"The park is stunning. Look at the gardens. And do you smell the herbs?" Gaia dropped Harry's hand to whirl around on the path her bright auburn hair a glowing flame in the spring sunshine.
Harry's heart stuttered at the sight. He followed his love past a bench where and older gentleman sat.
"She reminds me of my wife."
Harry recognized the voice. Archibald Shields. His silver grey hair shone in the single sunbeam penetrating the fresh spring leaves budding on the branches above him.
"She's my wife, man. And it'll be official in three months. We're talking to the priest in a bit and getting the license later."
"I wish you a love like I had. My wife, my little girl, there will never be another like them." Archibald crooned the words like a love song and Harry understood Gaia's need to help as a quiet tear rolled over the actor's chin.
"What would you say to them if you could have one more moment with them?" Harry asked as Gaia sat down next to Archibald.
"They're here, you know," Gaia added and laid her hand on the older man's knee.
"How? They're gone. They left before I could say goodbye. And I was too busy learning lines to go with them. Too centered on my craft to see the weather was bad. I knew Anna hated driving in storms."
"I'm sorry I left in a huff. In anger my love." Gaia's voice changed, and her eyes went from blue to green.
Harry shuddered. This was new. Gaia usually drew her ghosts, becoming one was eery. He held his breath, saying a silent prayer.
Bring her back to me. Anna please let her go, take your moment, but let my love live, you have to move on.
"Anna?" Archibald's eyes were wide. He turned to face Gaia.
"I'm here for a moment. The Goddess has granted me my prayer. Maria is here with me. There is no blame. No guilt for any of us. We both have regrets, my love. I love you still; and will again."
Archibald brown eyes lit with passion as he framed Gaia's face with gnarled fingers. "I will love you forever and always, my darling Anna."
Anna crooned her answer, and though it was Gaia who placed a tender kiss on the actor's face, she spoke. "Goodbye my love. All is forgiven. Live again, love again. I know I am a part of you forever, but we cannot continue in limbo. Let us rest, sweetheart."
"I can't forgive myself. I robbed our darling Maria of her life. I deserve the hell of my life till my dying breath," Archibald declared.
Harry wasn't sure he caught the shift, as Gaia's face rounded and her eyes reflected Archibald's chocolate brown gaze in irises which mirror his exactly.
"Papa let me go. I will live again. I never blamed you. A child caused our death and I would give my life for him again. His mama, lives in limbo like you. Find her. Tell her, my gift is wasted as long as you both believe you caused this horror."
Gaia placed another kiss on Archibald's other cheek, leaned back, and sagged against the bench. Harry slipped under her arm, holding her steady as he faced the actor frozen in place on the bench.
"Do you know who she is?" Harry asked.
"I'll find her. Elena Bouchard. A widow from France who came to bury her son's father with his mother's family. A dying wish she said, and a bitter one at that. She apologized over and over again." Archibald's voice deepened as he spoke. "A beautiful mother, and I was harsh. Horrible. Anna sacrificed herself and my daughter. How can I forgive her for having her son when my life was over?"
Gaia's eyes fluttered open. "Will you let them go? Will you find Elena? Harry, does he see? Does he understand, he isn't the only one who can't let go."
"Forgiveness isn't for the forgiven. It gives freedom to the bestower."
Harry looked up into the lively face of a young priest.
"Aye, so they say," Archibald agreed. "Father Patrick has tried to beat it into my head for weeks."
"How long have you been here, Father Patrick?" Gaia asked.
"Long enough to know you have a gift beyond price. Do as Maria asked. Find Elena. Save her from your anger and forgive her. Emil is saving lives as a doctor now. His skills have saved the lives of many. He is leading the first transplant team in France."
Archibald nodded. "I've read about him. A life truly worth saving."
"The Goddess works in mysterious ways," Gaia whispered.
"God works in mysterious ways," Father Patrick said at the same moment.
Harry chuckled wryly. "The old ways and the new, right Father?"
The slender priest bobbed his head, clasping his hands behind his back. His black robes were plastered against his legs by a cool bite in the breeze.
Archibald put his hands together and touched his fingertips to his lips. "Say a prayer for me, Father. I believe I'll take Maria's advice. Hearing them again, and knowing I've hurt them with my stubborn mourning, brings forgiveness to me. I have a mission. The Taming of the Shrew finishes its run in a week. I believe I see a trip to Paris in my near future." He stood, took Gaia's hand, and bowed before he kissed it. "Thank you, my dear."
Harry heard Gaia's relieved sigh and her arm tightened around his shoulders.
Archibald Shields walked away from them, his stride purposeful, and his shoulders square.
"I believe he'll keep that promise. Thank the universe and the powers there in for a miracle performed today." The priest turned toward the cathedral behind them and started toward it.
"Father Patrick?" Harry's call stopped him.
"Can we speak with you?" Gaia asked.
"Come with me. I believe we are about to have a shower." He pointed to the clouds gathering to the south.
"We want to get married, and Esther Goldberg suggest we talk to you," Harry explained.
"I'll do my best for you. Come. I was about to have tea when I spotted the three of you here. Gaia, whatever you do, don't let the archbishop know of your abilities. He's a crusty and set in his ways."
Harry stood, and tugged Gaia's hand.
"Are you ready to face him?"
"I want both halves of our lives to meld. I'll do what I have to. The blessings of the church will give us the foundations for the rest of our dreams." Gaia kissed Harry. "Let's go."
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