Take Twelve
What did he just say? He.. wants... me... to... like... him? LIKE? HIM? DAMN! He's insane. No! I'm insane for telling him that I'm worrying about him. He's just using you, Chastity. Don't give in. You don't have to like him. He will always be a devil. Remember, he stole your bike. YOUR BIKE! I was still fighting with my inner self right after he said that. His grip was loosening already which was a relief.
"What is going on here?" Someone suddenly appeared behind us. We both turned around and saw Mino approaching. "Chastity, is that guy bothering you?"
"Uh... n-no." I answered, shaking my head. The devil finally let go of my hand.
"I'm going in." Tristan said, leaving me there with Mino.
I watched him walk away and enter the villa. Meanwhile, Mino was still staring back at me.
"I'm okay, Mino. He didn't do anything."
He nodded. "That's a relief then. Why are you out here with him?"
"Oh... uh... I just happen to go here. I didn't know he was here." I lied.
"Ah. Let's go in now. We need to finalize our choices. Tonight will be the elimination night." He explained.
"It's tonight already?" I asked in awe.
He nodded then smiled. "Why? You're worrying that you'll get eliminated? Don't worry. I don't think you will."
I faked a smile. "Not really. That's what I wanted... to get out of here."
"What? No. We won't let you, Chastity."
"Oh come on, Mino. Just please let me out of this dating show."
He shook his head. "Nope. Sorry." He chuckled. "Come on. Let's go in."
THE paper I was holding was still blank after staring at it for almost half an hour. We were inside a white room right now (the third room upstairs) wherein we need to write our top ten guys and girls according to our preference. We were kinda like having an exam or something. Only twenty people will remain after this elimination night. Yeap, that's right. Ten people will be eliminated tonight – five guys and five girls. And I just can't wait to be eliminated.
"You only have 10 minutes left to write your choices on the paper." A staff, who was standing infront, reminded us.
Who will I write in this paper? Ten guys and girls? I don't even know half of the people inside the villa. I heaved a sigh. I looked infront and read the names written all over the board which served as our reference. Okay Chastity, just write twenty people.
I started to write Sab's name first, then next was Jasper. Hmm... who else? Ah, yes! Patrick... the gentleman. Mino... my savior. Nicole... the gorgeous one who has a crush on Jasper. Skye... the sister of the ex-girlfriend of... Tristan... the Devil. There! I've got seven people in my list.
I looked at the board again and just started to scribble random names just to complete my list. Bobby... Kimmy... Hardin... Kimmy... Hannah... Cheska... Liam... Claudine... Julian... Jiro... Zachary... Payton... Melissa. AND YES, I'M DONE!
I stood up from my seat and dropped the paper into the big box situated on top of a table infront of us. I sighed. I just hope I didn't choose the wrong people.
"You may go back in now, Ms. Gomez." A staff ordered me and so I did.
I walked my way back inside and saw some people hanging out in the living room just as usual. Some turned to me and eyed me weirdly. What's up with this people? One of them was my roommate with a long, wavy ash brown hair namely Emily. She was whispering something to her fellow wannabe with fake lashes (and boobs), but I didn't mind them. Instead, I proceeded upstairs to get a long nap, hoping that today would be the last day I'd be spending my time here inside.
IT was 6'o clock pm when someone came into my room, waking me up from my deep sleep. I had no intention of getting up, but then when I realized it was a staff, I quickly rose up and followed her. She led me the way into the hallways, heading to the room next to the 'white room' where we did the voting process earlier. I never knew it was a beauty salon inside up until now. Now the mystery of that sixth room was solved.
Anyway, there were some girls already being styled up each sitting infront of the mirrors (just like the ones inside a make-up room of celebrities). A staff motioned me to sit on the vacant sit on the far corner so I did. A hair stylist was waiting for me there with a brush in her hands. She pulled the band tying my hair up then looked at my reflection in the mirror.
"Hmm... now what can we do with your hair?"
I just shrugged at her, as she started to brush my hair. I was still partly asleep due to the sudden wake-up call of the staff so I wasn't really paying attention to whatever the stylist was doing to my hair at the moment. Few minutes later, the hair stylist spoke, waking me up from my nap. "There! All done! You look more human now."
I shot her a glare so she suddenly stopped giggling. When I looked at myself in the mirror, what I saw was definitely NOT Chastity. "Holy!" I muttered, looking at the girl in the mirror with side-swept bangs and hair totally straightened out. "Who is that... girl?"
The stylist laughed at my reaction. "I know. I'm great, aren't I?"
I heaved a sigh upwards, blowing away the bangs covering my forehead. "Right. Thanks." I just said, standing up.
"Wait, dear. Your clothes... just pick one out there." She pointed at a door on the side.
I made my way towards it and got stunned when I realized that it was a walk-in closet (and not just the ordinary one 'cause it was like a whole boutique I just entered into). "Woah!" I mumbled.
"I know right. Amazing!" Someone suddenly said beside me and I was relieved to see Sab again with her hair curled down. She looked pretty just as usual. "What are you doing standing here, Chas? Let's pick out our clothes."
