Super Secret Boy Band
Fury limped towards me as he clasped my shoulder and asked "Agent Malhotra you ok?" and I just let out a tired huff as I showed him my bloody hands which covered the gaping wound on my left side. "Sir being stabbed doesn't feel so good but I'll manage" I wheezed out as another fresh wave of pain washed over me as blood gushed out like a godforsaken fountain. 'You're bleeding profusely Divi if you do not find a way to stop it you'll die from blood loss' Divya said and I let out a pained groan as I said 'Thanks for pointing out the obvious hotshot'. "I'm gonna go after him."Fury said his voice hard and determined and I grimaced as I croaked out "Sir he has the tesseract and that glowstick of destiny with him I'm not sure scratch that pretty sure bullets and ammunitions are not going to even singe even a single strand of those long hair of his" and Fury looked at me weirdly speaking into his comms again informing Hill that Clint had turned.
He turned back his brows furrowed as for the first time it seemed that Nick Fury was worried. I just brushed off that ridiculous thought and said "Sir I don't think I'll be of much help to you in this state so it would be better if you leave sir. I'll get myself to the infirmary at the headquarters." Fury nodded at me wordlessly and limped away before saying one last thing "Get yourself out of here Agent Malhotra that's an order." And I just smirked as I said "Roger that sir". I slumped back again as I was left back alone again. Warm blood seemed to seep out from my wound again making me slightly dizzy as sheen of sweat covered my neck and forehead. "Alrighty..... Now how to get out of here without painting the whole floor red" I mumbled and Divya came up with a brilliant idea as usual. 'Summon the trishula Divi it can carry you wherever you desire to go' and I raised my eyebrow sceptically 'Do I just ride it like a witch on a broom? Like Harry Potter?' to which Divya let out a grunt of frustration and said 'Do you have any better ideas Oh mighty Yoddha' and I winced internally as Divya once again sassed me as I was being stupid.
"Fine but I can barely keep my eyes open how am I gonna direct it all the way back to Shield HQ?" I asked as I started to feel dizzier due to the continuous blood loss. 'Relax Divi I'm gonna take over let go of your mind now' Divya said in a soothing voice and I closed my eyes and relaxed my body as I slowly felt my consciousness slipping away as I felt Divya's presence like a warm blanket over myself. Now I was in the backseat as I observed my body sitting up again as if pulled by a puppet string and suddenly it stood up clumsily and my body swayed like a freaking hammock. "Geez it's been a long time since I was in a human body" Divya groaned as she popped her/my shoulder with an audible crack. 'Hey!! Grandma that's my shoulder treat it a bit more gently' but was ignored skilfully by Divya as she held one hand open and closed her eyes. I could feel the familiar warmth of power surrounding my body as Trishul hovered in front of her outstretched hand.
'How did you do that so fast it usually takes me a minute?' I spoke utterly surprised. Divya smirked "Practice and Hardwork you should try it out sometimes" and I squawked indignantly and Divya chuckled and got on the trident as if riding a broom. "Shall we go platform nine three quarters?" Divya said and my mouth once again hung open at the reference. 'Hey when did you...woaaaaaaah!!!!' I was cut off mid question as Divya took off on the broom I mean the trident occasionally blasting through ceilings to make way for the trident to fly upwards. We finally reached outside the facility and into the night sky when the whole facility collapsed on itself creating a huge crater as both of us watched on in horrified fascination. Watching such scenes might look cool on a TV screen might have looked cool but the death and destruction in real life shook me to the core once again. "As of right now, we are at war" Fury's voice crackled through the comms as I sighed and Divya closed her eyes.
"Let's get you help Divi, you can rest now I'll take care of you" Divya said her voice sombre but calm and I closed my mental eyes. The next time I was woken up by Coulson a few hours later asking me if I'm back to being myself and I noticed that Divya had given me the control of my body once again and was now napping at the back of mind again. When I asked him whether I caused any problems he just said "No but seeing you calmly walking through the infirmary door still oozing blood from your stab wounds and other external cuts and just sitting leisurely on an empty bed waiting for treatment without a sliver of pain on your face did seem out of character for you."Apparently I didn't even flinch as my stab wounds were stitched as I was uncharacteristically serious and stone faced the whole time while occasionally glaring at Fury. I guess Divya had still not forgiven him for drugging me.
