8|Those Dammed Danishes|
The next day rolled around, Tweek was up before his alarm went off. He had finished the basket of cupcakes before he went to bed. He couldn't stop thinking about who gave him the cupcakes and the little love letter.
Half of his mind was convinced that Craig gave him the basket, but what threw the other half of his brain off was the handwriting on the love letter. It looked nothing like Craig's handwriting.
Tweek couldn't help but re-read the love letter over and over. It never failed to make Tweek blush or smile.
"You're such a sweetie. So I made some sweets for my sweetie. Enjoy♡"
"I really want to know who wrote this." He sighed to himself as he set the piece of paper down on the nightstand next to his bed.
He really hoped it was Craig that gave him the cupcake and letter.
Tweek got up and decided to get ready. He got some clean clothes and walked out to grab a towel and washcloth from the hallway closet.
He entered the bathroom and turned on the faucet. Warm water poured from the faucet. Tweek got himself ready for a shower.
Tweek entered the shower and let the warm water soak his hair and body. He stood there for a few minutes, thinking about the competition and what kind of sweets they'll have to make. He quickly washed himself and turned the shower off.
He dried off and put his clothes for the day on. Nothing too special but not too boring. He wore blue skinny jeans with a cream colored t- shirt. With wide red words, the shirt read "HONEY"
To finish off his outfit, He put a peach hair clip in his messy hair.
It was strange. No matter what he did with his hair, it would not stay down. It always had to go off in all sorts of directions. He didn't mind. His hair was made him himself.
Though, He hated when he had to brush his unkempt hair. The brush or comb would always get stuck.
Tweek finished up in the bathroom and carried his dirty clothes to the laundry room.
Once that was all taken care of, he went into the kitchen to make some breakfast. What was he in the mood for?
Cereal? No.
Oatmeal? No.
Tweek thought about it. Toast did sound pretty good. But something was missing. Like a spread. Butter? No. But a jam or marmalade.
Marmalade! That's what it was! But what kind? There's so many kinds Tweek liked. Orange being one of his favorites. Tweek wanted his favorite.
The exact flavor came to mind. It was sweet, juicy, soft, andluscious. He went through the cupboards and fridge, gathering the ingredients to make the marmalade.
Sugar, lemon juice, but most importantly;
Tweek smiled to himself as he began cleaning the peaches and removing the pips. Once that was done, he began dicing the peaches into bite- sized pieces.
Tweek picked up a small piece of peach and stuck it into his mouth. The taste of sweet fruit was like heaven. He loved it.
soon enough, Tweek had the sweet marmalade done. He had bread in the toaster. Now, he was getting a plate and butter knife.
Tweek smiled when he heard the toast pop up from the heated slots of the toaster. He retrieved his toast and slapped it down on the plate. Now was the fun part. He dug his butter knife into the bowl of marmalade, scooping out the sweet jelly. He covered the toast in a thin layer of marmalade.
Now was the taste.
Tweek brought the toast up to his mouth, biting down. His eyes lit up like lights. He loved it! He enjoyed pretty much anything with peaches involved.
Sure, chocolate was good, but his absolute favorite was peach flavored foods.
Once Tweek finished his pieces of toast, his phone went of. "Hmm?" He picked up his phone and checked it.
The text was from Craig.
"Hey Tweekers :) Randy wants us at the school in an hour and a half. Just letting you know."
Tweek smiled and replied with a simple "Okay see you there! :3"
Tweek smiled and put the left over marmalade in a jar for later. Who knows? His parents might want some later on.
An hour and a half passes. Craig and Tweek had walked to the school together. The whole way there, Craig thought about holding Tweek's soft hand.
Once they got to the school, everybody else was there except for Randy.
Butters and Red were there, but no sign of Randy.
Tweek and Craig day down at one of the tables, waiting patiently for Randy to show up.
Same as last time, the cafeteria was quiet. Pretty strange. Usually when they're at school, the cafeteria was loud and annoying. Sometimes it'd get so loud, the principal would have to shush everyone because other classes were going on.
Now, You could barely hear a whisper.
