Father's Love
After the disastrous reveal of my still not so true identity we were now in Tony's Malibu mansion enjoying the seaside view; just living the rich life you know. 'Don't try to fool yourself Divi you're nervous as heck and look like you could yet yourself out of this railing straight into the damn ocean' Divya said sarcastically and I scoffed but I knew this was true I was scared of the sheer look of betrayal on Tony's face. Scared because the secrets I'm keeping from him, Natasha and all the people I've met here will come out one day like the Pandora's Box opening bringing about pain and destruction. 'What do I do? How can I keep all these people in the dark? How much more secrets would I have to keep' all these questions were whirling in my mind forming a tornado which was destroying my conscience.
'The path of a Yoddha is a lonely one little warrior, you have to walk this path alone no one can help you. You have to stay strong to weather the challenges whether they are physical or mental. Stay calm little warrior you are already changing fates of countless' Vishnu's calm and melodious voice filtered into my mind and I felt at peace and the chaotic storm in my mind became a gentle breeze. Tears sprung in my eyes grateful at his assurance as I whispered my voice quivering 'Thank you.... I hope I can change their future for the better'. 'Stay focused young one, you have a big responsibility on your shoulders don't let fear affect your decisions the road ahead will become treacherous and will test you to your limits. Believe in yourself and Divya.' Shiva's strong voice filtered in next and I steeled myself as I pushed doubts and fear to the back of the mind to focus up on my task ahead. Nick Fury was sitting opposite to Tony who was now not in his suit but a fancy robe sipping on alcohol again. 'Damn how much does this man drink and why does he not have liver problems by now' Divya said and I frowned 'His father pushed him towards having alcohol from a very early age, Howard Stark was absolutely an idiot and downright pathetic when it came to parenting' I said heat in my voice.
Fury was staring at Tony, Tony was staring at me and I was staring at the floor which suddenly seemed very interesting like was it Italian marble? It is exquisite; the pattern and the finish 'Stop admiring the floor you idiot' Divya said her voice exasperated. Thankfully Fury cleared his throat and brought Tony's attention back to him "That thing in your chest....." I cut him off "Arc reactor sir ... miniaturised arc reactor" and Fury glared at me and I winced and mouthed a sorry. Tony raised an eyebrow and smirked a little and I brightened a little 'Finally you come out of your rainy mood. Honestly you looked like a kicked puppy on the street' Divya teased but surprisingly there was a hint of relief in her voice and I felt heat up in my cheeks as I told her to shut up. "As I was saying before I was interrupted by our intelligent and capable agent here it's based on unfinished technology" Fury said his voice sharp and I just gave him a smirk. When Tony goes on to retort that the technology is finished Fury cuts him off and explains that it was a stepping stone to something bigger and was even greater than a nuclear reactor. They both discussed about Vanko when Tony turned to me curiosity now shining in his eyes instead of anger which was there a few moments before.
"You told me the solution has to be created what do you mean?" Tony asked and I took a step forward and crouched down to his level and looked him in the eye "Tony the key to solving your problem and perfecting the arc reactor design is in Howard Stark's research and journals." He scoffed at the mention of his father's name and I could see the sadness in his eyes as he thought about him and their strained relationship. "He said that you were the only person with the means and knowledge to finish what he started" Nick said and I stood up to stand beside him; Tony was surprised and confirmed if he actually said that. "I don't know where you got your information but he wasn't my biggest fan" Tony said bitterness evident in his tone and I could feel his pain as I had similar experiences with my sperm donor who always treated me as a tool for his benefit. He trained me in martial arts since I since I turned five as I broke every bone and tore every muscle in body to make him proud but he was never satisfied and never praised once even when I won tournaments but that was not the hard part it was when I lost he would look at me and would say "Aur kitna sharminda karegi" (How much further will you embarrass me?)
After he left us I stopped trying hard because he never came back and I never wanted him to come back. A soft thud sounded and it broke me out of my trance as I saw some agents place a crate in front of Tony and I realised those were Howard's research which were in shield's possession. Nick started getting up to leave "Okay you're good right?" Nick asked to which a confused and flustered Tony replied "No I am not good" and the old pirate ignored him 'Classic Fury' I thought. "You got this, Right? Right?" Nick asked him again and this time I spoke up to rescue Tony who looked so confused as if he was a student who studied hard for a maths exam but it turned out to be a history exam that day. "Yes Sir, We've got this" I said with a small smile and Tony turned to me bewildered "Got what? I don't even know what I'm supposed to get" and I snorted 'You when you get an assignment to solve at school' Divya remarked and it took everything in me not to burst out laughing then and there itself.
"Natasha will remain a floater at Stark Industries with her cover intact unlike someone" Fury then glared at me and I avoided his stare as I was still indignant that even if my cover was at a risk of being exposed and my powers revealed I would have still helped Tony fight Vanko if not fight with him but understood his reasoning too. "Agent Malhotra will help with your work here and Tony remember I've got my eye on you" and my brain short circuited for a second "Wait what? ..... Stay here? Me wha..... why?" I stuttered out and Tony let out a snort but I was panicking inside 'Oh come on I just revealed my secret identity to my favourite person in MCU and broke his trust now you want me to stay and help him. Does he want to punish me or something'? "But Sir...." I retorted but Fury cut me off "No buts agent you were ready to go against my orders to help Stark so you will help him through it completely now" and I clamped down my protests. 'That pirate is very vindictive, I like it.' Divya said and I could imagine the smug look on her face.
