CHAPTER ONE, fake psychics
Whenever Desiree's dad died, her mom took over the coin business. And when Desiree was old enough, her mom handed the coin business to her. Her mom still helped out a bit, but she focused more on her old job as an art teacher for an elementary school.
Desiree was flattered that her mom thought she was good enough to work the shop. She loved working there because she was her boss at DEO's Coins. Her dad named the coin business DEO's Coins because the 'o' stands for Owen - his name - the 'e' stands for Eliana -Desiree's mom's name - and the 'd' stood for Desiree's name. Desiree wasn't the only one working there. She had a few employees there to help her out because there was no way she could do everything on her own.
Some days were slow. Sometimes she didn't get any customers until later in the afternoon, and other days she was busy all day. On other days she and her employees were helping someone and had some waiting in line. Today was one of the days when it was slow. She had some customers here and there, but she didn't really have a lot for today. She was currently helping out a customer when she noticed who her next customer was.
"Dezi!" Shawn called out after he walked into the store. He walked over to her with a bright smile on his face.
Although she was happy to see him, she sent him a small smile and kept her main focus on the customer she was helping. "Hi, Shawn." She hands the customer's change back to them and smiles at them. "Thank you for coming. Have a nice day." The customer smiled and nodded in response before leaving the store.
Desiree puts her hands on the counter, raising her eyebrows at Shawn as he stands in front of the counter. "What's up, Shawnie?"
Shawn looks offended by her insinuating he wanted something. "Can I not just come by to say hi to my best friend while she's at work?"
"You can." Desiree nods. "But you normally don't do that until after I get off work 'cause then we always get something to eat."
"Right." Shawn nods. He grins. "Well, today, I got a job for you."
Desiree chuckles. "Did you forget I already have a job?"
"I didn't. But okay, I'll leave you be." Shawn raises his hands in defense and backs up, walking backwards towards the door. "You're gonna miss out on getting the job that us and Gus have been dreaming about since we were eight."
Desiree pauses as she thinks about it, and she sighs heavily, her shoulders dropping in defeat. "Alright, I'll bite." She looks at him curiously, crossing her arms. "What's the job?"
Shawn smirks in victory and walks back over to her. He had a feeling that she would cave in, but a part of him was nervous about it so he had to admit he was relieved she wanted to hear about it. "We are opening our own private detective agency."
Desiree stares at him with disbelief. "What?"
"Long story short, cops think I'm a psychic, and we're investigating a kidnapping." Shawn replied in an excited tone.
Desiree's eyes widen, and she smiles excitedly. "What?" She asked again, but this time she sounded excited. She looks nervous, her shoulders dropping in defeat. "But wait, I can't leave here. This is my job."
"Dezi, you own this place." Shawn reminds her, stretching his arms to gesture around the building. "You can do whatever you want."
"Oh," Desiree said in realization. She smiles sheepishly. "Right." She scoffs, shaking her head. "But Shawn, how is this even gonna work out? You're not a psychic. You're just able to notice things others miss, I do that too."
"Then we can be a psychic team!" Shawn smiles excitedly, and Desiree raises her eyebrows at him. "And we'll figure out whatever problems we have with the cops if they find out the truth. We work well together, so it'll be easy to figure it out." He leans his hands on the counter, looking at her pleadingly. "Come on, you always said you wanted to be in the police force. This is probably the closest you'll get to being in the police force for right now. So," Shawn looks at her with a hopeful glint in his eyes and smiles. "Are you in?"
Desiree has been quiet when Shawn spoke, thinking over the pros and cons of opening a private detective agency with her best friends. On one hand, she and Shawn could possibly go to jail when or if the cops figure out they actually aren't psychics and the other hand, she had to admit it sounded like a dream come true. Plus she didn't want to run a gold and silver coin business for her whole life. After realizing pros outweighed the cons, she had her answer. When Desiree grinned at Shawn, he grinned back at her.
"I'm in."
