18 🥀
Ring.... Ring.... Ring.... Ring....
Awoken to the sound of annoying ringing, I reach for my phone on the nightstand.
"Did I wake you up?" chirped the voice on the other side of the call.
"No. Of course not. I'm always awake first thing in the morning, Jisoo," I drawl out, my response punctuated with a long yawn. "Is something wrong?"
There was a bit of silence, then a lazy 'no.'
"Then why are you calling me at-" I pull the phone away from my ear to read the time on the brightly illuminated screen, "6:18 in the morning? Are you serious?" I frustratingly kick the blanket off of my lower half, knowing I won't be able to fall back asleep later.
In doing so, the model next to me, adorably snuggled into the side of my body, also lost his main source of heat. I pull the blanket back over him so he would be more comfortable.
"To check in on Jimin, of course. Why would I want to talk to you?" The woman playfully joked, the tone in her speech making it obvious she was smiling on the other side.
"Ha-ha. Yes, very funny. Well, Jimin, who's sleeping, like a normal person would at be doing 6 am, I believe is okay. I'm not going to wake him up for you to bother him with your questions," I jab back at her. "By the way, why are you calling me instead of just calling him?"
"His phone was going straight to voicemail, not even ringing. I don't think he got the chance to grab his phone, or anything at all for that matter, after last night," Jisoo reasoned.
Quite murmuring could be heard on the line, from which I could only assume, because she lives alone, would be her submissive. Knowing damn well that they don't live together, as it would be breaking the rules, I decide to poke fun.
"Did Rose have fun last night?" I smirk with raised eyebrows, though she couldn't see. "You know that goes against policy, right?"
"I- That's not- We didn't do anything, just cuddled." Rose also piped up to vouch for her claim.
"'Cuddled.' Okay," I note. It's not news that they're together. A lot of couples in a contract end up dating, though that's not intentional. What they do as a couple outside of work is none of my business, but it does go against the original idea of it. Considering she is one of the owners, I cut her slack. As biased as it is, the owners of the companies can understandably get away with bending rules, whereas a regular employee may not.
"I'll let you know how he is when he wakes up, okay?" Jisoo agreed and after farewells, I ended the call.
I turn my head to look at Jimin, still peacefully swept away by slumber. Slowly, he exhales small puffs of breath onto my arm. His solemn expression matched with his puffy and reddened eyes.
To me, he's still a stranger. I know nothing about him except the thing he wanted nobody to know. The irony of that. I'm just glad he's no longer in that situation. So far, it has generally blown my mind with how well he's been holding up and even how much trust he has in a complete stranger (though technically he knows me through his best friend).
I'm just afraid of what would happen if he bottles everything up. All of his problems and worries. He would be a ticking time bomb.
I manage to wiggle my way out of the model's koala-like grasp and tuck the blanket around him again. I still can't believe she couldn't wait until a more appropriate time to ask that. Who the hell is awake at 6 am?!
With a huff, I slip on the slippers at the side of my bed to save my feet from the icy hardwood flooring and try to gain balance as I tiredly shuffle towards the bathroom.
Grabbing a towel, I take a quick shower before brushing my teeth and finishing my morning routine. In doing so, I remember that Jimin hadn't gotten a chance to brush his teeth last night. Not only that, but he doesn't even have his phone. I make a note to buy him essentials.
I dress in simple sweatpants and sweatshirt for now and silently make my way to the kitchen downstairs to make breakfast.
As I open the fridge, I scan the near empty shelf and sigh. I need to go grocery shopping. I hate shopping. Yes, I could just order items to be conveniently delivered to my doorstep. That would mean less exertion and effort for me, but I'm planning on buying things for Jimin and I'm not going to let some random ass person choose out B grade items for him.
I get a glass of water before I head back upstairs. I retrieve a sticky note and a pen from my study and leave Jimin a note on the bedside stand with the water, hoping he drinks it when he wakes up.
Selecting a pair of shoes to slip on from my closet, I slide my phone from the bed into my pocket then jog back downstairs again.
I snatch a simple mask, sunglasses, and wallet from the entryway table and make my way to the basement area. Underneath the house is a large parking lot filled with any and every car I found interest in.
Lazily, I stroll past the rows and rows of extremely expensive vehicles and choose one for a daily outing. That vehicle today, just so happened to be a white 2020 McLaren 570S Spider convertible. I pull up the door and slide into the driver seat.
While brainstorming all of the items I need, I grab the keys from the center console and exit the lot. I nonchalantly drive through the busy morning streets and pull into the nearest store.
Upon isles and isles of food, I select the basic foods one might have in a fridge then push my now half-full cart to the snacks/sweets section. I'm not sure what Jimin prefers, so I just grab one or two of everything.
I huff through the mask over my mouth; I'm already exhausted of being out in the world. I trudge to the hygiene department and just put anything he might need in the cart because I'm not entirely sure how long he'll be staying at my house.
At the end of it all, I bring the overflowing cart to the wide eyed cashier at checkout. He quickly and efficiently scans and bags everything. After a short few minutes, he rings my total to just over $500.
I nod and hand him a black card from my wallet. He blinks owlishly at it before scanning and returning it. After loading the many bags back into the card to take to my car, I thank him.
Once I get to my car, I realize I made a huge mistake. I look at my car, then back at the groceries and realize that I barely have any room to put anything. Shit.
I first load as many bags as I could into the small trunk area and onto the floor of the passenger side. I continue to tediously stack the bags on each other on the empty seat.
I look like a retard. I cautiously cruise down the streets with a towering stack of white plastic bags next to me. I silently plead to nobody in particular that these won't fall on me.
