Divija's P.O.V :
"Is she dead?" a voice echoed in the black void which I was floating aimlessly around pondering the same question. Then again what is death and what is life it's all a circle which is never ending. Hey you haven't even reached fifty yet you are already having a mid life crisis snarked that voice inside my head. Maybe I just matured mentally I argued with that voice.
"Even though human species can be regarded as one of the weakest species this little magic won't kill them" said another voice. First of all Ouch that's insulting second magic? What is happening here? Where is my mom? All these questions were swirling in my average sized brain as I tried to open my eyes.
At first I couldn't see anything but pitch black darkness but when my eyes finally adjusted to the surroundings I saw twinkling and shimmering stars all around me and also the sun which looked like it was spitting fire into the space. So this was what Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) looked like or more commonly known as a solar flare which is nothing but the sun's electromagnetic radiations and matter carried in a magnetic field. You just cannot control the science geek inside you huh the annoying voice in my mind whispered again but I couldn't concentrate on what it was saying as I could see three glowing figures in the distance. Being the idiot I am who has absolutely no sense of self preservation I began to move towards them. At first I couldn't make out their features but as I got closer I felt that they look somewhat familiar. Jeez you really do have a memory of goldfish when it comes to all things non science related ,you see these images every week when you go to a temple the voice in my head said as the recognition in my brain sparked again. They were the three most important and powerful gods in our culture and Indian mythology also known as 'Tridev'. I remembered all the things my mom said about the three gods and the times when I stole the sweets from the offering to the gods when I was young.
I sank to my knees and folded my hands in reverence as I reached in front of them. "So you have recognised who we are, do you know why you are here?" Shiva asked. "My mom would have beaten me with her slipper if I didn't visit the temple every weekend and as far as your second question is concerned I have a feeling this has something to do with you because beaming me up from my apartment seems a bit of an overkill if I were dead and there are a lot of unknown factors at play here also because my mother who didn't have any prior case of health issues or complication was found passed out on the floor in a state of comatose and before I could have called an ambulance I was brought here so please forgive me if I am being rude but where is my mother and what happened to her?" I asked calmly even though i was panicking on the inside.
As I glanced to the side I saw Vishnu smiling serenely at me yet there was an underlying mischief in his eyes. "Yes young warrior you have been brought in front of us for a reason, the reason being simple your bloodline is cursed" said Vishnu cryptically. Young warrior? Cursed bloodline? The words swirled in my mind raising a whirlwind of questions but before I could voice any of them Brahma interjected "Divija your family was a family of divine warriors entrusted by us with the knowledge to multidimensional travelling to protect and watch over the realities of different dimensions making sure that they are on the right path. Unfortunately your ancestor lost his beloved to a tragic accident but wanted to get her back from an alternate dimension which caused a rift...." "In space time continuum which might have also lead to the collapsing of multiple dimensions" I cut myself off as I realised the terrible mistake I made and bowed my head and apologised looking sheepish. You just had to geek out in the worst possible situation didn't you the voice in my head reprimanded me.
Brahma glared at me slightly before continuing "So as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, this mistake caused the Celestials and the pantheon of gods to be very angry as they had to combine their life source to bring back the dimensions back on track and to make an example out of this incident so that history doesn't repeat itself your ancestor and the whole family was cursed and this curse will persist until one true warrior will be born who will pass all seven of the trials based on principles of a warrior and if one fails to pass even one of the 7 will lose the one thing they love the most and the curse shall be passed down.
The whole situation felt surreal to me like a bizarre dream or maybe I just read a lot of crazy fantasy novel and am daydreaming about it. "Young warrior this is not a dream or hallucination, this is as real as the voice that you can hear in your mind right now which by the is your warrior's soul a precious gift from your ancestor to help and guide you through your trials" Vishnu said his face uncharacteristically sombre portraying the seriousness of the situation. So you're not just a part of my imagination I thought to myself. No, I am a soul living inside you but even I never thought that my purpose was to help you through this mess, but don't worry out of the two of us I have the most common sense I'll guide you properly the voice said in an overly sweet manner making roll my eyes but I still felt at bit of relief at the admission.
