I looked at clock- I've woken up three times now and this 'wake up' has been the longest. I can't go back to sleep no matter how hard I try. It's 4:29 am are you kidding me? I sighed deeply and turned around in my bed. A deep sigh escaped my mouth, I don't have work tomorrow cause it's the owners wedding. Yay.
A loud moan echoed through the house. Oh god. Sex animals I tell you. I looked at the empty spot in my bed and imaged him, asleep with my arms around him. I was never a very imaginative person. I could see myself as a... left brain. Although I can be very goofy and silly at moments I've always been a more realistic person. I never imagined someone next to me or even me in a relationship. It's always been just... me?
Until now. Now I think and image him with me whenever I feel lonely. Whenever I feel down in dumpster like I sometimes feel. To think about it, I haven't been in a relationship since high school... Kelly. I was in love with her until she didn't want me anymore. She moved on and eventually I did too. My hand twitched a little. I had been use to it by now. A part of me would twitch when I'm tried. I rolled over again and closed my eyes. My eyes felt heavy as I drifted off into sleep.
It was blurry as my eyes opened just to see the wall. I heard my door open and I instantly closed my eyes again. I heard a deep sigh and something lie next to me I looked to see David with tired eyes. I smiled and rolled over towards him and hugged him close to me. We slept till 3:36 pm.
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