dance," he replied.
"Dance?" Angelina asked softly as Erik passed her to Charlotte.
Erik nodded. "Yes, we'll dance together. I can twirl you around and we can have lots of fun. Does that sound good?" he asked as he stepped inside
"Dance!" Angelina grinned, clapping her hands.
"Yes, my dear. You can dance with Gustave as well. Maybe Grandpa will dance with you too."
"Yes, I had better get a dance from you, young lady," Nadir chuckled.
Angelina giggled. "Gam-pa dance!" she said with a wide smile.
"It sounds like you'll get your wish," Erik said.
"Good," Nadir smiled. "God, she's so precious."
"She's excited, I think. It certainly seems like it."
"I would say she is," Charlotte chuckled, kissing the top of her daughter's head.
"Gustave, what about you? Are you excited for tonight?" Erik asked.
"Very," the boy grinned. "I want to dance with Mother."
"Well, I want to dance with her too, so I suppose we'll have to share the honor tonight," Erik said.
"I will happily dance with both of you," Charlotte chuckled.
"I am going to have to take the first dance, though. Sorry, Gustave."
"Well, I can guarantee at least one dance with both of you. We'll see how long my back holds out after that," Charlotte nodded. "It's been a bit sore today."
"Of course. If you need to take it easy, then you can certainly do so. I can dance with Angelina," Erik said with a smile.
"I should be fine, but I'm just letting you all know so that you're not worried if I have to sit down," Charlotte shrugged.
"I appreciate that, darling." Erik smiled at his wife before he looked out the window as the carriage approached the Opera Populaire. "It still looks so beautiful all lit up like this. A sight that never gets old," he said
"It really doesn't," Charlotte agreed, kissing his cheek quickly. "Let's go inside."
"Yes, let's," Erik said, stepping out of the carriage after Nadir before helping Charlotte and Gustave out. "Everyone has their masks?"
"Yes, I believe we all do," Charlotte nodded. "Angelina looks like she needs a bit of help with hers, though."
"It seems like it, yes," Erik said with a chuckle as he helped adjust the little fabric mask on his daughter's face. "There you go, my angel."
"Tank you," Angelina smiled.
"You're very welcome." Erik then turned to Charlotte and offered his arm to her. "Shall we?"
"Yes, we shall," Charlotte giggled, lacing her arm through his as they walked up the stairs and through the large front doors.
"Well, this is beautiful, The new managers have done well," Erik said as he looked around the front hall of the Opera House.
"They really have," Charlotte smiled. "Shall we dance?"
"We shall, yes. Just pass Angelina off to her brother and we'll go," Erik replied with a smile.
Charlotte immediately complied before allowing her husband to whisk her off to the dance floor.
"Why don't we dance together more often?" Erik asked as he fell into step with the music, his hand on Charlotte's lower back. "I enjoyed it so much just after we got married."
"I'm not sure, but we should make it a regular thing," Charlotte smiled. "We could dance in your study."
"We could. I could just push my desk chair out of the way and use the record player. It would be perfect."
"Yes, it would," Charlotte grinned, giving him a quick kiss. "Let's do it."
"Alright, then. It's a plan," Erik said with a smile. "It's almost bizarre to be back here and...not in the cellars. It truly is an honor."
"It really is," Charlotte nodded, pulling him closer so that she could rest her head on his shoulder. "I love you so much."
"I love you too, Charlotte," Erik replied, twirling his wife around before he brought her back into his arms. A smile then appeared on his face as he looked over her shoulder and noticed Gustave and Angelina on the dance floor. "Look, the children are dancing."
"Oh my, aren't they cute?" Charlotte said softly. "I bet the third will be just as adorable."
"I'm certain of it. With you as their mother, though, there is no possible way they wouldn't be beautiful."
"Well, it certainly helps that they have you as a father."
Erik shook his head fondly. "Thank you," he whispered, his cheeks flushing a bit at the compliment.
"I can still make you blush," Charlotte said proudly.
"You can, yes. You're pleased about that, I imagine."
"Very," Charlotte grinned, kissing his cheek. "I love you so much."
