Earth's Best Defender
As I limped my way through the wreckage of the expo I felt nauseous and the throbbing in my head intensified and something warm flowed down the left side of my forehead. I wiped it off and realised it was blood. 'Well Marvel makes it look cool but it's taking me everything not to just faceplant onto the floor' I thought and Divya let out a hiss as she spoke 'Yeah the only times you shed blood is when you have periods or fall down due to your own clumsiness' but I just mentally ignored her as I spoke into the comms "Alright I think I dealt with the drones here...." but as my luck would have it the marine drones were activated as they started to fly towards Tony and I let out a growl as I blasted myself off the ground Trishul still hand as I threw it towards one and simultaneously blasted two others with two energy blasts. Trishul being the overachiever managed to skewer one drone and decapitate another in the same swing.
"Good job buddy, Now come here woooooah" I shrieked as my power flickered and so did the aura around my hands and I felt weak all of a sudden as I started to free fall. "TRISHUL HELP AAAAAAAAH!!!!" I screamed like a banshee my hands waving as if I could fly by flapping them like a blasted bird. 'Death by freefall will be painful for both of us' Divya said drily and I answered her with clenched teeth "Is that supposed to be comforting aaaaah" as my inherently stupid self realised I was still free falling. 'Well the only resistance I'm getting is air resistance for now but if we consider a free falling body the only force acting on my body will be weight and my acceleration will be acceleration due to gravity. Had it been that case then my mass and shape would unfortunately not affect my motion but since I'm not falling through vacuum....' my inner physics ramble was cut off by the trident swooping in front of me as I grabbed it'd shaft and I began levitating just ten feet above the ground.
"Note to self do not go on skydiving adventures unless I have a parachute or my power reserves are full cause I sure as hell am not Captain America not that I want to anyways." I muttered to myself as Tony's confused and tad bit worried voice came over the comms. "Kid I saw you up in the air before you kinda nosedived your way back down. Are you alright? You know what you're not stay back down you're injured plus me and honeybear will handle it" and I grimaced a little but agreed cause if my aching left side and throbbing temples were anything to go by I was sure I had bruised my ribs and probably had a mild concussion. 'I don't think it's mild Divi you have trained just for a few months and though you have extraordinary powers and abilities as well as decent control over it but you're still just a fifteen year old kid' Divya said her voice calming and soothing as if dealing with a wounded beast. Her voice as well as the concern behind it coupled with the events that occurred became overwhelming for me as my throat tightened and there was a slight ache in my chest.
I fumbled my fingers trembling as I got down from adrenaline high and reality with all the physical as well as emotional pain set in and it felt like I was up in the clouds one moment then the next moment I was slammed into cold water of the ocean and now there was something clinging to me cold, heavy and exhausting as water dripped down my eyes. I took out my ear piece and turned it off and tore off my mask. 'I am a fifteen year old kid who is now tasked with the task of saving a whole universe I never knew existed beyond comics, cartoons and movies and consequentially saving many others in the process. Three literal gods tore me away from my world and told me that if I am unable to prove my worth by passing these 'tests' a fricking curse will take my mom away from me. I mean come on this all seems like a sub-par plot of a third grade fanfiction' I thought.
Anger and anguish bubbled up as I wanted to scream, to cry, to break anything to take away this weight and this pain that I am struggling to carry. Divya was silent just listening and I covered my mouth as if that could stop the sobs which wracked through my body. I was not a hero who would just be able to get over it and deal with the situation head on. I tried to keep my feelings and my curse away from this, away from my goal to save these people. I did not want to help and protect people to get rid of my curse; I wanted to get rid of my curse so that I could help people to the best of my ability without anything weighing me down. "Stop complaining Divi just ignore it.... keep it in.... people face worse situations. You have Tony and...and Pepper, you have Natasha it's more than enough help....." I muttered to myself. "Let it out warrior" Divya said and the damn broke as ugly sobs broke through and my shoulders caved in. I felt weak in my knees as I sat down onto the cold hard concrete as broken debris surrounded me as I hunched down as if trying to hide myself from reality.
I was lost in pain for a moment but then felt something warm on my shoulder and I quickly fumbled and put on my mask and lifted my head up and the first thing I was a small handkerchief with a picture of Iron Man on it and I smiled slightly as I saw Peter's innocent doe like eyes which held a strength and maturity beyond his age. "Why are you here Peter? It is not safe, where are your aunt and uncle?" I asked and he wordlessly pointed and I saw them waiting at a distance and Aunt may waved her hand. "You should let it out you know" Peter said as he sat beside me on a broken concrete stair. "But that's not very hero like is it?" I said as I let out a watery chuckle. "I get scared sometimes too you know. I get scared of heights and spiders too" Peter said and I laughed a little as I wiped my tears with the handkerchief but they seemingly didn't stop flowing. "Heroes are people too and you're a kid too like me so it's okay to cry and be scared. I'm sure Mr Stark is also scared of some things and he's one of the best defender earth has and so will you be." Peter said his voice determined and I couldn't stop myself as I hugged the boy as my shoulders shook with muffled sobs.
Peter being the absolute angel he is just patted my back comfortingly. That day I felt that my heart was full for the first time in months.
A/N : This was a short chapter but I really wanted to show Divi's inner turmoil which unfortunately can't be forgotten that easily. I hope I could portray her feelings and pain as much as possible.
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