As I pull into the U-shaped drive way, I find myself in another predicament. How the hell and I gonna get all of these into the house?!
Jimin's POV
Bleary eyed, I wake up and am met with a blank, light grey ceiling. It takes me a moment to realize where I am and once I do, I start feeling understandably out of place. Hours before, I was crying into the chest of the Min Yoongi; now I'm wearing his clothes and sleeping in his bed. People would kill to be where I am right now.
Looking beside me where he fell asleep, the sheets are cold which means he's been awake for a while now. It smells unmistakably of his subtle cologne. I should probably go home now. It was very nice of him to let me stay and all, but Jackson is probably waiting for me.
My body turns to ice as I recall yesterday's events. It was less than 24 hours ago, but it's as if it's a memory from long ago, fuzzy and blurred by time. But the wounds still very fresh.
There are too many and too little emotions that I feel. That I should feel, but I just can't. How are you supposed to react when you can't be enough for the man you've loved for years. I'm his boyfriend, so why couldn't I just give him what he wanted? I should apologize when I get the chance.
I love him. I need him. But I couldn't even have sex with him. What is wrong with me? He doesn't deserve this. Hot tears well up in my eyes from frustration and desperation of not wanting to losing him. I need to go.
I throw back the lush black duvet and shiver once the chilled air brushes over my bare legs. Oh. I didn't put on the shorts last night before Yoongi came back. I see a vibrant yellow in the corner of my eye and find a sticky note on the nightstand. I pull up the sweater paws from the large sweatshirt and pick up the small paper.
Good morning. Went out for groceries. Be back soon. Drink water.
It read in neat penmanship. I place the note back down and take a gulp of the water, cringing at the dryness of my throat and painfully chapped lips. Beginning my search for the sweatpants I was given at the hospital so I wouldn't have to leave without pants, I hear a loud shout from downstairs.
I immediately recognize the voice as Yoongi's and run downstairs to see if okay. At the front door, the man stands there with several shopping bags hung on his thin arms. There was a bag that's handle had torn and spilled the contents on the floor.
"Oh. Did I wake you up? Sorry," he sheepishly started.
"No, I woke up a few minutes ago," I softly replied with a smile as I advanced towards him to gather his fallen purchases. "Here. Let me help." I lighten his heavy load and follow him to the kitchen. We place the bags on the darkened glass table and he jogs back outside and returns with more. This happens again as he denied my offer of aid.
I awkwardly stand to the side, shifting weight between feet as he fills the fridge and cabinet.
"Um, how'd you sleep?" the CEO breaks the ice.
"I slept kinda well, I guess. Thanks for... everything you've done, but I don't want to overstay my welcome. I should probably get going soon," I begin, not looking at him. This is definitely an odd situation for the both of us, but he seems to know what to do to diffuse the tension.
"You're more than welcome to stay as long as you'd like. I actually just went out to buy you some basics and I have a guest room available. It'd be absolutely no trouble at all," he invited warmly, a small smile tugging at his lips.
This is definitely ideal considering the circumstances. Even if I barely know him, I know Jisoo trusts him and that means he's safe. That doesn't make anything less weird though.
"Thank you," I tug the bottom of the black sweatshirt down, remembering I had no pants on. Yoongi notices this and opens his mouth as if to say something, then quickly purses them shut.
"I'll go get you something to put on." The ravenette's gaze shifts before walking up the steps. I'm not necessarily embarrassed about it, but it feels awkward when it's your new boss seeing you like this compared to other models or Jisoo.
From the corner of the room, I can see something small move. The movement followed by a faint noise. Cautiously, I investigate the unknown. As I tiptoe near the source, it jumps out at me.
I yell out in fear and surprise as I fall on my butt. Eyes screwed shut, something warm and fuzzy lands on me.
Yoongi runs down the stairs at the alarming sound I made and begins to chuckle as he sees his puppy on my lap. His laughter makes me open my eyes and I'm met with an adorable toy poodle. The puppy excitedly hops around and barks as I nervously pet his head.
"I'm so sorry," the older had apologized, trying to contain his amusement.
"That's not funny! That scared me," I huff, still on the floor. He just smirks in response and tosses me a pair of shorts.
"Come here, Holly. Come to daddy," Yoongi speaks in a cute, high pitched voice as he kneels down to his dog. He looked at the puppy as if he was his entire pride and joy as he scratched behind his ears. This is quite unexpected coming from someone who looks as professional and scary as he.
"He's so cute," I coo at them.
"He really is! Oh, look at this!" Yoongi pulls his phone out of his pocket and fervently scrolls through his camera roll. He flips the screen so I could see it and presses play. The video is of Holly cutely pouncing on a toy piano as generic music plays with it. I look to the man next to me who is smiling widely, gums on full display. He's so happy and proud of his puppy.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
He continues to flip through the array of images, excitedly showing off pictures of and selcas with Holly. I look at his bright smile, his genuine joy and I can't help but wish I could be him. My expression dulls while his becomes more cheerful.
The man continues to ramble on about Holly before he turns to me. Yoongi's ecstatic features were replaced with a reflection of my own as he wiped a tear off my cheek that I hadn't even noticed was there.
"Are you okay?"
"I... I don't know." I try to smile so he won't have to worry, but it doesn't meet my eyes.
"You will be, I promise," still on the floor, he pulls me into a comforting hug.
All he's doing is holding me, but until now, I've never known how much I need this.
im really really sorry for the late update. i made it longer to make up for the wait. i was supposed to update friday, but i had much more homework than expected, i was making sure my best friend was okay, my house nearly burned down and it's really difficult for me around this time of year. i hope you understand. everything is just really hard right now. i love you all 💜
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