"Fuck you Tyler! " Brian laughed, as the waiter placed breadsticks on our table. See Brian said that because I said Brian's accent is kinda squeaky and David's is deep and sexy- fuck. "I love your friendship. " David laughed, and Brian and I smiled. "Being friends since you were ten really makes a difference. " I said, flattered of the 'compliment' David just gave us.
"Man I wish Evan was here! " Brian said, "And Jonathan, he's cool. " He finished, and I rolled my eyes. "Yeah Evan would beat your ass if Jonathan wasn't invited. " fun fact- indeed has that happened before, under different circumstances. It was freshman year of Highschool, when Evan met Jonathan. Jonathan was sad and lonely when we met him, and got made fun of for how squeaky his voice was. It was really sad seeing his mood go from happy and excited to sad and quiet.
So one day, Evan saw Jonathan's main bully making fun of him and Evan went nuts. He walked up to him and straight up sucker punched him and the guy Daren I think fell to the ground with a bloody nose. Evan got suspended for a week but he didn't really care cause no one made fun of Jonathan again. That suspension was when they first got together, and stayed together for about 5 years until the spilt for awhile- but they always get back together cause they are fucking soul mates I swear.
The table was silent until David got a call. He looked down at his and his face went from a smile to a frown. "I have to take this, be right back. " he said as he picked up and rushed outside. "Ex boyfriend. " Brian instantly said, and I looked at him. "Don't get nosy. " I said and he punched me.
"Tyler, I heard something before he left and it sounded pissed. You have to do something about it if he makes you feel something. " Brian said and looked at his down at his lap for a second, "like a feeling that you'll never feel again... ever. " Brian said and I looked at him... oh. He's talking about Ryan. His ex ex boyfriend. He was in love with him and he kept his eyes on him closely, until Ryan moved across the country, To California. Brian was stuck in North Carolina and they lost contact.
It was highschool he couldn't do much about it. "Hey guys I'm back. " David said as he sat down in his seat again. His smile was completely gone and he muted his phone. "Who was it if you don't mind? " I asked and Brian shoved a breadstick in his mouth.
"My ex. He was just complaining over something. " David shrugged and he also shoved a breadstick in his mouth- might as well join em'. I also shoved a breadstick in our mouth, and finally the waiter came with our food. I got lasagne, David got shrimp Alfredo, and Brian got standard spaghetti. I shoved a fork full in my mouth and Brian laughed. "You look like Garfield! "
I stared at him for a whole five seconds before I slapped the back of his head and we both started laughing. I reached over to my water to see David still sad. I would totally hurt his ex boyfriend for making David unhappy- but not kill I'm not trying to get life in prison. "David what'd he say that's making you so down? " I asked and he looked up at me with those eyes that could make me smile even on my darkest days. "Well um, he said if I'll never be happy again cause he's the only one who would ever even look twice at me. "
That's it. His boyfriend is on my list of people to punch. "But he's not right so why do you let it get to you? " I asked and Brian awkwardly shoved spaghetti in his mouth- but on the inside he was probably freaking out for me. I know him he most likely is. "Cause he's always right. " David said as he bit into his food that was twirled up on the fork.
the rest of the meal was quiet, and the whole time I was thinking about how many ways I could punch is ex. Stupid bitch of an ex.
time skip
I woke up the next morning and sighed. David went home yesterday and when we got there Evan and Jonathan were still at it. Fuckers. Thankfully not anymore. But I didn't feel like getting up today. I couldn't get up today. I didn't want to do anything but stay in bed all day. Thankfully, today is also my day off but I work for the rest of the week. Thank god. "Evan! " I heard Jonathan yell as something fell to the floor.
"Hey it's alright, don't worry it's just a plate. " Evan replied back. Wow. They're up to something. Stupid ducking thin walls brooo.
I reached over to my phone and scrolled through my notifications. Just YouTube videos. Wow. Cool.
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