The Call
Dylan laid on the floor, in a pool of his own tears. He had called Thomas countless times, but no answer. Voicemail after voicemail. Nothing.
dylan: tommy you need to knock this off right now and come home
read at 7:34
dylan: i need you more than you know
read at 7:34
dylan: i'm nothing without you
read at 7:35
Loud sobs could be heard from his neighbors. When his phones started ringing, his heart dropped into his stomach. Without even looking at the name, he answered it.
"No, this is Hailey. Is this Dylan? Thomas has not shown up to work or answered any of my calls. I was wondering if you know where he is?"
Dylan's lip began to quiver. "N-no I'm s-sorry. He l-left a n-note saying he was l-leaving but I d-don't k-know where."
"Oh no! I'm sure he's alright Dylan don't worry. If you get any news please let me know."
Now in full tears, Dylan hung up the phone. He picked up the box full of Thomas' letters, and began to read one.
it's day 250 (hahaha) without seeing your face. i miss the way you used to hold me in your arms until i fell asleep. i miss laying out under the stars, and talking about the world. you are my world. i love you to the moon.
Dylan closed the box. "If you're not coming to me, then I am coming to you."
word count: 250
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