4|Let The Competition Begin|
The teams walked into the cafeteria. Each pair sitting at a different table. Silence consumed the huge cafeteria.
Five minutes pass and the host of the competition walked in. Stan's eyes went wide. "DAD?!" He shrieked. His dad, Randy was the host of the baking competition. "This can't end well.." He whispered, embarrassment hidden in his voice.
"Hey Stan!" He waved with a stupid grin on his face. Everyone in that room probably felt embarrassed for Stan.
"Alright! Welcome! Uh.. I expected more teams. Oh well this will work." He shrugged. " I will be hosting this competition!" Randy said. "For those that don't know my name is Randy.-"
Stan cut him off. "Dad! No! You can't be serious!" He banged his head on the table. Wendy put a hand on his back. "Calm down you're gonna hurt yourself!" She cried.
Two more people walked in the cafeteria, but they didn't look like competitors. Maybe judges. Both of them were students.
One of them had long red straight hair. She wore a purple jacket and had a flower necklace. Red was her name.
The other student had short blonde hair. He wore a blue jacket and had his right ear pierced. Leopold. Though, he prefers to be called Butters.
"These are our two judges." Randy acknowledged. "Please welcome Red and Butters."
The two took a bow. "Good luck guys." Butters beamed, fidgeting with his hands.
Randy began blabbering about the rules, boring the contestants. Tweek faked a yawn. "Dude.." He nudged Craig's arm lightly. "Do you think he'll ever shut up? He's almost more annoying than my dad's metaphors." He muttered.
Craig shrugged. "Hopefully soon."
Minutes that feel like hours of him rambling pass. "Before you all begin cooking, I want to tell you what I want you making."
"There's a theme?" Kenny tilted his head.
Randy walked into the kitchen, coming back with a metal tray. People started to whisper. "Today you'll be making.." He lifted up the lid. "Cupcakes!"
Tweek practically jumped out of his seat. "YES!" He cheered. The whole room was silent. All eyes were on Tweek. He felt his cheeks heat up and he covered his face.
Randy cleared his throat. "On the counter in the kitchen, there's some note cards with an assigned flavor. You must make that flavor and make it top notch."
The room was silent. Everybody was ready to rush into the kitchen. Randy pulled out a pan and a wooden spoon. "On your mark.. Get set... GET IN THE KITCHEN!" He screamed as he started banging the spoon on the metal pan.
Teams ran into the kitchen. Desperately trying to get a card.
Each card was a different color. Yellow, pink, blue, brown, and white. Each card had a assigned flavor of cupcakes.
First group to get a card was Jenny and Lola. They picked up the blue card. Followed by Token and Clyde picking up the white card, Kyle and Kenny picking up the brown card, Stan and Wendy taking the yellow card.
One was left. The pink card was Tweek and Craig's. They flipped it over to reveal what kind of cupcake they had to create.
"Strawberry?!" Craig said in shock. "Is that even a real flavor?!"
Tweek nodded in response. "Don't worry. This isn't anything too hard to make. Just follow my lead and we'll make it past round one."
Tweek went and gathered the ingredients, along with some supplies. He started opening bags and bottles. "Here!" He handed him some unopened ingredients. "Start opening these and i'll measure out how much we need."
Craig began opening up ingredients, watching Tweek measure out how and separate ingredients. "Alright!" He chirped."Start pouring this stuff into a bowl and mix it good!"
While Craig was mixing up the the batter, Tweek took a smaller bowl and began making what looked like frosting. Randy came up to them for further inspection. "What's going on over here?" He coaxed. "We're making Strawberry cupcakes."
Randy nodded. "Uh- Huh. so tell me what exactly are you doing."
Craig wiped his forehead with his wrists. "I'm mixing the batter while Tweek is making frosting." He guessed, looking at his partner for reassurance. Tweek nodded and continued to whip up the creamy pink frosting. Randy nodded and walked away to inspect other teams.
Once Tweek finished up with the frosting, he got out a cupcake pan and put some pink cupcake wrappers into the holes. "Is the batter ready?" Tweek queried. Craig nodded and started pouring the batter into the wrappers, trying not to overflow them.
