Once an Avenger always an Avenger
I've always laughed whenever I saw that particular scene in Avengers when Tony gets yeeted out of the Stark Tower and now when I am personally witnessing this scene it's even more hilarious. As Loki tried to turn Tony against the team and used the pointy glowy stick on him but it failed as a dull metallic clang rang through the room. "This usually works" Loki muttered perplexed and Tony quipped back "Well, performance issues, it's not uncommon" and I just crossed my legs and leaned against the wall and tapped against my ear piece that Tony had given me along with the suit which connected me to Jarvis.
"Jarvis I hope you will be ready to deploy the suit soon cause I have a feeling he might need it any time now" I murmured. "Miss Malhotra I am trying my absolute best until then I would hope that you could help sir out" Jarvis chimed out and I sighed as I replied "Well I will be trying out my best but you know he's reckless sometimes" to which Jarvis simply said "That's why he needs you miss" and for some reason that simple statement made me feel warm and fuzzy as I let out an embarrassed cough and said "Ahem yeah I'll try my best". 'You are a total softie' Divya commented in a teasing tone and I cried indignantly 'Whatever'.
"You will all fall before me" Loki said grabbing Tony's neck and I pushed off from the wall slightly and called out "Hey kitty cat ease up on that neck squeeze us Midgardians are a bit high maintainence especially a genius billionaire like him" to which Tony yelled "NOT THE TIME KID!!!!" as he was thrown out the window. "Now it's your turn" Loki said smiling but I matched his smile with a superior evil smile of my own "Is it?" as I ducked and Tony's suit flew across the room smacking Loki right across the face as I winced and sauntered over to him and looked over his prone disoriented self. "Well I guess that good looking face is still intact, the fangirls will be satisfied with this." I murmured as I lifted him up with him still reeling because of the impact and punched him once again across the face.
Loki grunted in pain as I raised my eyebrows and said "That was for Coulson but I hope one day you will be proud of what you are than what you think others will be proud of in you." As I took a running start out off the building and out of the newly created opening in the glass panels. 'Why did you jump out now you idiot?' Divi screamed out giving me a mild headache. 'Cause I felt that would be cool' I screamed back in my mind and she promptly rebutted 'Summon the Trishul or you would not look cool splattered across the pavement' to which I closed my eyes and focused on imagining the trident in my hands and within a few milliseconds it materialised. 'Thank God the training of throwing you out of the Shield hellicarrier paid off' Divya said letting out a sigh of relief as I gently floated down to where Tony was free falling but the suit had mostly attached itself to him.
"I understand why I was kicked out of my own tower but why did you voluntarily jump out a tall building like an idiot" Tony's bewildered voice filtered in through the earpiece. "Fresh Oxygen, beautiful birds" I said as a frantic pigeon flew across the sky. Tony chuckled and said "Yeah the view is good I must admit now you go meet up with the others while I deal with him once more" Tony said as he jetted back upwards and I gave a sad smile knowing that he was also pissed at Coulson's death.
It was not long after when I saw a blue beam of light shoot up in the sky giving birth to a portal which looked black and endless and I would have sat down and admired it if those nasty creatures "Shit- tauris" as I would like to call them were not trying to invade the planet. "Right.....Army" Tony's momentarily shocked voice came in through the ear piece as he flew himself towards the portal in hopes of stopping the horde.
'Now what to do? Do I stay on land or do I stay in the sky' I thought very confused because despite of my awesome new fighting skills I had never faced a full scale invasion. 'In the whole team only you, Tony and Thor are the ones capable of flying and since Thor is otherwise occupied getting his arse kicked by his brother so I would suggest you help out the metal man' Divya put in her two cents and I pushed off the ground as I activated the leg boosters in the suit.
And so began the quest of the brave and valiant Warrior who despite of almost getting herself singed. 'You mean having your face blasted by a nearly blind alien' . Ahem and conquering over monstrous entities with her courage and fury. 'Are you referring to the fact that you screamed bloody murder and blindly blasted every creature within 2 mile radius cause they looked ugly?' 'Will you do the honours then?'. 'Absolutely'. So she basically went absolutely ham on the chitauri coming out of the portal and the ones following Tony as she took turns in blasting them with plasma blasts and beheading them by separating there head from their bodies.
'I wasn't that violent?' . Oh no she was worse she also ordered Trishul to let out it's frustration and it glowed brightly as if laughing like a Disney villain and started skewering those poor mindless bastards like malai kebab, ten aliens in one go. 'Thank you Divya now I'll take over the narration'. So after viciously skewering, harpooning, impaling and lancing every ugly creature in a twenty foot radius around me by changing Trishul's form into a spear, harpoon, sword and lance respectively I had enough of fun and now it was time to become serious and I mentally started to play the avenger's theme song in my mind.
Meanwhile Nat, Clint and Rogers had arrived in the quinjet as Nat tried to get the annoying creatures off Tony's back. Then for some reason they thought it was a good idea to attack an Asgardian mid-fight with another Asgardian and consequently got blasted away by Loki's sceptre. "What made you think it was a good idea interfere a catfight between two brothers Nat?" I said grunting under the pressure as I extended my hands and concentrated on the crash landing jet. Warmth enveloped my chest flowing to my hands as I directed my aura towards the jet as silvery blue light encased the jet but as it turns out balancing a hundred tonne jet hurtling towards the ground was more taxing on my body than I thought.
'You're running out on power Divi either you have to draw out on cosmic energy or use your own life force which I might suggest is not good for you and should be the last option.' Divya said as her voice cut through the haze of tiredness that my body felt. The jet was almost touching the ground when I let go of it and it landed with a thunk. 'What about the first option? Cause there's still a lot of Chitauri's left' I asked Divya as I was it with a bout of dizziness and I stumbled back as Clint steadied me with a hand on the back and led me to sit on a piece of broken concrete slab with Nat standing beside me.
