chapter 3
I know I said that the reader would be female or feminine male, but I'm changing that to non-binary.
After 10, stressful minutes of trying to bring the white haired bitty to the bathroom. It was a struggle and you had to wrap bandages around your hand multiple times in because the bitty kept on biting through them. Once you placed him down on the bathroom counter, he refused to stop biting you as he latched on with his his teeth. Ritchie saw you come in and spoke in a quiet voice.
''B-Brandon.'' The white haired bitty, now known as Brandon, stopped biting you and looked over to his brother before rushing towards him and making sure he was okay.
You smiled sadly when you saw this, knowing the exact reason he was so worried. You also realized that since Ritchie seems to have a magic blocking collar, that Brandon would more than likely have one. You also saw how skinny both of them were. Because of this, you knew that you would need to call someone to get them off and that you would need to feed them soon. Luckily you knew who to call. But first, you need to get some bandages and disinfectant on Brandon.
''So, I'm going to need you to take off your shirt so that I can put disinfectant on your cuts and wrap some bandages on them.'' He went to growl but was stopped by Ritchie.
''Please brother. The disinfectant thing is the only part that hurts. But it only stings a little and for a second or two.'' Brandon looked his brother in the eye before sighing and removing his shirt.
It took a few minutes, since Brandon would sometimes bite out of instinct, but you managed to finish wrapping the bandages on him. They both seemed more content than when they first saw you, but still seemed a bit nervous. You put your hand on the counter, causing them to look at you.
''I'm going to bring you to the couch so that you can be comfortable while I call someone to get those collars off of you.'' They seemed hesitant but did get on your hand.
You slowly made your way down the stairs to your living room before gently placing the brothers on a pillow. You grabbed your cellphone and called your boss who is also your best friend, knowing she would be able to help.
Underline = person on other end of phone
Normal = you
''Hi Kit!''
''Hi (y/n), how has your day been?''
''It's been... eventful...''
''What happened?''
''Well I was on my way to the store when someone shoved a box into my hands before running off. I heard a small yelp when whatever was in the box hit the side, so I decided to come home and open it.''
''What was in it?''
''*sigh* there were two bitties in the box."
"*gasp* what?!?''
''Yep. They had lots of cuts and bruises on them, the smaller of the two was absolutely terrified of me while the larger looked ready to kill me. I managed to get some disinfectant on their cuts and get some bandages on them, but they seem to have magic blocking collars on them.''
''I'm on my way.''
She hung up and you let out a sigh of relief, knowing she would get here as soon as she could to get the collars off. You went back to the living room and saw Ritchie was asleep with his head in Brandon's lap, while Brandon was gently running his fingers through his brother's hair. You smiled at the sight before speaking in a soft whisper.
''My friend is on her way over now, but we need to get you guys fed.'' Brandon looked surprised, which just confirmed that you think they were starved.
''Going off of the look on your face, I'm guessing you didn't get fed very often.'' Brandon looked down before nodding a bit, causing you to sigh.
''Well, I'll go make you guys something called French toast, which is extremely delicious.'' Before Brandon could say anything, you left the room and went to the kitchen.
He stared at the doorway you went through, deep in thought. He was quite surprised that you didn't hurt him or his brother yet and that you only separated them to help them. He felt something shift and looked down to see his brother slowly opening his eyes. He smiled softly, his younger brother being the only thing he cared about.
''What happened when I was asleep?'' Brandon explained to Ritchie what was said and they both went silent, only thinking that maybe, just maybe,
Not all humans are bad...
WelshKitsune is being added to the story as Kit.
Remember to always try and have a good day/night. Happy holidays wolf pups!!
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