iwd answers
what do you think is the biggest problem for women (in any part of the world?)
something that i personally believe is women not getting an education that's the same as a man's just because they're women, or women being told they're stupid because they're women. in fact, biologically, whereas men are made to be more physically stronger, women are made to be mentally stronger. this is not saying women are smarter than men, because i can say that there are a lot of men who are geniuses. i'm just saying that women should have an equal opportunity to use their minds to their full potential.
what do you think of equalists (or humanists)?
i think that equalists or humanists are just afraid to use the word feminist, as it is seen as a bad word. it has lost it's meaning because of society's view on feminists, which is incorrect. feminists want equal right for men and women, as do equalists and humanists. in today's world, it's hard to identify as a feminist without getting shit for it, which, in my opinion, is one of the worst thing for girls today. people shouldn't be shamed for wanting equal rights. that just makes no sense.
do you think words like slut and whore are sexist?
yes. literally, you can't call a guy a slut or a whore. you have to put man in front of it. man slut. man whore. not just slut or whore. the words are seen as words used for women.
do you agree with over the top tumblr feminists?
i'm going to assume this means people who believe women are better than men. in that case, they aren't feminists and i do not agree with them. they are just as bad as menists, in my opinion. but, if this is referring to people who are seen as overly passionate feminists who express their opinion all of the time and really believe in gender equality and take their time writing long posts about how they support all women (including trans / genderfluid / non-binary people, people of color, ect.) then i agree with them whole-heartedly.
on a scale of infinity to infinity, how much should menists stop?
how much do you hate the term 'feminazi'?
alright so i use this word myself, but only to explain what feminism really is, and what feminists really are and what they really believe in. if it is used to incorrectly to describe a feminist who just is passionate about equal rights, then yes i do hate it. men use it to shame women for wanting the same rights as them (not all men!! i have nothing against men. my best friend is a guy). if it used appropriately to describe a woman who believes women are the superior gender, then i believe it is the only other word we can use (that has been implemented) because women with those views are not feminists.
what do you think is the biggest problem feminists face?
i think the biggest problem is people who don't understand what feminism is, and feminists are. we aren't women who want to rule the world, we are people (including males and people who don't identify to a specific gender) that believe men and women should have an equal chance to rule the world (if we are using ruling the world as an example).
what do you think about the fact that a lot of people don't actually know the actual meaning of feminism?
like i said, i believe this is a huge problem. feminism is essential to many women and girls, and being shamed because others don't actually know what it is doesn't have a positive effect on their opinions on themselves and their views.
have you seen the snapchat filter for international women's day, and do you like it?
i honestly can't say i do. it does empower women, but it does oppress men, if only in the slightest way.
how dumb do you think gender roles are?
i think they're the worst thing in the world. why the hell should women be stay at home moms, and men should go to work? why shouldn't men cry or show emotion? it makes literally no sense.
why can't men wear skirts and people be okay with it?
honestly, i don't know. clothes shouldn't be gendered. so what if men want to wear skirts? they'd look great in them!! let people do what they want, and if you don't like it, keep it to yourself (unless it is harmful to you or another person. honestly, it isn't going to hurt you if a guy paints his nails or wears skirts and flower crowns.)
why can't men wear makeup and people be okay with it?
see above. men can be beautiful too, and if they want to wear makeup, let them god damn it!!
what do you think of genderised clothing?
it shouldn't exist. see two questions above.
how do you feel about rape culture?
okay i could go on for years about this. why the fuck is it okay to rape someone? people teach others not to wear what they want or look how they want to or go out when they want to so they don't get raped, rather than teaching people not to rape. notice how i don't use gendered words, because anyone can get raped, not just women. literally, rape is glorified or excused because the person was 'asking for it'. how the ever loving fuck do you ask to get raped? you don't!! you just. fucking. don't. hell, look at the #freekesha thing going on. she was sexually harassed, but she still can't get out of her contract. what the hell?? wake up people. rape is real, and isn't going away, and it is never, ever the victim's fault. that's like saying 'well shit they were out in the city at night, they were just asking to get murdered' or some stupid shit like that. or, 'it's the victim's fault they're dead' like no??? uGh
what do you think the most crucial thing for all people to know about feminsts is?
feminists believe in equal rights, not women having better rights.
how much does school dress code affect and upset you?
the school dress code is extremely strict at my school, and affects me a lot. at the beginning of the year, we used to walk to class with our fingers by our sides to make sure our shorts were dress code. as a person with long arms, i can safely say that the only shorts long enough to wear to school for me are bermuda shorts, which i don't like. that, or guy's athletic shorts. i want to be free to wear what i want. it upsets me immensely. in fact, in my old rant book, i have a dress code rant.
and that's all the questions i got! feel free to comment your opinions. if you disagree with mine and wish to comment yours, please do so in a respectful manner. these are only my views, and they may be mostly wrong. they're only my way of seeing things. you don't have to agree.
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