The Semi-finals were finally happening. Only three teams remain standing. One more round until the official finals. The three teams walked into the cafeteria, waiting for the host to arrive.
Red impatiently tapped her foot on the ground. "Why is he late again? We don't have all day!" She scoffed. Butters, in the meantime fiddled with his ear piercing.
Tweek sat at a table, his hand clamped together. He was lost in his own train of thought. Friday, after the finals he planned to tell Craig. The raven haired boy sat across from him. His heart was racing.
Craig cleared his throat,breaking the silence. Tweek snapped out of his trance. "Huh?"
Maybe this was the perfect opportunity to ask him about Friday. He had the perfect idea to tell him about Friday. "Hey Craig-"
He cut Tweek off. "Hold that thought." Craig said as he got up and left the cafeteria. Tweek sighed as he placed his head on the table.
Craig took a short walk down the hallway. He needed a breather. He wanted to tell Tweek something super importaint. He took a deep breath. "Come on Craig.. you got this. I can ask him this simple question."
A sigh escaped his lips as he headed back into the cafeteria. Inside, Red was exposing Randy. "Why the hell are you late again?" She scolded. Randy had his arms crossed like a pouty child. He tried to get out of getting yelled at by a teenager.
"uh.. Craig is late too!'' He yelled, pointing his finger at the teen. Craig rolled his eyes. "I was here earlier. I was in the bathroom." He lied as he sat across from Tweek.
Randy scoffed. "Why don't you start the competition?" Red teased. Randy sighed and stood up straight with his hands at his side. He cleared his throat. "Sorry about that. You three have made it to the semi-finals."
The three teams looked bored out of their minds. They were ready to hear their challenge.
"Today you guys will make a certain type of.."
Randy paused to put dramtic tention like in the television shows. "Just get on with it!" Kyle shouted. "I'm getting to it! GOD!" He raised his voice and scoffed. "Cake!"
Lola raised her hand. "Didn't we make cake in the first round?" She asked. Randy shook his head. "Those were CUPcakes. There's a differnce." He said. "Acutally cupcakes aren-"
"I made sure to give different flavors from the first challenge so it woULDN'T BE THE SAME!" He raised his voice on the last part. "I gave some interesting flavors. Have fun!" He grinned. "Now get in the kitchen, grab your card and start!"
The three teams went into the kitchen and grabbed the card. Each card was a different color. Pink, yellow, and blue.
Jenny grabbed the pink card, Kenny chose the yellow, leaving Tweek with the blue.
Kyle and Kenny looked confused. "What the hell is a pineapple cake?" The blonde asked to himself. "I've never heard of it."
Tweek flipped the card over. Coffee? Iv'e heard of cakes that are supposed to be eaten with coffee. That's pretty interesting." He said. Craig nodded. "I'll get some basic ingredients." The raven haired boy said, leaving the blonde.
Craig returned with the basic ingredients. Tweek cocluded on what exactly he would need. He needed some instant coffee crystals. "You start the batter, I'll get the instant coffee crystals." Tweek said as he went off into the kitchen.
While searching around, he noticed Kyle and Kenny were having trouble with their cake. As much as he'd love to help them, he had to help himself.
Soon enough, he found what he needed and went back to Craig. Tweek meassured out how much of the crystals he would need and put them in the cake. Tweek began stirring it.
Craig sighed and watched the batter mix with the coffee. His mind was racing. He badly wanted to ask Tweek an important question. He cleched his hands together behind his back. Was this really the right time to ask him? He decided to keep quiet.
"TIME IS ALMOST UP!" Randy shouted from the cafeteria. Tweek finished stirring the batter. "Get a pan and spray it down with cooking oil!" He ordered. Craig nodded and got square pan and begin spraying the inside with oil.
Tweek smiled and began pouring the batter into the pan. Craig gently grabbed the batter filled glass and lightly set it down in the over, setting the timer.
The two imeditaely got started on the frosting and toppings.
From another counter, the sound of glass shattering was heard. "SON OF A BITCH!"
Kyle and Kenny were freaking out. Cake batter, pineapple chuncks, and glass were all over the floor. "This is terrible.." Kenny pulled his hood over his face in embaressment. Kyle lightly put his hand on his shoulders. "Hey hey hey.. It's alright." Kyle cooed. "No worries. We can fix this."
