Grief and Greatness
Void. An endless black void is what I was floating through. I couldn't see myself or what was in front of me neither what I had left behind but I felt like I was constantly moving forward solely because of the fact that there was nothing tethering me to a place. 'Mera bachcha ......' (My child) .It was a voice that I would never be able to lose or to forget even in the endless blackness that surrounded me. It was the one person who always knew what to do in the most dire situation, she was the one that never gave up when the world was turning its back on her. 'Ma' I whispered as I saw her form. It seemed transparent almost spectral as if she was a ghost close but still out of reach as I extended my hands to touch her face but it passed right through her.
'I know it hurts beta, but I also know that if there is anyone who can overcome this pain it's you. Life and Death are two sides of the same coin and there's a delicate balance between them that this whole multiverse depends upon. Phil Coulson was a hero and his death was not your fault beta. The path that you have to walk on is treacherous and death will not be a stranger to the Yoddha' my mother said as her soothing voice healed the wound on my soul. I was just staring at her serene face which had melancholy yet determination etched on it. Her beautiful sun kissed skin and her jet black hair that resembled the darkest of nights gave me the peace and solace that I so desperately wanted.
'Avantika your daughter is as strong and resilient as you are' another familiar voice spoke up as I looked behind me and there he was. Vishnu, the preserver, as he smiled kindly and I knelt down in front of him. "I don't know what I'm doing? What's even the point of sending me here if I can't even save them?" I asked him distressed.
"Young one, a warrior is indeed a protector but your sole duty is not just to protect these people but to also maintain the balance of the multiverse and there are certain events nexus events that you cannot undo, trying to undo it will destroy that universe". This made me anxious as I looked to my mother for assurance but she looked at me with the same sort of calm resolve which I needed to hear his next words.
"Phil Coulson's death was also such which brought together a group of remarkable people to fight the battles that the ordinary people could not have. Young one, from grief one achieves greatness you will too." Vishnu spoke as his eyes gleamed with the same mischievous glint as I realised the subtle reference he just made. "You just quoted Fury in the future didn't you?" I asked smiling incredulously. "Did I?" Vishnu asked smirking and now even my mom was chuckling slightly as she said 'Take care of yourself and your team. I'll be waiting for you'. As their forms begin to disappear her last words rang in my ear 'And Divi, kick their asses'.
"Apka hukum sar aakhon par ma" (As you wish mom) I whispered and my vision turned white and I woke up gasping and sputtering as I took in the sight of a very sleep deprived Tony in front of me as rushed towards me "Sabrina.... Thank god you're ok. I don't think I'm ready to lose more loved ones so please don't give this old man anymore shocks" He said as he started to fuss over me and brought me water as soon as he noticed my hoarse chuckle. "It was a nasty wound kiddo you were skewered like a kebab. Even the doctors are in shock how you recovered this fast, is it a superpower that I'm unaware of?" Tony asked a bit sceptical.
'Well we are a half divine entity so while you were chatting with your mom and Vishnu I was healing your half dead ass also that frostgiant used his own life force to heal you. Hmm maybe he can be an ally' Divya retorted sarcastically. "Well I think my powers might also hold the secret to this healinf factor?" I stated questioning my own reasoning at the same time. "Let's move we don't have much time to waste I am assuming Fury held a team meeting" I said trying to change topic and avoid discussing Coulson's death.
Even after listening my mom's words I still felt a stab of guilt deep in my heart but this time I would remember this pain and make sure that I'll save the one's fated to die another tragic death but I already knew that my hands will be painted in blood and I would have to carry it with me till my mission is complete.
Tony's warm brown eyes carried sadness and pain as he opened his mouth but just sighed and gave me a hug which was a bit uncharacteristic for Tony but it was comforting as I let go of the false bravado I was showing as silent tears made its way down my cheeks. "I could.... have saved..." I croaked out but was immediately hushed by Tony "No kid this is not on you. You literally shielded him with your body and got impaled you don't get to blame yourself."
Tony broke the hug and wiped my tears on his sleeve as he smiled softly "Now I know that I can't stop you from jumping back in the fight seeing you're just as stubborn as I am so I completed your suit also added a mini arc reactor to your suit which can act as an energy reserve whenever you feel like you need to absorb more energy."
