Part 8 "Visiting Jungkook at the Hospital"
Woozi: Y/N..... You really had to get into my last nerves didn't you?
You: I d-did?
Woozi: Asking about my family... I won't let you go so easily anymore.
'This is bad.. The cute Woozi is completely gone. He seems like a totally different person right now.. Why is this happening??'
Woozi: Y/N? *walks towards you, but you're backing away from him*
You: I.. um..... *Your back hit the wall meaning you're trapped*
Woozi: *Puts both of his arms on the wall between you* Hm.... You're pretty cute when you're nervous Y/N.
'Gosh darn. My heart rate is going up. I can feel it.'
You: I-I'm not nervous.
Woozi: Yes you are.. *gets closer*
You: N-No I'm n-not.
Woozi: You're stuttering Y/N. *gets even closer to your face*
You: *blushes* W-Woozi..
Woozi: Why don't you call me Jihoon... That is my real name..
You: Jihoon......
'This side of Woozi-- I mean Jihoon is quite a lot like Yoongi oppa.. The coldness anyways...'
You: You're acting kind of like your brother..
Woozi: *whispers in your ear* Did you really have to bring my brother out? *gets away from you* How disappointing.
You: J-Jihoon?
Woozi: People always say that I'm like my brother and never see me as me. I love my brother but... It does get annoying when people keep comparing me with him.
You: I'm sorry Woozi...
Woozi: Don't be noona. *smiles*
'Seems like he's back to normal..'
You: Are you sure?
Woozi: I'm used to it, and besides *mutters* I can't let you to see my bad side.... At least I don't want to....
You: Besides.. What?
Woozi: Nothing. *smiles, but looks mad*
'I get this feeling that he is mad, but he's smiling...'
You: Okay then...
Woozi: I'll be leaving then. See you at school! *smiles*
You: Bye! I'll see you there.
'Yep. He is definitely 100% mad. He kind of reminds me of Jungkook when he's mad... Always smiling like he's not mad when he really is.. I guess they don't like showing their feelings..'
You: now that I think about it.. Jungkook! I'll go visit him at the hospital right now.
~At the hospital~
Jungkook: Noona!
You: Hey Kookie! How's my cute little brother?
Jungkook: *pouts* You do realize that I'm already 18 now right? And you're 20? Yet you still call me cute. (A/N: The ages are like this so it makes sense that Jungkook is in grade 12)
You: Well, what else am I supposed to call you?
Jungkook: Your handsome cool awesome little broth--
You: *without any hesitation and a straight face* N.O.
Jungkook: What!? Why notttt!!!?!?! *pouts* What. I'm not good looking?
You: Sure you are! I mean you take after me!
Jungkook: Uh..... I don't think so..
You: Shut up. Anyhow, your looks are the reason why girls tend to love you so much sweetheart, but there is just NO WAY I'm calling you that. Okay?
Jungkook: Fine.
You: There we go. How's your arm?
Jungkook: Feels better now.... Wait. If I have to stay in the hospital for 3 more days counting out today, I don't have to go to school!
You: Yep. But why are you so happy about not going to school? I mean the teachers are going to bomb you with tests and homework the moment you get back. (A/N: What a harsh reality...)
Jungkook: That's true, but NO ANNOYING "POPULAR" GIRLS TO DEAL WITH!
You: *giggles* You mean those girls who think they're popular, but everyone actually hates them?
Jungkook: Yeah! They're so annoying. Sometimes, I wish I could beat the crap out of them but..... You know, they ARE girls and I don't want to get in trouble when I just transferred to that school.
You: Yep.... I totally get what you mean. Oh! Before I forget, I'll bring your stuff from the school for you.
Jungkook: How??
You: I know someone from your school dumbo.
Jungkook: Oh yeahhhhh I forgot that you knew Mingyuuuuu!
You: Smh Kookie Well, it's getting late. Byeee~ I'll come see you again soon. Love you!
Jungkook: Love ya too!
~Y/N's home~
*calls someone*
You: Um.... Hi Jihoon
Woozi: Oh hi noona
You: Would you mind if you could do a small favour for me please?
Woozi: Why not?
You: Thank you! Can I have Mingyu's phone number?
Woozi: Why....?
You: Uhh.. I need to ask him to bring me Jungkook's homework and his things.
Woozi: Ohhh that's it?
You: Yeah?
Woozi: I'll text you his phone number.
You: Thanks Woozi! Bye!
Woozi: Bye.....
*Call ends*
You: Well, that was kind of getting awkward... Hmm.... You know what? I'll just call Mingyu right now.
*Calling Mingyu*
Mingyu: Hello?
You: Hey Mingyu!
Mingyu: Y/N noona?
You: Heyyyy! Oh and btw just call me Y/N if that's more comfortable.
Mingyu: Okay. So..... What did you need me for?
You: Actually.... When I left early that day, Jungkook broke his arm so he can't go to school on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
Mingyu: Ouch...
You: I know right?? Anyways, I need you to bring me his homework and also his things. You ARE in his class right?
Mingyu: Yep. I sure am.
You: Good.
Mingyu: I can bring you the stuff at my school's front gate right after school on Monday.
You: Yep! That sounds great! Thanks Mingyu. I should totally call you "Mingyu the nice guy"
Mingyu: Uhhhh no thanks. That sounds so.... The cringe is so....
You: Okay, okay! I get it. Then I'll see you tomorrow! Don't forget it!
Mingyu: I won't!
*Call ends*
~Next day at school~
You: How the heck am I supposed to face Woozi after what happened? *sighs* Oh well.... I guess what happened, happened. There's no turning back now.
~In the hallways~
You: *sees Woozi* Hey Woo-- I mean Jihoon
Woozi: Hey Y/N....
Jimin: What's going on over here?
You: Jimin!
'He better be ready for this because it's his fault for making me worry so much.'
You: YOU JAMLESS SHORTY!!!! YOU GOT ME SO WORRIED WAY TOO MUCH!! (A/N: I am not part of the no jam army this was written when it was still a thing)
Jimin: Woah woah woah. Calm down Y/N. I'm completely fine now!
Woozi: I..... Have to go right now... Bye.
Jimin: What's his problem today?
You: Don't know...
Jimin: Oh! And why did you call him Jihoon and not Woozi?
You: It's his real name so..
Jimin: Ohhhhh okay.
??????: You know his real name?!?!?!?!?!?
To be continued...
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