14|The Finals 2/2|
Randy pulled out two white note cards, he held and hid the fronts like a winning deck of a card game. Jenny walked up and grabbed a card, bringing it back to her partner. The two secretly peeked at the card and smiled. Guessing they got something easy.
Craig retrieved the other card. He brought it back to Tweek and they took a look. The blonde slightly rubbed the back of his neck. What they got was quite interesting.
The flavor they got was pretty interesting. Blueberry cheesecake.
Tweek smiled. Macrons were pretty.. interesting to make. Tweek had made them a couple of times. He knew the basics.
Craig; on the other hand had no idea how to make macrons, let along, had one. He only knows what they are, due to Tweek talking to him. He remembered his exact words that came from Tweek's mouth that day.
'One day, I'll have to make you some. They're really tasty!'
Before Craig could finish his thoughts, Tweek pulled him by the arm into the kitchen. "We have work we have to do!" Tweek beamed as he began getting the cookware to prepare the macrons. The blonde tried to think of what the ingredients were. It's been so long since he last made them.
The dammed recipie hadd to be floating around somewhere in his head. 'Come on Tweek,' He tried mentally routing to himself. 'AHA! 'He remembered the recipie and quickly retrieved the needed ingredients for the dessert.
As Tweek set the ingredients down on the counter, he asked Craig to pre-heat the oven. The raven haired boy nodded and pre-heated the small oven. In the meantime, Tweek began making the frosting for the center.
Craig, on the other hand didn't exactly know what he was doing. He had a bowl with ingredients sitting next to it. "Uh, Tweek could you maybe help me out with this?" He asked. Tweek nodded. "Here, I'll start on this, just mix the stuff in my bowl." The blonde said.
Craig nodded and picked up the metal whisk, stirring the clumps into a paste. He glanced over to Tweek, watching him do his thing. Tweek's skilled hands worked accurately on the main part of the macrons . He blushed and zoned out.
His mind immediately traveled to what later on could be like. The butterflies in his stomach began to flutter instantaneously. He could see the scenery of Starks. The sun was setting, The water was glistening with a shade of pink and orange. The shiny yellow orb sparkled in the water. Leaves waved and swayed in the cool breeze. Dirt covered flower petals were stuck in the dry dirt. Fish swam in the water.
Such a beautiful, calming, honeyed place. No wonder Tweek loved that place so much.
Out of the blue, a snapping of fingers could be heard. Fingers snapped in front of Craig's face. "Craig, you alright?" Tweek asked. Craig shook his head a bit. "I'm alright. Just kinda.. Daydreamed." He nervously laughed as rubbed the back of his head. "Want to talk about it?" Tweek asked, forming small circles on a baking sheet.
Craig shook his head no. "Not here." He muttered. Tweek nodded and finished up the circles. Craig soon finished the stirring the paste. A nectarous scent filled the kitchen. Distinctive things could be picked out. Mostly pistachio. Mint, honey, and vanilla were also floating around.Other scents were running around the kitchen but were barely noticeable. Believe it or not, it was a really relaxing scent.
Tweek picked up the pan and set them in the oven, letting them cook. "Just a warning." Tweek began, "Macrons are very easy to break. When putting the frosting on them, you have to be very careful."
"Be careful," Craig repeated. "Careful is my middle name. I got it." He said confidentially, placing both of his hands on his hips. "Pfft-" Tweek began to laugh. "Riiiiiiiiggghhhttt~" he teased. Craig stuck his small, pink tongue out at him.
The blonde couldn't stop laughing. "You're so funny- I cant-" He was now on the floor, practically in tears. He couldn't get himself to stop laughing. seconds the passed like minutes and Tweek was a puddle of laughter. Craig rolled his eyes. "It's not that funny, chill out dude." He chuckled himself. Tweek's laugh so pure to Craig's ears.
Soon, the laughter coming from Tweek died down. He sighed and stood up from the floor. "I haven't laughed like that in a long time." He said as he wiped a tear in his eye. Craig smiled. "Well, I'm glad I was able to make you laugh like that."
A beeping sound rose from the oven. Craig went to get them. He slipped on some oven mitts and took the hot pan out of the oven. "Be careful!" Tweek shouted. "They break easily! Oh Jesus! We have no time for mistakes!"
The pan was gently set down the cool surface of the top of the stove. "So.. How long do we wait until we put the frosting in the middle?" Craig asked. "Until they cool. They usually don't take that long to cool down." The blonde responded.