"Yes, you mentioned that," Erik said with a chuckle as their dance came to an end with the finale of the composition being played. "Thank you for the dance, my love."
"Can I have this next dance?" Charlotte smiled.
Erik grinned. "Of course, Madame," he said, raising her hand to his lips to press a kiss to his knuckle. "You can have as many dances with me as you'd like."
"Then you're going to be here for a very long time," Charlotte chuckled.
"I would love that, but I have a feeling both Nadir and Gustave will interrupt that at some point to dance with you."
"I suppose they will. But we'll make the most of the time we have now."
"Wonderful," Erik replied as he wrapped his arm around Charlotte when he heard the music start up again. "Shall we?"
"We shall," Charlotte nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"I'm glad this is a waltz. That last dance was much faster and left me a little bit winded, I must say," he said with a bit of a chuckle.
"Are you alright?" Charlotte asked softly.
"I'm just fine. I've caught my breath, don't worry," Erik replied. "And you? You are carrying a baby, after all, so I don't want you to dance too much and exhaust yourself."
"I'm perfectly fine, and so is my back at the moment," Charlotte smiled. "I'll tell you if I need to sit."
Erik nodded. "Good," he said as he gave her a kiss. "I just want to make sure both mother and baby are healthy."
"I appreciate that," Charlotte said softly.
Erik smiled and looked up at the room around them again. "All of Paris is here, it seems," he said. "The managers certainly know how to attract a crowd."
"Yes, they certainly do," Charlotte said with a nod. "Ah, I see Papa has found a few unattached mademoiselles."
Erik followed Charlotte's gaze and couldn't help but laugh when he saw Nadir with three women by his side, one on his arm. "Well, well," he said.
"He's such a tease," Charlotte said with a soft laugh.
"You aren't kidding," Erik replied, unable to wipe the smile from his face. "Nadir might not be going home alone tonight."
"Oh, he'd never pursue any of them. He's one of those men who believes that you mate for life. You know that."
"Yes, I do. I can definitely tell that he's still married in his mind, no matter how long it's been since Rookheya passed on."
"He loved her so dearly," Charlotte sighed. "I don't think he could ever look at anyone the same way ever again."
"It is sweet, though. He's a loyal man," Erik said with a nod. "Though I don't think he's ever really gotten over it. I hate that he remains so broken...though I understand his grief."
"I know you do," Charlotte nodded, kissing his cheek.
"But what am I doing making this a sad occasion? We're supposed to be enjoying the evening, not discussing our grief," Erik said with a shake of his head. "Though it seems we talked all the way through the dance."
"That's perfectly alright," Charlotte smiled. "Come on. I see Elizabeth and her husband over there. Let's go say hello."
Erik nodded, taking her hand and letting her lead him over to her friend and her husband. "I guess James stayed home. Gustave would have been pleased to see him," he said.
"Well, lets ask Elizabeth. Perhaps he's just off somewhere," Charlotte shrugged. "Elizabeth, darling, how are you?"
"Just lovely, dear. And yourself?" Elizabeth smiled.
"Positively famished. We'll be doing something about that soon," Charlotte chuckled.
"I don't blame you, I'm quite peckish myself. Erik, how are you?"
"I'm well, thank you," Erik said with a smile. "It's good to see you again."
"Good to see you too. Have you spotted James around? I don't know where he ran off too. I told him Gustave was coming, so we perhaps he's found him. Would you like a drink?" Elizabeth asked, not noticing how fast she was talking.
"Ah, so he is here. I haven't seen him, no, but knowing our sons, they'll find each other," Erik replied. "And I could do for a drink, yes. Charlotte, what about you?"
"A glass of red wine would be lovely," Charlotte nodded.
"I was thinking the same, so I can go get them for us."
"Perfect," Charlotte smiled. "Thank you."
"Oh, before I forget, an old friend of mine is here. You absolutely have to meet her. She came all the way from Coney Island," Elizabeth said with a smile.
Erik raised his brow. "Coney Island?" he asked.
"Yes, indeed. She used to dance here, but then she moved to Coney Island about ten years ago," Elizabeth nodded. "She's right over this way. Follow me."