Tweek wanted to find the right moment to bring up the basket. This was possibly the right time to bring it up. "So. Yesterday something very interesting happened." Tweek started.
Craig cocked his head to the side, interested. "What happened?"
Tweek cleared his throat. "Well, there was a-"
The cafeteria doors opened, Randy stood in front boldly. "Sorry I'm late!"
"Why are you late?" Red asked impatiently, cocking her head to the side.
Randy stood in front of the table the Butters and Red were sitting at. "I took a nap and over slept." He yawned. "Doesn't really matter I'm here now!"
He clears his throat. "I had to think awhile about what I wanted you all to make. So we are gonna make a dessert that originates from Denmark."
Tweek gulped. 'I swear.. Please don't say what I think you're gonna say..'
"Danishes!" He said with a smile on his face. Tweek clenched his fists tightly. Craig took notice and gently put his hand on Tweek's fist. "You alright?"
Tweek nodded. "I hate making danishes.. They're delicious but a pain in the ass to make." He muttered. Craig nodded.
"In the kitchen, there are colored cards, stating what kind of danish you are ordered to make."
Before Tweek could protest, Randy had told everyone to get in the kitchen and work until the time is up.
Craig dragged the blonde into the kitchen, picking up a card. "What do ya know? Cream cheese danishes! You know how to make those!"
Tweek nodded. "Mhm."
He was a nervous wreck on the inside. For him, danishes were hard to make. What makes this harder was he had to hand make the crescents for the danishes and he only had a limited time to make them.
He had to think of a game plan.
"... Alright! Umm.. you get started on the filling and I'll try to make the the crescents." Tweek said confidently, getting the items to make the crescents.
Tweek told Craig what was needed for the cream cheese filling. He nodded and retrieved the needed ingredients.
Tweek looked around and saw how the others were doing. Everyone seemed to be doing good. Sweat rolled down his neck.
Time was up. Tweek were left with some messy looking danishes. It didn't look as bad at Tweek pictured them but the danishes look messy. "They probably would've turned out better if I could used pre- made crescent rolls." Tweek said to himself.
The aroma of baked pastries and fruit filled the kitchen.
Tweek sighed and glued his eyes to the danishes. He hoped to God that the taste was much better than how they look.
'Please have us get judged last..' He prayed to himself.
His prayed came partically true. He was the second to last to be called out. Tweek took a deep breath and walked out, Craig following.
It was obvious that Tweek was extremly skittish. He was twitching, cold sweat ran down his heated neck, his cheeks were red, and his legs were shaking.
He set the danishes down in front of the judges. He squeezed Craig's arm tightly as he watched Red took a bit off of the messy danish.
Tweek's teeth were clenched tightly. He hoped to God they were good enough to advance to the next round.
Red wiped away the dripping filling off her lip. "Honestly, these are pretty good. Other than the messy appearance, the taste was pretty good." She said.
The stress Tweek was feeling had relaxed a bit. With his free hand, he wiped away the sweat on his neck. He watched Butters pick up one.
The blonde boy took a huge bite, the filling bursting out onto his lip and chin, some even getting on on the table. "Whoever filled these put a lot in." He said with his mouth full. Craig stood up straight. "I filled them." He said.
Butters finished the rest of the danish. "These are really tasty! I do agree with Red about the appearance though. Next time, try to be a bit neater."
Tweek nodded. "We'll try." He said.
Last to take one was Randy. The grip on Craig's arm was a bit tighter.
Craig gave him a reassuring smile.
Randy put the danish on the plate. "Boys.. These are really good and all but the presentation was terrible. What happened?" He asked. Tweek gulped. "Part of it was time, and I've never hand made the crescent rolls." He sighed.
Randy cleared his throat. "This wasn't your best. I expect better presentation."
Tweek and Craig nodded before walking back. Tweek had an even tighter grip on Craig's arm. "I'm so sorry if-"
Craig cut Tweek off. "Shh. Don't finish that sentence, all that matters is we gave it our all, and we did. We did great. The taste was good."
