A nerve-racking first day
{Malcome's POV}
I yawned and woke up, looking over at my ringing alarm, I groaned in annoyance as my face hit into my hands, realizing the date
Today was going to be my first day at a prestigious collage
'Living Legacy'
A place for Originees like myself to hide from the world.
Keep our magic a secret.
And pray for our lives.
wait, allow me to rewind..
Hi, im malcome, an angel hybrid with angelic powers forced to take on the world full of humans and mortals.
We.. arnt really welcomed well on earth..
but there is one place..
that place being 'Living Legacy'.
one place for hybrids and originees like myself to live.
to live as peaceful as possible.
anyways, im 19 years old, have autism- and am.. questioning.. my sexuality- im not sure of who i wanna be yet, or where or what i plan to do, but im slowly on the path to leaning thats okay!
I got up and started getting ready, taking a shower, brushing my teeth, my hair and preening my wings, all while mentally preparing myself for the 6 hour bus ride to Santa Barbara California.
I brushed my pinkish purple and tied it up into the short ponytail, trying to slick it back but my short bangs/fringe fell back in front of my eyes.
I sighed and grabbed my bags hastily
All before waving goodbye and walking out the door.
I grabbed my headphones and placed them on my head, plugging them into my phone as I boarded the yellow, white and black bus
I slumped on the uncomfortable leather chairs after putting my stuff down in the back of the bus
I played my favorite songs and tapped on the window cell as I watched the bus take away from my house and neighborhood
My wings were folded tightly against my back as I leaned, staring out the window
We stopped at probably 35 more houses and sighed when we reached the final one
A 6'0 curly brown haired boy stepped onto the bus, his eyes a bright piercing blue as he glanced around.
He walked past me and glanced in my direction before walking to the back of the bus and placed down his bags
He walked back in my direction, I hid my face behind my phone as he walked towards the front of the bus again.
To my shock, he stopped next to my seat and tapped on it quite a few times
I pulled off my headphones and looked up at him warily
"..this seat taken?" He asked, a small smile remained on his face
".i- er- uh-uhm.. n..no g-go ahead." I stuttered nervously and stood up to let him in
He sat down where I was sat near the window and I sat in the isle seat
I nervously played on my phone and played music to distract myself.
I'de be sitting next to him.. for six hours straight...
Was I complaining?
Oh heck not
He's.. absolutely gorgeous and his voice is so soft and sweet, yet gruff at the same time
I tried to ignore my blush as he stared out the window and playing on his phone as well
The entirety of the ride was nerve racking
But eventually the bus came to a jolted stop in front of a fancy collage.
Looking almost.. castle like
He let me off the bus first, I walked down the long bus isle, grabbed my bags and then went back to the front, going down the few steps, a kid in front of me stopped near the last step once he was off and put his leg out. I tripped on it heavily and all my bags fell out do my arms onto the cold concrete
Though I didn't fall
Someone grabbed the underneath of my arms and held me mostly upright
I looked back, about to thank who it was...
The boy ide sat with
I smiled warmly though he shoved me behind him once he made sure I was alright and walked up to the other student angrily
Small black horns grew from his forehead slowly
Piercing through his skin in order to show
His wings spread from his back, puffing them out to look larger as he stared the student down
Without a single hesitation his fist slammed into the other students face
I stepped back and gasped in shock watching the students body crumple to the floor after he'd pass out at impact
I was breathing heavily
Yelling at myself in my head
'Oh my god this is my fault.. I'm so stupid I'm gonna get arrested for murder..!'
Tears welled in my eyes as I scrambled and grabbed my bags, pushing past him and jumping over the kids unconscious body
I ran faster than I ever had to get away.
Running continuously into the fancy school hall away from the scene
I ran through the hallways and stopped outside the large main office doors. I breathed heavily as attempting to grab my breath and put my hands on my knees trying to regain myself.
I opened the large doors and stepped inside, swallowing thickly once I saw the principal assistant principal and vice principal.
The principal was a large. 10'9 winged monster. Her wings were purple and folded behind her. Parts of her skin appeared black.
The Assistant principal was a large squid like woman, she had four arms and four legs, she was 8'3 and parts of her skin appeared to be squid skid, a grayish blue color.
The Vice Principal was 8'4 and appeared to be a siren.
Gills traced the side of her face and neck, parts of her skin blue and scaly
Her eye whites are yellow and her iris's are red, her pupils snake like.
I felt intimidated and small in their presence, holding my wings pressed against my back as I tried to regain my breath and act proper in front of them..
but oh.. god.. did i not know.. what i had gotten myself into..
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