Tweek felt a bit bad for the other team. He watched the other team clean their own mess. He sighed and walked over to them. Kyle looked up at him. "Can I help you?" Kyle muttered. He was a bit annoyed. Just a second ago, he was talking gently to Kenny.
Tweek crouched down to their level. "Do you want help cleaning this up?" Tweek asked. Kyle stayed quiet for a couple of seconds. "Sure.."
Tweek went and got some paper towels and a plastic bag. "I'll be back, do you thing you can finish up with the frosting?" He asked. Craig nodded. "Sure thing."
He got back to the mess and began cleaning the spilled batter, trying not to get cut by glass shards. Kyle got some paper towel, carefully grabbing the glass shards. "Hey, this is really sweet of you, thanks for helping out." Kyle said. "No problem." Tweek beamed.
Craig watched Tweek help the other team. "He's such a sweetheart." He muttered to himself as he finished with the frosting.
Soon enough, The mess was cleaned up. "There we go." Tweek smiled brightly. Kyle and Kenny got back to working. They had to hurry if they wanted to get back to where they were. "Thank you so much Tweek." Kenny chirped.
Tweek nodded and headed back over to Craig. "I'm back!" He said. "I noticed." Craig giggled as he snuck some frosting in his mouth. Tweek caught him. "Craig that's so nasty! Don't stick your damn fingers in there! That's goin on the ca-" Craig cut him off by smearing some frosting on his cheek.
"CRAIG!" He tried to sound angry but began laughing. "You're such a jerk!~" He stuck his tongue out, trying to lick the frosting off his cheek. He could barely reach it.
Craig began laughing as he got a napkin and wiped the frosting off his cheek. 'I wish i could've kissed his cheek.'
The cake was finally ready. Craig retrieved it out of the oven and let it cool down.
Tweek glanced over at Kyle and Kenny. Theyre were almost done with the batter.
Craig began frosting the cake, making small ruffles. Tweek was amazed. The ruffles were perfect. "Where did you learn to do that?" He asked. "I have my ways." He winked.
"FIVE MINUTES!" Randy shouted once more. Craig finished the last ruffle. "There we go." He said as he wiped his forehead. Tweek looked at the cake. Something was missing. Some sort of decoration. "Stay right here!" Tweek chirped as he went to get some suprise items.
Tweek came back and began putting chocolate sprinkles on the ruffles, then placing candies cherries in between each ruffle. "Now it's finished!"
By the time the cake was finished, Time was up. "TIMES UP!" Randy shouted. "Would Jenny and Lola bring their cake out to the cafeteria?"
The two girls walked out. Tweek and Craig took a glance at the cake. All they could see was a thick layer of frosting. A carrot drawn on with frosting was visible. Craig assumes it was carrot cake.
"That's a lot of frosting.." Tweek whispered.
Tweek glanced over at Kyle and Kenny. The two boys stared at a pan full of raw cake batter.
Minutes later, the girls came back with a smile on their faces. It's a definite yes that they got in the finals. The question is; did who else will make it into the finals with Jenny and Lola?
"Would Tweek and Craig come out into the cafeteria?"
Tweek picked up the cake and brought it out, Craig following. The two boys walked out and set the cake in front of the three judges. "We bring you coffee cake."
The three judges got themselves a slice and one by one, took a bite out of the fluffy sweetness.
Red was the first one to speak her mind. "You know, I've never been one for coffee flavored things." She began. "But I have to say. You two did really good on this cake."
Next to speak was Butters. "Red pretty much stole the words from my mouth. You two did a great job!" He said as he began to tear the rest of his piece up like a hungry raccoon.
The last judge, Randy took a bite out of the cake. He gave the two boys his signature dramatic pause. "Boys..."
Tweek could feel his anxiety boil up in his body. 'Please be good... please.' He mentally prayed to himself.
"This has to be your best work in the competition. Everything about this cake is perfect."
Tweek could feel the weight of anxiety being lifted off his mind. He smiled. 'That spot in the finals is as good as ours.'
"You May go back into the kitchen."