Erik took Charlotte's hand again and followed Elizabeth, but leaned down to whisper to his wife as they walked: "Have you heard of this friend before?"
"She didn't mention a name, so I don't know. Perhaps I have," Charlotte replied with a shrug.
"I don't think I've met someone from Coney Island back here in France. Though I don't blame people for wanting to leave that place," Erik said softly
"Well, it sounds as though she's only here on holiday. Perhaps she came to visit."
Erik nodded. "I suppose we'll see."
Elizabeth brought them up the staircase, where they met a blonde woman who was short in stature. "Meg, this is my friend I was telling you about."
As the woman turned around, Erik's breath hitched in his throat and he tightened his grip on Charlotte's hand. "Meg Giry," he whispered.
"Hello," the woman smiled, not noticing Erik at first. "It's good to meet you."
"Lovely to meet you as well," Charlotte nodded. "My name is Charlotte and this is my husband Erik."
Erik forced himself to look at her, finally managing to make himself talk. "M-Mademoiselle," he said, giving her a polite nod - the only polite gesture he could manage to give her.
"You look...oh my," Meg said with a frown. "Erik...Destler?"
"Well...I suppose you never thought you'd see me again."
"No. Certainly not," Erik said simply.
"I'm sorry, do you two know each other?" Charlotte asked with a frown.
"We do, yes. We were...coworkers in Coney Island," Erik replied.
"Giry...why does that sound familiar?"
"I was a ballerina at the Opera before I moved to America. My mother was the ballet instructor," Meg explained, her eyes locked on Erik.
"Meg. Meg Giry," Charlotte said softly. "Wait just a moment, you were the person who killed my sister, weren't you?"
Meg stiffened at the comment, looking to Charlotte. "Christine was...your sister?" she whispered.
"Charlotte, what in God's name is going on?" Elizabeth asked, her eyes wide as she listened to the conversation.
"Yes, Christine was my sister, and thanks to you, we never got to meet," Charlotte said, ignoring her friend's question.
"Charlotte," Erik said quietly, giving her hand a squeeze.
"I think you should leave. I think you should leave now and stay bloody far away from France," Charlotte continued, not bothering to acknowledge her husband.
"Madame, please..." Meg pleaded. "It was never my intention to hurt anyone!"
"Do I look like I care?" Charlotte frowned, doing her best to keep her tone calm, although the look in her eyes was anything but. "Leave. Now."
Erik shook his head as he took a step back, pulling Charlotte with him. "We'll go. I'm sorry, Elizabeth," he said to his wife's friend, trying to keep the shaking in his voice to a minimum. "Good evening."
"No, no, you're right. I should leave," Meg nodded, hurrying past.
"Maybe it's just the wine, but I am utterly confused," Elizabeth frowned.
"I'll explain it when you're sober," Charlotte sighed. "Come on, Erik, let's go sit down."
"Yes, darling," Erik said, letting Charlotte pull him over to a nearby table. "Charlotte, just...take a deep breath."
"I'm alright, dear. How are you?" She asked softly, setting a hand on his back as she sat beside him.
"Fine, I...I think."
"Come on. I'm your wife, I can tell when you aren't fine."
"Well then, you seem to know the answer to your question," Erik said, his fingers tapping the top of the table.
Charlotte gently put a hand on top of his. "Do you want to go home?"
"No, that will only ruin the night for the rest of you. I'll be alright, I just need a moment to...clear my head."
"We could go sit in the carriage if you want somewhere quiet."
Erik sighed. "I might take you up on that. We'll see," he said.
"Papa?" They heard Gustave ask as he approached, a frown on his face. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Gustave," Erik said, covering his face with his hand.
"Okay," Gustave shrugged, though he was certain that his father wasn't telling the truth. "Could you hold Angelina? I wanted to dance with Mother."
"Of course." Erik looked up and took Angelina from his son, setting her on his lap. "You two have fun."
"Thank you, my love," Charlotte replied softly. "Come find me if you need me."
"I will. Don't worry about me," Erik said, managing to give her a smile.
"Alright," Charlotte replied as she gave him a quick kiss before going off with Gustave.
Once they were gone, Angelina looked up at her father and gave him a frown. "Papa sad?"
