22 🥀
Narrator's POV
He called me his.... Jimin was deep in thought. It was much different from when Jackson claimed him as his property. It felt much more endearing and left a warm feeling in his heart. Whereas when Jackson called him his, it was more so like a threat or warning that left him feeling icy all over.
"Okay. So, I have to eat and.... and not be disrespectful. Anything else?" These are not exactly what I expected from a contract like this. But then again, what was I expecting? Jimin thought to himself. "Actually, may I ask you something?"
"Of course. What's on your mind?" Yoongi was quick to respond in a soft tone of voice. Jimin thought for a moment before conveying his thoughts in word form.
"How do these.... meetings if you will, I don't know, usually go about? I mean, I don't really know how these are supposed to work or what exactly you're supposed to do. But isn't there a-," he pauses for a moment, "isn't BDSM supposed to be sexual?" the model speaks tentatively, inquiring more about what Yoongi was trying to avoid for his sake.
The CEO picks up the pen again, clicking it ever so slowly. A few more times, a sharp click is heard in the otherwise silent room as he arranges his thoughts.
"Yes. It is sexual, but not always. There's a lot more to BDSM then people think. It isn't just whips and daddy-calling. Not to mention Fifty Shades of Grey wasn't exactly a proper representation. Do you know what the acronym BDSM stands for?"
"Well.... no," Jimin racks his brain for possible answers but comes up with nothing. What's Fifty Shades of Grey? Jimin didn't even know that it was an acronym. You could tell him that the Cold War ended because summer came around and he would believe you.
"It's an overlapping acronym of sorts. BD: Bondage and Discipline. DS: Dominance and Submission. SM: Sadism and Masochism," the elder replies slowly, emphasizing each word. Yoongi's demeanor became slightly intimidating and his voice sent shivers down Jimin's spine. "This type of lifestyle is not suitable for anyone and everyone. That being said: we don't have to continue with that portion of the contract," the notion was dismissed and he shuffled through the printed papers.
"Are you saying that this doesn't suit me?" His bold voice sassed, echoing in the dim room.
"Wait what?" Yoongi was caught off guard by the question. He blinked a few times before attempting to process the accusation.
"Are you saying that we don't have to go through with this cause you don't think it suits me?" he fires, challenging the ravenette's authority. The question most definitely baffled the older as he wasn't expecting Jimin to get so defensive over something so trivial.
"No. I never said that. I just assumed that you weren't interested in a sexual relationship.... Especially after-" Yoongi stopped himself. It was clear that Jimin got the gist.
"I can do this if I want to. You don't have to baby me. If all the other people who work for you can do this, then so can I."
If he was being complete honest, Jimin himself wasn't sure why he was so adamant on agreeing to this. It was definitely something that he was a little scared of, but perhaps it's because he thought that Yoongi was restricting him because of Jackson's actions. He didn't want to be held back because of that. Even at a time like this, he still couldn't help but worry about Jackson's wellbeing. Or rather his own.
What if he suddenly came back? How much trouble would I get into for doing this? Where is he now? He wouldn't like me doing this. Will I ever see him again? What am I supposed to do now that he's gone?
Jimin lost sight of the conversation at hand and fell into a rabbit hole of worries.
"Jiminie, I just don't think you know what you're about to get yourself into." Yoongi sighed deeply, rubbing his temple with a few fingers.
"Well.... How do you know? I could know all about this. And- and you would have absolutely no idea. I can be like a super genius and know more than you do," Jimin huffed and folded his arms over his chest. Yoongi was entertained with his antics but not convinced.
"So you claim you know all about this? Then enlighten me with what you know. Tell me all about it." He expectantly raised his eyebrows and leaned back in his chair. Cold eyes watched as the younger fidgeted and squirmed with undivided attention on him. He didn't expect his empty words to be the reason he was put on the spot like this.
"Well, I- I know that.... I know that you have to follow rules and that you get in trouble if you don't listen. And that you, um, there's rewards and punishments. And yea. I know all of that."