Thankfully there were no other customers in the store when Shawn came in (besides that one guy who left just before Shawn arrived) which allowed her to let the employees know that they have the rest of the day off. She then closed the store and she and Shawn went over to Gus' office.
"Alright," Shawn said once Desiree got out of her parked navy colored truck and was walking over to him. He gets off his motorcycle. "Now we just have to get Gus, and we're on our way to have our own private detective agency."
"You do realize he will never agree to this, right?" Desiree raised her eyebrows at him. She didnt
"Yep." Shawn sighs. "But it's worth shot. And hey," He shrugs, glancing at her with a smile. "If he doesn't agree to it then we can have a private detective agency without him." Desiree smiled at him and nodded in response. The two best friends then walked into the Central Coast Pharmacist building, walking down the hallway to Gus' office.
Shawn opens the door to Gus' office, pointing at Gus. "I have a job for you."
"I already have a job." Gus tells him, side glancing at Desiree when he noticed her standing by Shawn. "And it has to be something bad since you dragged Desiree with you."
Desiree chuckles. "I came here 'cause I wanted to...." Gus sends her a look and Desiree sheepishly smiles. "After Shawn convinced me to go along with his plan." Gus nodded, looking satisfied since she just proved his point.
"They're paying you to play video games?" Shawn asked Gus, raising his eyebrows.
"I'd work here if they payed me to play video games." Desiree admitted.
"Same." Shawn nodded in agreement.
Gus looks at Shawn with furrowed eyebrows. "How do you do that?"
"Come on." Shawn rolls his eyes. "Left hand space bar. Right hand arrow keys." Gus pulls his hands away from the keyboard, looking embarrassed that he got caught. He turns off the game and stands up. "Gus, you should ask me a challenging question every once in awhile just for kicks."
"I can't go anywhere. I'm behind on my route."
Desiree smiles teasingly at Gus. "Maybe if you stopped playing video games you wouldn't be behind." Shawn nodded, pointing at her in a sign of agreement while Gus just rolled his eyes in response.
Shawn steps forward, pulling the middle drawer open which was the drawer where Gus kept a stash of candy. "I got new samples of ceromoxicyllan." Gus explained as Shawn picked up two bags of candy.
Desiree's eyes lit up when he handed her a bag of Skittles which were her favorite candy. "Oh, man. I'm sorry." Shawn apologizes, but it was obvious it wasn't a real apology by the tone of his voice. He closes the drawer, stepping back to stand by Desiree, who was currently eating the bag of Skittles she now had. "I didn't realize the new butt cream had come in." Gus shoots Shawn an annoyed look before he looked at the shelf of medicine in front of him. "So you're not interested in hearing about the thing the three of us have been dreaming of doing since we were eight. I've got us the last job we will ever need."
Gus laughs. "Shawn, you've had fifty-seven jobs since we left high school."
Shawn points at him. "Yes, I have. And they were all fun. But this one takes the cake."
"Oh, yeah? Better than your acupuncture clinic?" Gus raised his eyebrows.
"Yeah, why'd you even take that job?" Desiree questions, glancing at Sawn with confusion. "You don't wanna be an acupuncture..." Her voice trails off when she realized she didn't know the name of the person who worked at an acupuncture clinic. "Person."
"I didn't realize experience was necessary." Shawn admits. "And I honestly just took the job just for fun."
"What about the summer you spent driving the wiener mobile?" Gus inquired.
Shawn nods. "I did that for the hot dogs. Look, Gus," He walks over to Gus, who now sat back at his desk. "All those jobs I took because I wanted the experience. But then I mastered it and I moved on. But this job has a little bit of everything." He smiles, reaching out a hand. "Come with us."
"Uh, no." Gus immediately said.
"I told you he would say no." Desiree shrugged.
"I'm never doing anything blindly with you again." Gus tells Shawn. "I learned that at the Mexican border twice."
"Okay, this is hard to explain, but I'm going to give it a shot. You and I and Desiree..." Shawn whispers the next part, grinning at Gus. "Are opening our own private detective agency."
