Part 5 "Sick Jimin"
You: *sighs* I need to bring Jungkook to the hospital, and there's NO WAY I'm leaving you here by yourself.
Jimin: *coughs* Fine... But who is it?
You: Well.. I would call Woozi, but he must still be with his friends so... Yoongi oppa.
Jimin: Wait, what!? *Coughs a lot* I don't even know him--
You: So what!?? I'm not going to leaving you in the house along so deal with it!
{Yoongi's POV}
*Sleeping very peacefully then the phone rings*
Yoongi: Ughhhhh who woke up my beauty sleep?? Oh, it's Y/N. *picks up the phone* Hello?
You: Hi oppa.... I was wondering if um....
'Maybe she wants to go on a date with me?'
You: If you could do me a favour?
Yoongi: Sure, but it depends on what it is.
You: You know how I had an emergency call from Jimin and I went home early?
Yoongi: Yeah, why?
You: Well.... When I went to his house my brother was there and he broke his arm... So I have to bring him to the hospital..
Yoongi: So what's the favour?
You: I was actually not done talking yet. Anyhow, there is no way I am leaving Jimin alone in the house so... Um... Could you please take care of him while I'm gone?
'So it's not a date.'
Yoongi: Uhh.. I'm not sure Y/N..
You: Pleaaaaaassssssssseeeeeeeeeeee????
'She seems pretty darn desperate.'
Yoongi: Okay, fine. How come you didn't call Woozi? He's more closer with Jimin than I am.
You: Well, I figured that he's still with his friends.
Yoongi: I think he is..
You: Exactly.
Yoongi: Okay well, I get it. I'll be there soon then. Just tell me the address?
You: *Insert address right here* Got it down?
Yoongi: Yep. I'll be there in no time.
You: That you SO much Yoongi oppa! I owe you!
Yoongi: It's fine. I don't mind anyways..
'Since it's for Y/N..'
You: Still though.... See you later?
Yoongi: Yes, bye Y/N.
You: Bye~
~Ends call~
Yoongi: So.. I have to take care of a guy? That also happens to be Y/N's best friend. Ah.... screw it. I got nothing better to do at home anyways..
*Goes downstairs*
Woozi: Where are you going hyung?
Yoongi: Somewhere in the universe.
Woozi: Wow. Thanks for the info! *Says with sarcasm*
Yoongi: You're welcome.
Woozi: I'll be here with Mingyu and Hoshi.
Yoongi: Kay. Just don't do anything stupid.
{Y/N's POV}
You: He's coming right now.
Jungkook: Who? Your BoYfRienD??
You: *blushes* NO! He's a sunbae.... Yeah! A sunbae of mine nothing else. And also, do you want your other arm to be broken as well?
Jungkook: Nope! I'm good.
Jimin: So he's coming..
You: Yep.
Jimin: To my house...
You: Yep.
Jimin: That super popular sunbae is coming to my house.
You: Yep!
Jimin: And taking care of me...
You: YEp.
Jimin: I'm surprised he even agreed!
You: YeP.
Jimin: He always seemed like he got annoyed by me all the time..
You: Yep~
Jimin: *silent for couple seconds* CAN YOU STOP SAYING 'YEP' TO EVERYTHING I SAY!?
You: Yep.
Jungkook: At least you're not coughing anymore hyung.
Jimin: Oh yeah! I just realized that!
*Doorbell rings*
You: COMING! I'll get the door, you two stay here for now.
*At the door*
Yoongi: Hi~
'He seems like he's in a good mood..?'
You: Hello! Thanks so much for coming... It's not my house, but it's basically like mine. Anyways, follow me!
Yoongi: Okay.
Jungkook: So is he your boyfriend?
Yoongi: Excuse me?
You: *blushes* No shut up Jungkook!
Jungkook: Y/N noona said shut up to meeeee!! What a meanie.
You: *sighs* Come on Jungkook. Let's just go to the hospital now.. Oh, and Jimin?
Jimin: Yeah?
You: Behave. And oppa I'm counting on you to take care of Jimin.
Yoongi; Okay.
Jimin: Why would I *coughs* Not behave anyways?
Jungkook: Jimin hyung is coughing again.. Noonaaaaa my arm is starting to hurt againnn..
You: Okay Kookie let's go. Bye guys...
Jungkook: Bye hyungs..... *smiles evilly*
{JImin's POV}
'That KID--'
Yoongi: He's pretty annoying eh?
Jimin: Yeah, he's been around Y/N like everyday ever since he came here to live.. *coughs* And it's not like I can do anything. *coughs*
Yoongi: Why?
Jimin: He loves working out so he's way too strong.. *coughs*
Yoongi: Aren't they siblings though?
Jimin: Yeah...
Yoongi: He must be protected over his sister then. I have a brother too.
Jimin: I know that. *coughs* I saw you in the cafeteria with him... Remember? *coughs*
Yoongi: Ah..... I didn't see you because you were too... uh.. Short.
Jimin: You're not any taller. *coughs*
Yoongi: Yeah.. but taller than you.
Jimin: Whatever. *coughs*
Yoongi: You know what? Stop talking, you're coughing way too much.
Jimin: Okay. *coughs*
Yoongi: *glares at Jimin* What did I just say?
Jimin: *looks down*
'Wonder if Jungkook and Y/N are okay..'
To be continued...
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