13|The Finals 1/2|
The morning sun rose up into the sky, breaking through the black, star printed curtains. Craig snuggled into Tweek's chest, groaning softly.
Tweek's breaths were calm and slow. He wrapped his arms around his sleeping friend and kept him close to his body. Craig's eyes slowly opened, the light gleaming into his eyes. A low groan escaped his throat.
He looked down at the sleeping blonde. He placed a soft kiss in his unkempt hair. Tweek shifted slightly and opened his eyes, connecting them into Craig's. "Rise and shine." Craig hummed. Tweek began chuckling softly. "Good morning."
Tweek looked down at his chest and noticed Craig's arms were around him. 'He's cuddling onto me he's so cute I just want to kiss him so bad!' He began blushing at the thought.
Craig yawned and sat up, stretching out his back. Tweek rolled off the bed, landing onto the carpeted surface. The raven haired boy gasped. "Are you alright." He got up to help his friend up off the ground.
He reached out his hand for Tweek to grab. the smaller boy gripped onto the offering hand, being pulled back up onto the soft surface of the bed. "Mission accomplished." Craig laughed. Tweek began chuckling along. "You saved me. thank you kind sir."
The two boys continued to laugh until their stomachs hurt. They were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Come in!" Craig shouted. The door opened, Ruby standing in the hallway. "Breakfast is ready." She said before rushing down the stairs.
Craig went to go follow her, He ran down the stairs, almost falling. Tweek sighed. "Today.. I meet that person at the tree."
"Tweek- you coming?"
Tweek's body stiffened at the sudden noise. "Yeah!" He said as he quickly walked down the stairs.
The aroma of eggs, bacon, and toast filled the kitchen. Ruby sat down at the table already eating. Craig was fixing his plate. His mom stood next to him getting out drinking glasses. A bottle of orange juice sat on the counter next to her.
She looked over at Tweek. "Good morning, Tweek." She greeted with a small smile. "Do you like orange juice?" Tweek nodded and got a plate, stacking food on the white glass.
Once he got all the food he wanted on his plate, he sat down next to Craig. A glass of orange juice was placed on the table. "Thank you." Tweek said as he began eating. Craig finished off a piece of bacon. "Where's dad?" Ruby asked. "He left for work early this morning."
While Ruby and her mother had their own conversation, Craig and Tweek started their own. "You excited for the finals?" Craig asked. Tweek nodded. "I'm very excited." The raven haired male smiled and took a sip of his orange juice.
Laura sat down. "So.. Any plans after finals?" She asked, taking a bite out of her eggs. "I'm not sure mom." Craig lied. He definitely had plans. His heart pounded hard in his chest.
Tweek shrugged. "I got a letter, somebody wants me to meet them at Starks Pond to confess their love. I'm nervous." He said. Craig put a hand on his shoulder. Already, the blonde felt ease. "It'll be alright. I bet they're as nervous as you are."
Craig was right. He was nervous as hell. He couldn't remember the last time the butterflies rested in his stomach. His stomach ached for them to come to a halt.
After breakfast was over, Craig took everyone's plates and put them in the sink. Tweek got up from his seat. "I'm gonna get dressed real quick. I'll meet you back here." He said as he went upstairs to get on some clean clothes. Craig, in the meantime, sat on the couch.
His mother sat down next to him. "Is there something bothering you honey?" She asked. Craig shook his head without saying a word. Her motherly instincts kicked in. "You seemed.. nervous about something. Are the finals stressing you out?"
Her son shook his head no. "You know what Tweek said about Starks?" He sighed. Laura nodded. Craig brought his lips to her ear, whispering "I'm the one who invited him there.." He felt his face heat up, his clamped hands drove through his touching thighs.
Laura understood. She felt happiness for her son. Her little boy was becoming a man. "I don't know what to do mom. I shouldn't be nervous. I should be excited.." He muttered. The blonde pulled Craig into a hug.
"It's okay to nervous. You're taking a huge step. In fact, I'm proud that you've gained the courage to ask him. You have my support hun." She said with a smile, placing a small kiss on the top of his hat.
Craig felt a bit better. "Thanks mom." She nodded. "Anytime hun."
Footsteps came from the stairs. Tweek came down. He had in his regular peach hair clip, a white sweatshirt with flower pattern sleeves, and white jeans. Craig got up from the couch. "Took you forever." He chuckled. Tweek playfully rolled his eyes. "Whatever."
"So, what time do you two have to be at the school?" Laura asked. "Noon. Randy wants us there early. He said today was different from the other rounds." Tweek said. "Well looks like you two better hurry and get ready," She started "It's half past eleven."
Craig's eyes shot open. "Ah shoot!" He gasped. He tried to pardon his language in front of his parents. "I'll be back in a sec!" He began to race up the stairs. He ran so fast, he could've caught the carpeted surface on scorching flames.