Gus' eyes widen and he nods. "Oh." He smiles. "See?" He shakes his head. "No explanation necessary. Let me get my coat." He turned to face his computer and started to do some work.
Desiree snickers, looking at Gus with amusement. "But you're not getting your coat." Shawn noticed.
"Shawnie, he's not going with us. That's obvious." Desiree chuckled.
"She's right. I'm not." Gus agreed.
"Alright," Shawn rolls his eyes. "You want to sweat the details? Fine." He looks at Gus with excitement. "The cops think I'm a psychic, Dezi and I plan on making them think she's a psychic as well 'cause she has the ability I have, and now we are investigating a kidnapping."
Gus' eyes widen and he looks at him skeptically. "You're serious?"
"Yes, I am serious!" Shawn exclaimed.
Gus glances over at Desiree for confirmation and Desiree nods in response. Gus then looks back at Shawn curiously. "Six days ago, Camden McCallum Jr, sole male heir to McCallum Textiles, was seen being forced into his Range Rover at the municipal dog park." Shawn explains. "No one's seen him or the dog since."
"They took the dog?" Gus asked, his voice laced with surprise.
"I hope not." Desiree frowns. "Poor dog." She noticed a small box of paper clips on Gus' desk and so she grabbed one and clipped it onto the opening of the bag of Skittles she folded over since she was done with eating them for now. She then put the bag of Skittles into the pocket of her jacket.
"You see what I mean?" Shawn gestures to Gus. "Dezi and I need you. We need you to-to write stuff down. 'Cause you know how I zone out when other people talk."
Gus is quiet for a few moments, but Desiree could tell by the expression on his face he was thinking over his decision. "Just for toady?"
"Just today." Shawn reassures him. "Oh, and you know what, you should bring your sample case because some of those forensics guys-"
"Woah, woah, woah." Gus interrupts him. He smiles excitedly. "There's going to be forensics guys there?"
"It's a crime scene so that's a given." Desiree remarked.
Desiree now sat in the back of Gus' car he rented from the company he worked at. Shawn was at the passenger seat and Gus was driving.
"Alright, pay attention." Desiree moves closer to Shawn to peer over his shoulder so she can look at the newspaper he was looking at. "Eighteen months ago, Camden McCallum ran his father's cigarette boat into the Morro Bay Aquarium. That was right after he got caught with that hockey players wife."
"Yeah, I remember that." Gus nodded.
"Guy hadn't been out of the papers in five years." Shawn adds. "Since that day, nothing. Not a single news story. Not so much as a dented motorcycle."
After glancing over the newspaper and not seeing McCallum's name in it, Desiree knew Shawn was right. Why would there be nothing about Camden now since he got kidnapped? "Which is really suspicious." Desiree admitted.
"Okay? What do you think?" Gus questioned.
"I think Camden McCallum is too good at what he does to stop." Shawn answers. "Not cold turkey anyway. Beautiful women, fast cars. Doesn't add up. Something happened."
"How should we introduce ourselves?" Gus asks, walking up to the mansion with Shawn and Desiree walking beside him. "Don't say 'psychic'. They'll shut you off. Say something vague. Like 'alternative tactics division'."
Desiree pouts. "That's lame though."
"How about the Bureau of Magic and Spell Casting?" Shawn joked. Desiree stopped walking after noticing Shawn suddenly stopped walking and was looking to his right.
"What is it?" She asked him, looking in the direction he was looking at to see he was looking at some trash cans that were set up by the side gate.
Desiree knew by the look on Shawn's face the gears were turning in his head and he was coming up with an idea. "You think there's a clue over there?"
"Only one way to find out." Shawn replied and Desiree followed him over to where the trash cans were at. Gus didn't realize his friends were gone until he noticed them already walking over to the trash cans.
"Where are you two going?"
"To search through their trash." Desiree responds in a duh tone. She stands by Shawn as he opens up one of the trash cans. Her face scrunches up in disgust. "But I'm gonna let you handle that."
