You Can't Save Everyone
TW: character death
How does it feel to be blown away by an explosion? Let me answer that for all of you interested readers sitting upon their beds and reading my shit show of a life. It absolutely, undeniably and incomparably sucks. My ears were ringing as there were white spots in my already swaying vison as I groaned and picked myself up the floor. I realised that I had fallen several layers below where I was standing earlier when the explosion hit.
'Alright I am presumably at some lower level and probably somewhere near where Nat landed. Tony and Steve will repair the engine; Fury and Hill are looking over everything else. That leaves Nat and Clint as well as Thor oh no..... Coulson!!' I mumbled as I rushed to stand up but wobbled in my place. 'Calm down Divi we will reach him but you need to get through them first' Divya said in a placating tone as I looked in front of me.
The whole hellicarrier was a mess as I was greeted by the sight of panicking agents running about like headless chickens. My ear piece crackled as I heard Hill giving status report to Fury on a busted engine. "Agent Malhotra? Do you copy" Fury asked to which I replied in a hoarse voice "Let Mr Stark work on that I am going to help Agent Romanoff and Dr. Banner" I said as I picked off in the direction where Nat, Bruce and eventually Clint should be.
"I'm on it and kid, be careful" Tony answered back I just smiled and said "Always am Tony". I skidded to a halt as I found Natasha and Bruce lying. Bruce kept on moaning as Hulk fought him to take control. "You got to fight it. This is just what Loki wants" Natasha panted out her leg stuck under debris.
I quietly approached making sure not to spook the already spooked Dr Banner out or else Divija Malhotra will become Divija Meat Pie. 'I don't want to die again so let's try to be sneaky alright?' Divya answered. I crouched by Nat's side which was not a good move as she had my head in a headlock before I could say hey. "Nat let me up I will lift the pipe ok?" I wheezed out feebly as she let go. "Sorry Divi instinct" Nat said as I got to work.
"Distract him Nat" I whispered hoarsely as I extended my hand pointing towards the heavy metal piped on her leg. Blue vines of pure energy wrapped around the pipes as it groaned under the pressure. "We are gonna be okay, listen to me." Nat pleaded to Bruce who was struggling hard as beads of sweat coated my brows mixed with what I thought was blood flowing leaving a stinging, sticky and warm trail behind.
The pipe had lifted barely a millimetre when two idiots almost barged in trying to help Nat. She gestured them to leave and I whispered my voice strained "Just five more seconds Nat" to which she said "We don't have five seconds". "You do I don't" I growled out as I lifted it off her leg and pushed her off just in time as Banner completely changed into Hulk. "Run I'll take him" I told her cracking my knuckles to which she just nodded and said "Be careful" as she ran away.
Hulk roared as he barrelled towards me like a freaking train and I whipped out my hands as chain like aura wrapped around Hulk tying him down in a place. He bellowed and roared loudly struggling against the bounds also making me stumble with it. "Big guy I know you can hear me, I am not the enemy big guy please calm down. We can go get a shwarma together after this" I shouted out in hopes of calming the spooked scientist down.
Hulk roared again thrashing violently almost making me faceplant on to the ground as I grunted my powers straining and it felt like my hands would rip off. "Buddy .... how about taco? We can have that then maybe watch a movie?" and surprisingly he stopped for a second and tilted his head saying "Movie? Tacos?..... Hulk likes Tacos!!!. "Yeah so let's plan it for tomorrow yeah?" I panted out smiling a little but it was wiped off immediately as he roared "NO TACOS NOW!!!!" and thrashed ferociously causing me to lose footing and slamming on the floor on my knees freeing Hulk simultaneously as my powers flickered out. 'Your knees are not shattered but it will take some time to regain your energy back Divi' Divya said worriedly as I sighed and looked back to a Hulk bounding towards the direction Nat escaped. 'Atleast I bought her time now I have to go to the containment cell' I told Divya as I lifted myself up on aching and shaky knees.
As I made my way through the levels helping freaked out agents on the way I listened on Tony and Steve's banter about the electrical relays. "It seems to run on some sort of electricity" Steve said to which Tony replied sarcastically replied "Well you're not wrong". 'A grandparent when he/she sees any device even remotely resembling a TV screen' I thought as Divya let out an indignant huff 'No we do not' to which I just said 'So you agree you're one' and smirked as she groaned annoyance.
There was a whole mess on Research Level-4 as Thor and Hulk fought it out like two rutting bulls as I rushed passed them blasting off Hulk from on top off Thor as he shouted out "Thank Lady Divija" and I shouted back "You're welcome also deal with him and then come to Loki's containment cell I'm assuming he's upto no good.". Thor just grunted in reply as they started wrecking through the place again.