"A little bit, yes," Erik replied, looking at his daughter and managing a smile.
"Why?" Angelina inquired softly.
"Just...memories. I'm remembering something that happened to make me sad."
"Why?" Angelina asked again.
"I saw someone that made me remember," Erik said with a sigh. "Someone I wish I'd never seen."
"We...don't get along. I did things to make her upset, and she did things to make me upset," he explained, trying to simplify an incredibly complex scenario so Angelina could understand at least a little bit.
"I make it better," Angelina said softly, kissing his cheek and looking up at him expectantly.
Erik raised a brow. "I think I need one more kiss."
Angelina complied, kissing his cheek again.
"Hmm. One more?"
Angelina giggle and gave him another kiss on the cheek. "Papa better?"
"Yes, that did the trick. Thank you, darling," Erik said with a smile.
Angelina grinned as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Papa dance?"
"Ah, yes. I did promise you a dance, didn't I?" Erik asked. "Well, I think that can be arranged. Let's go." With that, he got to his feet and walked onto the dance floor next to Charlotte and Gustave, starting to move in time with the music while he held Angelina.
"Hello," Charlotte smiled. "Are you feeling better, darling?"
"I am, yes. Angelina's kisses fix everything," Erik replied.
"That is very true," Charlotte chuckled, smiling down at Gustave. "They're like Gustave's hugs."
"He does give good hugs, yes. My favourite hugs, in fact, though yours and Angelina's are a close second, my love."
"I can understand that," Charlotte smiled, kissing Gustave's forehead. "Have you seen James yet?"
"I saw him a little while ago. We talked for a bit, but his father called him so he couldn't stay," Gustave replied. "He said he'd be back though!"
"Wonderful. Perhaps you two can cause some shenanigans."
Gustave giggled. "A little bit like the Phantom?" he asked with a grin at his father.
"You better not be causing shenanigans like the Phantom," Erik replied with a smirk.
"Well, you are his son," Charlotte said with a wink.
"He may be that, but I was the Phantom. Little practical jokes were my job," Erik said.
"I think we can fix that," Charlotte smirked.
"I don't know what you're thinking, but I don't like it." Erik turned to Gustave with a smile. "Go find James after this dance. Don't get into trouble, please. Managers here have had enough strife in their lives because of an Opera Ghost, and we don't have to continue the saga with these new managers."
"Okay," Gustave smiled. "And we won't, don't worry."
That night...
Erik stepped out of Gustave's room at the same time Charlotte stepped out of the nursery. "Gustave is going to sleep well tonight," he said. "He insisted I read to him, but was asleep by the time I turned the page."
"Angelina's sound asleep too," Charlotte smiled. "I sang to her and she went out like a candle in seconds."
"Which means we get to go to bed, which means I get to change out of these ridiculous tights," Erik said with a chuckle. "I would have changed earlier, but Gustave needed to get to bed."
"Yes, fortunately, I was able to change first," Charlotte giggled softly. "Go change. I'm going to get water, then I'll join you."
Erik nodded. "I have to get rid of these before you try to act on your idea to sketch me."
"It's still burned into my brain," Charlotte chuckled, giving him a quick kiss. "I won't sketch it. Now, go change."
"Good," her husband replied. "I'll meet you in bed."
"Alright." Charlotte went down to the kitchen and got herself a glass of water, but as she was walking back down the hallway to return to her bedroom, she noticed that the lights were still on in Nadir's room. "Papa?" She asked softly, slowly opening the door.
"Charlotte, what are you still doing up?" Nadir asked quickly, setting something down on his bed as he got up to walk to the door.
"I was just going to bed, but I noticed your light was on and I wanted to see if everything was okay," Charlotte replied before giving a little frown. "Have you been crying?"
"No, I'm alright. Just...just tired," Nadir replied with a shake of his head.
"Are you sure?"
Nadir hesitated for a moment, but nodded. "I'm fine," he whispered.
"Papa, tell me what's wrong," Charlotte sighed. "You know you can tell me anything."
Nadir sighed, but stepped away from the door so Charlotte could walk into his room. "I was just going through one of my luggage bags to look for something and I found a picture of...of her," he explained, his voice quiet. "I'm not sure why it hit me so hard tonight, but it did."
