CHAPTER TWO, nobody did it
Desiree wakes up the next morning with a jolt when she heard a bang in the kitchen of her two bedroom house. She looked over at the alarm clock resting on her bed, seeing that it was exactly seven o'clock am. Who would be breaking into her house this early in the morning? She sighed with annoyance, nodding in realization.
"Shawn." She grumbled. She threw the covers off herself and reluctantly got out of bed. Just in case it wasn't Shawn and was actually an intruder, she grabbed a taser she had in the first drawer of her nightstand. She quietly walked down the hallway and hid behind the corner when she got close to the open area of the kitchen and living room. She sighed with relief, letting her guard down when she saw Shawn and Gus sitting at her table.
"Are you kidding me?" Desiree questions, walking into the room with an upset expression. "I was sleeping so good and you just had to wake me up." She complained with a roll of her eyes.
"Well, he woke me up," Gus said with an upset expression while Shawn just smiles. "So it's only fair we wake you up too." Gus told her and Desiree sighed.
"Fine. Whatever." Desiree smiles slightly when Shawn handed her a mug of coffee he had made for her. "How did you guys even get in here?" She asked, sitting next to Shawn and across from Gus at the table.
"We both have a key, remember?" Shawn raises his eyebrows, holding up his key he used to get into her house. She takes a drink of the coffee, sighing in content at the taste and raises her eyebrows at him. Shawn nods. "Yeah, you gave us both a key for emergencies."
"So what's the emergency?" Desiree inquired.
Gus looks at Desiree with a slightly scared look when he noticed the taser in her hand. "Is that a taser?"
"Yeah, I have it in case an intruder breaks in." Desiree nods, setting the taser on the table. "You guys didn't answer my question as to what's the emergency."
"Okay," Shawn slowly nods. "Anyway, we're here 'cause I figured out the case." He grins. He holds up the bowl of cereal he was eating. "And Gus didn't have any cereal."
Gus stares at him with confusion. "I have cereal."
"Yeah, but not Lucky Charms." Shawn speaks in an obvious tone and Gus rolls his eyes. He shrugs. "So that's why I dragged you here."
"Wait," Desiree forgets the fact that Shawn and Gus are drinking her coffee and eating her food, she's used to that by now, and sits up straighter since she had been leaning back in her chair. She looks at Shawn curiously. "You found out who kidnapped him?"
"Yep." Shawn replies. He grins. "It was nobody."
"What?" Desiree said in disbelief, her eyes widening. She scoffs, shaking her head. "That doesn't make any sense. How can nobody kidnap him?"
"That's what I thought at first." Gus nodded in agreement as he drank coffee out of the mug he held.
Shawn shoves a picture he had laid on the table in front of Desiree. She glances at the picture which was of a group sitting at a picnic table outside. Shawn points at a man on the right side. "Malcolm Orso. He didn't have any fame, fortune or rehab."
"Cops didn't talk with him." Gus added, earning a surprised look from Desiree.
"No one has seen Malcom with Camden for a long time. It has been almost..." Shawn pointed at Gus to finish the sentence, but Desiree spoke before he could.
"Eighteen months." Desiree said in realization as she started to put the pieces together. Shawn grins, snapping his fingers at her. "So he has been planning this thing for a whole year and no one found out about it." Desiree said with confusion laced in her voice. She didn't understand how no one suspected this or asked about it. "Hold on." She speaks when she realized something else. She rolls her eyes. "Did you get this from Katerina's room?"
With a sheepish look on his face, Shawn shrugs, taking a sip of the coffee from the mug he held. "Maybe."
"Oh my gosh." Desiree muttered in annoyance.
"I called Mr. McCallum, said I needed to ask some questions with Katerina. One thing led to another and we ended up sharing a milk shake." Shawn explained.
"You're dating her when she already has a boyfriend?" Desiree scoffs. "That's low, Shawn. Even for you."