Some time passes and Tweek barely rests the soft tip of his finger on the purple-ish blue piece. He nodded. "They're ready to be frosted." He said. Craig nodded and went to start frosting them. "Ten minutes remaining!" Randy shouts into the kitchen. Tweek took the frosted pieces and gently pressed them together, trying his best not to break them. He put the done ones on a plate and drizzled honey on them. "Perfect." He smiled.
Craig handed him the last one. Tweek carefully set the macron down, drizzling the gold, syrup like substance on it.
Tweek backed away and looked down at the plate. "They look pretty good. What do you think?" He asked. Craig got closer for further inspection. "They look amazing. I wish I could have one." Craig said.
The blonde chuckled. "I thought you didn't like honey." He said. Craig shrugged. "Well, tastes change over time. Besides, you used to hate strawberries but here we are, you'll eat them now." He began to laugh. Tweek puffed out his pink dusted cheeks and rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He pouted.
Craig laughed and patted him gently on the head. "No need to pout about it." He teased. Tweek crossed his arms, rolling his eyes again. "Yeah, yeah whatever you say Craig." He said. Some seconds later, his face expression turned bright once more, he couldn't contain his giggles any longer. "Can't keep your little hissy fit going huh, Tweekers?" He teased, ruffling his fingers through Tweek's messy blonde hair. "Sh-shut up!~" He chuckled.
Randy came into the kitchen. "Alrighty! Time is up! Put whatever you have down!" The sound of bake ware hitting the counter filled the kitchen. Following was the sound of silence. "Jenny and Lola, Please come out to the cafeteria."
The two girls smiled and carried their plate out to the cafeteria. Tweek glanced at what Jenny and Lola had on their plate. Green macrons. That's where the pistachio scent came from.
Tweek took a look at their own, trying to keep his confidence up, doing the best he can to block out the insecurity. 'We are gonna win this. We got this!' He thought. He refused to let anything bring him down.
Minutes later the girls came back. Smiles on their faces. Tweek and Craig were next. They heard Randy call their names. Craig nodded at his partner with a small smile. "We're up." He said. Tweek picked up the plate and carried it out.
As they were walking out into the kitchen, Tweek thought of things he could've added that would make the plate better than it already is. It was too late now. He tried not to let that shoot his confidence down. He kept a smile on his face as he gently sat the circle of glass down on the table in front of the judges faces.
"Alright what do we have here?" Red asked, picking it up. She turned it a bit in her fingers. "Blueberry cheesecake with a honey drizzle." Tweek said. He watched Red pop the small treat in her mouth. The two males waited for her opinion. She swallowed and began to speak. "This is really good you guys! Though, I think a berry drizzle would've been better with these, but other than that, they were really tasty."
Tweek nodded. He tried not to let the honey thing bother him. Next was Butters. He picked up the purple treat and put it in his mouth with no hesitation. Craig's hand brushed against Tweek's. He wanted to keep Tweek in a calm state. Especially if they had another round to go through.
Craig knew Tweek still had a hard time keeping calm in some situations. Last thing Tweek needed was to overfill with pressure. His hand gripped the blonde's, his thumb rubbed calm circles on Tweek's hand.
Butters smiled. "I wouldn't change anything about these! I think these are amazing! Keep up the good work."
The two boys nodded. Now, Randy picked up the last one on the plate. This is the part when Tweek felt the pressure sky rocket. He gripped Craig's hand tightly. He tried to keep his breaths calm and steady.
Randy took a bite out of it. "Guys.. What were you thinking? Honey just clashes with the flavor. Not in a good way. I'm sorry. This is a no. The macrons would've been better without the honey."
Tweek sighed. He refused to give in without a fight. They still had a round to get through. Tweek was full on determined to bring victory home. He brushed off Randy's opinion. Now he knows, Honey is a no for the rest of the contest.
Randy called out Jenny and Lola. The two girls walked out and stood next to Tweek and Craig. Both males already knew they lost this round, but the blonde wasn't gonna let a loss bring him down. Though, pressure was building up inside him. He wanted to attempt to keep it all together.
"So far, you guys have done really well. But there can only be one winner of this round. That spot goes to Jenny and Lola."
The two girls smiled with a high-five.
"Now. It's neck and neck. Winner of next round owns it all."
The two teams had no plan of letting down so easily. Not a chance. "What don't you guys take an hour lunch break? Return here in exactly an hour." Randy said.
