Namjoon was smiling as he walked into school on Monday.
He had spent the whole weekend at Yoongi's house, getting to know the boy and playing video games and talking and laughing. He was surprised at how much he and Yoongi had in common; from sports to opinions to ideas.
They had made plans to go to the mall next weekend and Namjoon couldn't wait.
"Yo, Joon!"
Namjoon was surprised when an arm draped itself over his shoulders and yanked him close to a body.
"Where were you all weekend?" Beomseok asked. "You missed it big time; Yeongs stepmom was changing in front of the window! Her rack was huge!"
Namjoon scowled, wondering why had hung out with these people for so long. He shook Beomseok off. "Wow. Sounds great."
"Hey look," Daehyun smirked and pointed. "Little faggie is back in school."
Namjoon's heart seized when he saw Yoongi at his locker, putting his backpack inside. "Wait, guys-"
Too late- his friends were already hurrying over to surround the smaller boy. Cursing, Namjoon raced after them.
"Where were you on Friday?" Beomseok cooed, reaching out to flick Yoongi's hair. "We missed our little cock sucker."
Yoongi pulled his head out of the boys reach and slammed his locker shut. Ignoring them, he made to push past the bullies when he saw Namjoon, and his step faltered.
The slight pause was all Daehyun needed to grab Yoongi by his shoulder and slam him back against the lockers.
"Where do you think you're going?" He grinned. "We missed out on a whole day of kicking your ass, so you have a big deficit to fill today, fag."
"Stop it." Namjoon glared.
His friends turned to him, confusion and surprise on their faces.
"What the hell, Joon?" Yeong asked.
"Don't tell me you like this freak!" Beomseok demanded.
They faced him now, and Namjoon's heart started to pound when he realized they could and would totally beat his ass. His bravery sputtered and died.
"I mean... stop as in wait." He stammered, backing up slowly. "Let me get my phone first, I-I left it in my locker."
Daehyun laughed. "Good idea, let's get it on video. We can make him relive it over and over, whenever we want."
Feeling sick, Namjoon turned and ran.
Yoongi watched as Namjoon ran down the hallway, betrayal stabbing deep in his heart.
He wasn't given time to dwell on it, however, as Beomseok grabbed his collar and slammed him against the lockers again.
Yoongi winced at the force, headache forming.
"You like looking at cocks, freak?" He growled.
"Get off me." Yoongi glared.
"If you want to suck on one so bad, suck on ours." Yeong said. "Then you can have three of them in your faggot mouth."
Daehyun laughed. "Good one."
Panic took over Yoongi as they all grabbed him and forced him to his knees. He was used to being punched and insulted, but this was something new. Something far worse.
He wanted Namjoon to come back.
But Namjoon had betrayed him. He couldn't stand up to his friends, so he ran away instead.
"Let me go!" Yoongi demanded, struggling against them. He looked around desperately, but the hallways were empty now that classes had started. He could only hope that a teacher would happen to walk by.
"If you bite, I'll punch your teeth out." Beomseok warned him as he unbuckled his belt.
Yoongi struggled harder, heart pounding as they all caged him in against the lockers. He hated the fact that hot tears pricked his eyes. He didn't want to cry in front of these assholes.
"No- don't-" Yoongi pleaded, turning his head away but a hand grabbed him roughly and forced it back. Fingers pried into his mouth, forcing it open.
"Lee Beomseok!" A voice boomed, catching them all by surprise.
The hands quickly released him and Yoongi blinked back tears to see principal Hyun striding up to them, his red tie and black suit flying.
"We were just-" Yeong tried to lie, but he faltered immediately under the principals harsh look.
"My office. All of you. Now." He growled, looking each of them in the eye. His gaze softened when he saw Yoongi and he pushed Daehyun and Beomseok away, leaning down to help Yoongi to his feet.
Yoongi blushed at having been discovered in that position, and he hastily scrubbed his cheeks.
"Are you alright?" He asked gently.
Yoongi nodded, looking at the floor.
"We didn't mean it." Beomseok lied. "We were just playing a prank."
"Yeah, and-" Daehyun saw Namjoon standing a few feet away. "There! He can tell you, sir! Joon, tell him it was just a prank."
They all knew Namjoon was the schools poster boy; smart, handsome, popular, athletic. If anyone could convince the principal of something, it would be him.