Shawn shrugs and begins to dig around in the trash can he opened. "You're rooting through their trash?" Gus asked in disbelief.
"Just for a second." Shawn replied.
"You two are without doubt the worst detectives I've ever seen." Gus commented.
"Good thing we're not really detectives then." Desiree chuckled.
"Gus, everything you need is right in front of you." Shawn reassures him. "You just have to pay attention."
Gus raises his eyebrows, looking at him with disbelief. "Oh, yeah?"
Shawn picks out a old and broken lampshade, setting it to the side and continues to dig through the trash. "Look at this." He pulls out an empty bag of dog food. "Berenson's brand." He sets the empty bag back in the trash. "That is the highest quality dog food on the market."
"Perfect." Gus nods. "They pamper their pets. The case is almost solved."
"This stuff is really expensive." Shawn said, picking up another empty bag of the same kind of dog food. "No additives. No preservatives. Why would you possibly open three bags simultaneously when you only have one dog?"
Desiree furrows her eyebrows as she thought this through. "That is strange."
Shawn points at her in a sign of agreement, but Gus wasn't buying any of this. "They're rich." Gus shrugs. "They waste money."
"This CD case is totally nice!" Shawn comments, picking up a CD case with a grin on his face. "Why would someone throw this out?" He hands it to Gus. "Here. Put this in the car."
"Inside. Now." Gus demanded, throwing the CD case back into the trash can.
Shawn pouts and glances at the CD case while Gus starts walking towards the front door. Desiree looks at Shawn with amusement, putting a hand on her hip. "You're taking the CD case, aren't you?"
"Yep." Shawn grins, picking up the CD case and holds it. He and Desiree then began walking after Gus. "Is it entirely too early for me to have a theory?"
"Can you at least wait until we see some evidence?" Gus asked him.
"I suppose I could if it would make you happier." Shawn responded.
Desiree looks around at the mansion in awe. The inside of it was beautiful just like the outside. She was honestly jealous. "Wow. This place looks amazing." She complimented, walking down the hallway with her best friends, the three of them passing by some other people that were walking in the hallway.
Shawn glances at his friends when they reach the living room where everyone was. "Just act natural." Right when they stood at the entrance, detectives Carlton Lassiter and Lucinda Barry glanced over at them. Gus guided his friends out to the hallway, earning confused looks by them.
"They know." Gus informed them.
Desiree exchanges a confused look with Shawn. "How could they know?" Shawn asked him, looking back at Gus along with Desiree.
"They know." Gus nodded.
"That's not possible." Desiree shook her head.
"We haven't said anything yet." Shawn spoke.
"They know. I can feel it." Gus said.
Shawn rolls his eyes. "Oh, you're a psychic now too?"
"Technically, you're not a psychic." Desiree tells him. "And neither am I."
Gus nods in agreement, pointing at Shawn. "Exactly."
Shawn guides his friends a little further down the hallway away from everyone else, lowering his voice. "Gus, let's just be clear on one thing. The only way they can absolutely prove that I am not a psychic is if I tell them and the same goes for Dezi. And I can guarantee you, that is one thing I will never do."
"I mean, we could just not tell bring me into this mess so when this all crash and burns I won't get in trouble." Desiree suggested.
Shawn points at her. "If this goes down you're going down with us."
Desiree sighs heavily, her shoulders dropping in defeat. "Fine."
Shawn's eyes then widened when he noticed something behind Desiree and Gus. "Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Check this out." He rushed over to a different part of the house where there were portraits hanging on the wall and even pictures on top of a table.
"You got a lead?" Gus inquired as he and Desiree followed Shawn.
"No. But look at this girl." Shawn stands in front of the table, glancing at a family picture. "She must be the sister. She's incredible."
"Kind of have a few other things going on right now, Shawn." Gus reminded him.
"Yeah, we're supposed to be investigating a kidnapping," Desiree rolls her eyes. "Not getting a date."