Minutes later, Craig came back down, wearing the sweatshirt Tweek gave him a while back. He whimpered quietly as he tried to tug a comb through his hair. small, painful knots caught the pink ridged piece of plastic. Tweek got up from the couch to help Craig.
Tweek gently smacked his friend's hand away from the comb and gripped it smoothly. He smiled and began combing his hair softly. Trying not to hurt Craig.
After some time, His hair was straight and neat. "Thanks Tweekers." Craig smiled as he put his hat on. Tweek frowned. "Now, I just did your hair, why are you covering it up?" He pouted. Craig stuck his tongue out. "I feel naked without my hat"
Tweek looked at him for a sec, without making a sound or lifting a finger. He moved quickly like a hawk and snatched up his hat. the raven haired male's eyes remained wide open. "Come back here with that!"
Tweek ran up the stairs, laughing. "KA-CAW KA-CAW!" He tried to imitate a bird. Craig rolled his eyes. "Gimme my hat back, you jerk!" He laughed. The blonde grinned and barricaded himself in Craig's room, leaning all his body weight against the white wooden door.
small thumps made the door vibrate against Tweek's back. He continued to laugh with a fake evil accent. "You want your precious hat back?~" He teased. "Please!" Craig tried to sound desperate.
A grin grew wider on Tweek's face. "Give me one good reason to give you your hat back, and maybe just maybe I'll give you your precious hat back~" he said mockingly, putting the blue fabric on his head.
Craig couldn't think of anything. "I-.. umm... ah.. well- no.. It's my property..?" He began to think of a better reason. He got a glace at the clock in the hallway. "It's almost time to go!"
From inside the room, a panicked gasp could be heard. The door opened immediately. Craig chuckled and took his hat back. "Thank you~!" He once again hid the black hair in his hair. Without thinking twice, Tweek grabbed onto his hand and dragged him down the stairs. The noirnette couldn't help but blush at the sudden grasp of the hand.
Without saying a word, they ran out the door. Their destination being the school. Once they were there. Tweek let go of Craig's hand. Craig felt emptiness. He was half tempted to hold his hand again but resisted 'That hand will be mine to hold.'
They walked into the school, heading to the cafeteria. Already in the cafeteria, Lola and Jenny sat at a bench, talking and laughing. Their hands were linked together. They fit like puzzle pieces. Tweek and Craig found a spot and sat.
Craig cleared his throat, trying to start a conversation. "What do you think we'll have to make?" He asked. Tweek shrugged. "I don't know. Probably some complicated and random shit like cheesecake egg rolls." the blonde laughed. "Or picarones."
After a while of the final two pairs having conversations, Randy busted through the cafeteria doors. "Good afternoon guys!" He said. "congratulations to making it to the finals. Sadly, only one of you teams can win. I wish the best of luck to you guys."
It still blew Tweek's mind that they made it to the finals. He could just scream out in happiness if he could. He bounced his leg up and down at a constant speed. Excitement vibrated in his veins.
"This round is going to be different from all the other rounds. You wont be making one, not two, but three dishes today." Randy said. "I left two cards in the kitchen. it'll tell you what you'll have to make."
Some of the excitement rushing through Tweek's body turned into anxiety. Not knowing what he had to make was making him anxious. 'Hopefully, it's something I know how to make..'
"Your time starts... NOW!"
The two teams got up from the tables they were at and rushed into the kitchen. This time, the cards weren't colored, but a solid white. Side by side to each other. Out of randomness, Jenny picked up the white card on the right, leaving Craig and Tweek with the white card on the left.
Craig and Tweek rushed over to their counter and peeked at their card. "Macadamia nut cookies." Tweek read quietly to Craig and himself. He nodded. "Sounds simple. I'll get the ingredients, you get the cookware."
Tweek went over to the pantry to retrieve the needed ingredients for their desserts. Jenny walked up the same time. "Hey Tweek." She said gently. Tweek looked up at her. "Yeah?" She crouched down next to him, looking into his eyes. "Good luck." She said with a smile. Tweek nodded to her. "You too. May the best team win" He whispered.
Tweek got what he came to the pantry and left, bringing the edibles to the counter.
Meanwhile, Jenny and Lola looked over their card. They got the easiest thing to make. Chocolate chip cookies. Lola got the bowl while Jenny got the ingredients needed.
Tweek began making the sweet dough while Craig chopped the macadamia nuts into different uneven sizes. He mixed the nuts in with the dough. Tweek put his hand to his chin. Something was missing. He wanted to make the cookies special.
"Is something wrong?" Craig asked. The blonde nodded. "Yeah but I don't exactly know what.." He squeezed his eyes, trying to figure out what was missing. He wanted to add something sweet. A different type of nut wasn't an option. Chocolate? Maybe.
