Part 1 "First Day"
~Alarm goes off~
You: Ughhhhhhhh!!! 10... more.... minutes.......!!
Jimin: Y/N wake up!
You: What the... WTF Jimin why the HECK are you in my room this early in the morning!? GOsh.
Jimin: Um. Because I knew you weren't going to wake up if I didn't come. *looks at you with the obviously face*
You: .............. Meh whatever. *goes back into your bed sheets*
Jimin: You're not going to wake up?? Well... I now have no choice but to tickle you!!!!!!!! *starts tickling you*
You: WAIT!! AHaHaahHAahaHHA sToP iT!! AHahahAhHhaHA! I'M UP I'M UP
Jimin: Good good. *stays still*
You: .............Well? Are you going to just stand there? Are you going to watch me change or something?
Jimin: *blushes* N-no... I'll be in the kitchen then... *leaves*
Oh hi there! I didn't introduce myself yet. My name is Y/N (your name) Aka you. If you didn't guess just now Jimin is my BFF since we were like babies. Also, I live by myself since I am in my 2nd year as an university student, and I chose to live alone. My parents live in Busan. Jimin's and my hometown. However, we moved to Seoul together to learn more things and to go to university.
Jimin: *from downstairs* Y/N!! Are you STILL getting ready??
You: No I'm done. I'll be there in a sec. And whadda ya mean STILL!?!?
Jimin: Nothing nothing..
~Downstairs in the kitchen~
Jimin: You are SO lucky I came to Seoul with you. Here's I made breakfast called toast.
You: Thanks.
Jimin: *after few mins* Come onnnnn! Let's goooooo! We're going to be late on the first day!!
You: *answers while chewing the toast* Sheesh. Patience Jimin. Patience.
{Woozi's POV} (for those who don't know that a POV is it stands for Point Of View)
Woozi: Ughhhhh. This sucks. I don't know where the office is in this place. It's SO BIG! That stupid brother of mine won't tell me. *sighs* I'll just have to ask someone..
{Y/N's POV}
~Inside the school~
You: You know what Jimin?
Jimin: What?
You: I think we might be late.... RACE YOU! *starts running*
Jimin: Hey! That's unfair!
You: Life's unfair, so catch me if you can--- *Bumps into someone and drops everything* Oof.
?????: I'm so sorry! I'll help you pick these up.
'Huh........ He's cute.. I've never seen him here last year. He looks like he's from high school too.'
You: It's okay. I'm Y/N by the way. Nice to meet you.
{Woozi's POV}
'I can't find anyone to ask--' *bumps into someone* Ouch.
Woozi: I'm so sorry! I'll help you pick these up.
'Oh, it's a girl.... She looks like she's the same age as me... Nah. She's probably older than me. Not in a rude way but...'
Y/N: It's okay. I'm Y/N by the way. Nice to meet you.
Woozi: Hi I'm Woozi. Nice to meet you too!
{Y/N's POV}
You: Woozi huh? Cute name! *smiles*
Woozi: *blushing* Um... Thank you.
You: You're welcome!
Woozi: Um... I'm sorry but I'm new here so I don't know where the office is. Do you mind telling me where it is...?
'Huh.. So he's younger than me..'
You: It's the door on the right. Right over there *points to the office door* Be careful next time though it's a university so there's a lot more buildings outside if yo haven't seen them yet.
Woozi: All I knew was that the office was in here. Thank you for telling me *smiles* Hope to see you again! *gives you back your things then leaves*
Jimin: *breathing heavily* Y/N you traitor..
You: Since when?? *gives him the innocent look*
Jimin: Whatever. We're still going to be late for class, so this time I get a head start!
You: Wat.
Jimin: Bye Y/N~ This is what you get *winks then runs away*
You: UGHHHHHHH THAT SHORTY *mutters* sometimes I wonder if we're really in university. *bumps into someone again* OUch. Seriously?? That's the second time today.
??????: Excuse me?
You: Oh, um I'm sorry, but I really have to get going.. I'm SORRY!
'He really looks similar to that Woozi guy earlier.. Meh. I'm too lazy to think about that.'
~In the classroom~
(Jimin is already sitting down)
Jimin: Who's that?
You: It's you idiot.
Jimin: I'm sorry who?
You: Pardon? Sorry, I can't hear you because you're down there. *looks around*
Jimin: Y/NNN that's meaaannnnnnnnnnnn *whines and pouts* And I'm not even that short!
You: *shrugs* ik but that's what you get chim chim.
Jimin: *pouting* Still. You're mean.
You: *mutters* Says the guy who hits me for stealing some cookies..
Jimin: Hey I HEard that. And that was like 5 years ago!
You: So?
Jimin:.............I give up.
*The professor walks in*
Professor: Hello everyone. Class will start now. Welcome to another year of university. Today we will be....
~Class ends~
You: Wow. First day back here and it was so.... Boring.
Jimin: Really? I thought it was fun!