I walked on the aisles to scan the variety of clothes. There were dresses on one side, shirts on the other, shoes, heels and a whole lot more. I honestly didn't know what to pick. I just moved towards the shirts section and picked out a random tee with a graphics on it. When Sab saw me, she had this frown on her face. "Chas, you're not honestly gonna use that, right?"
"I am honestly gonna use this, Sab." I answered her.
She shook her head, then scanned the room. Her eyes caught something on the side. She suddenly grabbed my hand as we approached a section full of jackets, sweaters and pullovers. "Hmm..." Sab continued to scan the clothes. "Aha! Here!" She said, handing me a red leather jacket.
"And I should use this because I'm a rock star?" I asked her in sarcasm.
She giggled. "Yes! That'd perfectly fit your shirt. Oh, and use this boots." She said, picking up a black combat boots on the side. "You don't want heels, right?"
The girl's got a point. I nodded and took the pair in my hands. "Thanks."
"Wait..." She said, stopping me. She moved towards the accessories section this time, as she picked up a black hat. "To complete your rock star look. And don't forget to wear pants."
"Oh-kay. Are we done now?"
She nodded. "I'm so excited to see you with that outfit."
"Right. Bye. I'm going out." I said hastily, as I walked out of the closet and exited the "beauty" room.
As I stepped out of the room, someone blocked my way. I looked up and saw the devil's face glaring at me. I was frozen on my spot for a while. "E-excuse me..." I said, trying to shove him away, but he moved to the side to block me again. "What do you want?" I asked him.
"You..." He got cut off, when a staff suddenly appeared behind us.
"Oh Tristan, you need to come in now." The staff told him.
I saw him sighing while brushing his hair backwards with his hand, like what he always did. He took one last look at me before proceeding inside the room. Damn it! I don't want to be awkward with anyone else here. Why did he have to make it so hard for me?
"OKAY... standby!" The director called out. We were now lined up again in the grassy lawn infront of the villa for the first elimination night. I just hope I get called out. I didn't wanna stay for another whole week in this freaking dating show. "Cameras rolling... in 3... 2... 1...."
"Good evening, ladies and lords!" Victoria, who was wearing a black dress hugging her body tight and showing off her curves, started to speak. "Welcome to the first elimination night of the only dating reality show in the planet, The Perfect Match!"
Ugh. When will I ever get used to this? I looked sideways and noticed that I was the only one not wearing heels for the girls. But my height was still decent enough to stand near them since I'm standing 5 feet and 6 inches.
"For the first elimination round, we let our participants choose who they want to stay here in the villa. 5 girls and 5 guys who got the lowest votes will be eliminated for tonight so we'll have 20 remaining participants after this." Victoria continued to explain to the camera. "Are you guys ready?" She asked, looking at us. "Okay I gotta ask how you're feeling tonight."
She started to move towards Patrick. "Hi there Mr. Patrick Acosta, our singer/songwriter. Do you think you'll get through tonight's elimination?"
"I just hope I will stay for another week." Patrick answered with a smile.
Victoria nodded at him, flirtatiously (I must say). Anyway, she started to walk towards the line of ladies. I was hoping she wouldn't pick me. But as I turned to my right, I saw her coming my way. Oh please no.
"Ah, Chastity Gomez, the girl who has been the talk of the town since day 1. How is your ankle by the way?" She asked, pretending to be concerned.
"I'm fine now. Thank you," I answered, half-heartedly.
She nodded. "Anyway, do you have confidence that you'll stay for another week?" She asked me with a sarcastic smile.
"I don't have confidence. And even if I-" She didn't let me finish answering her question already. She must've realized that I was gonna say something nasty again. Is telling the audience that I don't wanna be in this show nasty?
The MC left me after the director called "CUT!" I heard the girl beside me murmuring something about me but I didn't bother anymore. I glanced at the line of the guys. I saw Jasper looking at me and smirking at me as if telling me that I did a great job at dissing the show again. Just then, I felt a pair of eyes looking at me and I wasn't surprised to see that it was the devil. I just rolled my eyes at him.
FEW minutes later, the MC started to name the names of the participants who get to stay for another week in the villa. I was glad to hear that Sab and Jasper were called already. The typical popular ones were also called like Patrick, Nicole, Mino, Skye and yes, even the devil - I mean - Tristan. I just really hope I won't get called anymore. "Okay so we're down to the last 3 names of the guys and girls who will stay... first up for the guys... we have Hardin, Bobby and Julian."
I glanced at the last three guys who got called. They all went to the line of the ones called already. I saw Sab with her head down and Jasper looking at me intently. I shrugged my shoulders at him while smiling.
"...and for the girls we have Cheska, Emily and Chastity." I was all ready to jump for joy when the MC just called my name. Wait... did she just freaking called my name?NOOOOOOO! Please tell me she just read it wrong.
But she didn't.
A/N: Okay she didn't get eliminated! Haha XD Thanks for reading this update! Vote and comment if you have time! :)
P.S. Anyone watching Taehyun's web drama Girl at 0 am? None? Okay, I'm out! XD
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