"Oh, guys, look." Shawn ignores her comment and picks up a frame that held a picture of the McCallum sister with a perm and it looked like she was at the beach. "Look how she went from this awkward stage with this really unfortunate perm to this beautiful, amazing girl. She's a late bloomer, but what does-what does that mean? That means depth of character."
Gus sighs heavily, putting his hands on his hips and walks to the side. Desiree chuckles lightly and glances at the next picture Shawn talked about. "Gus, Desiree, she kayaks." Shawn noticed.
Desiree furrows her eyebrows, growing confused when she heard Gus breathing deeply in and out. She and Shawn turn around to look at him with confusion. "Seriously?" Desiree raised her eyebrows.
"What, are you Lamaze breathing?" Shawn questioned.
Gus looks at him and Desiree with annoyance. "It helps. I cover a few birthing centers."
Shawn shakes his head. "Just let us know when the contractions are two minutes apart." He turns back to the photos on the wall along with Desiree, looking at one in particular. "She reads Vonnegut. Wow."
Desiree's eyes widen with surprise when she noticed a specific photo on the table. "And she's an aviatrix? Wow, she's cool."
"Right?" Shawn nods in agreement. "Guys, I bet this girl is spectacular."
"Really now?"
The trio turns around to look at the staircase behind them to see Katerina McCallum walking down the stairs. "I'm Katerina McCallum."
"I'm...Thoroughly embarrassed." Shawn admitted.
Katerina crosses her arms. "I'll bet you are."
"I'm sorry." Shawn apologizes, stepping forward along with his friends. He offers a hand to shake Katerina's hand and smiles. "I'm Shawn Spencer." He gestures with a nod of his head to Desiree. "This is Desiree O'Neal." Desiree smiles politely at Katerina and Katerina returns the smile. "The chief called us in." Shawn explained.
Now Shawn was just holding onto her and he smiles reassuringly at her. "Everything's gonna be okay."
Katerina looks surprised but she smiles softly. "Thank you for saying that. I have the same feeling. What makes you think so?
"I'm a psychic." Shawn replies. "And so is Desiree."
Katerina furrows her eyebrows. "They called in psychics?"
"We have very unique and special abilities." Shawn replied. Katerina glanced at Desiree for confirmation.
"Yeah, something like that." Desiree smiled a bit and shrugged.
"Well," Katerina looks back at Shawn with a small smile. "Shawn Spencer," She then glances at Desiree. "Desiree O'Neal. If you guys need to ask any questions-"
"Just one." Shawn interrupts her, earning a confused look from Desiree since she had no clue what he was going to ask Katerina. "Do you currently have a boyfriend?"
Desiree rolls her eyes, shaking her head. "Of course you ask that." She muttered. It seemed like every girl Shawn sets his eyes on he has to flirt with her. Every girl but her though which she's thankful because she's annoyed with all his flirting.
Katerina looks at Shawn with shock, furrowing her eyebrows. "Is that pertinent?"
"It very well could be." Shawn replied.
"Uh, well, yes." Katerina shrugs, still looking confused as to why Shawn needed to know if she had a boyfriend. "I'm sort of seeing someone. Nothing serious though."
"Nothing too serious." Shawn nods. "That's good." Katerina smiles. "That's very good." Shawn tells her. He glances at Desiree and Gus, who both give him a 'are you serious' look. He looks back at Katerina with a smile. "I think that's it for now." He gestures to himself and Desiree. "We will be in touch." With a nod and a smile on her face, Katerina then walked away.
"Dude, seriously?" Desiree asks with disbelief, putting a hand on her hip. "You just had to ask if she had a boyfriend."
"That's valuable information." Shawn defended himself, earning an eye roll from Desiree.
"How do you luck into these women all the time?" Gus inquired.
"Gus, please. I am a professional. Gathering information." Shawn answered.
The trio were now looking through a scrapbook that they found at the house. "What are we looking for?" Gus questioned.