Shawn looks at her with offense. "Hey, just like I told Gus, we're not dating. It's not exclusive."
"Yeah, okay." Desiree rolled her eyes and took another sip of her coffee.
"Anyway, come on." Shawn smiles. "Get ready, we got a case to solve!"
Once Desiree was ready, the trio left in Gus' rental car. A few ways down the road for some reason they got pulled over. "Well, we're off to a banner start." Gus sarcastically commented. He sat in the passenger seat with Shawn at the wheel and Desiree in the back.
"Just let me do the talking." Shawn suggested.
"You sure that's a good idea?" Desiree teased him, chuckling when he sent her a playful glare.
Shawn gets wallet out of his pocket as a police officer stands by the window. "Morning gentlemen," He then noticed Desiree in the back. "And woman." She nodded and smiled politely at him.
"Hello, officer." Shawn greeted, handing a card to the police officer.
"What's this?" The police officer asked.
"Whoops." Shawn laughs nervously. "It's my dad's old police business card. Must've stuck in back there. Guess I've been carrying that in my wallet for ages. Can never be too careful coming from a family of cops.
"Henry Spencer's your dad?" The police officer glanced at Shawn with raised eyebrows.
"Yes. Yes, he is." Shawn nodded.
The police officer smiles slightly. "Well, how's old Henry doing?"
"Oh, you know, Henry. He's-He's great." Shawn replies. "Retired. Living in Miami.
"I saw Henry three weeks ago at the Home Depot." The officer said in confusion.
Desiree raises her eyebrows with surprised. She had no idea Henry was back in town and it seemed like by the confused look on Shawn's face he didn't know either. Confusion was on Shawn's face for a few seconds before he composes himself. He nods and smiles. "Yeah. Yeah, that-that sounds about right. He popped into town for a few days. Grabbed some supplies. Some wood."
"Said he'd been back for over a year." The officer with confusion and Desiree's eyes widened.
Shawn looks slightly surprised before he composes himself again and nods. "And now he's back running around doing his thing Henry style."
The officer glances at the card for awhile before handing it back to Shawn. "Tell your dad the Kingfisher says hello."
"Will do. Thank you, officer." Shawn smiled as the officer walked back to his car.
"Your dad's back at the house?" Gus asked with surprise.
"Apparently." Shawn nodded.
"I didn't even know he was back." Desiree admitted.
"Yeah, me neither." Shawn sighed.
"Dudes, I'm so excited. This is my first use of spy technology." Shawn spoke excitedly as he led his best friends through the woods.
"Yeah, it would seem much cooler if it didn't have Sports Illustrated pasted on the side." Gus remarked, earning a snicker from Desiree as Shawn glanced at the binoculars with surprise.
"Hmm. Came with the subscription." Shawn shrugged. He peered across the lake, looking through the binoculars. Across the lake, Desiree noticed an orange car parked to a cabin.
"Are you going to tell us why we're here?" Gus asked.
"This is the Orso family cabin where young Malcolm and young Camden spent all their summers growing up." Shawn explained.
"Wouldn't the police have checked this out?" Gus furrowed his eyebrows.
"Yeah, you would think this place is pretty important in this case." Desiree nodded.
"Malcolm is so far out on the periphery of Camden's life, he's not on the witness list. He's not on anybody's list." Shawn nods. "This is a great plan. Camden McCallum deserves to be commended."
"Maybe you should date him too." Gus remarked.
"Maybe I will." Shawn shrugged and his friends rolled their eyes.
"Let me see." Gus took the binoculars to look through them. "Let's see here. Oh, no way."
Desiree shares a confused look with Shawn before they both look back at him with confusion. "What?" They spoke in unsion.
"It's Camden's dog." Gus replied.
"No way!" Desiree said with surprise.
"Dude!" Shawn grinned.
"I can't believe we did this." Gus grinned at his friends as Shawn starts jumping up and down out of excitmeent. "This is unbelievable. What? Okay, okay, okay. Wait. Okay, wait. Let's call the cops. No, no, no. Let's call the Chief That's what we're gonna do."