The blonde was semi-proud of his mess of an answer. Yoongi stared into his eyes all the while as he talked. Jimin found himself unable to look away, no matter how intense his stare became.
"Is that so?" His voice carried hints of laughter. "That's it? You've just reiterated what I told you. If you know all about this then, please tell me more." Yoongi's newfound seriousness made a mockery of Jimin and watched as the humiliation of the matter ate him alive. So sure of himself moments before, he sat dumbstruck with his cheeks flushed red. Of course he knew nothing about this, he should've kept his mouth shut. He just didn't want to be told that he couldn't do something because they thought it wasn't right for him.
It had never been a thought in his mind to pursue a lifestyle in this nature until he was told that he couldn't. Normally his bold and challenging actions would get him into trouble, but he wasn't going to let someone expect less of him because an event. Even one as extreme as that.
The model silently kicked himself at his awkwardness, but he couldn't help it. It became harder to speak when Yoongi's eyes stared into his. When he spoke so slowly with an undertone of condescending. His tongue became heavy and he shrunk in his seat as his vocabulary was reduced to ash.
He shook his head.
"No?" Yoongi taunted. Jimin could do nothing but nod his head.
"No what?"
"You know what I mean. I don't know about it," he confessed under his breath.
"You don't know about what? You have to be specific, dear Jiminie, otherwise I might misunderstand you," Yoongi's voice rumbled in his chest and resonated in Jimin's ears.
Something about the situation left a strange feeling in Jimin's stomach. It had to do with the way that the set of eyes across from him lingered on his own. The authoritative tone that his low voice carried. The slight curl of his upper lip as he spoke. His nonchalant posture as he watched Jimin. The way his long, thin fingers toyed and twirled the pen. Or maybe it was the way that he made Jimin feel exposed. In a good way. It was far different then how he felt in regular conversations. Every word and action simply radiated dominance. Yoongi knew that he was in control and he made that painfully apparent to Jimin as well.
"I- I don't know anything about this type of r-relationship or lifestyle," he finally stuttered out, not looking at him.
"See. Was it really that hard?" he mused. When the younger didn't respond, he decided not to push it. "Are you done bluffing your knowledge now? If so we can move on."
"Just because I don't know anything about it yet, doesn't mean I can't learn," he persisted. Yoongi simply sighed,
"Jimin, I-"
"No. I want to. If- If Tae can do it then so can I." He was fully aware that Taehyung was daring to say the least and was most definitely a different breed, but he was set on convincing his soon-to-be dominant that he could do it too. He could be just as good.
"Fine. However, I think you'll soon learn that isn't what you expected. Especially if you're using your friend Taehyung as a minimum." Despite the circumstances, he had to give the kid props for his dedication. Yoongi flipped to the very last pages in the stack of paper amd readied his pen.
"What?" Jimin stared at him incredulously, bewildered at the bluntness.
"You said you wanted this. If you do then answer the question. If not, just admit that you don't want it," Yoongi adjusted the sleeves of his sweatshirt and hiked them up to his elbows.
"I don't know."
"You don't know if you want it?"
"No. I mean I don't know if I even have any kinks." For the nth time that day, Yoongi just sighed. He knew that he had no experience with this, so he just started with something basic.
"Then just tell me what you like and don't like in bed. That's easy enough. Right?"
"I.... I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know? You're making this much harder than this needs to be."
Then it hit him.
"You're a virgin?" Though it was a question, it came out more like a statement. Jimin coughed a little and nodded.
"What am I gonna do with you?" He rhetorically asked aloud.
This may be fun."
"W- What?!"
hi hi hi hi sorry i didn't update last week
im not sick anymore and i feel a little better!!
thank you if you're still reading. my updating schedule is an absolute mess
(¦ 3[▓▓]
stay healthy and hydrated
⌊ i love you all ⌉ ♡♡♡
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