Without hesitation, the two teams left the cafeteria. Tweek took a nice breath of fresh air and smiled. The bright colors that filled the outdoors made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. He looked to Craig and smiled as bright as the sun. He was soon interrupted by his stomach demanding food. "You hungry, Tweekers?" Craig asked. Tweek looked at his stomach and back at Craig. "Yeah.. Heh.. I guess the competition made me hungry." The blonde chuckled.
Craig laughed himself and ruffled his fingers through Tweek's soft but unkempt hair. "How 'bout I make us some lunch, my treat." He offered. "Tweek nodded. "I'd like that."
A smile appeared on the raven haired boy's face. He led the way back to his house and went straight to the kitchen. Tweek leaned up against the counter, meanwhile, Craig looked for something to make for the both of them.
"What would you like to eat?" Craig asked. Tweek shrugged. "I could go for anything. I'm starving." He said. He nodded and continued to look through the pantry. He found some homemade peanut butter and jam. He got out a loaf of bread and began making sandwiches.
Tweek peeked over Craig's shoulder. The raven haired teen smirked and swabbed some jelly on his finger. He wiped it against Tweek's cheek. The blonde gasped. "You're such a jerk!" he laughed, trying to reach the sweet substance with his small tongue. "Mmm.. This is good." He giggled, trying to get another lick. "Did you make this?"
Craig nodded. "Mhm." He hummed. "I made the peanut butter too." He grinned like a dork. After some minutes, Tweek gave up and wiped the jam off with a napkin. In the meantime, Craig had finished off the sandwiches. He put them on a plate and set it down on a table. He went in the fridge and got out a water for himself. "Want anything to drink?" He offered. "We got orange juice, soda, water, iced tea-"
The blonde cut him off. "Iced tea please." He said. Craig handed him his drink and sandwich and sat across from him. The second the plate hit the table, Tweek began tearing it apart. "Oh my god- this is so good!" He said as he continued to eat. Craig smiled. "I'm glad you like it." He cooed as he began to eat his own sandwich.
'I wouldn't mind making lunch for him everyday..'
The time was flying fast. By the time they finished eating and talking, It was time to head back to the school. Craig took care of their plates. "We better hurry if we want to get back in time." Craig said. Tweek nodded. "He rushed to the front door and held the door open for Craig.
The two ran back to the school, wanting to get there before they could be late. Tweek got the greatest idea. A smirk was forming on his face. "RACE YA!" He yelled as he began running. "OH NO YOU DON'T!" The raven haired boy shouted, trying to catch up.
Tweek was really fast. He was a good runner, but Craig was better. He began picking up the pace, getting faster. He soon was tied up with Tweek. "You cheater, got a head start!" Craig teased. "But that won't matter now!~" He stuck his tongue out, running as fast as he could. He passed Tweek up.
If the track team taught him anything, It was to save his energy until the very end. Craig was able to beat Tweek in his little race.
By the time Tweek caught up, he was panting like a dog. "J-Jesus Craig! H-...How are you... S-So quick..?" He tried to catch his breath. His throat was dry like the sand in the hot dessert.
Craig couldn't help but laugh. "You're tired already?~ but we barely ran. That was nothin~"
"HOW?!" Tweek coughed. He was now desperate to get some water for his parched throat. Craig ruffled his finger's through his blonde hair. "Lots of time spent on the track team." Craig chuckled.
Tweek was still panting. "Whatever. When we get in, I'm getting some water." He said, still taking in breaths he tried to get back. Craig smirked. "Aww.. you don't want another race to the cafeteria?" He pouted playfully. "NO!- I mean no thanks. I'm out." He wiped his arm on his forehead.
Craig walked in the school, along with Tweek following. Soon, they parted ways. Craig went into the cafeteria, while Tweek went to get a drink. He leaned up against the grey fountain and lapped the stream of water into his mouth. The cold liquid felt good flowing down his dry throat.
Tweek pulled away from the water fountain and sighed. He wiped the access water away with his sleeve and headed back over to the cafeteria.
Once he entered the cafeteria, Randy sat there sighing. "Late.." That's all he could say. Red, on the other hand rolled her eyes. "Such a hypocrite." She muttered under her breath.
At this point, the blonde didn't seem to care. He shrugged and sat right by Craig. He began listening to what Randy had to say. "You two teams have made it so far. Congrats. It's now neck and neck. Whoever wins this round, wins the competition." He said, holding up so cards.
Once again, the cards were white. No color to them. Tweek and Jenny stood up to retrieve a card. They picked up their card and brought it back to their own teammate.
Tweek and Craig read what they had got on their card. Tweek was extremely happy with what they got.