Tweek looked up at him. "You are such a great friend I swear!" He hugged him tightly. "Plus we still have a chance!" He said, easily cheering up. Craig lightly rubbed his back. "Plus I know they tasted amazing."
Craig immediately regretted what he said. He practically gave away him taking a danish, eating it for himself. Tweek puffed out his cheeks. "Dammit Craig. Stop stealing the baked goods!" Tweek playfully scolded him.
Soon enough, everyone was called out into the cafeteria. Tweek smiled up at him as they walked out into the cafeteria together.
Teams stood next to each other. Tweek took a look at everyone's expressions. It wasn't a suprise that everyone was nervous, but one team seemed more nervous than the others.
Clyde and Token.
Randy was walking back and fourth in front of the table. "One of you have to go." He said. Tweek felt his stomach do a flip. He felt anxious once again. He hoped to God he wasn't going home. Sure, he wanted to be apart of the competiton for fun, but at the same time he wanted to prove he was one of the best young bakers in town.
"Let's begin with who won this round."
".. Lola and Jenny with their raspberry danish."
The two females high- fived and hugged each other tighly, quietly cheering.
"Kyle and Kenny with their blueberry danish."
Kyle looked at Kenny and smiled. "Woo-hoo!' The two cheered as Kenny lightly patted him on his back.
The two teams were left; Token and Clyde and Craig and Tweek.
Another silence filled the room. Tweek was damn near about to get on his knees and pray for the best. He wanted Randy to say their names.
'Please say our names.'
Craig could tell Tweek was once again nervous. He put a hand on his shoulder and gently carresed it in a claming matter.
"... Craig and Tweek."
Both boys looked at Rnady.
"You two are moving on to the next round! Congratulations!"
Tweek's eyes lit up like a galaxy. Craig gave him a warm smile. He jumped up with his fist in the air. "YES!" He cheered.
He was so happy and relieved that they made it.
Tweek and Craig walked home together. Still shocked on their sudden win. "I couldn't believe it!" Tweek chirped. Craig slightly patted his hair. "See what happens when you listedn to me Tweekers? I'm always right and we won." He teased cockily.
"Pfft!" He stuck his tongue out at the taller teen and lightly hit his arm.
"Joking!" Craig laughed. "But still. Just as I said last time, we were gonna win"
The question Tweek wanted to ask Craig came to mind. "Hey Craig, can I ask you something?" Tweek asked, Craig nodded. "You can ask me anything Tweekers."
The blonde looked up into Craig's glistening eyes. "Yesterday, There was a gift placed on my porch."
Craig knew exactly what Tweek was talking about. He tried his best to hide his blush. "What was it?" He asked.
Tweek smiled. "It was a basket of cupcakes, and inside was a love note. Do you have any idea on who could've gave me such a gift?"
Craig had a chance to tell Tweek that it was him. He badly wanted to inform Tweek.
He closed his eyes and smiled, nervously giggling. "I d- I mean no don't know!"
Tweek looked down at the sidewalk. "I want to find out." He said. "And I hope to god it was you that sent it.." he whispered the last part to himself.
Craig cocked his head. "What was that?" He asked. Tweek felt his face heat up. "Nothing! Just a reminder to do my laundry when I get home!" He chuckled.
The raven haired boy nodded. "Right." He teased. Tweek's head spun around, staring him into the eye. "I'm being serious!"
Well, technically Tweek was half lying. He did have to do laundry when he got home, but he didn't want Craig to know what he said just yet.
It was obvious Tweek really likes Craig. Same goes for the other way around, but for some reason they both couldn't admit it to each other just yet.
Craig patted his hair once again. "I'm just teasing you~" he giggled. Tweek stuck his tongue out at him.
Soon enough, they arrived at Craig's house. "Well. Here's my place. I'll see you tomorrow Tweekers." He said as he pulled the shorter blonde into a hug. "Bye. Have fun doing your laundry."
Tweek rolled his eyes. He didn't want to let go of Craig. "Yeah Yeah Whatever." He chuckled as the hug broke. Tweek waved before heading to his house.
Tweek walked into his own house and went into his room, flopping down onto his bed.
"I want to ask him the big question."
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