I looked at Tony but surprisingly he did not seem angry or disdainful albeit a little uncomfortable and I sighed and nodded. After Fury left I just stood in one corner of the room shuffling awkwardly. Tony opened the case containing Howard's notes but then looked at me and sighed as he beckoned me to come "Oh come here kid, you look like you were just punished by the teacher to stand in the punishment corner". I walked slowly and sat on one of the chairs in the room. I cleared my throat and said "Well I didn't like lying to you ... you know but. So I'll try to answer any questions now but I can't tell you everything, rest assured whatever I can reveal will be the truth". Hearing the anxiousness in my tone Tony furrowed his eyebrows but nodded regardless. "Who are you kid? How did you come in contact with shield?" Tony asked and I fiddled with my fingers as I answered "My name is Divija Malhotra and yeah there's no point in telling Jarvis to run a background check on me you won't get anything".
Tony raised his eyebrows and folded his arms as curiosity was shining through his intelligent eyes. "And why won't I get anything? You do know Jarvis is the most advanced AI there can be in the world right?" Tony asked intrigued and I just gave him a sad smile "Of course he is the most capable AI and is also capable of learning and evolving but he still can't find something that is not there. No offense to you Jarvis" I said as Jarvis's signature British voice replied "None taken Miss Malhotra. Sir Miss Malhotra is right even after running a global wide search there is no records of her except Shield records which only contain her name, age, gender and her abilities" and Tony's eyes widened and I smirked a little. "How? What do you mean by 'not there'?" Tony asked bewildered. "I am not of this world I was not born here so there are no records of me. I was ripped away from my home and my mother and thrust into an unknown world where I know no one. Shield found me due to my powers and trained me for a year" I replied pain evident in my tone as I remembered my mother and that unfortunate day which changed my whole life.
Tony's face showed a myriad of expressions sadness, surprise, pity, and bewilderment "How did you get your powers?" and I ran a hand through my hair and sighed "I was not born with it, it was given to me for a purpose the same purpose I was sent here". Tony pressed on further "What purpose? Who sent you?" and I just smiled as I answered cryptically "To protect people and as to who sent me I can't answer that". Tony's shoulder slumped down as he frowned dejectedly but nodded "Okay kid I won't push further I can see it's a touchy subject." Tony said his expression understanding and that almost brought tears to my eyes because this was the first time I talked about the conditions under which I came here. The memories of my mother's unconscious face flashed in my eyes as if she was just sleeping, I hunched forward and covered my face in my hands as my fingers pressed against my eyes trying to stop the tears from flowing. Something cold brushed against my fingers and I removed my hands from my face and saw a glass of water in front of me and I looked up to see Tony with a wary but soft expression "We will figure out a way to send you back" and I gave him a teary smile and just shook my head "I'll find my way back, for now let's get your train wreck of a life back on track" as I extended my hand towards the case and blue wisps surrounded as I picked up a circular smaller case which I knew contained the videotape recorded by Howard Stark.
Tony watched his mouth agape as I brought the tape towards him and then released my hold on it and the blue wisps retreated as the tape fell on his lap. "Powers.... yeah forgot you had those. Energy Manipulation is it? You'll have to show me the full extent of it one day maybe e can do something with it" Tony said excitement shining in his eyes as his mind seemed to be whirring with childish curiosity and interest. "Sure we will play in your lab Tony but for now let's watch this tape. I can tell by the looks of it that this will shed some light on some interesting facts" I said giving him a gentle smile and he played the tape on a TV screen and it started with Howard trying to introduce the 'City of the Future' for Stark Expo when suddenly young Tony entered and my heart melted at the sight of it 'He was so young and innocent' Divya said her voice uncharacteristically soft and I smiled a little 'He was still untainted from the cruelty of fate.' .
Tony's face showed deep sadness as he looked at his father scolding his younger self and I frowned 'This idiot must have been a great inventor but he absolutely sucked at being a father' Divya said anger seeping into her tone and I found myself agreeing with her as I brightened up thinking of an idea to cheer Tony I concentrated on the glass of water I held in my hands and silvery blue wisps surrounded the glass as water droplets suspended out of the glass and floated in front of me. Just like that thousands of tiny water droplets surrounded by the silvery blue wisps of energy surrounded me as I directed them to towards Tony. One small droplet touched his cheek and he looked up and saw the multicoloured myriad of water drops circling his head. The drops reflected the light in the room to create a rainbow hue and I brought my hands together as they converged to form a single stream circling over his head as he stared at it with a small smile and I grinned in victory as I controlled the stream of water and collected it back in the glass. Tony's eyes still held pain but there was also gratitude and relief as he said "Thanks kid" and I just shrugged.
Howard then through his video message explained the importance of the Stark Expo and that it was his life's work which he could not complete as he was limited by the technology of his time but he was sure that Tony will figure it out one day and will change the world. 'Huh that is one thing he said that is correct' I thought as Howard then said something which he must have never been able to say Tony face to face "What is and always will be my greatest creation ....... is you" and I smiled ruefully as I said "You Starks really suck at showing emotions" and Tony just numbly nodded shocked at the revelation.
A/N: So how was the chapter? . The above video is my favourite edit of Tony and the song suits him too in my opinion it's 'Unstoppable' by Sia.
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