12|Staying The Night|
Today was the day before the finals. Thursday. Tweek sat in his room, studying over recopies for dessert that could be in the finals. He quietly whispered the ingredients and procedure quietly to himself.
"vegetable oil, and powdered sugar, for garnish. sounds interesting." Tweek continued to read about the alluring dessert.
As Tweek continued to read the ingredients, the screen of his phone switched to an incoming call tab, spooking him. He screamed and threw the phone down on the soft comforters on his mattress.
Tweek cautiously looked down at the screen. Craig was calling him. He sighed in relief and answered the call. "Hey!" Tweek said, sitting in his comfortable bed. "Hello, How are ya doing Tweekers?" Craig asked.
Tweek grabbed onto a pillow, cuddling it closely. "I'm doing alright, you?" The blonde asked. "I'm good, just very bored." He sighed.
The two teens caught up with each other, talking about what they were currently doing and their feelings on the finals the next day.
Craig chuckled. "So.. Do you have any plans?" Craig asked. The blonde replied, "I got work in an hour, but I get off at about five- thirty." "If you'd like after your shift, would you like to stay the night tonight?" The raven haired boy asked, blushing a bit.
The blonde nodded "I can ask. I'm pretty sure I can thought." He said, smiling brightly. "Awesome. Can't wait." Craig said happily. Tweek couldn't help but smile brighter. Craig's voice brought him joy in general, but hearing him happy is a bonus.
"Can't wait either. I'll text you what my parents say." Tweek said. "I'll text you later. See ya!"
"see ya later."
Tweek hung up and raced downstairs, making his way into the kitchen. Both his parent sat in their, drinking coffee and reading the newspapers.
"Good morning Tweek." His mother greeted. Tweek smiled and began making coffee. "good morning, mom." he said.
Tweek grabbed a mug as the coffee brewed. "Would I be able to stay the night at Craig's tonight?" He asked. His dad shrugged. "I don't see a reason why not." He said. "You do realize you have work today righ-"
He was cut off by his own son. " I know, I know I meant after work." Tweek said, watching the hot coffee pour into his mug. "You might want to hurry and get dressed and ready for work." His mother said. Tweek nodded as he took a sip from his mug, walking back to his room.
Tweek set his mug down on his nightstand and texted Craig. "They said yes! :DD Excited af for tonight!"
He hit send and picked out his normal outfit. Olive green button up shirt with jeans. He tried to get the buttons in the right hole. He surprisingly got them all in the right holes. "Yes! finally!"
He sighed happily and put on some socks. He wasn't even gonna try to brush his hair. He didn't want the brush to get stuck in his hair.
Tweek quickly packed his bag for later on tonight. He was really excited to go over to Craig's. He smiled. as he zipped up his bag. He sat on his bed and picked up his mug, drinking more of his coffee.
Pretty soon, he finished his cup of coffee and heard a knock at his door, he slightly jumped, the sudden noise scaring him. "C-Come in!"
The door opened with his parents standing behind it. "It's time to go now." His dad said. Tweek sighed and got up from his snug bed, carrying the bag he packed with him. He went downstairs, got his shoes on, and into his parents' car.
Tweek put on his seatbelt and watched the scenery behind him get farther and farther away from him.
Soon enough, they got to the coffee shop. Tweek got out of the car and headed inside, looking at the pastries and sweets protected behind the glass. He noticed the cupcakes were gone. He smiled as he walked into the back.
He decided to make some cupcakes. He got out a couple of bowls and began making a different flavor in each bowl.
Tweek made three basic flavors; Vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. His mouth watered as he poured the batter into cupcake wrappers (Each flavor having their own separate pan)
The shift was finally coming to an end. Tweek sighed happily, knowing it was almost time to go over to Craig's house. He carefully watched the clock on his phone like a hawk. He wanted to leave as soon as the clock changed to 5:30. He began counting the seconds.
Forty- five, forty- six, forty- seven..
Less than twenty seconds. He could feel the excitement build up in his body. Happiness harbored inside him.
'It's almost time!'
Fifty- seven, fifty- eight, fifty- nine..
Tweek jumped for joy, grabbed his bag, and ran out the door. He smiled. "It's time! I'm heading to Craig's, I love you guys!"
Before his parents could say anything back, Tweek was already out the door. He began sprinting to his best friend's house. His heart pounded like a drum in his chest.
Within minutes, Tweek was at Craig's house. He walked up the steps to his front door and knocked. "I'll get it!"He heard the muffled voice of Craig's come from the inside of the house. He tried to calm his heartbeat.
The door opened,Craig stood their with a cute, dorky grin on his face. "Hey." Tweek said, waving his hand slightly. "Hey, come on in." He said while stepping to the side to let him in. Tweek nodded and walked in. "Have you eaten yet?" The raven haired boy asked. Tweek shook his head no. "Iv'e been working all day."
