11|Would You Like To Go Out For Lunch?|
Craig sat in his room, the only light source in that space was coming from a dim lamp. There was no turning back. He had to confess to Tweek.
He grabbed a pillow and squeezed the fluffy object tightly in his hands. "It'll be okay." He sighed out.
from the hallway, there was a kncok at the door. The raven haired boy stood up straight on the bed. "Come in!" He shouted. The door opened and in came Ruby. "Were you taking a nap?" She asked as she proceeded to turn the bedroom lights on. Craig squinted and adjusted to the bright lights. "Augh.. No."
She plopped down on the edge of the bed. "You've seem stressed lately, is there something wrong?" She asked. Craig buried his face in the pillow. "No. I'm good." he muffled.
Ruby got closer to him and removed the fluffy pillow from his face. "Please. I can tell something is causing you to feel distress."
Craig sighed. "This is gonna sound stupid.." He looked at the galaxy bed sheets. "I've fallen deeply in love with somebody."
Ruby began giggling to herself. "Craig? Are you in there?" She went to gently knock him on the head. Craig softly pushed her back. "This is serious Ruby!" He growled.
She laughed. "Okay Okay! Who is it you're supposedly "In love" with?"
Craig felt his heart race and his cheeks heat up. "Tweek." That name brought joy to him.
"God. This is gonna sound so cliche.. But.. he is all I could ever want. He makes my stomach a home for butterflies and my heart run olympics. Everything about him is just so damn precious! I just want him in my arms."
Ruby listened. She never thought she'd ever hear her brother ramble on about his love life. She nodded every now and then.
"I don't know how to deal with this. Friday, I'm telling him how I feel. I'm nervous but excited."
Ruby tried to think of something that could possibly help him. "Take him out on a friend date!" She exclaimed.
Craig tilted his head. "Hm?" Ruby huffed. "Take him out to lunch or diner tomorrow! Something like that."
'That sounds really nice'
Craig pulled his little sister into a hug. "Thanks Ruby." He smiled as he felt her arms wrap around him. "Anytime Craigory~" she chuckled.
"Stop. Don't call me that." He scoffed but laughed shortly afterwards.
"Ruby! Craig! Dinner is ready, come and get it!"
The two siblings broke their hug and ran downstairs to get food.
Craig grabbed a plate, silverware, and a glass from the cupboard and poured water into the clear glass.
He shoveled the food onto his plate and sat down at the table, beginning to eat.
Thomas cleared his throat to start a conversation. "So Craig, how's the competition with Tweek going?" He asked. Craig impaled some peas with his fork, bringing them up to his soft lips. "Fine. We made it up to the finals." He said before putting the small green circles in his mouth.
"How lovely!" Laura, his mother chirped. "You two make such a great team! You two will definitely do great."
"Thanks mom." He said, eating more of his greens, getting them out of the way.
Craig couldn't get his mind off Ruby's advice. 'Take him out to lunch or diner tomorrow! Something like that.' He wanted to take him somewhere quiet and peaceful with really good food.
He took a drink of water. "Do you have any ideas about good restaurants ideas?" Craig asked. "Why do you ask?"
Ruby chimed in. "He wants to take Tweek out!"
Craig felt his heart skip a beat. He wanted jump up on the table and cover her mouth, but didn't want to cause a scene.
"Awww! That's so cute!" Laura awed as she clamped her hands together. Thomas was also interested. "Like a date?" He asked.
"YEAH!-" Ruby went to pipe in before Craig shushed her. "SSSHHH! No! Not a date. Just as a friend. I want to thank him for the fun I've had with the competition." He bubbled.
'I wish it was a date'
"Hmm.." the two parents tried to think of something. "Not too far from here is a soup and sandwich place. Maybe take him out there?" His father suggested.
Craig nodded. "That's perfect! I'll ask Tweek about it later on tonight." He chirped.
"Give him a smoochie smoochie~" Ruby teased. Craig blushed and kicked her from under the table.
"Ow!" She whined. Laura was quick to react. "Craigory! Don't do that!" She scolded. Craig huffed and continued eating.
"Kissy kissy kiiissssyyyy~" she giggled. Craig tried to be mature and ignore it.
Tweek sat in his bedroom, getting ready to sleep. He had changed into some sweatpants and a thin long sleeved shirt.
Just as the blonde got into his bed to relax, his phone went off. He reached over his nightstand to grab his phone. Craig had texted him.
"hey. Sorry to wake you if you're sleeping. I wanted to know if you wanted to go out for lunch tomorrow? "
Tweek felt a shade of red color his cheeks . "Like a date?" He asked himself. 'I'm not complaining.'