White chocolate!
Tweek could've swore that while he was gathering the ingredients he saw a bag of white chocolate squares. "I got it!" He shouted. Craig cocked his head. "What?"
The blonde raced over to the pantry, scavenging for the white chocolates like a bee hunting for the perfect flower. His eyes glistened in the shiny, scrunched up, see through plastic bag. White Chocolates was printed on in bold yellow letters.
"Perfect." He whispered to himself as he picked up the bag, carrying it back to Craig. "I knew the cookies were missing something. These white chocolates should fix the problem." Tweek said. He picked up the knife Craig used for chopping the nuts with to cut the chocolate into smaller pieces.
Carefully, he sliced through the sweet white squares, making them smaller. He slide the white pieces into the mixture, stirring them into the firm dough.
Once the dough was fully ready, he picked them up and rolled them into small balls, putting them on a baking sheet covered pan. Craig helped by separating them, making sure they were inches a part from one another.
Soon enough, they were ready to go into the oven. Craig took the pan and placed them into the hot over, shutting the door. All they had to do now was wait.
Twenty minutes pass, and the oven begins beeping. Tweek rushed over to the beeping oven and turned it off. He put on some oven mitts and pulled the baked goods out. The aroma could make his mouth water. "These look so good." Tweek sighed out.
He set the pan on top of the stove, waiting for them to cool down. Randy soon walked into the kitchen, calling time. Whatever was happening in the kitchen stopped. Randy called Jenny and Lola out into cafeteria. They took their cookies out of the kitchen, out to be judged.
Tweek and Craig stood in the kitchen, staring into each other's eyes. Craig wanted to confess right then and there but had to keep quiet. He wanted it to be more special. He wanted today to be the day he'd never forget. Anyways, if he confessed here, the cupcakes he made the night before would've gone to waste.
Craig rubbed the back of his neck, looking away with a blushing face and one of his dorky smiles. "You know.." Tweek began to speak. "I didn't think we'd get this far into the competition. I'm so happy that you joined me. Thank you Craig. You're the greatest person in the world."
Craig smiled brightly at him. "I'm happy I joined too. Thanks for convincing me Tweekers." He said softly, the tip of his shoe twisted softy on the hard tiled floor.
Soon enough, Lola and Jenny came back. They were smiling at each other. Tweek assumed that they got a good score on it. Craig and Tweek were now called into cafeteria. They gave small, weak smiles to each other and brought the cookies out into the cafeteria.
As usual, at the same table; Red, Butters, and randy sat. They patiently waited for the opportunity to try the boy's creations. "What have you guys made?" Randy asked. Tweek set the cookies down in front of the judges. "They are macadamia nut cookies." Craig said, waiting for one of the judges to take a bite out of the sweet treats.
Red was the first to grab onto hers. She brought the cookie up to her mouth and let her teeth sink into the treat. She swallowed with delight. "Wow! I'm impressed. The macadamia nuts make it crunchy while the dough is really soft. What are the white chunks?" She asked. "White chocolate." The blonde said with a small smile forming on his face.
"The combination is perfection. I love these!" The red haired girl chirped.
Next, Butters picked up his cookie and took a bite out of it. His eyes glistening like the northern lights. "How is it possible that you can make my taste buds explode with joy everytime you make something?" The blonde asked. Tweek shrugged. "I-It's nothing really special." He said flustered. He knew he was fanominal when he baked but he didn't think he was the best in the entire world. "They wouldn't be as good as they are without Craig's help."
The raven haired boy looked away flustered. 'He's so cheesy and adorable I love him so much-' He chuckled nervously. Butters nodded. "These are amazing. Red stole the words out of my mouth. The dough is soft like a pillow and the nuts add a great texture. Don't get me started on the white chocolate- I'll ramble for hours on how great it is."
The last judge, Randy took a bite out of the cookie. "These are pretty good. I like them. They're a little too soft for my liking but the flavor is out of this world. Great job boys. We'll call you and the other team back out here when we got the ressults."
Craig and Tweek nodded and headed back in the kitchen. When they got back into the sweet smelling room, they high-fived. "We've got this!" Tweek said happily. Craig smiled. "Totally!"
Minutes pass, and finally, it was time to get ressults. The two teams walked out into the cafeteria, They prayed for their team to get the point, leading them close to victory. They stood side by side, keeping a porper stance.
"You two teams did great for this round. We have the ressults for who owned this round." Reandy said. "This round goes to."
The silence Randy would cause got annoying easily. As much as everyone wanted him to stop being dramatic like they were on public teliviosn, they decided to keep their mouths shut.
"Tweek and Craig. You own this round." He said. The two boys smiled and collided the palms of their hands with a 'Smack' echoing in the room.
"Now.. It's time for part two of the competiton. We'll be making.."
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