Yoongi couldn't bear to look at the boy, keeping his head turned away.
"All of you are coming to my office." Principal Hyun stated firmly. He looked at Yoongi. "Mr. Min, if you want to wait in the nurses office, I'll have someone call your parents. They can come pick you up."
Yoongi shook his head. "No, I'm fine. Don't call them."
"See?" Beomseok asked hopefully. "He knows it was just a prank."
"March." Hyun shoved Beomseok, herding them all down the hall.
Yoongi watched them go, waiting to see if Namjoon would look back at him.
He didn't.
Yoongi sat on his bed at home, having run away from the school. He hoped no one was calling his parents- they would return home and demand a meeting with the school faculty and the bullies parents' and it would all be shit.
But that was on the back burner of his mind.
He couldn't believe Namjoon hadn't stood up for him. After all they had talked about, after Yoongi had called him a good person, the fun they had over the weekend... the kiss...
There was a pounding on his door.
Startled, Yoongi snuck down the stairs and peeked out the window.
Namjoon stood there, a distraught look on his face. "Yoongi?" He called, pounding again on the door. "Can we talk?"
Yoongi growled and slid open the window. "Get the hell out of here."
Namjoon jumped, twisting to face the window. "Yoongi-"
"Go away!" Yoongi shouted.
Namjoon winced. "Wait, I have to tell you-"
"There's nothing I want to hear from you." Yoongi hissed. "Nothing that will make this any better. You betrayed me, you were a coward who sided with the bullies because you were too afraid they would gang up on you instead."
"You're right, I was afraid." Namjoon walked to the window. "Please, can we just talk about it?"
"Why? You think I'll let you in and show you some hospitality again?" Yoongi glared. "You think I'll just forgive you so easily and kiss you again? You think I'm an idiot?"
"No! Please, can I just tell you something?"
"No." Yoongi slammed the window shut and yanked the curtains across.
Namjoon banged his fist on the door again. "Yoongi!"
"Go away or else I'll call the police!" Yoongi called through the wood.
The banging stopped.
"I shouldn't have trusted you." Yoongi muttered, wiping away fresh tears.
It was silent for a moment, and then the front door suddenly opened.
Yoongi gasped as Namjoon stepped inside, realizing too late he had forgotten to lock the door when he came home- too emotional to remember.
Namjoon looked around and quickly spied Yoongi. "Wait, please just let me-"
"Get out!" Yoongi screeched as he backed up. He grabbed a chair and pushed it in front of him to act as a barrier between them.
Namjoon stopped walking and held his hands up. "I'm not going to hurt you."
"Get out of my house! You just broke in!"
"I opened the unlocked front door and calmly stepped inside." Namjoon said. "That's not breaking and entering."
"It is when you don't have my permission to be in here." Yoongi growled.
"Just listen to me." Namjoon pleaded. "You don't even have to say anything- just hear me out and then I promise I'll leave. I'll leave you alone, too. Just please listen."
"I don't want to listen to you." Yoongi snapped. "I let you into my home, I trusted you, I fucking kissed you, and then you threw it all in my face! You just wanted to get your sick kicks like everyone else, didn't you? Got to have your fun using me to experiment with your gay fantasies and then threw me to the wolves when you were done."
Namjoon winced. "No, it's not like that!"
"It's exactly like that! And now everything's going to be worse at school because your stupid friends got in trouble and they're going to be pissed even more at me because of it!"
"And you won't lift a finger to help me, I know that for sure now!"
"Not that I would even want your help anyways, you fucking cowardly piece of-"
Yoongi stopped, never having heard Namjoon yell before.
The dimpled boy took a deep breath. "Beomseok, Daehyun and Yeong won't be bothering you anymore."
Yoongi snorted. "Oh, yeah? Did they see the error of their ways?"
"No. But they got expelled."
Yoongi paused, letting that sink in. "They... what?"
"I told Hyun all about what they did to you over the years. What I did." Namjoon admitted, looking at the floor. "When I ran away, I wasn't getting my phone. I ran to Hyun's office and told him everything. Hyun believed me, of course, and expelled them all on the spot."
Yoongi blinked, not quite believing it. "They... are gone?"
"Cleared out their lockers right after Hyun ordered them to." Namjoon nodded.