A groan of embarrassment came from another station. "It's not a big deal you know." Wendy cooed to her boyfriend. Stan had his hands covering his face. "If my dad sees this he'll make me even more abashed about this." He whined.
Stan had dropped a cupcake wrapper filled with vanilla batter onto the floor. Wendy bent down to clean the mess. "If you want my advice, you should start filling them after you put them into the cupcake pan." She coached. Stan sighed and began cleaning the mess before Randy could see it.
Craig finished pouring the batter into the pan. Tweek took the pan and took it to the oven, setting a timer for twenty- eight minutes.
Hoping Tweek wouldn't notice, Craig dipped his finger into the leftover batter. Unfortunately for Craig, Tweek caught him and rushed over. "Aye! Don't do that!" He scolded. "That is so gross! Shoving your grubby fingers into the batter like that! You know there's raw egg in that! That's so fuc-"
While Tweek was ranting about how gross it was to eat raw batter, Craig dipped his finger in once more and smeared it on Tweek's cheek.
Astonished; Tweek wiped away the batter on his rosy cheeks. "Are you an animal?" He growled playfully. "Aw come on." He ruffled his unkempt blonde hair. "No need to get fussy." He giggled. "You should at least give the batter a try to make sure its good."
Tweek sighed and swiped his finger into the batter, bringing it to his mouth to try the sweet creation. His eyes lit up like stars. "Oh my lord! This tastes amazing!"
Craig giggled. "Now you see why kids always try to get a hold of the bowl of unused batter?" He cackled. "Fair enough." Tweek hummed. "I was always told that I'd get horribly sick if I ate raw batter."
While waiting for their cupcakes to cook, they cleaned up their station and watched other teams succeed or struggle with their cupcakes.
The timer beeped. Craig rushed over to the oven while putting some oven mitts on. He grabbed the pan and let the aroma of the cupcakes fill his senses. Tweek looked at them in awe. "We just gotta let those cool for a bit, then we can start decorating them."
Time goes by, it's about time to decorate the cupcakes. Tweek got some toppings. Red glittery sprinkles and cut up strawberries.
Tweek coated the top of the cupcakes with the light pink frosting. Craig took the frosted cupcakes and put the right amount of sprinkles on them, sticking a piece of strawberry ever so lightly in the fluffy frosting.
Randy banged the wooden spoon on the pot again. "FIVE MINUTES REMAINING!"
Once Tweek finished frosting the cupcakes, he helped Craig decorate the cupcakes. Craig looked over at Tweek and smiled. 'He's too cute for this world.'
Tweek noticed Craig smiling at him. He smiled back and continued to decorate. 'I love that smile so much.'
"TIMES UP! STOP WHATEVER YOU'RE DOING!" Randy shouted. The room dropped dead silent. "Okay. We will call you out into the cafeteria. Bring out whatever you made."
Everyone nodded. Now was the time for anxiety to knock at everyone's door.
"Tweek and Craig!" Randy called out. Tweek took a deep breath and picked up the plate of cupcakes. Craig smiled and held his free hand. "It's okay. We've got this in the bag." He said gently.
A blush covered Tweek's cheeks. "Okay." He breathed in. "We've got this."
The two walked out, their hands still clamped together. Normally Tweek would be a flustered mess and let go of Craig's hand but holding his hand calmed most of the anxiety he had .
Tweek placed the cupcakes down in front of the judges. Randy sat in the middle. "Oh!" Red gasped. "These look really nice!"
Butters took a glimpse and smiled. "These look really cute."
Randy picked up the cupcake and unwrapped it. "So far this looks really nice. Did you use real strawberries?"
Tweek nodded. "Yes sir." He said proudly.
The two watched the judges unwrap the cupcakes and take a bite, anxiously waiting for feedback. Though it wasn't seen in Craig's facial expression, he was just as anxious as Tweek. He gripped his hand tightly.
Red put the cupcake down and smiled. "This was really good. I don't have any complaints. The frosting was really fluffy and full of flavor."
Butters finished the whole cupcake. "My gosh! That was amazing! If you two keep this up, you'll win in no time!" He said with glee.
Last one to speak was Randy.
What did Randy have to say?
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