"Pictures of that Katerina girl. Preferably at the beach. Maybe on her way to yoga. Or at a Halloween party dressed as a cat." Shawn replies, wincing slightly when Desiree hit the back of his head. He raises his eyebrows at her. "What?"
"We're supposed to be working on a case and all you wanna do is look at pictures of that girl?" Desiree asked him.
Shawn shrugs, his attention turning to Gus when he noticed Gus getting some kind of pills out of his pocket. "What are those for?"
"It's for anxiety." Gus responded, taking a pill out of the bag.
Shawn raises his eyebrows. "Is it ethical to sample your own samples?" He glanced at Desiree as if she knew the answer. Usually when Gus didn't know the answers to thing he then turned to Desiree.
"Probably not." Desiree answered, but Gus still took the pill anyway.
"Mr. Spencer, Ms. O'Neal, the sketch artist is for you." Detective Lucinda Barry spoke as she walked over to the trio.
The trio turns around to face her as Shawn and Desiree share a confused look. "Sketch artist?" Shawn said with confusion, looking back at Lucinda along with Desiree.
The blonde-haired woman nods. "The chief insisted."
"Interim chief." Shawn nodded.
"Yeah." Lucinda turns around to walk away. "You call her that."
"How about you don't call her that?" Desiree suggests. "Something tells me you won't get a good response."
"We'll be right back." Shawn told Gus, gesturing for Desiree to follow him.
"Oh, yeah. That's nice. Yeah, with the shading. The shading's nice." Shawn comments as the sketch artist drew the person he and Desiree described. "Uh, here's a question. Do you think you could have him looking further to the left-, like, his eye line further to the left?"
Desiree didn't even realize Gus had found them until she heard his voice. "Shawn, Desiree." Gus said.
Shawn turns to face him with raised eyebrows. "Yeah?"
"Can I talk to you guys for a second?" Gus asked them.
"Sure." Desiree nodded.
"Yeah, yeah." Shawn looks back at the sketch artist. "Um, so just mole to the left and I think we're there."
Desiree and Shawn stand up, moving to stand by Gus, who stood at the entrance of the room they were in. "What's up?" Shawn asked him.
"What are you doing?" Gus inquired with disbelief.
"Just-Just work with me." Shawn pleaded.
"Tell them your blocked or something." Gus suggested.
Shawn points at himself and Desiree. "One of us or both are gonna have to use that later."
"Oh, great." Desiree sighed. She had a feeling this would not go well.
Shawn glances at the sketch artist. "Uh, how are we looking over there?" The sketch artist turns the notepad around, showing him the drawing. Desiree had to admit the sketch artist is very talented. She wouldn't be good at that job, she can't even draw a perfect circle. "Oh, that's great." Shawn compliments. "Now look how good that is."
Desiree notices Gus looking surprised as he looked in a direction which made her confused and curious so she looks in the same direction, her eyes widening with surprise. She and Shawn had the sketch artist draw the man in the photo on the dresser behind the sketch artist. It was an exact match.
"See how he's looking off to the left like he sees something?" Shawn continues. "As far as the hair goes, can we get the bangs wispier, like he's trying to compensate, for, like, maybe he's thinning in the back and sort of got a swoop?"
Desiree jumps, startled when suddenly Miss McCallum screamed. Her scream got the attention of Katerina, who rushed into the room with a worried look. "Oh my gosh!" Miss McCallum exclaims, staring at the drawing with shock. "It's Bill! Oh, it's Bill!"
Shawn looks confused for a few seconds before he spots the picture of a man and woman on a ski trip, the picture frame resting on the dresser behind the sketch artist. The man in the photo looked exactly like the one the sketch artist drew. "Oh, honey, come here quick." Miss McCallum cries out, gesturing for her daughter to walk over to her. "Bill's the kidnapper!"
Desiree and Shawn exchange a slightly nervous look. "Um, um, um..." Shawn started, his voice trailing off.
Katerina's eyes widen when she saw the drawing. "That's the exact cap I gave him."