"I feel like you have something else in mind don't you, Shawnie?" Desiree asked, raising her eyebrows at Shawn.
"Sure do." Shawn grins. "Gus, we don't call anyone."
"What?" Gus stared at him in disbelief.
"We go home. Then later at headquarters, Dezi or I start to suddenly and miraculously have a vision." Shawn explained excitedly.
"A vision?" Gus furrowed her eyebrows.
"A vision of stuff we saw." Shawn smiles. "Like, uh, like the road sign with the two bullet holes. Like the red kayak, the yellow kayak, and the highway with numbers. Oh, I'm seeing-what am I seeing? 8-3-1."
"We're on Highway 138." Gus stated.
"Exactly." Shawn nods. "Like Dezi said the other day, in the spirit world things get jumbled and out of sequence. But our premonition becomes clear when we all jump in the squad car together. By the way, let me sit next to that junior detective."
Desiree chuckles, raising her eyebrows. "Why, 'cause you think she's cute?"
"Maybe." Shawn nods and shrugs. "And alas, we lead them here. Then finally, we all put on our surprise faces as I guide them to the cabin for the 'first time'." Shawn continued, using air quotations when he said 'first time'.
"You know...That could work." Desiree said in realization as she nodded.
"What?" Gus glances at her with surprise. "You're not actually thinking of agreeing to do this are you?"
Desiree shrugs. "I mean, it wouldn't hurt, right?"
"See? She gets it." Shawn grins. "We should practice our surprise faces, this is mine." He then feigned a gasp, his eyes widening. He glances at Gus and smiles. "What do you got?"
Gus scowls at him, tossing the binoculars at him before he turns to walk away. "Gus, that's horrible. It doesn't convey surprise at all. Gus!" Shawn calls out. He glances at Desiree. "Please tell me your surprise face is better than his."
"Alright, let me do the talking." Shawn suggested as he, Gus, and Desiree walking along the sidewalk after leaving the car.
"Is there even an option?" Gus inquired.
"Probably not." Desiree replied.
"I want a lot of witnesses for my miraculous vision." Shawn admitted.
"I don't remember ever deciding who would have the vision." Desiree narrowed her eyes at him.
"You good with me doing it?" Shawn asked her. He wanted to make sure that she knew she could pretend to come up with visions too. She just needed to tell him. He didn't want her to feel left out.
"Yeah, fine." Desiree smiled a bit ajd nodded.
"There they go." Gus notices the two detectives walking over to the police station and the three of them run over to the detectives. "Detectives! Detectives! We have a breakthrough."
"Yeah, you'll want to listen to this." Desiree commented.
"It is very important." Shawn added.
"I also have something important. I call it lunch. Make an appointment." Lassiter said.
"But this is-"
Lassiter stops walking, turning to face the three. Everyone stops walking as he stops. He takes his sunglasses off. "You don't have my interest. You don't have my ear. Find a beat cop. Tell your story. Maybe I'll read the report."
"Rude much?" Desiree scoffed and he sent her a glare.
"Good day, lady and gentlemen." Lassiter says, putting his sunglasses back on. He glances at Lucinda. "After you." He opened the door to the restaurant, letting her walk in first.
"Detective!" Shawn calls out, causing the two to stop before they walked in and turned to face the trio, looking impatient. Shawn puts a hand on his temple, staring at the ground before he takes his sunglasses off. "Don't eat the chicken." The two detectives sighed and continued inside.
Gus glances at Shawn with furrowed eyebrows. "Don't eat the chicken?"
"Seriously?" Desiree chuckles. "That's all you say?"
Shawn nodded as he smiled. He gestured with a nod across the street and his friends followed him. The trio now stood by a railing.
"So the plan was to annoy them into believing you." Gus realized.
"Billy Camp is working the grill." Shawn pointed out.
"So?" Gus asked.
