We Should be Playing a Theme song
Divya's P.O.V
There was chaos everywhere and that was giving me a headache in addition to slaughtering these pests who are mere mindless insects controlled by another vile creature sitting far away in the galaxy on his throne, I wanted to get him off his high horse and slam his head into the earth. Then I would like to ram my foot as high up his purple arse that it would come out his saggy nut chinned mouth. 'Ummm Divya aren't your thoughts a bit too graphic?' Divi's voice echoed throughout her mind where I reside. 'Nah that despicable creature with that horrendous God complex deserves that, Now give me control you need rest and I want a go at these bastards.' I said as Divija sighed and let go as I came forward to the front seat.
"Huh it's been a while since I was in an active battle....." I sighed as I called Trishul to my hand. The mythical weapon flew through the streets skewering through Chitauris, drenched in alien goop but still managing to loo absolutely elegant. "Welcome back old friend" I murmured as the trident glowed and thrummed with unbound energy. And that's how we cleared the infamous streets of New York City. Now I'm not gonna go into the gory details of how I did with the help of the fellow Avengers so let's skip to good part. The spies were moving in perfect tandem as they dealt with the aliens. 'Of course they have deeper history together' Divija informed and I hummed. 'What's next Divi? What's the next step apart from doing pest control?
'Only you can think of fighting against a whole army of extraterrestrial creatures as pest control' Divija said sighing. 'I have gone toe to toe with Zeus and defeated his arrogant ass, compared to that prick these are nothing but pests.' I replied nonchalantly. 'ZEUS!!! You mean the Greek God and King of Olympus? God of Lightning?!!!' Divija screeched causing me to wince as I stomped on the head of another fallen Chitauri. 'Yes Yes that bastard, if you think Odin is the only asshole in the council of gods you are sorely mistaken.'. 'But if you were my ancestor then you must be like me half human and he's a god, how did you defeat him?' Divija questioned thoughtfully.
'Divija you and I are both the Yoddha, the representative of the three very powerful gods. You stood up to a fight with Loki who's also a god who's lived hundred times longer and much more experienced in not just trickery or sorcery. That kid is a powerful fighter, he was trained to be the king of a realm yet you fought against him admirably how do you think that is possible?' Divija kept quiet as she went into a contemplative state and I just sighed and said 'A sword is truly a deadly when it's constantly sharpened and has withstood the test of time. You have the blood of a warrior flowing in you veins you just need to hone your skills and you can cut through anyone or anything even if they're a god' .
Eventually by the invisible thread of fate which Divija would like to call "plot" all the other members of the team came together as I started to walk up to them casually tuning out whatever the patriot was rambling about cause a rather interesting person entered on a scooter. 'Dr Banner! Finally now there will be an epic scene where' I cut-off Divija mid sentence. 'Let me guess these kids will strike a heroic pose together?' I drawled and Divija let out a squeal 'Yesss!!! We should have been the theme music now if we could' and I smiled as I shook my head at her geekiness.
"So this all seems horrible" Banner said casually and I just shrugged as the red headed spy replied that she's seen worse and can could use some worse now. 'I'm gonna reveal myself' I said in my mind and Divija was surprisingly supportive 'It's your decision Divya plus we have already been keeping a lot of secrets some truthfulness won't hurt but won't this distract them from the battle?.' To which I just laughed and said 'I like a little chaos plus these are heroes they should know when to get distracted with information and when to just absorb and go with it' . I reached the gathering of heroes as the archer and the spy looked up relieved. "Any serious injuries?" Nat asked as Clint just scanned us for injuries. "Nothing serious Ms. Romanoff"
"Your voice sounds huskier and the mannerisms are not the same" Natasha said quickly before pointing a gun at our forehead and Divi let out a yelp 'Explain fast Divya!!' and I smirked as I looked at the gun's barrel. "Nat what are you doing?" Banner cried out as he moved towards us but Steve stopped him. "Who are you?" Natasha asked but her eyes were shaking slightly. "It seems that the spy really cares about you Divi" I spoke out loud and I saw Nat's hands tighten on her gun minutely as her face remained stoic.
"What's going on?" Tony's voice filtered in through the comms. "We should first hear the person out" Thor provided helpfully his eyes still wide as he recognised my soul, the warrior's soul. "Thank you Odinson, Now to answer your question Ms. Romanoff my name is Divya. Me and Divija are same yet different. We are both warriors and two souls in the same body though this body originally is Divi's and I'm residing here for free with her". I said smiling as Divi facepalmed herself mentally. "So you're possessing the kid?" Tony's voice filtered in which was laced with anger and wariness. "Absolutely not Stark, I'm her protector who will solely come out to protect her or whenever she allows me. Right now she was tired so I took over but my sole purpose is to guide the young warrior".
"Why did she keep this from us?" Steve questioned as I rolled my eyes and summoned Trishula as I threw it in his direction. He raised up the shield but it whizzed past him to embed itself into the skull of a Chitauri creeping up behind him. I raised my hand as blue aura encased us in shape of a dome protecting us from the Chitauris. "It was not just her secret it was mine too and mine wish was to assess you a little longer before I reveal myself afterall trust is a fragile thing isn't it Captain?" I said sharply. "You were the one who came out that day.....in front of Fury" Nat whispered her eyes slightly wide. I gave her a poisonous smile "Yeah and if he does anything like that again I'll bury him alive".