"Oh, Papa," Charlotte said softly, embracing him in a tight hug. "Do you want to talk?"
"There's not much to talk about, is there? That won't bring her back," Nadir said as his voice broke at the end of his sentence
"It can still help you," Charlotte sighed, rubbing his back. "It's okay to cry, Papa."
Nadir released a shaky sigh as he finally let his tears fall. "God, it still hurts so much," he whispered.
"I know, Papa, I know," Charlotte said softly. "It's really hard to lose someone you love so much."
"It shouldn't have been her. It should have been me that died. She was too good...she still had too much to give," Nadir croaked.
"Don't say that it should have been you. No one should have died," Charlotte whispered.
"But if someone had to, it should have been me." Nadir shook his head and pulled away from Charlotte's arms, walking back to bed and picking up what he'd set down earlier - a little picture frame. "She deserved much better. My Rookheya," he said softly.
Charlotte moved over and set a hand on his back. "I'm glad it wasn't you."
Nadir looked at her, tears filling his eyes again. "She would have loved you so much," he said softly.
Charlotte gently tugged him down onto the bed before she pulled him into another hug. "I hope so," she said softly.
"She would have. And somehow, she would have found that little bit of good in Erik, like you did. He would have been like a son to her, my goodness." Nadir wrapped his arms tight around Charlotte, leaning his head on her shoulder. "But she can't," he said, a quiet little sob escaping him.
"I know, know. But from what you've told me, I know that she would be so proud of who you've become. You took in two children who desperately needed you, and that would have made her so happy," Charlotte whispered, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Unable to respond through his tears, Nadir simply leaned the side of his head against Charlotte's, trying to keep his sobs quiet and failing miserably.
Charlotte rubbed his back gently as he cried, keeping quiet and simply allowing him to let out his grief on her shoulder.
A few moments later, Nadir pulled away slightly and sniffled, shaking his head. "I'm keeping you awake. I'm sorry," he managed to whisper.
"Shh, it's okay, Papa," Charlotte said softly. "This is what I'm here for."
"You're too good to me, Charlotte," Nadir said, looking up at her and managing to give her a small smile.
"You were always too good to me. It's time that I pay you back," Charlotte chuckled softly, kissing his cheek. "Why don't you have a seat in the bed and I read to you for a bit?"
"You can get to bed if you want. I'll be alright," he replied with a shake of his head.
"I want to be here with you, Papa," Charlotte said softly.
Nadir smiled as he reached up to wipe his cheeks. "You can if you'd like, then."
"Good," Charlotte said with a nodded, removing his hands so that she could dry his cheeks for him. "I love you, Papa."
"I love you too, Charlotte. Thank you."
"You're very welcome, Papa," Charlotte smiled. "Now, what book do you want to read?"
"Up to you," Nadir said, taking a deep breath. "I just need something to put my mind at ease."
"What about Emma by Jane Austen?"
"That sounds perfect. I do feel bad keeping you up, though. You've had a long night and you're expecting a baby. You need your rest."
"It's perfectly alright, Papa. I'm not that tired, anyway," Charlotte shrugged, pulling the book off of his nightstand before she settled into the pillows.
"As long as you're alright. I know I'll have your husband on my back if I keep you up too late."
"It doesn't matter. I'll deal with him," Charlotte chuckled.
Nadir laughed quietly, laying beside his daughter. "I know you will," he said.
Charlotte kissed his cheek gently before opening the book and beginning to read.
Nadir picked the picture frame off the edge of his bed again, taking another look at it before he set it on his bedside table. "Is keeping it...keeping her on my nightstand a good idea?" he asked quietly a moment later, not caring that he was interrupting his daughter in the middle of reading a sentence.
"Of course it is," Charlotte said softly. "I think you should keep her there."
"I think I will," Nadir said with a sigh.
"Only if you wish, Papa. Do whatever will make you the most happy."
"She does make me happy. I only wish it wasn't just a picture beside me."
"I know, Papa," Charlotte said softly, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"You know, sometimes I pretend not to understand Erik's grief. Then I realize we truly are one and the same in certain respects," Nadir admitted, looking down at his lap.