"Yeah, why is that important?" Desiree chimed in.
"Billy Camp has the worst hay fever I've ever seen." Shawn responds. "Feel this wind? Feel it?" A few moments later, Lassiter walked out of the restaurant. "Here we go." Shawn grins. "Act natural." The trio leaned casually against the railing.
"Okay." Lassiter calls out to them, looking defeated. "What is it?"
On a rural road the detectives drive with Desiree, Shawn, and Gus in the back. Desiree chuckled when she noticed Shawn practicing his surprised face. Gus didn't seem amused by it though, he looked more annoyed. Gus elbowed him roughly and glared at him.
Once they get to the place, they get out of the car after it was parked. "Alright, this is great." Lassiter puts his hands on his hips. "Now what?"
Shawn walks ahead and everyone follows him. "Does anyone have any binoculars?"
"No. No. You see, we don't carry binoculars." Lassiter replied in annoyance.
"Ooh, never mind." Shawn replies, pretending to just find the binoculars in his pocket. "I found some here in my pocket." Shawn glances through the binoculars to look out at the cabin. "There it is! Just-Just like I saw it."
The detectives exchange a glance before they follow Shawn. Gus sullenly follows the group as Desiree walks by him, sending him a sympathetic look. Lassiter snatches the binoculars from Shawn to look through them. "Want to tell me what I'm looking for, please?"
"Uh, I'm-I'm not sure exactly." Shawn pretends to sound confused, his eyes closed. "I see a bone?"
"What, a human bone?" Lassiter spoke with confusion.
"No. No. Rawhide? And a ball." Shawn explained.
Lassiter lowers the binoculars after spotting the dog, his eyes wide in shock. "Holy crap." He glances at Lucinda. "Call for back up." Lucinda nodded and walked away.
"What? What do you see, detective?" Shawn inquired, pretending he didn't know.
Later, a SWAT team unloads at the cabin and march over to it. On the road, the trio is walking down the road that is lined with cops. "I can't believe they won't let us in. This is lame." Shawn complained.
Gus rolls his eyes. "And you were so polite when you asked the SWAT team to issue you the Luger."
"Just make sure you two act in awe of me when they come to say I was completely right. Oh, and maybe a little afraid like my powers could possibly be used for evil." Shawn suggested.
"I think this is all going to your head." Desiree retorted.
Gus yelps when suddenly the dog ran over to the trio. "Oh, watch out! Watch out!"
"Gus, are you really afraid of this cute lil thing?" Desiree asked in amusement, kneeling down beside Shawn to pet the golden retriever.
"That thing could be vicious." Gus worriedly replied.
"Yeah," Shawn chuckles. "Diabolical with its calculated decoy tail wagging."
"There's blood on its whiskers!" Gus noticed.
"That's not blood." Shawn shakes his head. "That's Snausages."
"Are you sure?" Gus worriedly asked
"Yes, I'm sure." Shawn nods. "Either that or he just mauled a mountain lion."
"Don't worry, Gus. This lil guy is a sweetheart. I'm sure he wouldn't hurt anyone." Desiree smiles softly as she scratches the dog behind its ear. "Isn't that right?" She cooed at the dog, giggling when he licked her. Shawn smiled softly as he watched the interaction, catching the knowing look on Gus' face which made him roll his eyes at him and sent him a glare for him to shut it.
"Mr. Spencer," An officer walks over to them, gaining the trio's attention. "Follow me." Shawn and Desiree stands up as Shawn shoots two thumbs up at his friends, earning a chuckle from Desiree. Then they each followed the officer.
"Now if they're any press, make sure you guys mention our agency." Shawn spoke.
"We have an agency?" Desiree furrowed her eyebrows. She didn't remember making an agency with Shawn and Gus.
"Yeah, Shawn," Gus nods. "We don't have an agency."
