11 🥀
TW: rape and domestic violence ⚠️
Jimin's POV
"I'm sorry. I promise I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. Just please don't hit me," I pled as Jackson yanked me up the stairs, pressing against the bruises he had previously formed on my wrist, and shoved me into my nearly empty room.
"What the fuck were you doing with that man, Jimin? Were you cheating on me you good for nothing whore? Is nothing I ever do for you sufficient enough that you have to cheat?" Jackson roared, the words echoing on the plain white walls of my room. It looks more like a prison or asylum if you ask me.
"He was the man who offered me the job. I wasn't cheating; I would never do that! I just thought we could use the extra money," I choked out, already bracing myself for the hit that's sure to come.
"Don't you dare raise your voice at me! You're lucky I put up with you after all these years!" He brought his clenched fist to the side of my face. I wimpered at the strong impact as I crumbled to the ground. "You're pathetic," he spat at me from above.
Jackson stomped on my ribs, forcing all of the air out of my lungs. He kicked me again and again with no mercy, the toe of his shoe breaking the skin on my side. Pain racked my body as I screamed out.
"Stop! Please! It hurts!" Hot tears streamed down my face and into my mouth as I can taste the saline mixing with a distinct metallic tang of blood.
"Mouthy are you? Then I'll make sure this is a lesson you'll never forget. Stand up. Now"
I weakly stumbled to my feet, clutching my side that is now slightly bloody. It hurts. Everything. I remembered what Mr. Min had told me not even 10 minutes ago. "How do you 'deserve' getting abused? How the hell does being beaten teach you anything? Nobody should ever have to go through that!" "Being abused teaches you nothing but fear and hate. If he really loved you, would he continue treating you like that? That isn't love, Mr. Park."
"Jackson?" I rasped out. He paused for a moment, sparing me time to think aloud.
"What?" He huffed, irritated at my interruption. His face displaying a mix of boiling anger and a bit of disgust.
"Do you.... Do you love me?" But more importantly, do I love him? He scowled and pushed my shoulders against the wall, his body acting as a cage around mine.
"Don't ask stupid fucking questions," he forced his rough lips onto my own without a second wasted. He didn't say yes. I could faintly taste the alcohol he had drank earlier as he clashed his teeth against mine. More tears fell as I clenched my eyes shut tightly, almost as if I could disappear if I tried hard enough. I would give anything in the world to do that right now.
I stand with my back to the wall while he did his daily damage. Is this really what love is supposed to be like? My lungs burn and ache from lack of oxygen and my head pounds, feeling as though it's been stuffed with hundreds of cotton balls; I can't decide whether to let my head or heart tell me what to think in this situation. Do I love him? Or do I love the idea of loving him?
I became too lost in thought that I didn't realize I was being picked up until my head hit the only pillow on my otherwise bare bed.
"W-what're you doing?!" I shout, now hyperventilating at the thoughts of what might occur shortly.
"Proving to you that I can do better than that other guy," Jackson pulled his shirt over his head.
"Jackson, stop it! I wasn't cheating, I swear. He was employing me as his secretary," I justify my outing as I try to get off my bed, but he pulls me back down.
"Then let this be your warning: I am better than him and any other guy you will ever meet," he growled as he unbuckled his belt. Is he gonna.... I don't know if I can do this. Not yet.
"I-I'm not ready for this," my heart races in fear. He crawls over me in his boxers and begins undressing me, despite my rejection and begging. I flail my limbs around in protest as he removes my shirt.
"Stop being difficult, Jimin," I struggle in his grasp as he yanks off my last article of clothing. I feel so vulnerable like this. I don't like it. Whilst trying to cover myself up, I don't notice the pop of a bottle as Jackson opened it. "Stay still. It'll hurt less," he advised.
"Hurt less? What do you m-" I felt something foreign enter me. "I'm not comfortable with this. Stop it," my pleas getting louder. Jackson inserted another finger and I was met with a stinging pain. I hissed as he began pumping his fingers in and out. "Jackson! I said stop it!" I kick him away. He fumed with anger as he slapped me.
"You asked if I love you. So, I'm showing you," he sneered as he grabbed my hips.
"Not like this! Please! Any other way, please!" The more I struggled, the harder he hit me. I used all of my strength to push him away from me, but he just grabbed me harder, touching me and leaving dark marks and small cuts from broken skin.
Mr. Min was right, this isn't love.... I couldn't hold it in any more, I screamed out and sobbed as Jackson took advantage of my inability to fight back. I want to turn back time, to ask him for help, to say yes to his generosity, to do anything to not be here right now. No matter how much I begged him, he wouldn't let up.
I'm so lost, I'm not even sure how much time has passed so far. I could hear 3 faint voices of distress before my conscience slipped into a black void of nothingness.
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