A strange feeling came over Yoongi. An odd peace, mingled with disbelief.
"So... you really went against your own friends." He said. "For me."
Namjoon snorted. "They were never my friends. I'm just sorry it took so long for me to actually do something about them." He looked at the ground, ashamed.
Hesitantly, Yoongi pushed the chair aside and walked over to the boy. He placed his hand on Namjoon's cheek, cupping his face gently. He tilted the boys head up, studying Namjoon's deep brown eyes and finding only the truth.
"Thank you." Yoongi whispered.
"I liked our kiss." Namjoon admitted. "I wasn't trying to use you for anything, Yoongi. I... I like you."
Yoongi smiled as butterflies erupted in his tummy. "Did my kiss turn you gay?"
"Gay, straight, whatever." Namjoon grinned. "I think I'm just Yoongisexual."
Yoongi placed his other hand on Namjoon's cheek as well and yanked the taller boy down for a kiss.
Namjoon dutifully bent his knees, scooping Yoongi up so they could kiss better.
"My room." Yoongi gasped as they finally broke apart.
Namjoon carried him up the stairs, knowing the way by now, set Yoongi down gently on the bed.
"Let's see just how gay you are, Kim Namjoon." Yoongi said as he pushed Namjoon onto his back.
Namjoon was surprised as Yoongi straddled him. "Wait- I'm supposed to top."
Yoongi snorted. "You think I'm fucking your ass?"
Namjoon blinked.
Yoongi tugged the boys jeans and boxers off, revealing Namjoon's cock- which was already aroused.
Namjoon stammered uselessly, watching as Yoongi removed his own clothing as well and stood naked before him. His eyes wandered over Yoongi's body, taking in every inch of pale skin, his cute, pink nipples, his pert, round ass. His cock was smaller than Namjoon's, but then again, most were.
Yoongi straddled him, sitting his naked self down promptly on Namjoon's hips. Namjoon let out a strangled sound, raising his hands to grab Yoongi's thin waist.
"Not all gay stereotypes are true." Yoongi said as he lifted his ass up and wiggled it into position over Namjoon's straining cock. "But the one about gays always having their holes ready, yeah, that one is."
And he seated himself on Namjoon's cock.
Namjoon gasped at the sensation. His sensitive cock was suddenly and fully enveloped in a tight, warm, slick embrace. It felt tighter and smoother than any pussy he had previously put his cock into.
He groaned at the pleasure, tossing his head back. "Fuck- Yoongi."
"That's right, my big stupid heterosexual." Yoongi whispered, squeezing around the thick cock inside him. "Fuck me."
Namjoon snapped his hips up, thrusting himself into Yoongi as hard and fast as he could.
Yoongi moaned, taking it like a champion as he was bounced on Namjoon's cock. His long hair bounced in time with Namjoon's thrusts, and both boys were quickly reduced to choked moans and soft curses of pleasure.
Namjoon came embarrassingly fast, spurting into Yoongi in an orgasm more intense than he had ever had before.
Yoongi gasped at the sudden influx, cupping his tummy as it expanded from the splash. "Namjoon!"
Namjoon groaned. "Shit- sorry- didn't mean to."
Yoongi caught his breath and chuckled. "You came faster than a virgin."
Scowling, Namjoon grabbed Yoongi's cock and quickly stroked it.
Now it was Yoongi's turn to gasp and quickly cum, spurting over both of them.
"At least my orgasm didn't make a mess." Namjoon teased.
In response, Yoongi clenched around him, making Namjoon moan at the overstimulation.
After showering together, the now clean boys cuddled on Yoongi's couch as the washing machine scrubbed their dirty blankets clean.
Yoongi hummed, resting his head against Namjoon's chest as Namjoon tossed a blanket over them.
Content with everything, the small boy was about to drift off when a deep voice shook him awake.
"So..." Namjoon asked, back to his awkward self. "Does this mean we're dating?"
Yoongi scoffed. "Do you think I'm a prostitute? If I have sex with someone it's because I like them."
"So," Namjoon sounded hopeful. "That's a yes?"
"You gotta ask me out first, stupid."
"Oh, right. Yoongi, will you go out with me?"
Smiling, Yoongi sat up and curled himself into Namjoon's lap. He leaned in and nuzzled their noses together.
"Yes, stupid."
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