I reached Loki's cell on the detention level as I saw him or rather his illusion coming out of the cell and he smiled at me "Ah you're here warrior and Brother!!!" as he smiled and opened his arms. I reacted just a second late as Thor barrelled past me "NO STOP!!" but he was already locked in the trap. I looked at the real one standing near the controls of the cage "Are you ever not going to fall for that" Loki said in mock disappointment as I sighed rubbing my temples.
"Loki I would really love if you would stop but I know you can't so please at least try to fight him." I told him as he sneered "Why should I? he promised me everything I ever wanted. To get out of the shadow of his glory" Loki spat out venomously looking at Thor behind the glass cage. Before I could argue any further he came at me with his sceptre as I summoned Trishul out and parried his strike.
"Ah so this is the celestial weapon of the warrior. This will be even more interesting." Loki whispered as he slashed at me with renewed vigour as I blocked and countered his attacks. We went back and forth almost like a dance but this time instead of music it was ringing of metal on metal as Loki used both his illusions and dagger to fight me. 'Let me do this I have waited to do something for a while now.' Divya said anger lacing her tone as I backed down letting her take control.
She imbued energy into the trident as it glowed and hummed in a ghastly blue aura burning around it in flames as she struck the staff of the trident on the ground as all the illusions of Loki vanished. "Petty tricks again god of mischief last time I saw you were still an innocent child. I hope you will come back on the right path" Divya said and I was shocked.
'You met him before?' to which she said 'When I was still arrive and was a warrior I attended the Celestial's council with the Trinity and Odin attended it too with his children. Always thought the old bastard was a narcissistic prick never thought he would hurt a child to this extent that he would become so twisted' Divya answered sadness permeating her voice. "Ahh warrior's soul are you not tired of failing after you colossal mess that almost destroyed the multiverse. Living with the shame of tarnishing the honour of your family for something so pathetic as love was not enough that you are back again trying to help this pathetic weakiling" Loki said smirking as he wiped the blood from the side of his mouth. Something snapped inside of Divya as she let out a roar of pure anger as blood red aura surrounded her as she attacked him.
I tried to calm her down but she was lost in rage and her movement became sloppy as Loki attacked us with precise cuts on our arms and thighs all while dodging Divya's heavy handed attacks. 'DIVYA CALM DOWN!! He is riling you up don't give in' but my words fell on deaf ears. I managed to forcefully wrench away control from her but before I could do anything I heard "Move away please" Coulson said and my heart went cold as I realised what was about to happen. "Coulson stop, Leave please" I pleaded as blood dripped down my mouth and my legs shook as I staggered forward. I almost reached him and Coulson tried to help me but with the last ounce of my I flung myself forward just as Loki let go of the illusion.
At first I felt nothing but then there was pain. Intense and immeasurable pain as I insides were ripped apart burning in a never ending fire. I looked at Loki in his eyes as horror shown in them and frowned as I looked down the sceptre went through my stomach as it skewered me and then pointed upwards passing right through Coulson's chest.
"NO!!" Thor shouted mournfully as he banged against the glass. Loki wrenched out the sceptre immediately as I flopped forward but he caught me. "Foolish mortal this was not your fight. You should not have tried to save him" Loki whispered furiously but I could see something else in his now green eyes sadness. I gasped as I extended my hand towards Coulson but Loki gathered me up as he placed a hand on my wound and green light surrounded it as I felt energy being transferred into me. 'He is using his life force to heal you.... what is he thinking?' Divya mumbled.
He healed me halfway as he left after throwing Thor down the shaft. I just wheezed out "Couldn't you spare him?" anger burning through my veins. Anger at myself for not being able to save Coulson and self loathing as reality seeped in. Loki just gave me a sorrowful look as he left. I dragged myself to where Coulson was sitting as blood seeped from his chest. "You'll be okay.... I'll I'll c-call fury. Just k-keep pressure on the w-wound" I stuttered out as I frantically took out a handkerchief pressing it against the wound. "Hey Hey it's okay Divi. This is not on you, this is what heroes do right?" Coulson said in a feeble voice. "Please hold on" I cried he just smiled his usual Coulson smile and said "You are the best in the whole team and I am proud.... of you..... Promise me...." Coulson wheezed out as I grabbed his hand bringing it to my forehead.
"I Promise.... please don'tgo" I pleaded my heart beating painfully. "Promise me you'll never stop believing in yourself..... you are..... the strongest kid....... I've ever seen..... and your strength.... lies right here" Coulson spoke in a weak voice ashe tapped where my heart should be. "You can't save everyone kid.... but a hero..... never stops trying" He said as he took in a shuddering breath as the light dimmed out from his eyes.
Phil Coulson, Shield's best agent and one of thebravest men I knew died in my arms as his blood stained my hands. 'His death is on me' I thought numbly as tears just flowed through my eyes as I screamed. I kept on screaming as my throat became hoarse and my mind slipped into darkness.
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