"It must be harder for you than it is for him," Charlotte said softly.
"Sometimes, I think. We both lost a woman we loved, but he got to keep his son with him," Nadir said, biting his lip.
Charlotte wrapped an arm around him. "I know, Papa."
Nadir sighed, but managed to smile at her. "But I did find you."
"I'm glad you did," Charlotte smiled. "I love you, Papa."
"And I love you, my darling," he replied. "I think I'll be alright to just read by myself now. You can get to bed with your husband."
"Are you sure? I don't mind staying here with you."
Nadir nodded. "I know, but I'll be okay. I seemed to have cried away my energy, so I think I'm going to just get some sleep."
"Alright," Charlotte nodded, kissing his forehead. "Goodnight, Papa."
"Goodnight, Charlotte. And thank you for being here," Nadir whispered.
"You're welcome, Papa," his daughter whispered back with a small smile. "Get some rest."
Nadir nodded. "You too, my darling."
"I will." Charlotte sent him another smile and left the room, going immediately to her own.
Erik looked up from his book as Charlotte walked in. "There you are. I thought you went to get a glass of water, not go for a walk," he said with a chuckle.
"I was having a talk with Papa," Charlotte explained, laughing quietly as she stepped over to the bed. "What are you reading?"
"Rereading Pride and Prejudice, believe it or not," Erik replied. "But is Nadir alright? Usually it's him and I having late night chats, not you two."
"He found a picture of Rookheya in one of his suitcases," Charlotte sighed, climbing into bed.
"Ah," Erik said quietly. "He's having a difficult night, is he?"
"Very," Charlotte nodded. "But I calmed him down, don't worry. I'll probably check on him in a few minutes, anyway."
Erik nodded. "Him talking to those young ladies tonight probably didn't help. He feels he betrayed her," he said quietly.
"Very likely, yes," Charlotte sighed. "Poor man. He's been through a lot."
"That he is. Too much for a man as good as him," Erik replied.
"I agree," Charlotte said softly. "I feel bad for him."
"I know, so do I. But he has you. That is a tremendous relief to his broken heart," Erik said with a small smile, looking at Charlotte. "You know that, don't you? If it weren't for you...I hate to think about what might have become of him."
"Well, I'm glad to have helped," Charlotte nodded, giving her husband's cheek a kiss. "We should get some rest."
"We should. You're alright, though? I know that seeing him upset makes you upset as well," Erik said.
"I'm okay," Charlotte replied with a small smile. "Thank you."
"Good." Erik smiled back at her before he set his hand on her stomach. "And our little one?"
"Baby is wonderful," Charlotte grinned. "I can wait until little he or she is with us."
"Neither can I. It will be nice to hold a baby in my arms again," Erik said with a fond smile.
"Wasn't it so magical with Angelina?" Charlotte asked softly, resting her head on his shoulder. "She absolutely loved you."
Erik smiled. "Magical would be the right word, yes," he replied. "Which I think is why I'm so excited to relive the experience."
"I am too," Charlotte nodded, closing her eyes. "How are you? I know that seeing Meg couldn't have been easy."
"I'm alright. It wasn't easy, no. I've never been so...so anxious and angry and afraid at that same time before."
"I could sense that a little. You were holding onto my hand for dear life."
"I'm sorry. I just wasn't quite sure how to react, but you got the anger out for the both of us, honestly."
"It's perfectly alright," Charlotte laughed softly. "And I suppose I did, yes."
"I'm sorry you had to come face to face with her. I'm sure that's not something you wanted to happen," Erik sighed.
"It's quite alright. It's not your fault," Charlotte replied with a shrug. "I'm surprised she would even come back to France on holiday."
"As am I. Though this was her home since she was a child, so there is a sentimental draw of sorts, I suppose."
"Yes, I suppose so," Charlotte nodded. "Well, we've had an eventful day. Let's get some rest."
"Agreed," Erik said with a sigh before he leaned down to give Charlotte a kiss. "Goodnight, my love."
Author's note: Credit to @blackdragonslayer1 for designing and drawing the masks at the beginning of the chapter!
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