'"Sure! I'm down. I'll meet you at your house if you'd like :)"
Minutes later, he got a response.
"Alrighty. Come by around noon. I'll see you tomorrow Tweekers. Ima go to sleep now ^-^ good night. Sleep well."
"Good night Craig :^3"
Tweek blushed lightly and put his phone on the charger. Soon enough drifting off into a slumber.
Morning came around. The sun's light was beaming through Tweek's window, waking the teen up.
A groan escaped his throat. "Go away...." He rolled on his stomach with his eyes buried into his soft pillow, getting rid of the light.
Minutes go by of him trying to go back to sleep, he wasn't able to. He moaned and threw the pillow at the wall. "I'm up." He muttered as he slowly sat up and stretched.
He grabbed his phone to check the time. 8:38 A.M.
Tweek sighed and stood up, walking towards his closet to get out some clothes for the day.
The blonde looked for something in his closet that perked his interest. He eventuality found it. He pulled out a pale blue hoodie with a small peach on the front. He got out some black jeans and got changed into his clothes for the day.
To finish of his outfit, he put in his hair clip and smiled. "Perfect." He chuckled.
He had four hours until he had to go out for lunch with Craig. He was extremely excited. He wish he could just skip til noon. His stomach began growling. Tweek decided to go downstairs and eat a little something.
Tweek walked to the kitchen and decided to make some toast with some leftover marmalade. He put some bread into the toaster. In the meantime, he got a small plate, butter knife, and a mug. He turned the coffee pot on and filled his mug with some caffeinated drink.
Tweek heard a 'POP' from the toaster, signaling that the toast was done. He put the toast on the plate and began spreading the marmalade on the toast, digging in.
After he ate, he decided to go for a small walk. Tweek finished his coffee and got his shoes on. His parents sat in the living room watching the television. "I'm going for a walk." He said as he walked out the door.
South Park was really calm in the morning. As he was walking, he watched the morning birds chirp and fly in the sky. Such a beautiful sight and sound. Tweek stopped every now to look at what nature had to offer. Such as newly bloomed flowers.
"So pretty." He muttered to himself as he continued walking. On the other side of the road, he saw somebody familiar walking. A long ebony haired girl with a purple headband. Jenny. She looked over and waved to Tweek. Tweek looked around before running across the street to her.
"Hey!" She greeted. Tweek slightly panted. "Y-Yo." He tried catching his lost breath. "Wow. You'd think with all that coffee you drink, you'd still have energy after that~" Jenny giggled. Tweek couldn't help but laugh a bit. "Shut up!"
Jenny patted his back. "Relax I'm just joking. What's going on with you?" Jenny asked. Tweek shrugged. "Nothing much, you?"
"Just walking. Later on me and Lola are going out." She said happily. Jenny took out her earbud and put it in her jacket pocket. "So. How are things going with Craig?"
Tweek got all smiley. "We're going out for lunch later on." He said. Jenny got really happy for him. "That's great! Do you plan on asking him out there?"
Butterflies began fluttering in his stomach. "Ahh... well.. I don't think it's the right time to yet. Friday is the day I really want to ask him, but Friday, I have somebody wanting me to meet them at Starks Pond. Craig insisted me to go."
"I see." She said. "I hope all goes well on your date." Jenny chuckled. "God, if only it were a date."
"Where are you two going anyways?"
Tweek shrugged. "I don't know yet."
Jenny began thinking. "Wouldn't it be funny if we ended up in the same place?" Jenny asked. Tweek laughed a bit. "That would be funny."
The ebony haired girl smiled. "I gotta get going now. I'll see ya around Tweekers!" She cheered before walking off, putting her earbuds back in. Tweek waved to her. "Bye! See ya!"
Tweek sighed and began walking his own way.
It was 11:46 and Craig was freaking out. He had just woke up. He had only fourteen minutes to get ready. He frantically looked around his room for clothes.
"Nope! Nuh-uh! Dammit no!" He tried to find something that wasn't dirty. He didn't want to go with his usual blue hoodie.
He eventually found the sweatshirt Tweek gave him some weeks ago. "Perfect." He said as he put the sweatshirt on, along with some jeans.
Craig quickly combed his hair and put his hat over it, strands of hair peeking out from the soft cover.
He grabbed some money he had saved up from chores and shoved it in his pocket. He raced down the stairs and sat on the couch, waiting for Tweek to arrive.
Ten minutes fly by and there's a knock at the door. Craig sat up and raced to the door to answer it.
Tweek stood on the outside. "Hey!" Tweek smiled and walked into the house. Craig held the door open for him. "Heyo!"