You: *sighs* Jimin, this is exactly why I call you a jamless shorty. Tsk tsk you have no jams... Poor guy. (yes ik that this joke is old but I'm re-writing my old ff so please understand)
Jimin: Excuji me? I have a lot of jams thank you very much.
You: *silent for a moment* BAHAHHAahAhHAHhAhhHa yeah right. Say whatever you want jamless shorty!
Jimin: Hey! I'm SO paying you back for this.
You: Oh no you won't! *starts running out of the classroom then bumps into someone AGAIN* OWWW! What is with me and bumping into people today!? I am SO sorry I don't know what's with me today.... Wait. You're that guy I bumped into this morning!
??????: Do you really have to bump into me each time I see you?
You: Well, I didn't mean to do that.... I'm sorry.
??????: You're lucky I'm letting you go again.. And by the looks of it you're me hoobae aren't you. (hoobae is like the younger one, the opposite of sunbae)
You: I think that's most likely. Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier. I'm Y/N, and I'm in my second year here...
Yoongi: Yeah, you are younger. I'm Yoongi. Call me Suga if you want. I don't care either way.
You: Wait wait wait wait wait...... You're that sunbae who's known to be good at basketball and composing music???
Yoongi: Sure...... Nice meeting you Y/N. Even if you bumped into me twice today. Bye.
You: Wow.. Um.. Okay. Bye Yoongi sunbaenim.. (sunbaenim is a more formal way to way sunbae)
~In the cafeteria~
Jimin: Sooooo made new friends yet Y/N?
You: Is that what you ask me after chasing me, making me bump into people because of running, and annoying me??
Jimin: Yap.
You: smh Jimin smh..
Jimin: So, DID you make new friends?
You: Well... I kind of made new friends... I think.
Jimin: Wait, seriously? I only asked as a joke because you've been with me most of the time, but okay. *shrugs*
You: Hey! We're you trying to mock me jamless shorty!?
Jimin: *ignores you* So, who are your "friends"?
You: Well...... I talked with the famous Yoongi sunbae, and another guy.. Is right over there! Woozi! Over here! *waves*
Woozi: *comes over* Ah, hello Y/N noona!
Jimin: Noona??
Woozi: Well, she is older than me..
You: *mutters* I didn't think that Woozi would call me noona but okay. Yep! Woozi, this is Jimin, and Jimin this is Woozi.
Jimin: Hi! You're shorter than me! Wow!
You: Jimin that's rude *giving him the WTH ARE YOU SAYING face*
Woozi: *chuckles* It's okay. I get that a lot from my brother and my friends.
You: You have a brother?
Woozi: Yep. Apparently he's popular here.. There he is. HYUNG! *waves*
Yoongi: Oh hi Woozi... And Y/N?
You: What. Wait what.
Woozi: You two know each other?
Jimin: They're brothers!?
You: Yes and yes. I kind of bumped into him twice today.. AND YOU TWO ARE BROTHERS!? LIKE HOW DID I NOT REALIZE THAT RIGHT AWAY!?
Jimin: HA! Of course you did. You always bump into someone or something.
You: Thanks for the compliment jamless shorty.
Jimin: No problem.....Hey!
You: *ignores Jimin* I thought that Yoongi sunbae looked a LOT like Woozi when I met him and I was right!
Yoongi: You thought that?
You: Yes. Now that I look at it you two look pretty darn similar except that Woozi is a lot shorter... No offence.
Woozi: No offence taken.
Jimin: I've never seen a boy around my age who was this shorter than me! I feel tall! *looks proud of himself*
Yoongi: I personally think that YOU shouldn't be saying that.
You: Agreed. You're not the one to talk Jimin.
Jimin: Whatever..........*pouts*
Yoongi: So Jimin is your name.. I see. Well I have to get going. Bye kids!
Woozi: RUde.
Jimin: Agreed.
You: Meh.
Jimin: Meh? MEH???
You: *completely ignores Jimin* Well, we should get going as well. Bye Woozi! I'll see you again sometime! *gets up then drags Jimin with you*
Woozi: Bye Y/N noona! *waves goodbye*
'He is so cute I swear.....'
Jimin: Bye~
Woozi: Bye hyung!
~In the hallway~
Jimin: Aww it's nice to have a dongsaeng aroung here.. (Dongsaeng is the younger, opposite of hyung, noona, oppa, or unnie)
You: True that he's so cute!
Jimin: That's true... Even if I'm a guy I agree.
You: *smirks* Well, let's get going.. HOWEVER there will be no running whatsoever.
Jimin: Awww..... Okay mommy..
You: *rolls eyes* Lets go.
~After school~
You: Hey chim chim! You walking home with me?
Jimin: I'm sorry Y/N I have to stay in for a little bit for something.. on the FIRST DAY!! SCREW MY LIFE. But can you wait for me?
You: Fine. I'll be waiting at the basketball court outside.
Jimin: Kay thanks bestie!
You: Yeah yeah.
~The basketball court~
You: Hmmm...... I should just listen to music while waiting for Jimin..... *starts singing along with the song*
?????: You have a pretty voice! (even if you say u suck at singing in here you're good at it)
To be continued...
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