Peach pie.
Craig could see the happiness exploding out of Tweek. A smile was brought to his face. "This ought to be easy! We got this!" Tweek said. He quickly got the ingredients. He returned rather quickly with what was needed. He came back with a huge container of peaches and many other ingredients for the pie.
Tweek got started on the pie crust. "Could you cut the peaches up and mix them up with some sugar?" He asked. Craig nodded and got right on it. He cut the peaches into slices and put them in a bowl. He threw the pits to the side and added some sugar.
Once everything was ready, Tweek put the pie together and put it in the over to bake. Tweek took an extra peach and took a bite out of it as if it were an apple. "Woah buddy, chill! You're gonna accidentally eat the pit!" Craig shouted.
The blonde rolled his eyes and ate around the pit. Soon, all that was left was the pit. "I've eaten these enough times to know where the pit is." Tweek chuckled, throwing the pit away.
A bit of peach juice rolled down Tweek's chin. He felt the wetness and tried to reach it with his tongue. 'Curse my short tongue....'
Craig got him a napkin and wiped the juice off his soft skin. "I could've got it myself." The blonde pouted.
The smell of peaches and cherries filled the kitchen. Such a sweet aroma. Tweek took a deep breath and sighed peacefully. "It's saddening that the competition is coming to an end."
Craig nodded. "We had fun though." He said. The blonde nodded. "A lot."
Time was almost up. Tweek pulled the pie out of the oven. He cut it into triangles and tried to keep everything simple.
The blonde couldn't help but look behind him, looking at Jenny and Lola's dessert. He could just barely see what was made. He was pretty sure it was a cherry pie.
"Alright everyone," Randy shouted, "Time is up!"
Tweek looked down at the pie slices on the counter and smiled. He felt very confident. He sighed and waited for their names to get called. Surprisingly, they were called up first. Craig helped him carry the slices out to the cafeteria.
They set the plates down in front of the judges, waiting for their reaction. "What do we have here?" Randy asked, examining it. "Peach pie. We tried to keep it basic."
Red impaled a chunk of it on her fork and brought it up to her mouth. "I really like this a lot!" She said. "It has just the right sweetness too it and the peaches have a perfect texture!"
Tweek had his hands behind his back, his hands were tightly clamped together. It somehow helped him keep calm.
Next was Butters. He took a huge portion from it and put it in his mouth. "How is it possible that I like everything you two make? It must be magic. Heck, I don't even like peaches but this pie is sooooooo good!"
Tweek felt Craig put a hand on his shoulder. His heart began racing faster, not just because Craig's hand was on his shoulder, but because now it was Randy's turn to judge.
He watched Randy's every move. He waited for what Randy had to say.
"... it's very sweet. I'm like the texture. Maybe less sugar but this is definitely better than the last thing you brought out. I like it. Thank you."
The two boys nodded once again, and headed back into the kitchen. They watched the two girls exit out into the cafeteria.
Craig raised his hand up in the air to give Tweek a high five. Their hands met with a hard slapped, leaving their hands tingly.
"We've got this!" Craig said happily. Tweek smiled and hugged him. "We've definitely got this!" The blonde repeated happily.
Soon, the two girls returned, a smile on their faces. 'Guess they also did well.' Craig thought.
Pretty soon, both the teams were called out into the cafeteria. It was now time to see who won. Both teams were 100% sure they got it.
One team was wrong.
They all walked out and stood in front of the table the judges were sitting at.
"You two teams did amazing this whole competition. It's really hard to pick a winner." Randy began.
Craig once again put a hand on his shoulder. He wanted to keep the blonde boy in a calm state.
"The judges and I had to make a long and hard decision."
That nerve- racking silence. This was the worst time. They just wanted to hear that answer.
"The winner of this year's baking completion is...."
"Jenny and Lola."
The two girls hugged tightly with a happy shriek.
"Congrats girls." Red said with a smile.
Tweek smiled. He was happy for the girls. Sure, he was bummed that they weren't first. He was still proud he got as far as he did. But most importantly, he got to drag Craig through a great experience.
He looked up and gave Craig a sympathetic smile. "Tweek and Craig," Randy began.
The two boys looked up at the adult. "You two did amazing. I'm proud of you two. Don't ever stop baking."
Tweek and Craig nodded and headed out of the school.
"That was fun." Tweek said. Craig nodded. "It sure was. I'm happy I was able to do that with you."
The blonde chuckled. "We'll definitely have to compete next year." Craig smiled and nodded. "I'd like that."
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