17 🥀
I turn the cold, silver handle of the bath and run the warm water into the base of the tub, mixing in soap as the liquid flows. Jimin, sitting on the lidded toilet, looks wide-eyed into the crystal clear water in almost childlike amazement as the translucent substance swirls around the bath, creating various sizes of bubbles and a soft aroma of mintiness.
For another couple of minutes, Jimin and I remain silent as we watch the the bath slowly fill to about midway before I shut off the water supply.
Jimin looks at me, his frail figure hidden amongst the ripples of black material around him. I stand from my kneeling position and extend my hand out towards him.
"May I?" Jimin's face displays confusion at my vague request. "Your clothes, Jiminie. May I help you out of them?" I clarify without a single drop of malicious intent or ulterior motives in my body.
His brown eyes flicker with an uncertain emotion as he forcefully gulped.
"You can say no. If you don't feel comfortable you can tell me and I'll listen, okay? I was only trying help," I bring my lips up into a small smile. I refrain from adding in any persuasive tones into my speech because it's not my intent to manipulate or convince him to do or be put in a position where he feels forced or needed to comply.
I step back slightly as a sign of not being pushy. Jimin considers my explanation for a short moment and nods, hands gripping and pushing down the bottom of the sweatshirt. As I understand how much of a difficult transition this may be for him, I take extra precautions to not do anything that can be perceived in a different light.
Slowly, I begin lifting the oversized top off of his torso. His skin a ghastly pale color and the bruises contrasting against it, much like the way a wine stain would stand out on something as beautiful as a wedding dress. An obvious unwanted stain, if you will. I continue by gently sliding down the sweatpants, courtesy of the hospital, and leaving him in boxers; also from the hospital.
His body is so much skinnier than I thought it would be. Jimin looks like a skeleton who had a pale sheet wrapped tightly around him. It's a wonder how he's even standing. Noticing my saddened face at the unfortunate situation, he brings his arms to his waist almost shamefully.
I don't dare try to remove his boxers. He allowed me to do this much and that would be breaking a boundary. His feet move against each other, Jimin's face full of embarrassment and slight fear.
"I'm not gonna take them off, Jiminie. Here, I'll turn around. Okay?" I pivot on my heel and face the opposing wall.
From behind me, I can hear the rustling of fabric and his feet make little noises as he steps closer to the tub.
Broken trust is the last thing he needs right now, so I remain facing the light grey plaster wall as he climbs into the tub.
Small splashes of soapy water can be heard before a loud crash and a wimper. I spin back around to see Jimin sitting in the tub holding his elbow with teeth bared in pain.
I can't even keep him safe for this long. I drop to his side and check his arm.
"Are you okay? Do you need any ice? How much did it hurt?" I spew at the mouth as a harbored tear wells up in his eyes from hitting a nerve. Jimin nervously laughs a bit and rubs his elbow.
"I'm okay, Mr. M- um, Yoongi. I don't need anything," he assures, "Sorry"
"It wasn't your fault. It was mine"
"It was my fault," I repeat.
"I obviously did catch you and I've already failed at keeping you safe. Therefore, my fault. Not yours," I inform him with a grimace.
"Keeping me safe? Why do you need to do that? It's not like I'm a damsel in destress," Jimin chirps amusedly. I roll my eyes at him and reinform him that it's my job.
"Jiminie, it's what's expected of me. If I couldn't do that much for my submissive then what kind of dominant would I be, really?" I ask simply.
"Did you just-"
"Even still, I haven't been able to sign the paperwork and stuff like that," Jimin commented. He is true, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop.
"We can do that soon, but for now, let's not talk about that" I reach for the shampoo and look to the blonde brunette in front of me. He gives a small nod and allows me to proceed.
I flip open the cap of the bottle and squeeze a little into my hand. The model looks visibly tense and awkward as I begin wetting and massaging the crisp green apple scented soap into his hair. Soon enough, he sighs and begins to relax, shoulders dropping and not as rigid.
