Intro and shite
First off, for those of you who just randomly searched something and have no idea who i am...
Hi! I'm WaffleCake! XD
I'm currently obsessed with Yo-Kai watch, especially since the second games came out.
Those being Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls.
I have fleshy souls.
Oh yeah! If you guys play the wibble wobble game, here's my player code. I have no idea what to do with it XD
And if you guys want my 3ds FC...
0619 - 5033 - 4654
Anyways... Let's get down to business!
FYI I call dibs on Arachnus and Toadal Dude(I call him Toadal).
This book will contain:
-Tips and Tricks for the games!
-Dank Memes, and Dank Gifs
-20% more chocobars!
-Rants(about bosses and stuff)
-Random chapters of my OC's Story!
-And much more!
So, that being said, grab your Yo-Kai Watches, 3ds', Medals, and let's go to the world of Yo-Kai!
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