🫶Just The Two Of Us (Taurian Fluff)
Grian's Perspective
I groan as I watched the TV - it was 3:47am, I had woken up a few minutes ago and since I knew I wouldn't go back to sleep for a while I decided to watch the telly thinking that would help. I stared at some weird ad for a toaster for a second before I heard someone yawn in the doorway. I quickly look up to see a sleepy looking Taurtis.
"Taurtis? What are you doing up so late-?" I whispered to him. He just hobbled into the living room and slumped onto the sofa next to me whilst drinking a Mountain Dew.
"Taurtis-?" I nudge him slightly. His eyes went wide open and he chocked on his drink,
"Shit I didn't think you we're real-" He coughed. I look at him a bit taken a back for a moment before just nodding,
"Wh- alright then-" I wipe some of the Moutian Dew off his face,
"My god- you made a right mess-" I get some paper towels from the tissue box on the table and wipe his shirt and face down.
"What the- Hey what the fuck are you doing man,I'm not a child-!"
"Shush. I don't trust you to scrub you're face let alone have a financial plan for you and Sam to pay rent like you two always scramble to do." I argued in which he instantly fell silent.
I then stopped and threw the dirty tissues in the bin.
"Done." I smile. He just frowned and nodded. I pat his shoulder, "Oh quit it with that sour face of yours." I giggled. I could feel his cheeks warm up from the embarrassment.
It was quiet for a moment before he finally spoke up,
"Sooo Grian...we're alone now you know. You know- like- just the two of us..alone.."
"Yes you've made that point three times now in just one sentence now, what are you getting at?" I tilt my head. He looked down and went a visible shade of red,
"Well uhm..you know how your single and I'm single and we're both singleee?" He rambled.
"Taurtis get to the point." I huffed in thrustration.
"Don't rush me!" He paused before clearing his throat, "Well I thought we could- I don't know- be single together?" He blushed. I look at him in shock, "I-I mean you don't gotta say no-! I m-mean it's not like I-I'd c-care or anything." The raven haired boy mumbled as he looked away from me.
"Are you asking me...to be you're boyfriend, Taurtis?" I felt my face grow hot.
"Maybe, maybe not." He muttered.
I just stared at him for a moment before looking back at the screen and gently placing my hand a-top of his. He froze and looked up at me; I just continued to calmly watch the TV, my cheeks a light shade of red. He stayed unmoving for a moment before placing his head on my shoulder, his fingers intertwining with mine. I smile gently at him and cuddled more into him.
"I-...if I was asking...would you be my boyfriend, Grian..?" He whispered. I nodded,
"Yeah actually..I would." I brush some hair out my face and tuck it behind my ear.
"Would you- want, to be my boyfriend?" He questioned. I nodded,
"If I didn't I wouldn't be holding you're hand.." I chuckle to myself. He blushed and smiled up at me,
"Well then..can you-"
"I would love to be your boyfriend Taurtis." I inturupted him.
"C-Cool." He stammered. I could see him kicking his legs about excitedly at my answer.
I smile warmly before turning my body to face him fully. He sat up and looked at me,
"Can we..what do we.." Taurtis seemed lost as to what to do now. I smile warmly before placing my hands on his face,
"I like you Taurtis...a lot...I'd be happy to date you.." I smile warmly. He blushed and leaned more forwards to me. I felt my face burn as we inched ever so closer together.
"I TOLD YOU HE'D LIKE YOU BACK." I heard someone scream as the lights flickered on. We both screamed and looked at the doorway to see Sam,
"SAM WHAT THE FUCK!" Taurtis yelled and threw a pillow at him. He cackled and caught it,
"LOOK I'M TAURTIS, MWAH MWAH MWAH I'M SOOO IN LOVE WITH GRIANNN~" He teased as he began pretending to make out with the pillow,
"SAM GO BACK TO BED-!" I covered my face. He giggled,
"Nah, we gotta get ready for school now." Sam threw our uniform at me and Taurtis. I caught it and frowned. "Don't look so sad Grian! On the bright side now you guys can get dressed in the same roo-"
"SAM FUCK OFF" Taurtis threw a half full bottle of Moutian Dew at him. The brunette laughed and winked at me before walking out.
"He's such and idiot-" I couldn't help but laugh. Taurtis' face burned red as he just scrambled to sort his inform out. I side hugged him before walking out to get changed.
That whole day Sam spent telling everyone about me and Taurtis and although I'd like to say I was bothered, I didn't mind it too much.
Words: 898
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