"So that would mean the curse has already started to take effect since mom..." I trailed off dread coiling in the pit of my stomach as the reality and severity of the situation set in my breathing became ragged and harsh thinking about losing the one thing I love the most my mom. Pull yourself together Divija the gods said that one can get rid of this curse if they pass the trials, you will get your mom back we will make sure of it the voice said in a soothing manner as I felt my mind relax a bit. "All hope is not lost young one, your mother's soul is protected by us for now and no harm will come to her until you pass all the trials" said Shiva in a comforting tone almost as if he knew what the outcome would be. "What would I have to do in order to pass all the trials?" I asked hope blooming in my chest. "Yoddha your ancestor made a mistake which caused many dimensions to fall in a state of disarray wouldn't it be ironic if you the future generation get rid of the curse by saving a dimension from destroying itself" said Brahma smirking at Vishnu who continued by saying "You will be our representative and warrior to protect earth 199999 and change the fate of the people living there". Earth 19999 ? Why does it sound so familiar I thought to myself when the answer came to me like a slap to the face and I whipped my head towards Vishnu who was grinning like the Cheshire cat .
"My mission is to save the bloody marvel cinematic universe!!!!" I screeched not being able to believe my own words. Looking at the slight smile on the other two gods and the shit eating grin on Vishnu's face I got my answer. "Young warrior you are the perfect candidate for this plus you get to have an awesome adventure with your idols" said Vishnu trying to appeal to my inner marvel fan and unfortunately he was succeeding as I was already half sold to the idea. "You practically know all the major events and can also meet your favourite avengers, you know you want it." he said further weakening my resolve. Come Divija you know you are already in at this point plus you get to meet the TONY STARK the voice said and I lost my resolve. 'You know me well but what is your name and what should I call you' I asked the voice. Call me Divya the voice answered in a shy tone.
"Alright I will take this task but how do you expect me to fight aliens, murder bots and crazy mad space invaders with these noodle arms of mine" I retorted almost baffled at myself for agreeing to this. "Young one you are our representative so in a way you are a part of us you really think we are going to throw you to the wolves without giving you the ability to fight them. Come forward Yoddha and receive our gifts to you" Shiva said beckoning me to come forward as I kneeled in front of the three gods. "I , Shiva bestow upon the warrior the divine weapon Trishul and the ability to use invoke the power of my third eye once in battle". Shiva's third eye when opened can cause destructive fire to be unleashed destroying everything in its path under 2km radius Divya explained wonder in her voice as I felt a burning sensation at the back of my neck and a trident appeared in front of me. The moment my fingers touched the weapon vibrated as if recognising my touch and glowed red before transforming into a pair of earrings. "You can invoke the weapon by imagining it in your hands it responds to your thoughts and feelings and can also turn into any bladed weapon at your command" Shiva explained
Vishnu stepped up next as his voiced boomed " I , Vishnu bestow upon you the ability to manipulate and control any form of energy and the power to invoke the Naryana astra once in battle" as a blue glow enveloped me and the back of my neck was burning. It's a mark , maybe it represents your role as a warrior Divya theorised making me wonder what it looked like. 'How does the Narayana astra work?' I asked Divya she responded in a sombre and serious tone It causes a shower of fire like missiles dropping from the sky and the more the other side resists the attack more the intensity of the attack increases. I paled at her expression as my mind went blank. Brahma then stepped up and announced "I, Brahma bestow upon you the ability of clairvoyance" and my body was encased in a white light as my vision went completely white for a moment. "Young warrior remember the Narayana astra and the power of Shiva's third eye are abilities which you can only use once and will remain latent until you need them the most so use them with utmost caution because if used at the wrong time it can estroy the dimension itself" Vishnu warned me which scared me a little. You are not fooling anyone I can feel your fear coming at me in waves Divya retorted.
"Young one, be prepared fornow we are sending you to earth 199999 when this saga started in the year 2008."That would be time around which Tony would be kidnapped by the Ten Rings Ithought to myself as I heard Vishnu saying "Remember young warrior with greatpower.." "Comes great responsibility" I completed chuckling to myself as I understoodthat reference and was sucked into a black vortex which threw me onto a hardsurface.
I winced as I rubbed my cheek and arms but the moment I raised my head I was met with the sight of a barrel of a gun pointed right between my eyes. 'Oh my Loki it's the one eyed pirate' I thought to myself as I passed out.
A/N :- The image at the top is Divija's weapon which is a trident also known as a trishul . I know that she might sound a bit OP (over powered) but hey suck it Wanda and Carol 😜
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