24 🥀
Yoongi's POV
Jimin stood, nose nearly touching mine, with a deep blush flooding his cheeks. How cute. There was a haze about him, eyes unfocused and clouded with lust. His hair delicately framing his face and jaw ajar, perfectly plumped lips separated just far enough to see his pink tongue. What a beauty this man is.
To think that with so little effort, he almost quite literally became putty in my hands. I can't help but wonder all the things that could happen if he let me. All the things I would do to him.
Right as I open my mouth to say something, an obnoxious chime rings in my pocket. I take my right hand away from Jimin's chin and fish my phone out of my pocket.
Shit. I can't even leave them alone for an hour. I groan and press the answer button on the screen. Before I was able to ask any questions or even greet the person on the other end of the call, the slightly staticky voice blurted their urgent message,
"Yoongi! I know that you're busy, but we have a bit of a problem here." In the background, there were rushed footsteps and a frantic shout of the caller's name. "I'm on the phone with him right now. Can you try to stall them?" The call continued, muffled by what could possibly be the man's hand. "Are you still there?"
"Yes, I'm here. I'll be there in 15 minutes. What the hell is going on over there?" After mentally listing any and all plausible possibilities, it clicked. "Wait.... Is today-?"
"Are they there already? Shit, I can't believe it slipped my mind." I start moving away from the man against the wall.
On the opposite side of the room are several clocks, all from different time zones. I'm already late.
"Yeah, they're here. Should I send them to your office? I think we can stall them a few minutes longer."
"Someone prepare refreshments for them in my office. I'll make it there in 10."
I pull the phone away from my ear, the call having been ended. Shoving the device back into my pocket, I return by gaze to Jimin. His flushed complexion has returned to normal and has begun staring rather confusedly at me. Understandably so; he doesn't know the context of the call.
My attendance is crucial; I'm already tardy by a few minutes and I can't push it off, not with her. By the time I arrive, I would be inexcusably tardy for a CEO. I am nearly positive I couldn't bring him in to keep an eye on him because it's a one on one consultation, but I also cannot trust him in the hands of anyone else. Call it what you will, but I won't be able bear living with the fact that after everything, he was hurt in any way while in my care. There's too high a chance of something happening. Whether that be: someone making him uncomfortable (common for new workers. Especially with the exhibitionists), or even something as small as a minor paper cut or bumping into something, if I can prevent it, I will.
However, if I leave him here, he could have another panic attack and I wouldn't know or be here to help him. I don't want him to be left alone, yet being in a workplace almost entirely revolved around sexual intimacy isn't ideal either.
His light fringe was slightly disheveled as he peered at me through eyes similar to a doe. Though not for a good reason, he looked very cute in my clothes. The sleeves surpassing his small hands and the material hanging very loosely on his slender frame. He looks good in anything. After all, he's Jisoo's company's favorite and most adored model for a reason.
When I don't answer his unspoken curiosity, Jimin pouts, making his lower lip more prominent.
"Would you like to stay here?" It would be helpful in the future for him to see the layout of the building and maybe get a proper tour, but I didn't expect it to be so soon. Nobody could expect much nowadays.
I could almost see the gears turning in his head, weighing options and comparing the pros to cons. In his eyes it was clear he didn't want to be alone, but he replied with a shy yes.
"You're coming with me," I inform him and his rigid shoulders relaxed. Though my room is only a mere few doors down, I save him the trouble and carry him. He doesn't seem to mind it at all as he flashes a closed-mouth smile, eyes forming small creases at the sides. Jimin clasps his hands together behind my neck as I stroll down the mundane hall.
Jimin turns the handle of my bedroom door for me. I quickly place him on the bed in the center of the massive room and swing open the doors to my wardrobe. I first collect him clothes suitable for a work environment. They have gotten a bit too small for me, but I never cared enough to get rid of them.
"Uhm. Here you go," I mumble as I set the stack of clothing beside him on the mattress. Pivoting on my heel so I'm facing the wardrobe again, I hastily choose a simple outfit for myself. As I'm about to walk to the bathroom to change, I turn and see Jimin trapped in the sweatshirt. Both of his arms were stuck straight up into the air with the bunched material holding them in place. His face is hidden in the folds of fabric, but his abdomen is exposed as he tries to squirm his way out of the clothing.