'That too is not a good option since you've not been taught to do that properly and it requires a lot of mental strength and concentration. If you try that now the power will get to your head and will turn you power hungry and blood thirsty unable to differentiate between enemies and allies' Divya gave a long explanation as I almost blacked out through a lot of it but I gathered the basic gist. Cosmic Power- No Concentration- Bad. Suddenly Rogers looked up and so did the others as I tilted back a little to look at what they were seeing and saw a giant centipede coming out of the portal. "Shit the Leviathans." I muttered under my breath as both Nat and Rogers caught on to the whisper and Rogers asked "The what?" to which I waved my hand and said "We need Dr. Banner and I need Thor to recharge me".
Nat's eyes widened slightly as she asked "You are saying you will directly absorb Thousands of volts of pure electricity won't that burn you?" to which I waved back dismissively and Tony's voice filtered in through the comms "Seeing still working on believing. Where's Banner has he shown up yet? What about Sabrina is she okay?". Rogers looked at me surprised an asked in a bewildered tone "Banner?" to which Tony just told him to keep him posted and then asked me on a separate comm. channel. "Kid you okay?" to which I sighed and said "I need a power source to recharge ". Tony was about to suggest himself but I cut him off "No you have to deal with the big giant centipede send Thor in I am guessing he'll be free now."
Rogers had left to rescue trapped civilians and Clint and Nat were remaining to deal with the Chitauri who were swarming the streets. I occasionally directed the trident with the little power I had to stab any aliens that were trying to sneak up on them. "Kid you need to rest you have still not recovered" Clint said sparing a worrying glance towards me. "I'll be fine Hawkass" I said smirking as he rolled his eyes. "Lady Divija the man of iron informed me that you required my help?" a booming voice came from behind me half scaring me. "AH!! Thor..... there you are" I screeched out my hand on my chest as my heart was thudding rapidly under it indicating the minute shock I got.
"Hey I needed an energy recharge so could you help out a girl and send a big juicy thunder bolt towards me so that I can absorb?" I said wiggling my eyebrows as Clint squawked like a bird at the suggestion. "Lady Divija while you are a ferocious warrior don't you think it would be better for man of iron to help you out. My thunder might be...." Thor trailed of hesitantly.
I sighed as I was too lazy and tired to make him understand that I could take it. 'Call the Trishul back to you in front of him. That oaf might recognise that weapon even if he is not as perceptive as his brother' Divya said in an exasperated tone. I nodded at the suggestion and closed my eyes as I called the excited weapon back from stabbing Chitauri's. It showed a little resistance to the pull initially reluctant to leave the exciting work of impaling random creature but eventually complied.
As the trident came fly through half bathed in alien goo and in all it's mythological glory Thor's eyes widened comically and his jaw unhinged as it flapped like a fish. "That.... Trishul?" Thor voiced out half confused and half in awe. "That would mean.....Yodd" I put my hand on his mouth before he could shout that out to the whole world. "Yes I am the Yoddha but keep it on the down low. Nobody knows my origin except you and Loki and I have been sent on a mission which requires my origin to be hidden" I whispered and Thor nodded in understanding.
Thor bowed deeply which again freaked me out as I straightened him back up which looked ridiculous as he was like six feet tall. "What are you doing?" I whispered furiously looking around checking if Nat or Clint saw it but thankfully they had moved over somewhere else.
"The Yoddha is the representative of the holy trinity and is on par with Asgardian Royalty so it's a tradition to show respect to a fellow warrior" Thor explained but I just waved him off "No need for those things we are on the same team so let's kick these alien's asses" I said smiling which he returned. "So will you charge me up now?" I said smirking and he nodded as he readied the hammer and the sky darkened as thunder boomed across the New York sky.
Lightning crackled along the sky lighting it up in it's haunting light but it was a sight to behold as streaks of luminescent and powerful bolts of lightning descended from the sky charging up Mjolnir as the ancient runes on the weapon made of Uru metal lit up. 'Jonhathan looks really cool up close' I wondered and instantly was scorched by my dear and jealous trident. "Ow Ow Ow sorry Trishul you know you are the only one for me I probably am not even worthy so chill you have got no competition" I said and Trishul vibrated in a contented hum.
But whilst I was talking to Trishul Thor had already directed a huge bolt of pure lightning already and I just had enough time to close my eyes and pray 'Bhagwaan mujhe apne paas mat itni jaldi bula lena' (Oh god don't call me to heaven this soon.) but I swear I heard three distinct laughs in my mind as the lightning bolt hit me and it burned through my veins and I could hear nothing but static in my ears.
'Circulate the power in your body you dumbass if you don't want to end up as a roasted chicken ' Divya snapped. I closed my eyes and I could see blue light dancing beneath my eyelids. I breathed slowly and my heart beat slowed down and I felt the lightning dancing right on the surface of my skin but I focused on pulling it in as I felt it entering through my pores and flowing in my body just like the blood flowing in my veins.
I opened my eyes and smiled as I saw ten consecutive strikes of lightning disappearing as it touched my body which was encased in silvery blue light . I felt like I was on an Adrenaline high like I could take a lap around the earth and still not be tired. "Thanks Thor that'll be good enough" I smiled and nodded. Thor nodded and said "Bring us victory Yoddha" as he flew away. I felt my warrior mark burning 'Let's teach that kid a lesson, he needs a scolding' Divya said and I snorted "You must be ancient if you call Loki ancient" and in reply for that I lost control of my body for a second as I pulled my own ear "Ow Ow Ow I got not to insult the grandma sorry" and Divya just let out an angry huff and said 'Let's go Avenger' .
I smiled at the title cause now I was an avenger and once an avenger always an avenger.
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