I retrieve a wash cloth and cover it with a thin layer of body wash. Carefully, I wash over his bruised limbs. I drag the sudsy cloth along his arms and legs, avoiding intimate areas for obvious reasons.
The quiet atmosphere isn't awkward or threatening. It's serene in a way. Jimin has become very comfortable in my presence and the feeling of accomplishment is rewarding in itself.
Once the task at hand is complete, besides areas that I strayed from nearing, I stand up.
"Where are-" the hushed voice trails off as I turn back to look at him from the bathroom door. His dampened hair falling in front of his eyes that shone with confusion and a hint of panic.
"Calm down, Jiminie. I'm getting you clothes and a towel. I'm sure you would like privacy to finish your bath, correct?" He became a bit flustered at the question, but agreed.
"I'll be back soon, alright? I'll leave clothes out for you on my bed. Just call out if you need anything," I place a towel on the counter and leave the room, closing the door behind me. I collect a sweatshirt from my wardrobe, a pair of shorts and a pair or boxers from my drawers. I set said clothing on the foot of my bed and rush downstairs.
He's not going to eat. I know that much. The best I can do right now is make sure he's hydrated. I get a glass of water and check the downstairs bathroom for pain medication. Lastly, I start the kettle.
Jimin's POV
After Yoongi left, I finished washing my body and rinsed off.
It doesn't feel right. Something about all of this feels so wrong.
He's so nice. For no reason. Jackson always told me that if people are nice to me it's only because they want something in return. I take the towel and dry myself. In the large mirror that covers the entirety of the wall above the sink, I see myself.
I just want to be pretty.
I just want to be thin.
I just want to be good enough.
I just want to be wanted.
Tears roll down my cheeks as I look into the mirror and think of all the things I'm not. All the categories of perfection that I don't match with. To prevent embarrassment, I attempt to wipe my face and slip into the boxers set out for me. As soon as I finish pulling the sweatshirt over my head, the door opens.
Yoongi comes in with a tray.
Yoongi's POV
I balance the tray as I open the door to find a tear stained Jimin. Setting down the drinks on my dresser, I engulf the crying model in a hug.
"Shh. It's okay, alright?" Jimin just cried harder into my shirt.
"I'm so sorry"
"Nonsense. You shouldn't be sorry. It's okay"
"I don't think I want to sign the contract anymore"
That sentence made my heart drop, but it's not like I'm going to force him to do anything he doesn't want to.
"If that's what you would like, then that's perfectly okay. May I ask why?"
"I'm not sure what it is that you want from me, but I can promise that I'm not good enough. You should find someone better, more worth your time"
A flood of insecurities and emotions crashed through the struggling dam that he had created. Each sob heartbreaking and all I could do was hold him.
"Jimin, listen to me. I'm not doing this to get something from you. You deserve much more, much better then you have right now. Despite the things you've been taught to think, you are enough. Not everyone wants things in return, especially not me"
I slowly detached my body from his and retrieved the tray. Still sniffling and crying, he took the glass of water and pain killer I handed him. After the pill was swallowed, I gave him a second cup.
His eyes flickered with comfort as he peered into the mug of hot chocolate.
"I thought you might like a warm drink," I note as I watch him savor the liquid.
Not much later, he finished the hot chocolate and I continued holding him, reassuring him of each and every insecurity that surfaced.
Late into the night, just an hour or so before dawn, we fall asleep together underneath the covers of my bed.
okie, im really sorry this chapter isnt that great!! i have a lot of things to deal with right now and writers block is making its tragic return. i made it a bit longer to make up for my tardiness this week. i wont be able to update next friday because i have testing for school and i wont have the time. IM SORRY!! if there's any typos or anything please let me know, i might rewrite this later because i have a headache rn and im not too happy with this chapter.
how are you guys?
i purple all of you!
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