6|Rainy Day|
It was a Saturday morning. Instead of waking up to the sound of the birds singing, or even a bothersome ring of an alarm clock, Tweek was woken up by heavy rain patting harshly on his window.
He groaned and covered his ears with his fulffy pillow. "Go away.." He whinned tiredly. He wanted to sleep some more.
More noisy seconds pass, now Tweek was fully awake now. He was very cranky. He usualy is when he's tired. He stretched out and mmade his way to the window to see how bad the rain was.
Rain was pouring from the sky. Not a single outside was dry. The grass looked mushy and muddy. Definately not the prettiest part of Spring.
Tweek sighed and went downstairs to enlighten his mood with a warm, cup of creamed up coffee. The thought of coffee made his mouth water. His mind wouldn't stop thinking about coffee until he's had some.
He walked into the kitchen to grab a mug. Both of his parents were sitting at the tabel. Drinking you guessed it; coffee.
"Do you think the rain will calm down?" Helen sighed. Richard shrugged, not looking up from his newspaper. "I heard on the radio earlier that it was supposed to rain all day. I don't think I can open the shop today.
Tweek looked away for the coffee pot. "So.. Day off?" He asked, tilting his head. "Yeah. I don't think I can drive in this shitty weather."
Tweek was so thanful. He was so happy he could bounce off the walls. "YES I had no intentions of leaving the house today!" He beamed. Richard put his news paper down. "You do know you had the day off anyways right?"
Tweek still celebrated. "I don't care! I don't have to go outside today !" He continued to prance around the kitchen like a little child.
Helen took a sip from her mug. "Don't you have that baking competition today?" she asked. Tweek felt his fiesta end. "Awwww dammit!"
Tweek definately enjoys the competiton. He loves putting his baking skills to the test but he did not want to go outside in the pouring rain.
"Tweek, you will not use that language in this household! You're not an adult!" His had scolded him like a child. Tweek was about to sass mouth him, but didn't open his mouth and made his coffee.
While the brown liquid poured into the mug, Tweek got out some sugar and creamer. Once the mug was full, he turned of the coffee pot and took a sip from the mug, making room for the creamer and sugar.
Tweek put in a packet of sugar and stirred it around. Next was his favorite part.
The creamer.
He opened up the carton and began pouring lots of it in the mug.
His dad took notice and grabbed the carton "Christ child, don't you think you've used enough?" He siad as he put the creamer back into the fridge. Tweek grabbed his mug and went up stairs. "I'm in a bad mood, I need more creamer to put myself in a better mood!"
Tweek locked himself in his room and sat on his bed, drinking his over- sweetened coffee. Usually he drinks straight up black coffe, but this morning he wanted a sweeter coffee.
As he was drinking his coffee, He got a text. He replaced his mug with his phone.
The text was from Craig.
Tweek felt a smile being painted on his face as his cheeks glow with pink. His heart rate increased.
"Hey Tweekers, I don't know if you got the text but Randy texted us all saying that he won't be able to drive in this weather. (Even though the rain isn't too bad I think he's just being lazy) So I think the competition is on hold until Tomorrow."
Tweek felt a bit happy that he could have a lazy day. He can't remeber thre last time he was able to sit around and do absolutely nothing for the entire day.
His phone went off once again. "If you'd like I can come over and hang out :}"
Tweek felt himself smile again and repied right away. "Yeah! That would be nice."
Soon enough his phone went off again. "Alrighty. I'll be over within the hour."
Withing the hour. That gave Tweek enough time to finish his coffee and get dressed. Tweek hurried up and finished his coffee and brought the empty mug downstairs to put in the dishwasher.
While he was down there, he informed his parents about the competiton being canceled for the day and Craig coming over. He then ran back upstairs to put on some lazy stay at home cothes. (Which consists of grey sweatpants and and a baggy black sweatshirt)
Soon enough, there was a knock at the front door. "I'LL GET IT!" Tweek shouted as he raced to the front door.
Behind the door was a wet Craig. His whole outfit was soaked with water. His normal blue outfit was a darker shade of blue. He didn't even have an umbrella on him.
"Why weren't you using an umbrella? You must be freezing out there!" Tweek scolded as he dragged the wet teen inside. Craig began to explain himself. "I had an umbrella, but the wind filpped it inside out and blew off somewhere." He took off his muddy shoes so he wouldn't make muddy foot prints in his home.
Tweek's parents were kind of neat freaks.
Short streams of water seeped from his clothes. "I maaaayy have fallen into a puddle on the way here." He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. Tweek grabbed a hold of his wrist and dragged him upstairs to his bedroom.
"I got some spare clothes that are a bit too big on me." He said as he began rummaging through his messy closet like a hungry raccoon in a garbage can. "I know it's in here somewhere." he muttered to himself.
Craig sighed. "You don't have to lend me your clothes Tweekers."
Tweek was determined to find those spare clothes, he didn't want Craig to have to sit in damp, muddy clothes the whole time he was over.
Eventually, he fiund the long missing clothes. "AHA! There they are!" He said proudly as he handed him the dry clothes.
He handed him a tie dye sweatshirt, a mixture of pink, blue, and yellow on it. On it was an alien and on the sleeves both sides read, "Out of this world"
He also handed him a pair of black sweatpants.
Tweek whispered something to himself "I planned on giving you this hoodie sooner or later.."
"What was that?" He asked. Tweek's cheeks were tinted with red dust. "NOTHING JUST A REMINDER TO MYSELF! JUST GET CHANGED!"
Craig shrugged it off and made his way to the bathroom to change out of his rain and mud- soaked clothes.
Tweek waited patiently on his bed and looked at the ceiling.
He hated to sound lovestruck and cliche but he had feelings for Craig, which wasn't deniable. He planned on giving Craig the pastel tie dye sweatshirt when he had the courage to ask him out. At that rate, that sweatshirt would've collected dust in the closet forever.
He wanted to tell him what his heart felt; what he felt but the courage hasn't fuly developed yet.
What he felt for Craig was passionate and wasn't leaving anytime soon, his feelings were permanent. Hopefully soon, he'll find the right time to tell him.
Tweek began day dreaming on how he will tell him what his heart has been hiding.
Something small but romantic.
Soon enough, Craig came back, The clothes fit him just right. "I'm back!~" He hummed as he jumped onto the bed, hugging Tweek closely. "It's so soft and fluffy on the inside!" He chuckled.
Tweek's face was bright red. I'm glad you think that. I-If you want you can keep it." He said, sounding a tad bit flustered. Craig shrugged. "Alright."
Craig was cuddling onto Tweek, He melted into his arms. 'He's so warm and cuddley.' Tweek thought as he nuzzled his face into his chest.
Normaly, Tweek would be a blushing mess and all flustered but he felt relaxed. At this point, he knew that they were destiney. Craig was made for Tweek, and Tweek was made for Craig.
Sleep took over both of them. Craig cuddled Tweek to him as close as possible.
Tweek's breathing was calm and in sync with Craig, both of them took a relaxing nap they deserved.
About an hour passes and Craig woke up to a sleeping Tweek in his arms. The rain hadn't calmed down one bit. Tweek's breaths were still calm.
Craig smiled and palnted a kiss in his messy hair. He felt a light pink blush spread onto Craig's cheeks. Tweek calmly smiled in his sleep and pulled him closer.
Craig obviously enjoyed Tweek's company. Tweek was a great friend and would do anything to keep him safe and happy. He has such a special bond with Tweek that could never be broken. He felt something stronger than friendship for the blonde. He wanted to be something more.
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