I stare for another moment before bursting out in laughter. The man stops struggling to awkwardly laugh before he makes a muffled plead for help.
Placing my outfit next to his, I pull the sweatshirt the rest of the way off. He squeaks out a small thank you before glaring at the sweatshirt in my hands with his cheeks puffed in distaste. Jimin's face was tinted a light pink from being at a loss with the inanimate object that he now somewhat despised. Along with that, his hair was going every which direction except down.
How adorable.
I run my fingers lightly through his messy hair in an attempt of smoothing it. The blonde/brunette let out a sigh in response and his eyes fluttered shut, loving the calmness and touch.
This feeling. I'm not sure how to describe it. I can't tell whether to say it feels like a powerful burst of energy or a warm swelling of sorts in my chest. It's a rush of adrenaline, rapid like crashing waves, yet somehow also as serene as still water.
Every event in the last half of a week that has lead up to this very moment can be justifiably dubbed as ripples. A set of ripples created by a single drop. Isn't that crazy? All it took was a drop. Said drop disrupted the peace in the water and has sent waves to announce its presence. I'm so thankful to call that drop Park Jimin.
Each wave that has been brought since that night at the party also brought a set of emotions and worries with them. Here, I stand before that very man with so many feelings at once, I can no longer decipher which ones are present.
Pride, I can feel that for sure. I'm filled with a sense of pride every time Jimin does anything that can be perceived as making a step towards progress: him eating this morning, talking openly, letting me take care of him. But there's something else. The way Jimin leans into my touch, looking completely at ease as I slide my hand down to cup his face in my palm. Safety. This feels like safety. His chest rises and falls in sync with my own and the side of his lips tug as he opens his eyes to look directly into mine.
It's nice. Whatever this is, whatever this feeling is supposed to be called, it's nice.
I take the shirt beside him and help him shrug it on, one sleeve at a time. Nothing was said between us, nothing needed to. Our thoughts were much louder and held more significant than any way we could have worded what's in our heads.
One by one, I secure all of the buttons in the front of the shirt. When finished, my hand rested atop of his waistband. Looking up for permission, he nods and lifts his hips off the edge of bed slightly so I can slip down the sweatpants.
I can't just pretend not to see them. The deep, dark purple and fading green hues of 'love'. Of 'taught lessons'. Scattered across and covering more skin than not. My fingers ghost over the marks on his legs. It reminds me of something my mother once did. I had been playing at the local playground and she was reading a book under the shade of a nearby tree. I ran up to her with tears in my eyes. I tripped on my shoelaces, slipped off of a short platform and had a forming bruise on one knee and a shallow scrape on the other. 'A mother's kiss is magical and can help heal' she said. She kissed the bruise and over the bandage she placed on my other knee from her bag. Just like she said, it worked like magic.
I may not be a mother, nor even a female, but before I could register what I was doing, I had kneeled before Jimin and softly placed my lips on the most noticeable bruise. My eyes went wide and I looked to the model's face for any sort of response. I feel guilty. There was no ill intent, but it's not like Jimin would know that. I can't imagine what's going on inside his head.
Jimin's POV
I looked down at him, completely shocked by his actions. As soon as his face was visible, all I could see was regret. It's been far too long since I've seen Jackson with that expression.
"I'm- Look, I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that. I didn't think first. I just remembered that it was something my mom had done for me saying 'mother's kisses are magical or something'." He rushed to explain himself.
Though sudden, the implied purpose was undoubtedly sweet.
A moment later, I dropped to my knees so I'm leveled with him and pull him into a hug.
"Thank you," I whispered. "I know you didn't mean anything by it. I could see it in your eyes. I'm not scared of you, Yoongi." The exhale of breath he had been holding proved my point.
When I sat back on the bed, he eased each of my legs into the pants.
After that, I knew one thing for sure. I think I might be okay. Perhaps not today, or tomorrow, but I'll be okay. Even if I'm still missing him.
im so so sorry. this chapter is long overdue. i wish i could blame something valid like 'i had no internet', but ive just started up school again, have had writers block, and just not the best.
i had to drop off books at my school and planned to meet with an old friend who i've been speaking to a lot recently, but i saw him and panicked. my social anxiety has gotten so much worse than i thought. i could barely manage a hi or a wave without shaky hands. very embarrassing.
hope you all are well. mental health is very important.
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