It had just been a few hours since I was so lovingly stabbed by the raven haired sorcerer/prince/god of mischief but I had healed mostly which seemed to surprise most of the shield doctors and me but Divya just said "You're the representative of the Tridev bearing their powers and divinity I assure you this will be the least surprising thing you've faced." Now Coulson and I were on our way to recruit the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist into our super secret boy band. As entered the elevator we were stopped by Jarvis and I just let out a huff of laughter at Tony's antics and I greeted him "Hey Jarvis how's life uhhhh I mean life as an AI?" and he greeted back cordially "I'm doing fine Ms Divija although my scans show that you have suffered a stab wound on your lower left side which seems to be freshly begun to heal shall I inform sir about this?". "No need J, I'm alright just inform him this is urgent I need to meet him." I said but then thought back to what Jarvis said as I asked him again "But why did you scan me? I thought I was on the database and had gone through a background check too." But Jarvis was silent for a moment then replied in a voice which seemed amused.
"Sir had ordered to do a body scan on you anytime you come back from a mission as sir said and I quote 'The kid will say she's fine even if she's on the brink of death'. On that note you can enter now Miss Divija, Sir and Ms Potts are aware of your arrival". "Phil! Divi, come in" Pepper said cheerily as she came forward to hug me but the freshly stitched stab wound still hurt as I winced lightly and Pepper being the ever observant lady she is noticed and frowned as she turned to Tony as both shared a look which I couldn't decipher. "Phil? His first name is agent" Tony said and I chuckled saying "Yeah it's Agent Phil Coulson so I guess mine is too then" to which Tony just waved his hand dismissively saying "Nah Sabrina you don't suit the agent image which brings me to the question what happened to you?". I stiffened a little as Pepper sighed at Tony's bluntness. "Nothing Tony, I'm fine" I said hoping that he would believe my bald faced lie. Of course he didn't as Pepper came forward with her CEO face on as she asked me "Don't lie Divi you promised me that you won't lie to me after the whole expo fiasco". I sighed as I lifted up my T-shirt and Pepper gasped as Tony furrowed his brows.
"I'm gonna have a talk with Fury" Tony said curtly as he began to walk towards the helipad but I stopped him saying "Wait!! It's ok Tony this kind of thing happens plus it's already healing" Pepper had already started to fuss over me like a mother asking me if I needed medicine for the pain or if I needed to re-bandage the wound to which I just shook my head and smiled lightly. "You should not have been this condition in the first place kid!!. Fury and I had a deal to not send you in a high risk mission...." Tony said agitated as he cut himself off massaging his temples. Tony then walked towards me as he looked at me and it seemed as if he could see through everything and his dark brown eyes seemed to hold determination and anger as he asked me "Who did this?" to which Coulson said "We need you to look this over as soon as possible" extending a file towards Tony. "I don't like..." Tony was about to say but I had already taken the file from him and kept it on the table where Pepper and I were sitting. Pepper smiled and squeezed my hand gently but Tony was slightly surprised as he slowly took the file.
"Official consulting hours are between 8 and 5 every other Thursday" Tony said his sarcasm always on point as I chuckled but the slight twang of pain from the wound had me wincing. Coulson replied stoically that it wasn't a consultation and Pepper asked whether it was about the Avengers and then she and I shared a guilty look as she said "That I know nothing about." Tony then started ranting on how the initiative was scrapped and he was disqualified. Tony then called over Pepper as he complained "You know we were having a moment." To which Pepper replied that she was having 12% of the moment and I muffled a snort. "This seems serious. Divi's injured and Phil's pretty shaken." Pepper said her voice taking a concerned tone. Tony then projected the files on a holographic screen as both of them watched in concern. Pepper then informed Tony that she was going to take the flight to DC tonight to which Tony grumbled and then they shared their 'cute' moment and kissed which sorely reminded me how cute they were together and how single I was.
"Wow Tony, Pepper way to make me feel single" I said in mock offence and Pepper just laughed as Tony shook his head saying "You're too young kiddo" and I said indignantly "No I'm not, I'm fifteen not five." But he simply shrugged saying "No dating until eighteen Sabrina Fury and I agreed on that."
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