"Yes, we do." Shawn smiles. "I applied for a DBA online which reminds me we're gonna need a name. Mind Masters, already taken. Make sure you tell them that we do private cases. 'Cause I bet the department's only going to be good for one or two months."
"You tell them." Gus argued.
"I can't." Shawn shakes his head. "I'm secretive, mysterious, enigmatic."
"And a dummy." Desiree added with a teasing smile, her comment gaining a chuckle from Gus.
"A dum-" Shawn was about to go along with it when he realized what Desiree said and he gave her a playful glare. "Hey, not nice."
Desiree giggles and shrugs. "Okay, then how about delusional?"
"Seems like a perfect fit to me." Gus nodded.
Shawn rolls his eyes. "Remember, act surprised."
The trio head into the cabin with the dog, who had followed them on the way there. Desiree found that cute how the dog followed them. "Wow. It is just like I saw before." Shawn dramatically commented.
Shawn glances down at the floor, noticing the dead body near a table. Desiree noticed the body as well, seeing the pool of blood by his head. Then she saw the other dead body sitting at the table, he held a gun and he had blood over his clothes. She raised her eyebrows at noticing the mug on the floor beneath the guy on the chair and saw in the kitchen that coffee was spilt on the stove. She looked back at the table, seeing on the corner there was blood and even a piece of hair on it. She assumed it was from the guy on the floor. She looked over at Shawn, seeing he was already looking at her. She raised her eyebrows in question, silently asking him if he saw what she did and Shawn nodded in response.
It was silent for a few moments before Gus broke the silence after glancing at his watch. "Pardon me, ladies. Gentlemen." He then ran out the door, screaming in a high-pitch tone.
"He really screams like a girl, doesn't he?" Desiree realized and Shawn nodded in agreement.
"The department has been approved to call you again, Mr. Spencer and Miss O'Neal. Even though this case didn't end up exactly the way we hoped, I thank you two for your services." Chief Vick spoke, handing an envelope to Shawn. She then shook Shawn's hand and Desiree's hand as Shawn handed off the envelope to Gus, who put it in the pocket inside his blazer.
"You two were invaluable. Thank you." She then shook Gus' hand.
Gus smiles, shaking her hand. "Thank you." He went to turn to leave as Chief Vick sat down, but Shawn sat down instead of leaving.
"You're making a huge mistake. This case isn't closed."
Chief Vick raises her eyebrows. "Pardon me?"
"Murder, suicide?" Shawn tilts his head to the side. "Come on. You're buying that?"
"I'm not buying anything. Those are the facts." Chief Vick replied.
Gus nods. "I'll buy it." Desiree chuckled, amused since it was clear Gus wanted to leave.
"I understand." Shawn nods. "I do. You'd like to shut the book on this as quickly as possible. It's fine." Gus rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed that they were staying.
"They had a falling out." Chief Vick pointed out.
"Before they got the ransom money?" Shawn asked.
"Yeah, that's a little suspicious don't you think?" Desiree cut in. "What would they even fight about back then? They didn't have the cash yet."
"Might I remind you, Mr. Spencer and Miss O'Neal, you two are not a detective." Chief Vick told them.
After the two best friends share a look, Shawn and Desiree look back at her. "We just need to speak to the witnesses again." Shawn explained.
Chief Vick shakes her head. "The McCallum family has been through enough, and this conversation is over."
Gus smiles. "Thank you. Uh, we parked in a parking structure. Do you validate?"
"Would it make any difference if I told you Camden McCallum, Jr. spoke to me..." Chief Vick and Gus glance at Shawn with disbelief and so does Desiree. "From beyond the grave?" Gus groaned, shaking his head.
Chief Vick points at the door. "Shut the door on your way out." Gus smacked Shawn on the back and Shawn curse under his breath in a frustrated tone as he followed his best friends out of the office.
A/N i had to change it up a bit at the beginning of this chapter since desiree gave shawn a ride home but in the show katerina gives shawn a ride home. gonna have to split the first episode into three chapters lol forgot how long the episode was
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