Craig put a hand on Tweek's shoulder. "No worries, we'll be having dinner in a bit." He said with a smile. Tweek smiled at him back.
Ruby came running downstairs. "Hey Tweek! It's good to see you!" She greeted. Tweek waved to her. "How are ya doin' Tweek?"
Tweek shrugged. "I'm good."
before their conversation could go on, Craig grabbed his hand and dragged him upstairs to his room, locking his sister out of the room.
Ruby knocked on their door. "Hey! Let me talk to Tweek you big meanie!" She pouted. Craig didn't want Ruby to tell Tweek about his feelings. That was Craig's business. She could be a real blabbermouth at times.
"Get lost!' Craig growled, sticking his tongue out at the white wooden door. She pouted once more and stuck her middle finger out under the crack of the door, before walking away.
Craig let out a sigh, relieved that he could spend time with Tweek. "How was work?" He asked. Tweek sighed. "Long and boring. But I did get to make cupcakes." The blonde said with a bright smile.
The raven haired teen couldn't help but smile from Tweek's happiness. "That's great."
Tweek's curious stomach got the best of him. "What's for dinner?" He asked. "It's alright, I think we are getting a pizza." Craig replied. "Do you like pepperoni?"
Tweek nodded. "Mhm." Craig smiled. "that's good."
Soon enough, Craig's mom called from downstairs. "Ruby, boys! The pizzas are here!" Tweek and Craig got up and raced downstairs like a pack of hungry wolves.
The smell of fresh pizza filled their noses. Tweek and Craig got themselves a plate and got two slices each. "You two can get more when you finish those slices." She said. The two boys nodded and went back upstairs to go back into Craig's room, shutting the door behind them.
Tweek sat down on the floor, sighing quietly. He smiled at Craig before shoved the piece of pizza in his mouth, cheese stringing from his lips to the slice. He chuckled and began collecting the loose string of cheese in his mouth. "Woah!" Craig gasped before chucking a bit. "Be careful, don't choke."
The blonde rolled his eyes. "Oh please Craig," He said with his mouth full. "I know how to eat." He proceeded to swallow his food. "See? I can eat myself." He said while laughing. Craig rolled his eyes while smiling. "Pfft, I didn't doubt you can eat by yourself, you goofball~"
Craig could feel his heart pound in his chest. His cheeks heated up and he felt those beautiful butterflies dance in his stomach. 'How did I get so blessed to have such a handsome and amazing friend? He means the world to me.'
Tweek cocked his head. "You alright?" he asked. Craig snapped out of his passionate thoughts. "I'm alright. I just zoned out." He said as he began eating his pizza.
Soon enough, the pizza on their plates were gone. Well, except for the crust left on Tweek's plate. "You don't eat the crust?" Craig questioned. Tweek nodded. "Nah."
Craig smirked and took the crust off his friend's plate, sinking his teeth into the bread. Tweek chuckled. Tweek's laughed brought up Craig's heart. He could feel genuine happiness flow through his veins.
eleven o'clock rolls around, The sun had set hours ago. The room was dark. The only light source in the room came from a movie playing on the T.V.
The blonde had began to fall asleep on Craig's shoulder. Craig; on the other hand couldn't seem to fall asleep. There was an hour left until Friday started. Tomorrow he had to tell Tweek.
He had just come up with the way he wants to ask. He smiled weakly to himself and tried to gently pick him up without waking the sleeping Tweek.
He carefully picked him up and set him down on the bed. Tweek blonde slightly woke up. He was still half asleep. "What are you doing...?" He whispered.
Craig tried to think. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll be back. Go back to sleep." He said. Tweek fully closed his eyes and cuddled the blanket closely to him. "Whatever dude.. i don't care I'm sleeping.."
It took Craig all he could not to chuckle. He didn't plan to return until some time pass midnight. He prayed that Tweek wouldn't wake up until he came back.
Just before Craig left the room, Tweek began to speak again. "can you bring me a mug of apple juice.. I'm dying to some sour apples.." he grumbled. Craig nodded and left.
He couldn't help but laugh quietly to himself. Craig went downstairs into the kitchen and quietly got out the items he would need.
Craig got out some ingredients, bowl, pan, cupcake wrappers, and a whisk. He smiled and began putting the ingredients in the bowl, mixing them together.
Soon enough, he had the batter filled wrappers in the oven, baking.
In the meantime, he began making some frosting.
As soon as the frosting was done, the oven began beeping. He hurried over to shush it and pulled the goods out of the oven.
He looked over to the stairs, making sure nobody was disturbed by the sound. Nobody. He sighed in relief and waited a bit for them to cool.
Past midnight, the cupcakes he had made were finally finished. He got out another basket and placed them into a basket.
Craig carefully picked up the basket and brought it back up to his room, hiding them under his bed.
He got in the bed next to the sleeping blonde. The second he laid down, Tweek clinged onto him, cuddling him closely. Craig smiled and fell asleep easily.
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