With that I went back giving Divija back the control of her body.
Divija's P. O. V:
I came back with a jolt still reeling from the tense encounter that I just witnessed and temporarily lost balance as I swayed a little and Dr. Banner hurried over and steadied me "Well I guess we both kind off have alter egos don't we Dr. Banner" I said chuckling nervously as Bruce smiled lightly and shook his head. The captain looked at me warily whereas Clint asked worriedly "Are you ok now? Divya said you were tired?" and I soothed his mind saying that I was fine now. "Kid you, Divya and I are having a long talk when we get back to the tower after this do you hear Divya?" Tony's voice came into my ears through the private comms channel shared between only the two of us to which Divya chuckled 'He's overprotective just like a father towards his kid' and I felt my cheeks heat up slightly as I quickly squeaked out a yes.
Tony brought the "Party" to us which was in the shape of a titanic sized centipede called as a "Leviathan". "Dr.Banner now might be a very good time to get angry" Steve said to which Bruce smirked a little and said "That's my secret Cap, I'm always angry". I sigh and say "And I'm always depressed" to which Tony let out a huff. Bruce smoothly transitioned into the hulk stopping the Leviathan barrelling towards our group as Tony blasted the exposed flesh of the alien all the while yours truly made up an energy barrier to protect everybody from the falling debris. Then all the members of our band ehem.... our team gathered in a circle backs to each other as I imagined the avengers theme song reaching it's crescend and began humming it lightly in my mind surprisingly Divya could hear as she commented "It's really inspiring and catchy I like it".
More Leviathans poured out as Nat warned us about it and Tony allowed the Captain to give out the orders. "Until the portal is closed our priority is containment" Steve continued instructing Clint to call out patterns and strays being the eyes of the mission. Tony got the perimeter which was to keep everything within 3 blocks. Then Tony proceeded to carry Legolas up as I waved them goodbye. Thor and I were both tasked with bottlenecking the Portal thus slowing the incoming Chitauris. Thor nodded as I gave the soldier a two fingered salute as Thor took off with Mjolnir and I called for Trishul as I straddled it like Harry Potter once again and though it was a bit embarrassing at first I soon found it quite fun than propelling my body upwards like a rocket using energy blasts.
Thor and I both found ourselves some tall buildings as he channelled his powers through Mew Mew and I did mine through Trishul as I contained the big centipedes in an energy shield and then proceeded to squish them inside it cause I was feeling lazy and creative. Thor on the other hand was valiantly frying their asses. "Stark you've got a lot of strays sniffing your trail" Clint's voice sounded on the comms as I spotted the red and golden suit whizzing across streets with a number of Chitauris on his tail. While keeping the trident still pointed towards the sky as I kept on blasting those pesky aliens with some concentrated plasma blasts I extended my left hand towards two of the chitauri soldiers immediately behind Tony. Silvery blue wisps crawled over them as I yanked the pair towards another oncoming Leviathan from the portal thus killing the two and destroying half of the Leviathan which Thor then helpfully cooked (deep fried) completely after me.
Clint chuckled then dealt with the rest of the strays along with Tony. There was absolute chaos everywhere and that giant butthole of a portal was still shitting aliens which irritated me so I then decided to back to the tower. Even though I didn't want to risk messing with Selvig's device I thought I could atleast carry the Nuke that the council had planned to send into the portal instead of Tony. 'Maybe I could spare Tony from that nightmarish experience.....' I thought but Divya was strangely quiet as she gave me an ominous advice 'Divi the future of this dimension has begun to shift from it's original path but there are certain events that are Nexus events if you a Nexus being who exists out of this dimensions space and time interfere with such events catastrophic events may follow'. A chill settled in my bones but I didn't have the time to ponder over it.
I just landed on the helipad of the tower as I saw Loki absolutely getting the infamous beating from Banner. 'Damnnn Hulk ne isse Dhobi pachad maar maar ke Dho diya' (Hulk absolutely handwashed him like the washer man wringing dirty clothes) I thought as I winced as Divya couldn't stop chuckling. I just crouched near the god who was half submerged in the concrete floor or was it Italian marble? Eh who knows. "Buddy I would love to get you out right now but I know the moment I do it you'll stab me again" I said sighing but still poured him a glass of water from Tony's mostly alcohol filled bar. I lifted him slightly and he snarled at me but I just raised an eyebrow. I brought the glass to his lips and he looked at me distrustfully again but he just looked like a defeated kitten.
"Drink up Loki you will certainly not be given anymore by Mr. Stark" Idrawled irritated but my voice still carried notes of concern and worry. Loki had caught on to it so he gave me a puzzled look from his now green eyes. "Why?"he croaked out but I just shrugged and tapped my forehead as he opened a telepathic link and said "I know you never wanted any of this. You want to prove your worth to a person who isn't worth paying attention to and I had done the same once before too." Loki's eyes narrowed a little but he drank half a glass before he moved his head away as I lightly laid him back. "Rest now Loki, you've had a hard time" I said as I walked out ready to face the nuke that was planning to destroy the city.
A/N :- So I'm back......yeah it's been a tough month with my end sem exams and I was mourning a family member's death but I'm getting better. Hope you like this chapter and feel free to comment as it brightens my day by a thousand folds.
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