"Okay, everybody. Stop." Shawn orders, outstretching his hands in front of him with his eyes closed. Gus sneaks behind the mother-daughter duo, snatching the picture frame to hide it in his jacket before anyone else realized Shawn and Desiree copied that picture. "No. No, we're sorry. Billy is not the kidnapper. Not the kidnapper."
"Yeah, we're so sorry about that mistake." Desiree apologizes, sheepishly smiling. "Sometimes things just get all jumbled together and we have trouble picking out things that are right." She lied and she was relieved Katerina and her mother believed the lie.
Shawn nods in agreement. "She's right. Bill is just a horrible human being."
Katerina and her mom looks at him with shock. "Who's Bill?" Shawn asks, closing his eyes and pretends to act like he's getting a psychic reading. "I'm getting, uh, multiple women. Is he a bigamist?" He opens his eyes, glancing at Katerina and her mom curiously. "Does he sell children on the black market?"
"Probably shouldn't have said anything." Desiree tells Shawn, being the first one to walk out of the house with her best friends following her. "We should've just made up some excuse and left after I apologized."
"Yeah, 'cause then we wouldn't have gotten kicked out." Gus nodded.
When he noticed a familiar man walking by, Shawn stops walking, causing his friends to stop walking as well. "Mr. McCallum." Mr. McCallum stops walking, turning to face Shawn. "I'm Shawn Spencer," Shawn introduces himself. He points at Desiree, who smiles politely at Mr. McCallum. "And this is Desiree O'Neal. We're the psychics."
Mr. McCallum looks surprised, but then he nods. "Well, thank you for coming. If there's anything I can do..."
"I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you, sir." Shawn said with a somber expression.
"Yeah, we're so very sorry this had happened," Desiree apologizes, sympathetically smiling at him.
Mr. McCallum shakes his head. "Nothing can prepare you for something like this knowing you can't do anything." He smiles slightly. "Call me any time with any questions.
"Uh, actually," Shawn said, stopping Mr. McCallum from heading inside. "I do have one question, sir. How did he feel about the dog?" Desiree looked at him with confusion, wondering why he asked about that. But then she puts the pieces together and her eyes widened a bit in realization.
"Well, he loved that d**n thing." Mr. McCallum shrugs. "Didn't do anything without it."
Desiree nods slowly, trying not to show how confused she felt, and smiles slightly. "Thank you, Mr. McCallum." Mr. McCallum nodded and walked inside. Desiree walked away with Shawn as a confused Gus followed them.
"Does he like his dog?" Gus asks with disbelief. "That's how you investigate?"
"I think we're making progress." Shawn smiles. He glances at Desiree with a smile. "Dezi, what do you think?"
Desiree nods in agreement and smiles. "Yep, I also think we're making progress."
"Since you've been here, all you've done is dig through the trash, hit on the victim's sister, and falsely accuse her boyfriend." Gus told Shawn.
"Gus, he is not her boyfriend." Shawn argues. "She made a point to say they're free to see other people."
"Yeah, that definitely wasn't the point she made." Desiree chuckled.
Gus nods in agreement. "I agree with Dez. But whatever you say, Shawn. Have a blast. I quit."
Shawn shakes his head. "You can't quit. We just got started."
"Watch me." Gus said, opening the back door of his rental car, setting the briefcase he brought in the back. After closing the door, he opened the front door and got in the car.
"Gus, you're gonna miss everything!" Shawn calls out to him. "It's gonna be fun!" He glares at Gus when Gus started the engine of the car. "Gus, get back here!" As Gus drives away, Shawn pouts. "Fine. We'll solve this case by ourselves." He looks at Desiree with a pleading expression. "Well, since my ride just left can you give me a ride home?"
Desiree laughs and nods. "Sure, Shawnie. Let's go."
A/N i forgot how long episode one of season one is, im gonna have to split it into two chapters lol, maybe more than two, but anyway i already love this trio of desiree, shawn & gus so much !! & of course i love desiree & shawn, they're so cute you guys
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