Tweek and Craig headed back into the kitchen. Kenny and Kyle shared a sigh in defeat and brought their pan of cake batter out into the cafeteria.
"Hey Tweek, come over here for a minute!" Jenny shouted from her counter. Tweek gave Craig a smile before walking over to Jenny and Lola.
While Tweek walked over to the other counter, Craig looked at the ground and saw a small yellow piece of paper from the other team. He picked it up and got an idea. He needed a pen.
Thankfully, his hoodie pockets were like a small backpack to him. He reached into his pockets, hoping to fish out a pen from his messy fluffy pockets.
Loose papers, wrappers, paperclips, change, pen caps.
"Come on.. please tell me I have a pen.. Aha!" He was successfully able to find a pen. He began writing a small letter on it, Same handwriting as the last note he gave to Tweek.
He didn't want Tweek to know yet.
Tweek had walked over to the girls. "How are things with Craig?" Lola asked. Tweek looked down at the ground. "I wanted to ask Craig about it but I wasn't able to get a chance.." he said.
Jenny put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey. No need to feel down. The right time will come soon." She said with a wink. Tweek could feel a small smile being painted on his face. "I hope so."
"Who knows, maybe he's planning on asking you out." Lola giggled. "Maybe. I really want to make the first move." Tweek's cheeks heated up like an oven.
"I'm gonna go back to my counter. I'll update you guys." He waved to the two girls and walked back to Craig.
"I'm baaaacckkk~" he chuckled as he hugged Craig from behind. Craig gasped and dropped the note. Part of him wanted Tweek to notice the yellow piece of paper, but the other half of him hoped Tweek ignored it.
Before Tweek could notice the fallen paper, everyone was called out into the cafeteria.
The three remaining teams walked out into the cafeteria. Two teams will remain standing, while one of them has to go.
"Most of you did fabulous today. Sadly, one of you teams has to go.." Randy said.
"I'm sorry... Kyle and Kenny. You two will be going. Don't give up on baking."
The two nodded and left the cafeteria.
"Congrats Jenny and Lola and Tweek and Craig. You two teams will be battling it out in the finals. Good luck to both of you."
Both teams nodded before leaving.
Tweek went to rub his fingers through his soft blonde hair, realizing his peach hair clip wasn't there. "Shit!" I can't find my hair clip! I'm gonna go look for it!"
Craig nodded and decided to wait for Tweek.
The blonde ran into the kitchen trying to find his favorite hair clip.
Eventually he found it a couple inches away from a yellow piece of paper. "Aha! There it is!" He said as he smiled.
He crouched to grab it and got a closer look at the piece of paper. The word 'Tweek' caught his attention.
He picked up his hair clip and the piece of paper. He began reading it. He recognized the handwriting. It was the same as the note he received in that basket.
I wish I could tell you this right here, right now. But I just can't here. I would if I could. On Friday, I want you to meet me at Starks Pond as the sun is setting. I'll be there waiting for you.
PS- that peach barrette is extremely cute on you'
Tweek felt his face heat up at the last part. He put the barrette back in his hair and the note in his pocket. He walked back out to meet up with Craig.
"Ready to head home?" He asked. Tweek nodded as they both left.
The walk began to be quiet. Tweek really wanted to bring up the note, but wanted to wait for a conversation to come up first.
Craig cleared his throat. "So. You excited that you made it to the finals?" He asked. Tweek smiled brightly. "You mean we~"
Craig chuckled and lightly punched his arm. "Shut up you know what I mean."
Tweek decided to mention the note. "So. While I was looking for my barrette, I found a note that was meant for me. Somebody wants to meet me at Starks Pond." He said.
Craig felt it difficult to hide a blush. "You should meet them." He said, playing dumb. "They probably love you a lot."
"Hmm.. I don't know.." he said unsurely. "I really want to ask y- somebody out and I don't know if this is the person."
"You should at least go. Who knows- maybe this may be the person you have feelings for."
He had a good point.
Tweek sighs. "Yeah. I guess I can. I'll go. I'll let you know how it goes."
Craig wanted to celebrate but responded with a simple smile. "Awesome. My house is right here. I'll see you tomorrow."
Tweek quickly gave him a hug. "Alrighty. See you."
The two boys separated and went into their own houses
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