16 🥀
"No," Yoongi spoke lightly, but still firmly enough to get his point across. "I don't want you to apologize to me, Jimin. You haven't done anything wrong, I should've considered my actions first" Jimin looked uncomfortable in the situation, not knowing how to respond to the, in contrast, civil conversation.
Looking down, he wrung his stubby fingers in his hand. "O-okay," Jimin stuttered, slightly reassured at the elders words.
"I'm sorry," Yoongi's voice was low and quiet.
"It's okay. It wasn't your fault," the younger spewed out, not wanting the ravenette to feel as if he were to blame for his force of habit. "It's just kind of an instinct," he trailed off, nearly inaudible, avoiding eye contact and pulling at the black sleeves of the sweatshirt.
"I wasn't only talking about that. Everything that happened to you after our meeting was my fault. I'm so sorry, Jimin"
The model raised his chin, gaze fixed upon the CEO, eyebrows drawn together as he spoke curiously,
"What do you mean? None of that was your fault. It was mine" Yoongi's face fell slack as his eyes reflected the very epitome of sadness.
"If I had stayed and explained your tardiness personally or even sceduled an acceptable time to meet instead of just showing up unannounced to your photo shoot, I could've prevented it," he desperately tried to convince Jimin, the guilt overwhelming.
The air between them became heavy and was dense with the seriousness of the topic. Deciding not to argue with him, seeing his distressed manner, he nodded.
"I should've listened to you and if I'm being honest, I've kind of known for a while the possibility of him doing that," Jimin's voice quieted more with every word.
"Wait, what do you mean? Why haven't you done anything about it then?" Yoongi spoke calmly as possible while his heart ached at the thought.
"Well, when Jackson wasn't mad at me, he tried to," he paused mid-sentence before looking away from the elder's eyes, "You know, a few times. Then he stopped" Still practically strangers, Jimin little by little expanded on his answer and opened up to Yoongi as he crouched down attentively to meet Jimin at eye level. "I never let him. So he-" the blonde stopped again for a moment as his exhausted eyes watered slightly. Then took a deep inhale, bottom lip quivering, "He found someone else to take care of his needs. He still doesn't know that I found out. I just didn't want him to leave me"
Yoongi felt a stab in his chest as he stared at the stranger sitting on his bed with a single tear rolling down his near colorless cheek.
"Jiminie, I-" Cutting his sentence short in fear of making it seemed like he pitied the model's situation, he pulled him into a tight embrace instead. He knew how hard it could be for him to talk about something like that. Especially to someone he barely knows.
"You're okay now, Jiminie. Okay?" he soothes as the younger begins to cry into his shirt.
"Let it all out. You're safe now, I promise" Yoongi rubs small circles on Jimin's back as he buries his face into Yoongi's neck. His sobs filled with genuine hurt, so much that a silent tear cascaded down Yoongi's cheek. He rarely cried, but seeing such a kindhearted and angelic looking person sound so broken, he couldn't stand it.
Jimin's small hiccups soon died down as his breaths steadied and became more even. They stayed like that for another minute or so, heart beats peacefully synchronized. Jimin slowly pulled away, looking at the carpet which he apperantly found quite fascinating.
The elder softly cupped his face, carefully wiping away the stray tears with the pads of his thumbs as Jimin shyed away from his gaze. The model's brown eyes were puffy and red from crying, but breathtaking, nonetheless. Yoongi gave Jimin a sweet smile as he stood up and the latter weakly returned it, greatly appreciating his actions.
"Can I get you anything to drink? Are you hungry? I can order food from somewhere if you have a place in mind or I can see what I have in my fridge," Yoongi urged hopefully, knowing that the thin, light haired brunette didn't eat much of his lunch and probably wasn't given the opportunity to eat any dinner.
Jimin silently thought for a moment before pursing his lips and muttering out a small 'no.' Of course, the CEO knew there was a high chance of him responding that way, so he continued to insist,
"Are you sure? It'll be no trouble at all and it's the least amount of hospitality I could provide"
As expected, he shook his head. Yoongi had just sighed before gesturing to pick Jimin up. "May I?" He was met with a face of puzzlement. "You still need to take a bath, Jiminie" The man who was currently drowning in the black fabric of Yoongi's cologne scented sweatshirt concluded that he would be safe in the presence of the Mr. Min.
Jimin extended his hands in the air towards Yoongi, allowing him better access to pick him up.
Yoongi's POV
Jimin reached out towards me, his small hands sporting black sweater paws. The sight alone is adorable enough to cease wars and bring peace to the entire world.
I gently cuff my arms around him, swooping his body sideways so I can carry him bridal style. Jimin fastened his arms around my neck, not wanting to fall.
To say the least, I was very surprised to see that he trusted me enough to even take him here. It's not every day that victims of abuse take help strangers, after all. Maybe he's just easily trusting. The thought of that is scary.
I carefully walk to the door across from my wide bed, cradling the clingy man in my arms. Jimin lolled his head to the side, his light brown hair falling into his eyes. He attempted to blow the strands away, but failed. He puffed his cheeks out in an adorable pout and I couldn't help but chuckle at his antics.
I opened the bathroom door and set him on the lidded toilet as I begin to prepare the bath for him.
"What're you laughing at?" he addressed, already knowing what I was laughing about.
"Someone who's pouting like a baby because they got hair in their eyes," I jokingly retort.
Understanding that it was a harmless joke, Jimin feigned offense and dramatically threw his forearm over his head and exclaimed with a voice from the renaissance,
"How dare thy. You haven't known the struggle and the agony of such a thing" I couldn't hold back my amusement at the outrageous scene. Both the model and I bursted out in laughter, his giggling like like jingling bells.
I quickly closed my mouth and listened to the melody of his happiness. As soon as he realized I stopped, he did as well. "W-What? Am I too loud? I'm sorry," he apologized quietly, looking ashamed.
"No, no, no. Of course not. It's just.... your laugh," I hurriedly explained.
From the look on his face, I could tell he was becoming self conscious about it. "I didn't mean it like that, I promise. It was just really.... cute. I like your laugh. You should do it more often"
I watched as red flushed his cheeks, shyly looking away.
sorry, just a filler 😓
im kinda lacking motivation and i have tons of schoolwork to do each week. hope you're enjoying the story so far
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