"Searching for pieces covering up the holes" Coaster :Khalid
I was walking around my empty house wondering where my parents were and they weren't here like usual.I wonder what made that girl so mad today I just wanted to sit down but I didn't want to make her so mad. I sit at the Island And I take an apple out of the fruit bowl and I taken a bite out of it and I took a breathe trying to wonder when they will be back tonight. I look at the refrigerator
Well I guess I won't see them until later I ran upstairs to see where my phone is at considering that I didn't bring it downstairs with me. I walked into my room and grabbed my phone and my charger and went downstairs deciding to watch twilight, I throw my body on to the couch starting to drift off to sleep.
"I Can't Stay Away From You Bella" Said Edward looking into Bella's eyes
I roll my eyes throwing a popcorn at my tv "Screw You Edward"I yell while crying a little because of how beautiful Edward is.(fangirling moment) I turned the tv off and decided to get up and get dressed wanting to go to Starbucks because I was craving a vanilla frap with extra whip cream and a caramel and chocolate drizzle.
(Time Skip To StarBucks)
I walked in not feeling like smiling but I turned around and saw the girl from school yesterday we made eye contact until she looked down.
The sun was hitting her hair in the right way and she looked like a goddess.I went up to the register and ordered my drink telling them my name was Nathan and I decided to go sit by her."Hi I'm Nathan From yesterday and you are"I told her smiling hoping she would look up "Uninterested"She said looking up smiling .
"Wow you have a beautiful smile"I told her putting my chin into my hand."You would be very handsome if I knocked a couple of teeth out"She said smiling again."Well what kind of way were you hoping to knock them out"I said winking at her."NATHAN"The barista called out my name "Hold that thought"I told her running to get my coffe and when I went back I saw her walking out.
I ran behind her"Wait For Me"I told her walking out.She turned around and rolled her eyes"Can I Help you?"She Asked looking at me"Tell Me your name"I said smiling hoping that she would tell me now."Fine My Name Is Luna"She said rolling her eyes at me."wow that's a beautiful name"I told her."Thank you Harry"She told me "My Name Is Nathan"I corrected her."You Dont look like a Nathan"She told me crossing her arms."You Don't Look Like A Luna Neither Lily"I told her."Touchée"She said smirking but then she remember as if she had some where to go."Well Bye Lulu"I told her running to my car and she turned around and quirked her eyebrows up."Bye Nate"She Told Me walking away with a little smile on her face.
Driving back home I couldn't get the thought of her beautiful smile out of my mind."Feeling used but I'm still missing you and I don't wanna feel the end of this I wanna feel your kiss against my lips and now all this time is passing by and I still can't seem to tell you why it hurts me every time I see you"I was singing my heart out.I pulled into my driveway still not seeing my parents home yet so I went inside and just went right back to the couch getting comfortable.
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