I was amazed as he showed me the suit, white with golden accents the suit had almost an ethereal look to it. 'That's a suit befitting of the Yoddha' Divya said impressed. "Come on kid suit up we are going to Stark Tower to meet reindeer games" he said as I rushed to suit up. Fury met me as I was about to leave and I just bowed my head but he just patted my shoulder "I'm glad I didn't lose another excellent agent" and for some reason even that gruff reply was reassuring to me.
I followed Tony holding on to my Trishul kinda looking like Thor as we reached on the helipad of Stark Tower and I saw the big machine which Selvig built to harness power of the Tesseract. "Shut it down, Dr. Selvig" Tony's voice filtered out of the suit to which he replied almost in a trance "It's too late. She can't stop now. She wants to show us something" . "Let me guess a whole new world" I said in a sing song voice and Tony sighed as he tried to blast it apart and before I could stop him got pushed back by the energy barrier surrounding the cube. "The barrier is pure energy it's unbreachable even if Miss Divija tries to weaken it by absorbing it's energy it will still hold strong" Jarvis chimed in.
"Yeah I got that. Plan B" Tony said as we both spotted Loki coming towards us I brought myself down and got ready to have the biggest match of bullshiting with the silver tongued god to buy time as Tony's Mark 7 was getting ready for deployment. Tony was slowly disassembling his suit as I walked beside him all while keeping an eye on Loki.
Even when I understood his circumstances I was still holding resentment towards him for Phil's death and for stabbing me nearly to death twice. "I swear to god if you try to stab me again I'll take that stick and shove it right up the place where the sun don't shine" I drawled and Loki smirked "Should have joined my side then" to which Tony piped up saying "Sorry this kid is taken go get your own superkid."
"Please tell me you are going to appeal to my humanity" Loki said in his ever so husky voice. "Setting aside the fact that it is genetically impossible since you're a frost giant , no we're planning on goading you into a pissing match of which side is the best" I said shrugging to which Tony added "Also we are planning to threaten you." "You should have left your armour on for that like the warrior over here" Loki drawled. Tony dismissed it as he went behind the bar .
"It's seen a bit of mileage and you've got the glow stick of destiny although the kid's got the pitch fork of destruction so it evens out the ground" and I smirked at the remark. Trishul seemed to be a bit offended by being called a pitch fork so it was humming and buzzing continuously like an angry cell phone.
"The Chitauri are coming, nothing will change that what have I to fear?" Loki spoke confidently yet he sneaked as glance at me and there it was, uncertainty. I just raised my eye-brow in the most 'Are you serious' expression and Divya seethed inside me 'Oh I am sure he would fear a lot when I kick his ass for hurting people I care about'. "The Avengers" Tony replied as if stating the obvious which I mean was the case here. We are 'The Avengers' after all, 'Ok Divi cut out the fangirling and get on with the story'. Yup, so any how Loki looked incredulous.
"Let's do a head count here. Your brother, The demigod. A super soldier, a living legend who kind of lives up to the legend, A man with breathtaking anger management issues, A magic kid who manipulates energy of any form, couple of master assassins and you big fella managed to piss off every single one of them."
"That was the plan" Loki said proudly. I shook my head as I juggled Trishul from one hand to another as I raised the tip of the middle prong to his throat putting pressure but not quite piercing the skin. "Not the master plan you think it is buddy". Loki's eyes though still blue looked intrigued for some reason as he took a step back. Tony and Loki exchanged some more words and I zoned out a little as I plotted down the next few moments of how Tony gets defenestrated. "Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you because if we cannot protect the earth you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it" Tony said and that was what snapped me out of my thoughts.
That line would have been just an excellent comeback line if it was just that but I knew how true thisstatement proves to be in the future and I suppressed a shudder. Loki turns to me smirking as if he is goading me into revealing the foreshadowing what Tony'swords held. "They will avenge the earth and I'll protect them this is my promise to you." I said in a low but powerful voice.
A/N: The image above is what I imagine the suit Tony made for Divi would look like credits to the person who made it.I just found it on Pinterest.
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