Craig shut the door and smiled. "So, is there anything you had a preference for?" He asked. Tweek shrugged. "i'm cool with anything." He said. "If it sounds good, there's a soup and sandwich place not far from here." Craig said with a dorky smile.
Tweek's eyes lit up. "Sounds really good! I'm down" He chirped. Craig smiled. "Alrighty. We should start heading up there before the place gets too packed." He chuckled. Tweek smiled. "Okay. Let's go!"
The two teens began walking to the restaurant, smiling the whole way. Tweek did want to hold Craig's hand.
'Someday, that hand will be mine to grab and hold'
Soon enough, the boys made it to the restaurant. Craig had rushed ahead to hold the door open for Tweek. "Why thank you good sir~" Tweek chuckled as he walked in. "Anytime Tweekers.
The two walked in and noticed the restaurant was quiet except for some low volume music and small side conversations.
They walked up to the counter and looked up at the menu above them. "Hello, how can I help you two?" The woman behind the counter asked.
Tweek tried to quickly pick a sandwich and a soup. "I-um.. could I get a grilled cheese with uh- a tomato soup please." He said.
He woman began pushing buttons on the cash register. "And for you?" She looked at Craig. "BLT with a cheddar broccoli soup."
She began typing more on the cash register. "Would you guys like drinks, what size?"
"Two larges."
Once again, she pressed more buttons. "Alright your total is going to be $20.49"
Tweek went to reach into his pocket to pay for his portion of the food, but Craig pulled out his wallet and paid for it all.
"If you need, i can pay you back- " Craig cut him off. "Don't worry about it Tweekers. I got it. I offered to take you out." He said with a smile. "You can pay me back by finding a table." Craig chuckled. Tweek nodded and went to go find a table.
Tweek soon found a table and sat down there, waiting for Craig to meet him at the table.
Minutes pass and Craig comes back with a tray of food and two plastic cups. One had already been filled with Pepsi. He sat the tray down and handed Tweek the plastic cup. "Here you go honey." He said. Tweek smiled and took the cup. He began looking for the drinks.
Tweek eventually found the drinks and tried to decide on something. There were sodas, teas, and frescas.
He decided on a hibiscus flavored fresca and began pouring the pink colored drink into the plastic cup.
While he was pouring the drink, somebody came up next to him. "How ironic?" A female voice said. Tweek slightly jumped at the sudden voice. He turned around and noticed Jenny. Tweek softly chuckled. "Yeah, it's very ironic seeing you here."
"Hows the date going with Craig?" She asked. Tweek's cheeks turned pink. "So far so good. But it's not a date." He explained. "How about you and Lola?"
Jenny nodded. "Pretty good." She chirped as she began filling two cups with green tea. "I hope things go well with Craig." She winked. Tweek's face once again heated up. "Yeah. Same goes for you and Lola."
The two smiled and parted ways with their drinks.
Tweek came back to the table and sat down with the straw of his drink in his mouth. "It's so bitter.." He rasped. Craig knew how to fix that. He grabbed some sugar packets and handed them to Tweek. "Thank you." He smiled as he tore into the sugar packet, pouring the white pieces into the cold drink. He watched the sugar crystals dissolve into the pink liquid.
Two sugar packets later, the drink was no longer bitter. "That's better." He hummed. Craig smiled as he began eating his sandwich.
Tweek began eating his soup. "Mmm. It's really good." He grinned as he began eating faster. "Hey! Slow down, You don't want the hiccups, do you?" Craig chuckled, Tweek paused for a moment. "You're right." He pouted as he began eating at a slower pace.
Craig smiled and began eating his soup. 'Ruby actually had a good idea.'
Some time goes by and the food was gone. Both of their stomachs were full. "That was so good." Tweek said, finishing off the rest of his drink. "I'm glad you liked it." Craig bubbled as he sat up straight in his chair.
Craig couldn't help but stare into Tweek's eyes. The way they glistened in the light could bring a smile onto his face. Tweek looked back, smiling.
The two boys broke the eye contact, blushing. "Do you want me to walk you home?" The Raven haired boy asked. Tweek nodded. They got up and walked out of the restaurant.
Tweek walked home with Craig, his hand brushing against Craig's soft sleeve. Tweek debated holding it. After minutes of deciding, his fingertips gripped onto the piece of cloth. Craig blushed as red as a cherry. 'He's so cute it should be illegal'
Pretty soon, they got to Tweek's house. "Well, this is my stop." Tweek sighed as he let go of Craig's sleeve. Craig slightly frowned. "Can't wait for the finals though." Craig said, trying to see Tweek's smile.
Tweek smiled and hugged onto Craig. "Can't wait." He chuckled.
Soon, the broke hugged as Tweek went into his house, closing the door and sliding in front of it. "I love him so much."
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