7|Cupcakes On My Doorstep|
Soon enough, Tweek woke up in Craig's arms. Craig had him as close as he could. Tweek blushed and lightly poked his arm.
Craig looked down at him and giggled. "Good morning. You were out like a light."
Tweek sat up and yawned. "How long was I out for?" He groaned as he stretched out his back. Craig scratched the back of his neck. "Umm.. about two hours I'm guessing.." He said, still keeping his arms around the shorter teen.
Tweek yawned again. "Jeez.. after that nap I'm still tired.." He sighed. His mind once again registered that Craig had his arms around him. Craig seemed to just realize it too. His face flushed red. "O-OH! S-Sorry! I-I didn't realize-"
Craig was obviously lying. He knew he was cuddling him. He would've loved to keep cuddling him but he didn't want to make Tweek feel awkward.
Flustered thoughts ran miles in Tweek's head. He wanted to keep Craig close but didn't want to force it.
All he could say was. "It's fine, no worries."
Awkward silnce filled the bedroom. The only thing the boys could hear were their own lovey- dovey thoughts.
'Can I please just go back to sleep and have Craig cuddle me?'
'I just want to cuddle Tweek and smother his cute little face with kisses.'
Even their own thoughts brought blushes to their faces. Tweek cleared his throat to clear away the silence. "So.. you excited for the next round of the competiton?" He asked. Craig nodded in response. "I'm pretty hyped."
Tweek smiled. "I wonder what we'll have to make." He said as he put a hand to his chin, trying to think.
It could be anything. Pie, cake, brownies, Crêpes, cheesecake, flan, macaroons, dango, truffles, crème brûlée, Danishes-
Tweek imediately became salty. Those dammed danishes.
Yes, it was a tad bit childish that he's still bothered by the danishes but he just couldn't help it.
Out of the blue, Craig's phone rang. He sighed and picked it up off the window ledge. "Hello?"
Tweek watched him nod his head at the phone. "I'm fine." He said as he listened to whoever was on the other line. "I'm at Tweek's. I thought I told you before I left the house."
Tweek assumed that Craig was on the phone with one of his parents. "What? Are you serious right now? I'm busy!" He complained. Tweek sat up straight and looked at Craig. 'I wonder what's going on?'
Craig sighed. "No! It isn't fair! I watched Ruby last night! Why can't dad do it?" He whined. His eyes rolled in annoyance. He face palmed. "Fine.. Bye.." He huffed as he hung up. "Apparently I was supposed to stay home and watch Ruby. Which is total bullshit! I told her I was going to hang out with you an-"
Tweek put a hand on his shoulder. "Chill. It's fine. We can hang out tomorrow before the competition. I'm not mad." He gave Craig a warm, reassuring smile. Craig smiled back. "Here" Tweek said as he handed him an umbrella.
"don't lose it" Tweek chuckled
Craig smiled and waved to him. "Bye. I'll see you tomorrow!" He said as he left the house.
The rain was still pouring down hard. Craig sighed and put the umbrella over his head. Rain harshly hitting the umbrella filled his ears. He walked rather quickly, trying to make it home without getting too wet.
He eventually made it inside his own house. Ruby sat on the couch, staring at the screen of her cellphone.
Craig seriously had no idea on why he had to watch his younger sister. All she does is sit on her phone texting her friend or annoying boyfriend. He flopped down on the love seat across from the couch and sighed. He was still pissed about having to come home.
There was absolutely nothing to do.
He sat there thinking of something he could do.
A lightbulb lit up in his head. He sat up and went into the kitchen. He began getting out cookware and some ingredients.
You'd thing he'd be tired of baking or want to procrastinate but he had a special reason to make what he was wanting to make.
He began making the batter for cupcakes, trying his best to make the batter as smooth as possible.
He got out some wrappers and gently placed them in the holes of the pan. Then, he poured the light yellow batter into them.
Craig put them in the oven and began making some frosting for the vanilla cupcakes.
'What would be the best flavor of frosting for vanilla cupcakes?' He thought as he rummaged through the cabinet.
Strawberry! That's it!
Craig sighed and got out some strawberry extract and pink food coloring. He began making some smooth and creamy frosting.
Soon enough, the cupcakes were done and cooling on a rack. Ruby walked in, due to the aroma of sweets.
"What are ya making?" She hummed sweetly. Craig didn't answer and continued to frost the cupcakes with pink frosting.
Ruby got on her tippy toes to see what he was doing. "Oooo cupcakes! Can I have on-" She went to grab one. Craig glared at her and gently smacked her hand away. "These aren't for you! These are for somebody else."
Ruby's curiosity was spiked through the roof. "Who are they for?" She asked. Craig felt his cheeks heat up. "Umm.. Somebody." He said as he put the cupcake back on the rack.
"Alright." He sighed to himself. "Last one." He began frosting the last cupcake. 'I hope he likes these.'
He got out a basket and tissue paper and neatly wrapped the cupcakes. He smiled to himself as he wrote something down on a small sheet of paper, trying to make his handwriting unidentifiable.
Craig smiled and stuck the piece of paper on top. He smiled and grabbed the basket handle.
"I'll be back in a couple of minutes!" Craig said as he walked out the door.
The rain had settled down quite a lot. It was now sprinkling.
He got to Tweek's porch and set the basket down and knocked on the door, running back to his house.
Craig slammed the door closed and sighed. His cheeks were pink. "I can't believe I did that." He proudly said to himself. "I had the guts to finally do it!"
He couldn't stop smiling. Part of him hoped Tweek knew it was him but at the same time he kinda hoped it would keep Tweek guessing, craving the taste of finding who sent the cupcakes.
Tweek opened the door and looked around for a person. Nobody.
He looked down and saw a basket. The first thing he noticed was the white note sitting on top of the tissue paper.
He took in the basket and went to his room. He picked up the note and began reading it.
"You're such a sweetie. So I made some sweets for my sweetie. Enjoy♡"
Tweek broke into a smile. He couldn't help but aw to himself. He opened the basket and looked at the contents.
He picked one up and examined it. They were huge! He turned it to the side, trying to figure out which angle to bite without making a huge mess.
He found the perfect angle and took a huge bite, crumbs and frosting got all over his face. "Mmm. These are delicious." He muttered to himself.
He once again looked at the note. "I wonder who gave me this."
Tweek suspected Craig. But the hand writing was different. Was it somebody else? He kept re-reading the note.
He desperately wanted to know. He was starving and craving the answer. He was left wanting more.
The short little message made him smile. Something so short and cute. His smile was so bright, it could light up a dark sky.
He was planning on asking Craig about the basket and note.
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